

武汉轻工大学 免费考研网/2015-09-17

姓名:刘烈炬 国籍: 美国

发表的论文(不包括文摘和会议摘要,黑体字为SCI 文章,*为通信作者)
1. Janping pan; Haiqing Zhang; Wei wang; Yanfen Guo; Na Xiao ; Lieju Liu*. (2011) Some subtypes of endocannabinoid/endovanilloid receptors are involved in enhanced spatial memory of Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation in rats. Brain Research. 1412:18-27.
2. Wang wei, Cao xuehong, Liu changjin, Liu lieju*. (2011) Cannabinoid WIN 55,212-2 inhibits TRPV1 in trigeminal ganglion neurons via PKA and PKC pathways. Neurological Sciences. (已上网).
3. 郭艳芬,王丽梅,肖 娜,刘志国,李金华,刘烈炬* (2011) 发育期补充DHA对大鼠空间学习记忆能力的影响及其机理。中国油脂 (已接收)。
4. 陈亮,王丽梅,郭艳芬,肖 娜,陶兴无,刘志国,刘大川,刘烈炬*(2011)核桃油、紫苏油、α-亚麻酸、亚油酸对大鼠学习记忆的影响研究。中国油脂 (已接收)。
5. 肖 娜,王丽梅,郭艳芬,陶兴无,刘志国,刘大川,刘烈炬* (2011)DHA对大鼠脏器、生化指标及脂质过氧化的影响。食品科技 (已接收)。
6. 雷刚, 曹雪红,李芬,刘志国,刘烈炬* (2011) 碳纳米管颗粒对心脏的损伤以及对电压依赖钠钾通道的影响 (2011),中华劳动卫生职业病杂志(已接收).
7. Lei Chen, Xuehong Cao, Changjin Liu, Lieju Liu* (2009)Changes in osmolality modulate voltage-gated sodium channels in trigeminal ganglion neurons. Neuroscience Research 64: 199-207.
8. Lei Chen, Changjin Liu, Lieju Liu* (2009)Osmolality-induced tuning of action potentials in trigeminal ganglion neurons. Neuroscience Letters 452:79-83.
9. 李爱 曹雪松 曹雪红 高琳琳 胡新武 张亮品 陈蕾 刘烈炬 刘长金(2008)缺氧对小鼠背根神经节细胞IK电流的影响。东南大学学报,医学版)vol:27, no:4 :233-237.
10. Chen L, Liu C, Liu L *(2008) Changes in osmolality modulate voltage-gated calcium channels in trigeminal ganglion neurons. Brain Res 1208C: 56-66.
11. Chen L, Liu C, Liu L* (2008) the modulation of voltage-gated potassium channels by anisotonicity in trigeminal ganglion neurons. Neuroscience 154: 482-495.
12. 李爱, 陈雷,新武,张亮品,曹雪红,刘烈炬,刘长金(2008)甲基汞诱导海马神经细胞凋亡及其机制研究。环境与健康杂志 25:18-21
13. Liu L*, Chen L, Liedtke W, Simon SA (2007) Changes in osmolality sensitize the response to capsaicin in trigeminal sensory neurons. J Neurophysiol 97: 2001-2015.
14. Cao X, Cao X, Xie H, Yang R, Lei G, Li F, Li A, Liu C, Liu L *(2007) Effects of capsaicin on VGSCs in TRPV1-/- mice. Brain Res 1163: 33-43.
15. Fu H, Xiao JM, Cao XH, Ming ZY, Liu LJ* (2007) Effects of WIN55,212-2 on voltage-gated sodium channels in trigeminal ganglion neurons of rats. Neurol Res.
16. Pan J, Liu L, Yang F, Cao X, Fu H, Ming Z (2007) Effect of interleukin-1beta on I(A) and I(K) currents in cultured murine trigeminal ganglion neurons. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 27: 131-134.
17. Liu H, Hu B, Fu H, Xiang J, Liu L* (2007) Effects of phorbol- 12,13- dibuterate on sodium currents and potassium currents in rat trigeminal ganglion neurons. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 27: 1-4.
18. 谢红 曹雪红 明章银 曹雪松 雷刚 刘烈炬*(2007)冈田酸对培养的大鼠三*神经元电压门控性钾和钙通道的调节。 中国药理学与毒理学杂志 21(5):369-376.
19. 周莹 刘长金 李爱 胡新武 陈蕾 刘烈炬* (2007)大麻素对大鼠三*神经节神经元γ-氨基丁酸激活电流的抑制作用。华中科技大学学报:医学版 05
20. 申晶晶 刘长金 李爱 胡新武 陆永利 陈蕾 周莹 刘烈炬*(2007)大麻素抑制大鼠三*神经节神经元ATP激活电流。生理学报 第6期
21. Liu L, Yang TM, Liedtke W, Simon SA (2006) Chronic IL-1beta signaling potentiates voltage-dependent sodium currents in trigeminal nociceptive neurons. J Neurophysiol 95: 1478-1490.
22. Fu H, Liu H, Cao X, Hu Y, Xiang J, Liu L (2006) Different effects of capsaicin on I(A) and I(K) in pain-conduct neurons of rats. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 26: 275-277.
23. 李莉 , 徐莉萍 , 李光千 , 刘烈炬 (2006)大鼠舌乳头神经结构的乙酰胆碱受体亚型配布。解剖学杂志 2006年03期。
24. Costa RM, Liu L, Nicolelis MA, Simon SA (2005) Gustatory Effects of Capsaicin that are Independent of TRPV1 Receptors. Chem Senses 30 Suppl 1: i198-i200.
25. Lu G, Henderson D, Liu L, Reinhart PH, Simon SA (2005) TRPV1b, a functional human vanilloid receptor splice variant. Mol Pharmacol 67: 1119-1127.
26. 明章银, 谭艳, 曹雪红, 马嵘, 汤强, 胡本容, 刘烈炬, 向继洲. WIN 55,212-2对培养的大鼠三*神经节神经元胞内游离钙离子浓度的影响. 华中科技大学学报(医学版) 2005; 34 (6):689-691。
27. Ming Z, Tan Y, Fu H, Cao X, Pan J, Hu B, Liu L, Xiang J (2005) Effects of WIN 55,212-2 on I(K) current in cultured trigeminal ganglion neurons of rat. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 25: 124-126.
28. Zhang Y, Luo H, Liu S, Yi Z, Li A, Hu X, Liu C, Tang M, Liu L, Song Y, Gao L (2005) Mechanisms of depressor effect of norepinephrine injected into subnucleus commissuriu of nucleus solitarius tractus in rabbits. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 25: 263-4, 268.
29. Zhang Y, Liu S, Yi Z, Zhang P,Liu C, Liu L, Tang M, Luo H, Hu M,Wang W, (2005) The Central cardiovascular Effect of Pentagastrin in Rats. World Health 15: 55-7.
30. 曹雪红 明章银 付晖 潘建萍 刘烈炬(2005) 蛋白丝/苏氨酸磷酸酶1和2A抑制药对大鼠三*神经元电压依赖性钠通道的影响。中国药理学与毒理学杂志 19(4): 248-253。
31. 张毅 , 潘幼香 , 胡云冬 , 杨善松 , 刘烈炬 , 高琳琳 (2004)培养智能型学生的教学方法改革。山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版) 2004年05期。
32. Liu L, Yang T, Simon SA (2004) The protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein, decreases excitability of nociceptive neurons. Pain 112: 131-141.
33. Liu L, Yang T, Bruno MJ, Andersen OS, Simon SA (2004) Voltage-gated ion channels in nociceptors: modulation by cGMP. J Neurophysiol 92: 2323-2332.
34. Liu L, Zhu W, Zhang ZS, Yang T, Grant A, Oxford G, Simon SA (2004) Nicotine inhibits voltage-dependent sodium channels and sensitizes vanilloid receptors. J Neurophysiol 91: 1482-1491.
35. 傅晖 刘慧 曹雪红 向继洲 刘烈炬(2004)辣椒素对培养的大鼠三*神经节神经元瞬时外向钾电流和延迟整流钾电流的影响。药学学报2004年 第12期 975-979
36. Liu L, Simon SA (2003) Modulation of IA currents by capsaicin in rat trigeminal ganglion neurons. J Neurophysiol 89: 1387-1401.
37. Simon SA, Liu L, Erickson RP (2003) Neuropeptides modulate rat chorda tympani responses. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 284: R1494-R1505.
38. Liu L, Simon SA (2001) Acidic stimuli activates two distinct pathways in taste receptor cells from rat fungiform papillae. Brain Res 923: 58-70.
39. Liu L, Oortgiesen M, Li L, Simon SA (2001) Capsaicin inhibits activation of voltage-gated sodium currents in capsaicin-sensitive trigeminal ganglion neurons. J Neurophysiol 85: 745-758.
40. Liu L, Simon SA (2000) Capsaicin, acid and heat-evoked currents in rat trigeminal ganglion neurons: relationship to functional VR1 receptors. Physiol Behav 69: 363-378.
41. Liu L, Welch JM, Erickson RP, Reinhart PH, Simon SA (2000) Different responses to repeated applications of zingerone in behavioral studies, recordings from intact and cultured TG neurons, and from VR1 receptors. Physiol Behav 69: 177-186.
42. Liu L, Simon SA (1998) The influence of removing extracellular Ca2+ in the desensitization responses to capsaicin, zingerone and olvanil in rat trigeminal ganglion neurons. Brain Res 809: 246-252.
43. Liu L, Chang GQ, Jiao YQ, Simon SA (1998) Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat trigeminal ganglia. Brain Res 809: 238-245.
44. Liu L, Simon SA (1998) Responses of cultured rat trigeminal ganglion neurons to bitter tastants. Chem Senses 23: 125-130.
45. Liu L, Szallasi A, Simon SA (1998) A non-pungent resiniferatoxin analogue, phorbol 12-phenylacetate 13 acetate 20-homovanillate, reveals vanilloid receptor subtypes on rat trigeminal ganglion neurons. Neuroscience 84: 569-581.
46. Liu L, Lo Y, Chen I, Simon SA (1997) The responses of rat trigeminal ganglion neurons to capsaicin and two nonpungent vanilloid receptor agonists, olvanil and glyceryl nonamide. J Neurosci 17: 4101-4111.
47. Liu L, Simon SA (1997) Capsazepine, a vanilloid receptor antagonist, inhibits nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat trigeminal ganglia. Neurosci Lett 228: 29-32.
48. Liu L, Simon SA (1996) Similarities and differences in the currents activated by capsaicin, piperine, and zingerone in rat trigeminal ganglion cells. J Neurophysiol 76: 1858-1869.
49. Liu L, Simon SA (1996) Capsaicin and nicotine both activate a subset of rat trigeminal ganglion neurons. Am J Physiol 270: C1807-C1814.
50. Liu L, Simon SA (1996) Capsaicin-induced currents with distinct desensitization and Ca2+ dependence in rat trigeminal ganglion cells. J Neurophysiol 75: 1503-1514.
51. Liu L, Wang Y, Simon SA (1996) Capsaicin activated currents in rat dorsal root ganglion cells. Pain 64: 191-195.
52. Liu L, Krinsky VI, Grant AO, Starmer CF (1996) Cardiac transient outward potassium current: a pulse chemistry model of frequency-dependent properties. Am J Physiol 270: H386-H397
53. Liu L, Simon SA (1994) A rapid capsaicin-activated current in rat trigeminal ganglion neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91: 738-741.
54. Liu L, Wendt DJ, Grant AO (1994) Relationship between structure and sodium channel blockade by lidocaine and its amino-alkyl derivatives. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 24: 803-812.
55. Liu L, Pugh W, Ma H, Simon SA (1993) Identification of acetylcholine receptors in adult rat trigeminal ganglion neurons. Brain Res 617: 37-42.
56. 王玉 刘烈炬(1991)小檗硷对心脏传导性能的影响。《中国药理学报》1991年 第1期12(1):40
57. 刘烈炬 刘国生 王玉 任恕 (1991)多功能电生理实验处理机的研制。《中国生物医学工程学报》1991年 第4期
58. Wang Y. and Liu L. (1990) Electrophysiological effects of Berberine on the isolated sinoatrial and atrioventricular node of the rabbit and guinea pig. Acta Pharmacological Sinica, 11(5):422.
59. Liu L. and Y. Wang (1990) Recording myocardium action potentials in pacemaker sample by double microelectrodes. Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology 6(2):160.
60. 刘国生 刘烈炬 (1990)膜反应曲线,有效不应期及校正窦房恢复时间的微机处理 。同济医科大学学报1990年 第4期
61. Liu L., YL Ma., and Y. Wang (1990) The effect of berberine and verapamil on Ca++ concentration in ventricular cells of guinea pig measuring by calcium selective microelectrode. Caps News Communication. 3:22-23.
62. 刘烈炬 刘国生(1989)一种用于多通道电生理实验的微机采样处理系统《中国医疗器械杂志》1989年 第2期
63. Liu L., and Zhao Y. (1983) the effect of iontophoretically administered GABA and glycine on the neuronal activity of mesencephalic reticular formation. Acta Academia Medicinae Wuhan 3(1):46-54.
64. 刘烈炬 (1980)人和动物苯氮杂类受体的放射自显影。医学分子生物学杂志; 1980年06期:49


在美国:(PI为主要申请人,Co-PI 为共同申请人)

“Sensory Effects of Nicotie”
Principal Investigator: Sidney Simon
Co-Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Agency: Philip Morris
Type: Philip Morris Research Grant
Period: April, 1, 2001 - March 31, 2004
The major goal of this project is to employ a battery of experimental methods that will include studies at the molecular, cellular, cortical and behavioral levels involving the gustatory and trigeminal systems to significantly impact on the general fields of sensory neurobiology related to neural coding and also on the role of nicotine in pain and inflammation.

“Modulation of Taste Receptors by the Trigeminal System”
Principal Investigator: Sidney Simon
Co-Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Type: 5R01 – DC01065
Period: February 1, 2000 – January 31, 2005
The goals of this project are to determine the mechanism by which compounds that activate or are released by trigeminal neurons may modulate TRCs or chorda tympani (CT) neurons, and quantify the interactions of taste and trigeminal sensory pathway that contribute to the encoding of gustatory information in the insular cortex.

“Chemical Responses of Oral Trigeminal Nerves”
Principal Investigator: Sidney Simon
Co-Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Type: 5R01 – DC01065
Period: December 1, 1994 – January 31, 2000
The goals of this project are to obtain whole-cell currents from rat trigeminal ganglion neurons in response to different irritants.

“Activation of Taste Pathway by Nicotine from Molecules to Behavior”
Principal Investigator: Sidney Simon
Co-Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Agency: Philip Morris
Type: Philip Morris Research Grant
Period: March 1, 1999 –February 28, 2001
The major goal of this project is to investigate the cellular and neural mechanisms underlying the bitter and burning tastes associated with the placement of nicotine on the tongues.

“Activation of Peripheral and central sensory pathways by delivery of nicotine on the tongue”
Principal Investigator: Sidney Simon
Co-Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Agency: Philip Morris
Type: Philip Morris Research Grant
Period: March 1, 1997 –February 28, 1999
The major goal of this project is to obtain information that ranges from the molecular to the cortical level regarding the taste of nicotine.

“Identification of Nicotinic Acetylcholinic receptor subtypes in trigeminal neurons”
Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Agency: Duke Univ. Medical school research fund.
Type: Sub#59
Period: June 1, 1997 – May 31, 1999
The goals of this project are to determine nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes in trigeminal neurons using single cell PCR measurement.

“Novel anesthetic mechanism that desensitize nociceptors”
Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Type: 5R01
Period: March 1, 2002 –February 29, 2007
The goals of this project are first to determine the mechanisms by which capsaicin and its analogues how go through the second massager system modulate sensitivity of TG neuron.

“Novel anesthetic mechanism that desensitize nociceptors”
Principal Investigator: Lieju Liu
Type: 5R01
Period: March 1, 2007 – February 29, 2008
Extension: The goals of this project are first to determine the mechanisms by which capsaicin and its analogues how go through the second massager system modulate sensitivity of TG neuron; and second to find how of TRPV4 and CB1 receptor involved this process.



空气中的粉尘污染是人们所关心的重大课题。 由于对粉尘作用生物学机制的研究严重不足,阻碍对粉尘的防治工作。 虽有越来越多流行病学调查和实验证明空气中的粉尘污染可引发和加重心律失常的发生,但其机理仍不清楚。我们提出新的假说:粉尘颗粒可通过血液循环直接作用于心肌细胞上特殊的受体导致电压依赖性钠、钾、钙通道活动异常引起心律失常;或粉尘直接作用于心肌细胞引起心肌细胞的凋亡和坏死,并在此过程中引起心肌兴奋的变化引起心律失常。同时当粉尘颗粒到达心脏后可直接作用于支配心肌细胞的感觉神经梢(辣椒素敏感性神经元)引起神经肽的释放,而局部影响心肌的兴奋性导致心律失常。此外当粉尘到达心脏后可直接作用毛细血管的内皮细胞或引起炎性细胞的浸润,释放细胞因子,而影响钾、钠、钙通道的兴奋性导致心律失常。实验将以大鼠心肌培养细胞为模型,采用电压钳、免疫吸附法、去基因小鼠等方法证实这一假说。



主要课题负责人之一:赵轶千 水志刚 刘烈炬


“多功能电生理处理机” 1989


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  • 武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院导师简介-高 冰
    高冰:男,现年46岁(出生年月:1963年11月12日),高级工程师,硕土生导师。2007年被中国酿造杂志聘为特约作者。主要研究方向为食品发酵(酒类及调味品酿造)、农产品加工(果蔬及粮食副产品加工)、生物工程(生物发酵饲料、氨基酸及有机酸发酵)。近年来主要科研成果:1、《木瓜复合发酵果醋酿造技术研究 ...
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    董国清 博士,男,毕业于中国农业大学。guoqing.dong@gmail.com 学习经历 2003,9-2006,7 中国农业大学,博士研究生 1999,9-2002,7 山西大学生命科学与技术学院 2001,9-2002,5 北京军事医学科学院 1995,9-1999,7 山西大学生命 ...
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  • 武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院导师简介-曾万勇
    曾万勇,男,博士,教研室副主任,硕士生导师,生于1973年。1996年毕业于西南师范大学生物系本科,获理学学士,1999年毕业于中国科学院成都生物研究所,获理学硕士学位,2002年毕业于四川农业大学,获农学博士学位。在攻读硕士学位期间专业为植物生物技术,主要从事植物细胞和分子遗传学方面的研究,研究内 ...
    武汉轻工大学 免费考研网 2015-09-17
  • 武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院导师简介-谢佳燕
    武汉轻工大学 生物与制药工程学院 邮政编码: 430023 通讯地址:湖北省武汉市常青花园学府南路68号 武汉轻工大学 生物与制药工程学院 E-mail:xjyaphid@sina.com 谢佳燕,女,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。1974年生, 1995毕业于兰州大学生物系获理学学士学位;1998 - ...
    武汉轻工大学 免费考研网 2015-09-17
  • 武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院导师简介-杨江科
    杨江科,博士,教授。湖北省楚天学者计划楚天学子岗位。 2011年5月至今,武汉轻工大学。组建了工业酶分子改造与生物转化实验室。系统开展了工业酶基因资源的深度挖掘、分子改造、高效表达以及产业化示范等工作;并开展以工业酶为催化剂的绿色生物转化关键技术研究工作。目前共发表文章80余篇。其中SCI和EI收录 ...
    武汉轻工大学 免费考研网 2015-09-17
  • 武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院导师简介-程清洲
    中共党员,男,1966 年 5 月 15日出生,1990年毕业于原湖北医学院医学系,本科、学士,2002年毕业于武汉大学医学院,基础医学、硕士。现任医学技术与护理学院副院长,副教授。E-mail:chqz5758@sina.com 主要研究方向:1、脑缺血转归及新药治疗2、天然药物开发应用3、神经解 ...
    武汉轻工大学 免费考研网 2015-09-17
  • 武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院导师简介-张西锋
    张西锋 博士(后) 副教授 硕士生导师 武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院 湖北道地药材分子生物学实验室 武汉轻工大学药物研究开发研究中心 武汉市食药兼用资源研究与开发工程技术中心 青岛农业大学生殖科学研究院 山东省高校动物生殖与种质创新重点实验室 西北农林科技大学博士,意大利罗马Tor Vergata ...
    武汉轻工大学 免费考研网 2015-09-17