本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25
姓 名:郑建国
职 称:副教授
电 话:
08/2005-05/2010, 新加坡国立大学机械工程系流体力学专业,博士
05/2010-12/2012, 新加坡国立大学机械工程系,research fellow
12/2012-12/2015, 新加坡国立大学淡马锡实验室,research scientist
01/2016-12/2017, 新加坡国立大学淡马锡实验室,senior research scientist
10/2017-目前, 华中科技大学航空航天学院,副教授
l 流体力学/空气动力学
l 流动控制
l 空化/超空化
l 多相流
l 实验流体力学
[1] 超空化演化的数值研究,新加坡国立大学机械工程系,2009-2012
[2] 基于纳秒脉冲电介质阻挡放电的流动控制研究,新加坡国立大学淡马锡实验室,2012-2017
[3] 雨滴撞击固体表面引起的破碎现象的数值模拟,新加坡国立大学淡马锡实验室,2013-2014,主持
l 流体力学
l 空气动力学
l 计算流体力学
[1] I. Adamovich, S.B. Leonov, K. Frederickson, J.G. Zheng, Y. D. Cui, B.C. Khoo. Thermal perturbations generated by near-surface electric discharges and mechanisms of their interaction with the airflow. 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas. AIAA 2017-1339 (2017). (美国航空航天学会 (AIAA) 2017年1月年度会议邀请文章,本人是文中流动控制数值模拟综述部分的撰写者)
[1] J.G. Zheng, Y.D. Cui and B.C. Khoo, A comparative study of alternating current and nanosecond plasmaactuators in flow separation control, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 135, 1097–1117 (2019)
[2] J.G. Zheng, Y.D. Cui, Z.J. Zhao, J.Li and B.C. Khoo. Flow separation control over a NACA0015 airfoil using nanosecond pulsed plasma actuator. AIAA Journal. 56(6), 2200-2234 (2018).
[3] J.G. Zheng, Y.D. Cui, J.Li and B.C. Khoo. A note on supersonic flow control with nanosecond plasma actuator. Physics of Fluids. 30, 040907 (2018).
[4] J.G. Zheng, Y.D. Cui, Z.J. Zhao, J.Li and B.C. Khoo. Investigation of airfoil leading edge separation control with nanosecond plasma actuator. Physical Review Fluids. 1, 073501 (2016).
[5] J.G. Zheng, J. Li, Z.J. Zhao, Y.D. Cui and B.C. Khoo. Numerical study of nanosecond pulsed plasma actuator in laminar flat plate boundary layer. Communications in Computational Physics. 20(5), 1424-1442 (2016) .
[6] J.G. Zheng, B.C. Khoo, Y.D. Cui, Z.J. Zhao and J. Li. Numerical study of control of flow separation over a ramp with nanosecond plasma actuator. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 42, ** (2016).
[7] J.G. Zheng, Z.J. Zhao, J.Li, Y.D. Cui and B.C. Khoo. Numerical simulation of nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge actuator in a quiescent flow. Physics of Fluids. 26, 036102 (2014).
[8] J.G. Zheng, B.C. Khoo and Z.M. Hu. Simulation of wave-flow-cavitation interaction using a compressible homogenous flow method. Communications in Computational Physics. 14(2), 328-354 (2013) .
[9] J.G. Zheng and T.S. Lee. A high-resolution method for compressible two-fluid flows and simulation of three-dimensional shock–bubble interactions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 72, 206-230 (2013).
[10] T.S. Lee, J.G. Zheng (corresponding author) and S.H. Winoto. An interface-capturing method for resolving compressible multi-fluid flows with general equation of state. Communications in Computational Physics. 6(5) , 1137-1162 (2009).
[11] J.G. Zheng, T.S. Lee and S.H. Winoto. A piecewise parabolic method for barotropic and nonbarotropic two-fluid flows. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 18(6), 708-729 (2008).
[12] J.G. Zheng, T.S. Lee and S.H. Winoto. Numerical simulation of Richtmyer-Meshkov instability driven by imploding shocks. Mathematics and Computer in Simulations. 79, 749-762 (2008).
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