

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25


2007.09– 2011.06,华中科技大学机械制造及其自动化,学士;
2009.09 – 2011.06,华中科技大学英语专业,双学士;
2011.09 – 2014.03,华中科技大学机械电子工程,硕士;
2014.09 – 2016.12,华中科技大学机械电子工程与美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)机械工程与航天航空工程联合实验室,联合培养博士;
2017.02 – 2018.10,华中科技大学航空航天学院,讲师;
2018.11 – 至今,华中科技大学航空航天学院,副教授(破格晋升);

l 面向极端制造的特种加工工艺研究
l 难加工材料及复杂零件的电加工研究
l 绿色制造技术研究
l 非线性声学真空基础理论研究

主要从事航空难加工材料及复杂零件的特种加工工艺研究以及非线性声学真空基础理论研究。主持及参与多项国家级、省部级项目。在Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Applied Surface Science, Aerospace Science and Technology, Physical Review E等国际一流SCI期刊上共发表30多篇高水平论文,其中作为第一作者或通讯作者21篇,累积引用392次,H指数12,i10指数14。担任Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 和Optics and Lasers in Engineering等国际知名学术期刊和国际会议审稿人。

[1]2018年入选国家“创新人才推进计”重点领域创新团队——智能终端精密构件制造装备创新团队 (核心成员)
[2] 2018年入选广东省“珠江人才计划”创新科研团队——3C产业智能制造装备创新科研团队 (核心成员) 2018/01-2022/12
[3]主持国家自然科学基金(青年项目)“航空高温钛合金超声磁场辅助电火花线切割加工的微观表面质量研究” 2018/01-2020/12
[4]主持军委装备发展部“十三五”装备预研领域基金项目“颗粒增强金属基复合材料复合电加工技术” 2018/01-2019/12
[5]主持广东省制造装备数字化重点实验室开放课题项目“航空发动机关键薄壁件线切割热变形抑制方法研究” 2018/01-2019/12
[7]参与美国ARO MURI课题“非线性声学真空”2014/09-2016/09
[8]参与973项目子课题“高服役性能海洋动力定位装备制造的基础研究” 2014/01-2016/12

《静力学》 本科
《精密加工与特种加工》 本科

l 作为参赛指导老师,指导研究生获2018年“中国研究生未来飞行器创新大赛”全国二等奖(全校唯一代表队)
l 获2018年优秀班主任称号
l Outstanding Elsevier reviewer for Journal of Materials Processing Tech., Journal of Manufacturing Processes
l 2017年获河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖

[1] Zhang, Y, Zhang Z*, et al. Reduction of Energy Consumptiuon and Thermal Deformation in WEDM by Magnetic Field Assisted Technology[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2019, Accepted.
[2] Zhang, Y, Guo S, Zhang Z*, et al. Simulation and experimental investigations of complex thermal deformation behavior of wire electrical discharge machining the thin-walled component of Inconel 718 [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 270: 306-322.
[3] Yang K, Zhang Z*, et al. High-resolution monitoring of aerospace structure using the bifurcation of a bistable nonlinear circuit with tunable potential-well depth[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 87: 98-109.
[4] Ming W, Zhang Z*, et al. Comparative study of energy efficiency and environmental impact in magnetic field assisted EDM and conventional EDM[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 214: 12-28.
[5] Zhang G, Huang H, Zhang Z*, et al. Study on the effect of three dimensional wire vibration on WEDM based on a novel thermo-physical model[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 100: 2089-2101.
[6] Zhang Z, Yu H, Zhang Y, et al. Analysis and optimization of process energy consumption and environmental impact in electrical discharge machining of titanium superalloys[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 198: 833-846.
[7] Zhang Z., Manevitch L.I., Bergman L.A., Vakakis A.F.* Extreme Nonlinear Energy Exchanges in a Geometrically Nonlinear Lattice Oscillating in the Plane [J] Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2018, 110: 1-20. (First author, IF= 4.255)
[8] Zhang Y., Zhang, Z.*, Huang, H., Huang, Y., & Zhang, G. Study on thermal deformation behavior and microstructural characteristics of wire electrical discharge machining thin-walled components [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 31: 9-19. (Corresponding author, IF=2.322)
[9] Ming W, Zhang Z*, Wang S, et al. Investigating the energy distribution of workpiece and optimizing process parameters during the EDM of Al6061, Inconel718, and SKD11 [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017. (Corresponding author, IF=2.209)
[10] Huang, H., Zhang, Z.*, Ming, W., Xu, Z., & Zhang, Y. A Novel Numerical Predicting Method of Electric Discharge Machining Process Based on Specific Discharge Energy [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 88(1-4): 409-424. (Corresponding author, IF=2.209)
[11] Tian, M., Gong, X., Yin, L., Li, H., Ming, W., Zhang, Z.*, & Chen, J. Multi-objective optimization of injection molding process parameters in two stages for multiple quality characteristics and energy efficiency using Taguchi method and NSGA-II [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 89(1-4): 241-254. (Corresponding author, IF=2.209)
[12] Zhang Z., Koroleva I.*, Manevitch L.I., Bergman L.A., Vakakis A.F. Non-reciprocal Acoustics and Dynamics in the In-Plane Oscillations of a Geometrically Nonlinear Lattice [J] Physical Review E, 2016, 94(3-1): 032214. (First author, IF=2.366)
[13] Zhang, Z.*, Huang, H., Ming, W., Xu, Z., Huang, Y., & Zhang, G. Study on machining characteristics of WEDM with ultrasonic vibration and magnetic field assisted techniques [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 234:342-352. (First author, IF=3.147)
[14] Ming, W., Ma, J., Zhang, Z.*, Huang, H., Shen, D., Zhang, G., & Huang, Y. Soft computing models and intelligent optimization system in electro-discharge machining of SiC/Al composites [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 87 (1-4), 201-217. (Corresponding author, IF=2.209)
[15] Zhang, Z., Ming, W., Huang, H., Chen, Z., Xu, Z., Huang, Y., & Zhang, G. Optimization of process parameters on surface integrity in wire electrical discharge machining of tungsten tool YG15[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015,81(5-8): 1303-1317. (First author, IF=2.209)
[16] Zhang, Z.*, Ming, W., Zhang, G., Huang, Y., Wen, X., & Huang, H. A new method for on-line monitoring discharge pulse in WEDM-MS process [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015,81(5-8): 1403-1418. (First author, IF=2.209)
[17] Rong, Y., Zhang Z.*, Zhang, G., Yue, C., Gu, Y., Huang, Y., & Shao, X. Parameters optimization of laser brazing in crimping butt using Taguchi and BPNN-GA[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015, 67: 94-104. (Corresponding author, IF= 2.769)
[18] Zhang, G., Chen, Z., Zhang Z.*, Huang, Y., Ming, W., & Li, H. A macroscopic mechanical model of wire electrode deflection considering temperature increment in MS-WEDM process [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2014, 78: 41-53. (Corresponding author, IF= 3.995)
[19] Ming, W., Zhang Z.*, Zhang G., Huang, Y., Guo, J., & Chen, Y. Multi-objective optimization of 3D-surface topography of machining YG15 in wedm [J]. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2014, 29(5): 514-525. (Corresponding author, IF=2.274)
[20] Zhang, G., Guo, J., Ming, W., Huang, Y., Shao, X., & Zhang, Z*. Study of the machining process of nano-electrical discharge machining based on combined atomistic-continuum modeling method [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 290: 359-367. (Corresponding author, IF= 3.387)
[21] Zhang, G., Zhang, Z.*, Ming, W., Guo, J., Huang, Y., & Shao, X. The multi-objective optimization of medium-speed WEDM process parameters for machining SKD11 steel by the hybrid method of RSM and NSGA-II [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 70(9-12): 2097-2109. (Corresponding author, IF=2.209)

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