

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-25

Hongde Lei, Ph.D.
Professor, Higher Education Research
School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 430074

Ph.D., Peking University, 2004
M.A., Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2000
B.A., Hubei Normal University, 1994

Professional positions held
School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2018-present
Visiting scholar
School of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign, 2013-2014
Associate Professor
School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2006-2018
School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2004-2006
Student personnel worker
Wuhan Institution of Urban Construction and Management, 1994-1997

Courses taught and other services provided to students and the home institution
Courses taught
* College Teaching and Faculty Development, 2014-present
* Case Studies on Higher Education Administration,2015-present
* History of Educational Administration,2009-present
* History of Chinese and Foreign Higher Education,2009-2014
* Selected Readings in Educational Classics, 2009-2012
Other services
* serve as supervisor of master and doctoral students including foreign Ph.D. candidates,
* serve as the director of the Institute of Institutional Research at School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2019-present
* serve as peer reviewer for three academic journals

Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals in Recent Ten Years(2009-2018)
[1] Lei,H.(2018).The Perseverance of a Scholar:A Critical History of the Intellectual Pursuits of Tu Youguang.Wuhan:Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.
[2] Lei,H.(2018).The Success of Seeking Learning Lies in Perseverance:Mr. Tu Youguang’s Learning Experiences and Its Enlightenments.Educational Research,(10),116-120.
[3] Lei,H., Huang,M.(2018).On the Training of Institutional Research Professionals in American Colleges and Universities.Research in Higher Education of Engineering,(3),92-98.
[4] Lei,H., Liu,S.(2018).Current Status of and Improvement Approaches for Critical Thinking Disposition of the Postgraduates of Liberal Arts: A Survey at H University,Journal of Graduate Education.(2),48-53,66.
[5] Lei,H., Yu,Q., Yang,C.(2017).Barriers to Speaking in Class: An Investigation by Interview.Journal of Higher Education,38(12),81-89.
[6] Lei,H., Huang,M.(2017).Three Strengths and Three Limitations of America’s Institutional Research:Implications for China’s Institutional Research. Research in Higher Education of Engineering,(3),128-130.
[7] Lei,H.(2016).Problem-Centered Design and Personal Teaching Style: An Exploratory study of Youguang Tu’s Course on Philosophy of Education. Educational Philosophy and Theory,48(12),1244-1255.
[8] Lei,H.(2016).Organizational Support for Faculty Instructional Development at Colleges and Universities.Journal of Higher Education,37(2),31-36.
[9] Lei,H., Gao,Q.(2016).Theoretical Roots, Supporting Conditions and Main Paths of Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Education at MIT. China Higher Education Research,(11),76-79.
[10] Lei, H.(2015).Giving Priority to Students’ Self-Study: An Analysis on the Characteristics of Teaching and Learning in China’s Ancient Universities.Chongqing Higher Education Education Research,4(1),110-114.
[11] Lei,H.(2014).Big Education in Small Colleges: An Analysis on the Institutional Characteristics of American Liberal Arts Colleges. Journal of Higher Education,35(7),94-102.
[12] Lei,H.(2013).American Liberal Arts Colleges: Elite Higher Education Institutions in Transformation. Journal of Higher Education,34(10),24-30.
[13] Lei,H.(2012).Expansion and Structural Change of First-year Engineering Students Enrolled by China’s Colleges and Universities during the Process of Higher Education Massification. Research in Higher Education of Engineering,(2),96-103.
[14] Lei,H., Ma,C.(2012).Cai Yuan Pei and the Humanities in Peking University. Higher Education Development and Evaluation,28(2),37-42.
[15] Lei,H.(2011).Three Dimensional Analysis on Undergraduate Program Adjustment in China’s Universities and Colleges during the Massification Period. Journal of Higher Education,32(6),24-30.
[16] Lei,H.(2011).Academic Research and Status of a Disciplinary Program: A Case Study on the History of a National Key Disciplinary Program. Journal of Graduate Education,(6),19-23.
[17] Lei,H.(2011).On the Causes and Costs of the Massive Expansion of Undergraduate Literature-related Programs. University Education Science, (3),28-33.
[18] Lei,H.(2010).On Professor Tu Youguang’s DAO of Great Learning. Journal of Higher Education,31(9),15-21.

Other Professional activities
Selected Research Projects in Recent Ten Years (2009-2018)
* Organizational Support for Faculty Instructional Development at America’s Selective Liberal Arts Colleges. project duration:2017- , as project principal funded by National Office for Education Sciences Planning
* Organizational Support for Faculty Instructional Development: A Case Study at W College, project duration:2015-2017, as project principal funded by Huazhong University of Science and Technology
* Institutional Characteristics of American Liberal Arts Colleges and its Implications, project duration:2014-2016, as project principal funded by Humanities an Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education
* Policy Analysis on the Adjustment of Academic programs at China’s Colleges and Universities since 1999, project duration:2011-2013,as project principal funded by by National Office for Education Sciences Planning
* Adjustment of Academic Programs at Colleges and Universities in Hubei Province since 1999, project duration:2011-2012,as project principal funded by Hubei Provincial Department of Education
* An Exploratory Study of Youguang Tu’s Course on Philosophy of Education, project duration:2011-2016,as project principal funded by Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Workshops and consultations
* Invited as vice-director of Faculty Instructional Development Center at Wenhua Colleges from 2014, annually design or organize more than ten workshops for faculty there
* Invited as consultant to do research on strategic planning for 11 colleges and universities from 2009

Membership and activities in professional associations
Member of the Board of Supervisors
China’s Association for Institutional Research, 2014-2019
Member of the Board of Executive Managers
China’s Association for Institutional Research, 2019-present

Professional honors and awards
The Sixth National Award for Outstanding Teachers in Advising Master of Education in China, 2018
The Annual Award for Outstanding Teachers of Good Virtue at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2017
The Fifth National Award for Outstanding Achievements in Educational Science Research in China, third-class award,2016
The Fourteenth Municipal Award for Outstanding Achievement in Social Sciences Research in Wuhan, third-class award, 2015
The Sixth Provincial Award for Outstanding Achievement in Educational Science Research in Hubei, second-class award,2013

Community service
Serve in Faculty Representative Committee, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Serve in Labour Union at School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

教学情况 2010年以来,主讲“大学教学与教师发展”“高等教育管理的案例研究”“教育名著选读”“教育管理史”等研究生课程,参与“院校研究”“高等教育管理的国际比较”等研究生课程的教学。

研究课题 2010年以来,主持以下课题研究:
1. 华中科技大学2018年自主创新研究基金文科重点项目“美国高校院校研究专业人员的培养:基于课程视角的调查分析”(2019WKYXZD005)
2. 国家社会科学基金“十三五”规划2017年度教育学一般课题“美国精英文理学院教师教学发展的组织支持研究”(EIA170190)
3. 华中科技大学2017年文科自主创新重大交叉项目“中国传统教育哲学的综合创新:以涂又光先生晚年探索为例”(2017WKZDJC014)
4. 华中科技大学2015年文科自主创新前沿项目“高校教师教学发展的组织支持:在文华学院的行动研究”(2015AB013)
5. 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“美国文理学院的办学特色及其启示研究”(14YJA880029)
6. 湖北省教育科学“十二五”规划2013年度课题“扩招以来湖北高校学科专业结构变化的调查研究”(2013B012)
7. 华中科技大学文科自主创新基金2012年度课题“美国文理学院办学特色研究”(2012WQN041)
8. 全国教育科学“十二五”规划2011年度教育部青年基金课题“扩招以来中国高校学科专业调整的政策分析”(EIA110377)

获奖及专利 2018年,被评为“全国第六届教育硕士优秀教师”

主要论文 2010年以来,独立或作为第一作者和通讯作者发表的学术论文:
1. 雷洪德.求学之成在持志:涂又光先生的求学经历及其启示[J].教育研究,2018(10):116-120.
2. J. Malechwanzi, Hongde Lei. The relation between college resources and learning outcomes: considering the mediating effects of students engagement[J]. Croation Journal of Education,2018,20(3):903-937.
3. 雷洪德,黄敏.美国高校如何培养院校研究专业人员——基于课程视角的调查研究[J].高等工程教育研究,2018,(3):92-98.
4. 雷洪德,刘水君.文科硕士生批判性思维倾向的现状及其改进——以H大学为例的调查研究[J],研究生教育研究,2018,(2):48-66.
5. 雷洪德,于晴,阳纯仁.课堂发言的障碍——对本科生课堂沉默现象的访谈分析[J].高等教育研究,2017,(12):81-89.
6. 雷洪德,黄敏.从美国院校研究的三重三轻看中国院校研究的挑战与突破[J].高等工程教育研究,2017,(2):128-130.
7. Hongde Lei. Problem-centered Design and Personal Teaching Style: An Exploratory Study of Youguang Tu's Course on Philosophy of Education[J]. Educational Philosophy and Theory,2016,48(12):1244-1255.
8. J. Malechwanzi, Hongde Lei, Lu Wang. Students’ perceptions and faculty measured competencies in higher education[J].International Journal of Higher Education, 2016,(3):56-69.
9. 雷洪德.高校教师教学发展的组织支持——对文华学院教师教学发展中心的案例分析[J].高等教育研究,2016,(2):31-36.
10. 雷洪德,高强.MIT跨学科培养本科生的理念基础、支撑条件和主要途径[J].中国高教研究,2016,(11):76-79.
11. 雷洪德.以学为主:中国古代大学的教学特色[J].重庆高教研究,2016,(1):110-114.
12. 雷洪德.涂又光先生的幸运与遗憾[J].高教发展与评估,2015,(2):53-55.
13. 雷洪德,陈志忠.高等教育国际化与民族化的协同共进[J].高等教育研究,2015,(7):18-20.
14. 雷洪德.小学院中的大教育:美国文理学院的办学特色分析[J].高等教育研究,2014,(7):94-102.
15. 雷洪德.进一步提升中国院校研究的品质——2014年“院校研究的理论与方法学术研讨会”综述[J].高等教育研究,2014,(5):107-109.
16. 雷洪德.美国文理学院:变革中的精英高校[J].高等教育研究,2013,(10):89-95.
17. 雷洪德.艺术专业需要关注过度教育问题[J].国家教育行政学院学报,2013,(1):72-76.
18. 雷洪德.以身载道的人:追思涂又光先生[J].湛江师范学院学报,2013,(1):12-13.
19. 雷洪德.中国高等教育规模变化的特征及其成因[J].高等教育研究,2012,(7):46-52.
20. 雷洪德,马翠民.蔡元培与北京大学文科[J].高教发展与评估,2012,(2):37-42.
21. 雷洪德.大众化进程中我国高校工学招生的规模增长与结构调整[J].高等工程教育研究,2012,(2):96-103.
22. 雷洪德.大众化时代中国高校本科专业调整的三维分析[J].高等教育研究,2011,(6):24-30.
23. 雷洪德.文学本科专业规模大发展的原因与代价[J].大学教育科学,2011,(2):28-33.
24. 雷洪德.学术研究与学科地位:对一个国家重点学科的案例分析[J].研究生教育研究,2011,(6):19-23.
25. 雷洪德.涂又光先生的大学之道[J].高等教育研究,2010,(9):15-21.

著作教材 1. 雷洪德.书生持志:涂又光求学史论[M].武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2018.
2. 罗海鸥,雷洪德.涂又光研究[C].武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2016.
3. 雷洪德.中国院校研究案例(第四辑)[C].武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2015.

研究生情况 目前,在高等教育学专业招收科学学位硕士生和博士生,在教育经济与管理专业招收科学学位硕士生,在教育领导与管理、学生发展与教育两个方向招收专业学位博士生。
2015级,梁爽,田宇,Malechwanzi, J. Muthiani(肯尼亚留学博士生)

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