

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-24


个人基本情况 朱金龙Zhu Jinlong, Research Fellow,博士生导师。自2015年9月至2020年8月于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校从事博士后研究,并于2018年1月至2020年9月担任伊利诺伊大学香槟分校—麻省理工学院联合项目“高蒸汽压工况环境扫描电子显微镜及其在微纳尺度液滴冷凝高分辨率成像中的运用”主要负责人。
主要研究方向为光电混合/全光子/仿生芯片的设计、优化、制造技术、和在移动医疗装备中的运用,以及面向工业 (主要包括半导体集成电路芯片的纳米尺度测量,和物体3D结构扫描成像领域) 的光学量测技术与装备研发。以第一作者、通讯作者在包括Nature Communications、Advanced Science、ACS Nano、Nano Letters、Nanoscale Advances、Light: Science & Applications、Optics Letters等期刊和国际顶会上发表论文50余篇。已获美国、国内授权专利7项(美国2项、国内5项)。目前担任Nano Letters, Light: Science & Applications, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express等多个国际期刊审稿人。现为美国、瑞士国家自然科学基金“半导体芯片量测技术”领域海外评审专家。


1. 光电混合/全光子/仿生芯片设计、优化、制造,及其在移动医疗中的运用;
2. 基于仿生/超表面/二维/一维材料的新型光电子集成器件;
3. 面向工业(主要包括半导体集成电路芯片的纳米尺度测量,和物体3D结构扫描成像领域) 的光学量测技术与装备研发。



1. Cisco Systems Inc., Machine Learning for Engineering Design and Analysis using Multi-GPU Nodes on Cisco UCS, 2015.07-2020.07, 110万美元, 已结题。
2. Foxconn Inc., Smart Metrology for Miniature Lens and Lens Assembly, 2019.10-2022.10, 100万美元, 在研。
3. National Science Foundation (USA), Volumetric Optical Integrated Circuit Elements (VOICE), 2019.09-2022.08, 50万美元, 已结题。
4. Strategic Research Initiative of Illinois, Massively Parallel Microscopes (MPMs) for investigating cells and semiconductor wafers, 2018.07-2019.07, 9.5万美元, 已结题。
5. Zhejiang University – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ZJUI) Institute Research Program, Optical Mapping of the Dynamics of Cell Life-Cycle Evolution using a Photo-Electro-Thermo-Force Integrated Polarimetry (PETFIP) System, 2018.05-2019.05, 7.5万美元, 已结题。
6. Strategic Research Initiative of Illinois, Realizing FOCI (Focusing Optical Concentrators that are Integrated), 2017.05-2018.05, 7.5万美元, 已结题。
7. Nvidia Inc., Semiconductor Wafer Defect Inspection at the 5nm Technology Node and Beyond Using GPU-Accelerated Optical Microscopy & Nanoscopy, 2018.03-2019.03, 2万美元, 已结题。

1. Finalist for the Tingye Li Award
2. MNTL Fellowship

1. J. Zhu, U. Aditi, and L. L. Goddard. “Visualizable detection of nanoscale objects using anti-symmetric excitation and non-resonance amplification,” Nature Communications 11 (2020), 2754.
2. J. Zhu, L. Zhang, K. L. Wilke, X. Li, E. N. Wang, and L. L. Goddard. “Quasi-Newtonian Scanning Electron Microscopy (QN-SEM) for Monitoring Material Dynamics in High-Pressure Gaseous Environments,” Advanced Science 7, ** (2020).
3. J. Zhu, Y. Liu, X. Yu, R. Zhou, J. Jin, and L. L. Goddard, “Sensing sub-10-nm wide perturbations in background nanopatterns using optical pseudo electrodynamics microscopy (OPEM),” Nano Letters 19 (2019), 5347-5355.
4. J. Zhu and L. L. Goddard, “All-dielectric concentration of electromagnetic fields at the nanoscale: the role of photonic nanojets,” Nanoscale Advances 1 (2019), 4615-4643.
5. L. Zhang, J. Zhu*, K. L. Wilke, Z. Xu, L. Zhao, Z. Lu, L. L. Goddard, and E. N. Wang, “Enhanced environmental scanning electron microscopy using phase reconstruction and its application in condensation,” ACS Nano 13 (2019), 1953-1960.
6. J. Zhu, R. Zhou, L. Zhang, B. Ge, C. Luo, and L. L. Goddard. “Regularized pseudo-phase imaging for inspecting and sensing nanoscale features,” Optics Express 27 (2019), 6719-6733.
7. J. Zhu and L. L. Goddard. “Controlling photonic nanojets: from the standpoint of eigenmodes,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (2017), 75-78.
8. J. Zhu and L. L. Goddard. “Spatial control of photonic nanojets,” Optics Express 24 (2016), 30444-30464.
9. J. Zhu, S. Liu, H. Jiang, C. Zhang and X. Chen. “Improved deep-etched multilayer grating reconstruction by considering etching anisotropy and abnormal errors in optical scatterometry,” Optics Letters 40 (2015), 471-474.
10. J. Zhu, S. Y. Liu, X. Chen, C. Zhang and H. Jiang. “Robust solution to the inverse problem in optical scatterometry,” Optics Express 22 (2014), 22031-22042.

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