

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-24


个人基本情况 吴景铼(Wu Jinglai,Associate Professor),博士,华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院副教授,先后在华中科技大学获得学士、硕士及博士学位,曾赴澳大利亚悉尼科技大学攻读双博士学位并从事博士后研究工作。
研究方向包括机械动力学、多体动力学、车辆动力学、动力系统的不确定性分析及优化设计等。在Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Nonlinear Dynamics等机械工程领域的高水平期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇,SCI他引800余次,申请国家发明专利4项,授权2项。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、博士后基金项目1项、中央高校基本科研业务经费项目1项、澳大利亚UTS-ECRG项目1项、获安徽省科技奖1项,被SCI期刊Mechanism and Machine Theory, Applied Mathematical Modelling评为杰出审稿人。




1、2019-2021,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(批准号JZ2019HGPA0100), “电动汽车双电机动力总成研究”,主持。
4、UTS Early Career Research Grant (ECRG), 2017, “刚-柔多体系统的不确定性分析及优化”. 主持。

1. 吴景铼*; 张农; 一种电动汽车动力系统及其效率提升的方法, 2020-9, 中国, 20**390.
2. 王兵; 吴景铼*; 陈永忠; 用于电动汽车的双电机三档变速驱动装置, 2019-1-7,中国, 8.5.

[1] Jinglai Wu*, Nong Zhang, Driving mode shift control for planetary gear based dual motor powertrain in electric vehicles. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158 (2021) 104217.
[2] Wenwei Mo, Jinglai Wu*, Paul Walker, Nong Zhang. Shift characteristics of a bilateral Harpoon-shift synchronizer for electric vehicles equipped with clutchless AMTs. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2021;148:107166.
[3] Jinglai Wu*, Nong Zhang, Dongkui Tan, Jiujian Chang*, Weilong Shi, A robust online energy management strategy for fuel cell/battery hybrid electric vehicles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (2020) 14093-107.
[4] Jinglai Wu*, A new sequential space-filling sampling strategy for elementary effects-based screening method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 83 (2020) 419-437.
[5] Jinglai Wu*, Jiageng Ruan, Nong Zhang, Paul D. Walker, An Optimized Real-time Energy Management Strategy for the Power-split Hybrid Electric Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27 (2019) 1194-1202.
[6] Jinglai Wu*, Liang Luo, Bo Zhu, Nong Zhang, Maoqing Xie, Dynamic computation for rigid–flexible multibody systems with hybrid uncertainty of randomness and interval, Multibody System Dynamics, 47(2019) 43-64.
[7] Jinglai Wu, Jiejunyi Liang, Jiageng Ruan, Nong Zhang, Paul Walker, Efficiency Comparison of Electric Vehicles Powertrains with Dual Motor and Single Motor Input, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 128 (2018) 569-585.
[8] Jinglai Wu, Jiejunyi Liang, Jiageng Ruan, Nong Zhang, P.D. Walker, A robust energy management strategy for EVs with dual input power-split transmission, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 111 (2018) 442-455.
[9] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Nong Zhang, Wei Gao, A new sequential sampling method for constructing the high-order polynomial surrogate models, Engineering Computations, 35 (529-564), 2018.
[10] Jiejunyi Liang, Haitao Yang, Jinglai Wu*, Nong Zhang, Paul D. Walker, Shifting and power sharing control of a novel dual input clutchless transmission for electric vehicles. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 104 (725-43), 2018.
[11] Jinglai Wu, Paul D. Walker, Jiageng Ruan, Nong Zhang, Target torque estimation for gearshift in dual clutch transmission with uncertain parameters, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 51 (1-20), 2017.
[12] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Hao Li, Nong Zhang, Level-set topology optimization for mechanical metamaterials under hybrid uncertainties, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 319 (414-441), 2017.
[13] Jiageng Ruan, Paul D.Walker, Nong Zhang, Jinglai Wu*, An investigation of hybrid energy storage system in multi-speed electric vehicle, Energy, 140 (291-306), 2017.
[14] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Hao, Li, Nong Zhang, A new hybrid uncertainty optimization method for structures using orthogonal series expansion, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 45(474-490), 2017.
[15] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Nong Zhang, Yunqing Zhang, Paul D. Walker, Uncertain dynamic analysis for rigid-flexible mechanisms with random geometry and material properties. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85(487-511), 2017.
[16] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo*, Nong Zhang, Wei Gao, A new sequential sampling method for constructing the high-order polynomial surrogate models, Engineering Computations, 35 (529-564), 2017.
[17] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Jing Zheng, Nong Zhang, Incremental modelling of a new high-order polynomial surrogate model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(4681-4699), 2016.
[18] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Nong Zhang, Yunqing Zhang, Dynamic computation of flexible multibody system with uncertain material properties, Nonlinear Dynamics, 85(1231-1254), 2016.
[19] Jinglai Wu, Jie Gao, Zhen Luo, Terry Brown, Robust topology optimization for structures under interval uncertainty, Advances in Engineering Software, 99(36-48), 2016.
[20] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Nong Zhang, Yunqing Zhang, A new interval uncertain optimization method for structures using Chebyshev surrogate models, Computers & Structures, 146(185-196), 2015.
[21] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Nong Zhang, Yunqing Zhang, A new uncertain analysis method and its application in vehicle dynamics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 50-51 (659-675), 2015.
[22] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Nong Zhang, Yunqing Zhang, A new sampling scheme for developing metamodels with the zeros of Chebyshev polynomials, Engineering Optimization, 1-25, 2014.
[23] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Nong Zhang, Yunqing Zhang, An interval uncertain optimization method for vehicle suspensions using Chebyshev metamodels, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38(3706-3723), 2014.
[24] Jinglai Wu, Zhen Luo, Yunqing Zhang, Nong Zhang, Interval uncertain analysis for multi-body mechanical systems with Chebyshev inclusion functions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 95(608-630), 2013.
[25] Jinglai Wu, Yunqing Zhang, Liping Chen, Zhen Luo, Interval method with Chebyshev series for dynamic response of nonlinear systems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(4578-4591), 2013.
[26]Jinglai Wu, Yunqing Zhang, Liping Chen, Uncertain analysis of vehicle handling using interval method, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 56(81-105), 2011.


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