

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-24



曾祥瑞(Zeng Xiangrui, Professor,男,1987年2月出生。2009年7月获清华大学车辆工程(车身方向)专业学士学位,2012年6月获清华大学动力工程及工程热物理专业硕士学位,2016年12月获美国俄亥俄州立大学机械工程专业博士学位。2016年10月至2019年12月在美国福特汽车公司担任数据科学家,从事网联汽车及智慧出行数据分析工作。2020年1月至2021年6月在美国伍斯特理工学院机器人工程系与机械工程系担任长聘轨助理教授。2021年7月加入华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院担任教授。
主要研究领域为智能网联汽车控制及车联网大数据分析及应用。在Applied Energy、IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology、Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies等国际学术期刊及会议发表SCI/EI论文20余篇。申请美国专利5项,其中已授权1项。现任SCI期刊Mechatronics副编辑,曾受邀担任SCI期刊IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics及International Journal of Vehicle Design客座编辑。担任Applied Energy 、IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等20余种国际学术期刊及会议审稿人。多次参与组织ACC、ASME DSCC、IEEE/ASME AIM、IEEE AI4I、MECC、SAE WCX等会议。现为IEEE控制系统协会智能控制技术委员会成员,SAE汽车电子活动成员。




[1] Xiangrui Zeng, Jae Hyung Lim, John W Schmotzer, and Amit Mohanty. Active route planning for active diesel particulate filter regeneration. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 234(7):1854–1868, 2020
[2] Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang. Worst-case relative cost optimal control for dynamic systems with finite admissible disturbance sequence sets. International Journal of Control, 2019
[3] Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang. Optimizing the energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with multiple frequent routes. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27(1):394–400, 2019
[4] Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang. Global energy-optimal speed planning for road vehicles on a given route. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 93:148–160, 2018
[5] Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang. A stochastic driver pedal behavior model incorporating road information. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 47(5):614–624, 2017
[6] Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang. A two-level stochastic approach to optimize the energy management strategy for fixed-route hybrid electric vehicles. Mechatronics, 38:93–102, 2016
[7] Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang. A parallel hybrid electric vehicle energy management strategy using stochastic model predictive control with road grade preview. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23(6):2416–2423, 2015
[8] Xiangrui Zeng and Junmin Wang. A physics-based time-varying transport delay oxygen concentration model for dual-loop exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) engine air-paths. Applied Energy, 125:300–307, 2014

[1] Jeremy Lerner, Taylor Hawley, Jae Hyung Lim, Jason Joseph Woo and Xiangrui Zeng. Crowdsourced remote start for vehicle, US Patent App. 16/586,022, 2021
[2] Xiangrui Zeng, John Schmotzer, Mark Poll, Suhag Raval, and Praveen Bandi. Systems and methods for providing predictive distance-to-empty for vehicles. Patent App. 16/353, 922, 2020
[3] Xiangrui Zeng, Amit Mohanty, and Arnold Babila. Systems and methods for vehicle scheduling and routing, US Patent App. 16/230,525, 2020
[4] Xiangrui Zeng and Amit Mohanty. Fuel-consumption-based driving behavior scoring, US Patent App. 15/999,385, 2020
[5] Xiangrui Zeng and Amit Mohanty. Methods and apparatus to facilitate tire force estimation, US Patent 10,168,252, 2019

相关话题/工程学院 科学