王铭裕 副教授基因转录调控;癌症免疫微环境
所在部门: 生物物理所
办公室: 1216
联系电话: **
电子邮件: wangmy@
学习经历2007.9~2012.7 博士学位兰州大学生命科学学院 生物物理学专业
2003.9~2007.7 学士学位 兰州大学生命科学学院 国家级理科生物学基地
工作经历2019.06-至今 兰州大学生命科学学院,生物物理研究所,副教授
2019.08-2020.08 康涅狄格大学,联合健康中心,肿瘤免疫学,访问****
2012.12-2019.06 兰州大学生命科学学院,生物物理研究所,讲师
发表论文及专著1. Wang, M. Y., Zhou, H. H., Zhang, C. M., Su, H. X., Li, S. L., Ji, S. R., En, Q. L., Wu, Y. (2020) A functional genetic variant at C-reactive protein promoter (rs**) is not associated with cancer risk in a Chinese population.Frontiers in Immunology,11: 926.
2. Zhang, S. C., Wang, M. Y., Feng, J. R., Chang, Y., Ji, S. R., and Wu, Y. (2020) Reversible promoter methylation determines fluctuating expression of acute phase proteins. eLife (co-first author)
3. Zhang, C. M., Tan, Y. B., Zhou, H. H., Ge, Z. B., Feng, J. R., Lv, G. B., Sun, Z. Y., Fu, Y., and Wang, M. Y. (2020) Intra-subunit Disulfide Determines the Conversion and Structural Stability of CRP Isoforms. Inflammation 43,466-477(Corresponding)
4. Lv, J. M., and Wang, M. Y. (2018) In vitro generation and bioactivity evaluation of C-reactive protein intermediate. PLoS One 13, e**(Corresponding)
5. Li, S. L., Feng, J. R., Zhou, H. H., Zhang, C. M., Lv, G. B., Tan, Y. B., Ge, Z. B., and Wang, M. Y. (2018) Acidic pH promotes oxidation-induced dissociation of C-reactive protein. Molecular immunology 104, 47-53(Corresponding)
6. Wang, M. Y., Zhou, H. H., Zhang, S. C., Hui, F., Zhu, W., Su, H. X., Guo, H. Y., Li, X. W., Ji, S. R., and Wu, Y. (2014) Recurrent mutations at C-reactive protein gene promoter SNP position -286 in human cancers. Cell Res 24, 505-508
7. Wang, M. Y., Ji, S. R., Bai, C. J., El Kebir, D., Li, H. Y., Shi, J. M., Zhu, W., Costantino, S., Zhou, H. H., Potempa, L. A., Zhao, J., Filep, J. G., and Wu, Y. (2011) A redox switch in C-reactive protein modulates activation of endothelial cells. FASEB J 25, 3186-3196
8. Su, H. X., Zhou, H. H., Wang, M. Y., Cheng, J., Zhang, S. C., Hui, F., Chen, X. Z., Liu, S. H., Liu, Q. J., Zhu, Z. J., Hu, Q. R., Wu, Y., and Ji, S. R. (2014) Mutations of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) -286 SNP, APC and p53 in Colorectal Cancer: Implication for a CRP-Wnt Crosstalk. PLoS One 9, e102418 (co-first author)
9. Wang, L., Zhou, H., Han, J., Milne, R. I., Wang, M., and Liu, B. (2014) Genome-Scale Transcriptome Analysis of the Alpine "Glasshouse" Plant Rheum nobile (Polygonaceae) with Special Translucent Bracts. PLoS One 9, e110712 (Corresponding)