张世挺 教授1988. 09 – 1991. 07信阳农业高等专科学校 1994. 09 – 1996. 07河南省教育学院 1997. 09 – 2000. 07广西师范大学获硕士学位 2000. 09 – 2003. 07兰州大学获博士学位
所在部门: 生态学研究所
电子邮件: zhangsht@
学习经历1988. 09 – 1991. 07 豫南农业高等专科学校 (信阳农林学院), 专科
1994. 09 – 1996. 07 河南省教育学院 (河南财政金融学院), 本科
1997. 09 – 2000. 07 广西师范大学, 获硕士学位
2000. 09 – 2003. 07 兰州大学, 获博士学位
工作经历1991. 09 – 1994. 07 河南省新县代咀中学, 中教三级
2003. 07 – 2005. 06 南京大学, 博士后
2005. 07 – 2011. 04 兰州大学, 副教授
2009. 03 – 2010. 03 加拿大萨省大学, 访问****
2016. 10 – 2017. 12 甘肃民族师范学院, 挂职副校长
2011. 05 至今 兰州大学, 教授
项目成果1. 青藏高原社区天然草地保护与利用关键技术研究 (国家重点研发计划项目“青藏高原社区生态畜牧业技术研究集成与示范”课题,2018YFD**,2018. 01 – 2020. 12,主持)。
2. 高寒草甸牦牛粪沉积对凋落物分解的影响及其微生物学机制 (国家自然科学基金,**,2019. 01 – 2022. 12,主持)。
3. UV-B辐射在高寒草甸凋落物分解中的作用机理研究 (甘肃省自然科学基金,17JR5RA199, 2017. 09 – 2019. 09,主持)。
4. 青藏高原社区饲草增产增效关键技术 (公益性行业(农业)科研专项,,2012. 01 – 2016. 12,参加)。
5. 高寒草甸物种丰富度:种子可用性和微生境的作用及其生态过程与机理 (国家自然科学基金,**,2010. 01 – 2012. 12,主持)。
6. 牧草、乡土草繁殖特性的遗传和选育基础研究 (“973”计划,2007CB108904,2007. 08 – 2011. 12,参加)。
7. 若尔盖湿地生物多样性保育关键技术与示范 (国家科技支撑计划项目“若尔盖湿地生态系统保护与恢复技术及工程示范”课题,2007BAC18B02,2007. 07 – 2010. 12,主持)。
8. 海南热带山地雨林种子与幼苗的生态学权衡 (国家自然科学基金,**,2006. 01 – 2008. 12,主持)。
发表论文及专著1.Liu XC & Zhang ST* (2019) Nitrogen addition shapes soil enzyme activity patterns by changing pH rather than the composition of the plant and microbial communities in an alpine meadow soil. Plant and Soil, 440: 11-24.
2. Liang DF, Lamb EG, Zhang ST* (2019) Yak dung deposition affects litter mixing effects on mass loss in a Tibetan alpine grassland. Rangeland Ecology & Management,72: 405-410.
3. Liang DF, Niu KC, Zhang ST* (2018) Interacting effects of yak dung deposition and litter quality on litter mass loss and nitrogen dynamics in Tibetan alpine grassland. Grass and Forage Science, 73: 123-131.
4.Yuan JL, Liang DF, Zhang ST* (2016) Litter and its interaction with standing vegetation affect seedling recruitment in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 9: 89-95.
5. Liang DF, Zhang JJ, Zhang ST* (2015) Patterns of nitrogen resorption in functional groups in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Folia Geobotanica, 50: 267-274.
6. Zhou XH, Li CL, Zhang ST* (2014) Effects of ambient ultraviolet-B on ecophysiological characteristics and forage quality of Elymus nutans in the Tibetan alpine grasslands. Grassland Science, 60: 98-103.
7. Zhang ST, Lamb EG (2012) Plant competitive ability and the transitivity of competitive hierarchies change with plant age. Plant Ecology,213: 15-23.
8. Zhang ST, Zhao C, Lamb EG (2011) Cotyledon damage affects seed number through final plant size but not seed mass in the annual grassland species Medicago lupulina. Annals of Botany, 107: 437-422.
9. Zhang ST, Liu JP, Bao XH, Niu KC (2011) Seed-to-seed potential allelopathic effects between Ligularia virgaurea and native grass species of Tibetan alpine grasslands. Ecological Research, 26: 47-52.
10. Niu KC*, Zhang ST*, Zhao BB, Du GZ (2010) Linking grazing response of species abundance to functional traits in the Tibetan alpine meadow. Plant and Soil, 330: 215-223.
11. Zhang ST, Chen JK, Du GZ (2004) Correlates of seed size in a subalpine meadow on the east part of the Tibet plateau. Ecoscience, 11: 6-15.
12. Zhang ST, Chen JK, Du GZ (2004) Seed size of a subalpine meadow in relation to phylogeny, growth form, and longevity on the east of Tibet plateau. Folia Geobotanica, 39: 129-142.