

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

肖洒 教授1996.9 - 2000.6 本科 (生态学) 兰州大学生命科学学院 2000.9 - 2006.6 博士 (生态学) 兰州大学生命科学学院 2009.10 - 2010.10 博士后 法国波尔多第一大学 2011.1 - 2012.1 访问**** 美国蒙大拿大学

联系方式职  称: 教授 博士生导师
所在部门: 理论生态研究所
 办公室: 逸夫生物楼822
联系电话: **
电子邮件: xiaos@

学习经历博士后 2013-2014,加拿大湖首大学,Han Chen实验室
博士后 2011-2012,美国蒙大拿大学,Ragan Callaway实验室
博士后 2009-2010,法国波尔多第一大学,Richard Michalet实验室
博士 生态学 2003-2006,兰州大学生命科学学院
硕士 生态学 2000-2003,兰州大学生命科学学院
学士 生态学 1996-2000,兰州大学生命科学学院

工作经历博士生导师 2015至今 兰州大学生命科学学院
教授(破格晋升) 2014至今 兰州大学生命科学学院
副教授 2010-2014 兰州大学生命科学学院
讲师 2006-2010 兰州大学生命科学学院
1. 自2019年起,担任SCI植物科学二区,林学Top期刊Journal of Vegetation Science(IF = 2.658)编委
2. 自2017年起,担任中国生态学会理论生态学专业委员会委员
2. 自2013年起,担任SCI环境科学大类二区期刊Oikos(IF = 4.03)编委
3. 自2013年起,担任兰州大学生命科学学院研究生教学指导委员会委员
4. 自2011年起,担任Ecology,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,Oecologia,Plant and Soil, Oikos, Journal of Vegetation Science, Journal of Theoretical Ecology, Acta Oecologica等知名生态学SCI期刊审稿人

植物生态学: 保育作用,地上-地下相互关系,生物多样性与生态系统功能
理论生态学: 种间关系与群落构建,统计模型与计算机模拟,中性理论与生态位理论
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“青藏高原高寒草甸优势灌木金露梅对地上地下生物群落影响的差异及其机制”(**, 2021 - 2024)
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“全球气候变化背景下物种间相互作用对高山生态系统群落结构与功能的影响”(**, 2019 - 2022)
参与国家自然科学基金重点项目“南极典型植物群落形成机制与功能”(**, 2019 - 2023)
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“垫状植物的保育作用及其反馈效应对高山生态系统生物多样性与功能的影响”(**, 2015 - 2018)
主持中央高校基本科研费重点项目“植物间正相互作用对高山地上地下生态系统多样性与功能的影响”(lzujbky-2014-k09, 2014 - 2015)
主持中央高校基本科研费项目“高山垫状植物的保育作用与代价及其对群落结构的作用机制”(lzujbky-2013-101, 2013 - 2014)
参与国家自然科学基金重点项目“高山垫状植物群落形成机制与功能的研究”(**, 2013 - 2017)
参与国家科技支撑计划“黄河重要水源补给区玛曲湿地生态系统修复关键技术集成与示范推广模式研究”子项目(2009BAC53B00, 2013 - 2014)
主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“高寒草甸金露梅对其灌丛下不同植物功能群的正相互作用及其对海拔梯度的响应”(**, 2010 - 2013)
主持中央高校基本科研费项目“高寒草甸植物间相互作用类型对功能群差异的响应机理”(lzujbky-2009-39, 2010 - 2011)
主持教育部博士点新教师基金“高寒草甸植物正相互作用机理研究及在生态恢复中的应用”(, 2008- 2010)
参与973项目“西部典型区域森林植被对农业生态环境的调控机理”的子项目“森林植被定向恢复与调控途径”(2002CB111505, 2002- 2007)
发表论文及专著共发表SCI论文45篇,参与编写专著1本,其中影响因子3以上共30篇(包括15篇SCI一区论文, 15篇SCI二区论文); 以第一作者或通讯联系人身份发表SCI论文25篇(包括2篇SCI一区第一作者论文,3篇SCI一区通讯作者论文,3篇SCI二区第一作者论文,1篇SCI二区第一作者论文)。
Wang, X., Michalet, R., Meng, L., Zhou, X., Chen, S., Du, G. and Xiao, S.* Direct and indirect facilitation affect community productivity through changes in functional diversity in an alpine system. Annals of Botany. 2021, 127:241-249 (IF = 4.689, SCI二区).
Atwater, D.Z.*, Callaway, R.M. and Xiao, S. Competition as a demolition derby: why tolerating competitors is more important than suppressing them. Oikos. 2021, 130:143-155 (IF = 3.468, SCI二区).
Wang, C., Michalet, R., Liu, Z., Jiang, X., Wang, X., Zhang, G., An, L.*, Chen, S.* and Xiao, S. Disentangling large-and small-scale abiotic and biotic factors shaping soil microbial communities in an alpine cushion plant system. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11:925 (IF = 4.235, SCI二区).
Liu, K.*, Liang, T., Qiang, W., Du, G., Baskin, J. M., Baskin, C. C., Bu, H., Yang, H. and Xiao, S. Changes in seed germination strategy along the successional gradient from abandoned cropland to climax grassland in a subalpine meadow and some implications for rangeland restoration. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2020, 289:106746 (IF = 3.954, SCI一区).
Fung, T., Xiao, S. and Chisholm, R.A.* Spatial scaling of species richness–productivity relationships for local communities: analytical results from a neutral model. Theoretical Ecology. 2020, 13:93-103 (IF = 1.986, SCI四区).
Wang, X.T., Xiao, S.*, Yang, X.L., Liu, Z.Y., Zhou, X.H., Du, G.Z., Zhang, L.M., Guo, A.F., Chen S.Y. and Nielsen U. N. Dominant plant species influence nematode richness by moderating understory diversity and microbial assemblages. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2019, 137:107566. (IF = 5.29, SCI一区)
Xiao, S.*, Atwater, D. Z., and Callaway, R. M. Integrating spatial structure and interspecific and intraspecific plant–soil feedback effects and responses into community structure.Oikos. 2019, 128:1296-1306. (IF = 3.468, SCI二区)
Wang, X.T., Michalet, R., Liu, Z.Y., Guo, A.F., Zhou, X.H., Du, G.Z., Ge, W.J., Chen, S.Y. and Xiao, S.* Stature of dependent forbs is more related to the direct and indirect above- and below-ground effects of a subalpine shrub than are foliage traits. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2019. 30:403-412. (IF = 2.944, SCI二区)
Xiao, S.* and Chen Y.H.H. Unimodal diversity-productivity relationship emerged under stressful environment through sampling effect. Ecological Informatics. 2019, 50:131-135. (IF = 2.31, SCI三区)
Wang, X.T., Nielsen U. N., Yang, X.L., Zhang, L.M., Zhou, X.H., Du, G.Z., Li, G.X., Chen S.Y. and Xiao, S.* Grazing induces direct and indirect shrub effects on soil nematode communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2018, 121:193-201. (IF = 5.29, SCI一区)
Jiang, X.P., Michalet, R., Chen, S.Y., Zhao, L., Wang, X.T., Wang, C.Y., An, L.Z.* and Xiao, S. Phenotypic effects of the nurse Thylacospermum caespitosum on dependent plant species along regional climate stress gradients. Oikos. 2018, 127:252-263. (IF = 3.468, SCI二区)
Wang, X.T., Michalet, R., Chen, S.Y., Zhao, L., An, L.Z.*, Du, G.Z.*, Zhang X.C., Jiang, X.P. and Xiao, S. Contrasting understorey species responses to the canopy and root effects of a dominant shrub drive community composition. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2017, 28:1118-1127. (IF = 2.944, SCI二区)
Xiao, S., Callaway, R.M., Graebner, R., Hierro, J.L. and Montesinos, D.* Modeling the relative importance of ecological factors in exotic invasion: The origin of competitors matters, but disturbance in the non-native range tips the balance. Ecological Modelling. 2016, 335:39-47. (IF = 2.634, SCI三区)
Michalet, R.*, Schob, C., Xiao, S., Zhao, L., Chen, T., An, L.Z. and Callaway R.M. Beneficiary feedback effects on alpine cushion benefactors become more negative with increasing cover of graminoids and in dry conditions. Functional Ecology. 2016, 30:79-87. (IF = 5.037, SCI二区)
Kikvidze, Z.*, Brooker, R.W., Butterfield, B.J., Callaway, R.M., Cavieres, L.A., Cook, B.J., Lortie, C.J., Michalet, R., Pugnaire, F.I., Xiao, S. and Anthelme, F., The effects of foundation species on community assembly: a global study on alpine cushion plant communities. Ecology. 2015, 96:2064-2069. (IF = 4.285, SCI一区)
Michalet, R.*, Chen, S.Y., An L.Z., Wang X.T., Wang Y.X., Guo, P., Ding, C.C. and Xiao, S. Communities: are they groups of hidden interactions? Journal of Vegetation Science. 2015, 26:207-218. (IF = 2.944, SCI二区)
Chen, S.Y., Chen, Z.L., Guo, P., Ding, C.C., Wang, Y. X., Wang, X.T., Zhang, J.L., Jia, P., Wang, G. and Xiao, S.* The Roles of Spatial Pattern and Size Variation in Shaping Height Inequality of Plant Population. Bulletin of mathematical biology. 2014, 76:476-485. (IF = 1.643, SCI四区)
Schob, C.*, Michalet, R., Cavieres, L.A., Pugnaire, F.I., Brooker, R.W., Butterfield, B.J., Cook, B.J., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C.J., Xiao, S., Al Hayek, P., Anthelme, F., Cranston, B.H., Garcia, M.C., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Reid, A.M., le Roux, P.C., Lingua, E., Nyakatya, M.J., Touzard, B., Zhao, L. and Callaway, R.M. A global analysis of bidirectional interactions in alpine plant communities shows facilitators experiencing strong reciprocal fitness costs. New Phytologist. 2014, 204:386-396. (IF = 7.299, SCI一区)
Schob, C.*, Callaway, R.M., Anthelme, F., Brooker, R.W., Cavieres, L.A., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C.J., Michalet, R., Pugnaire, F.I., Xiao, S., Cranston, B.H., García, M.C., Hupp, N.R., Llambí, L.D., Lingua, E., Reid, A.M., Zhao, L. and Butterfield, B.J. The context dependence of beneficiary feedback effects on benefactors in plant facilitation. New Phytologist. 2014, 204:386-396. (IF = 7.299, SCI一区)
Shah, M.A.*, Callaway, R.M., Shah, T., Houseman, G.R., Pal, R.W., Xiao, S., Luo, W., Rosche, C., Reshi, Z.A., Khasa, D.P. and Chen, S. Conyza canadensis suppresses plant diversity in its nonnative ranges but not at home: a transcontinental comparison. New Phytologist. 2014, 202:1286-1296. (IF = 7.299, SCI一区)
Cavieres, L.A.*, Brooker, R.W., Butterfield, B. J., Cook, B.J., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C.J., Michalet, R., Pugnaire, F.I., Schob, C., Xiao, S., Anthelme, F., Bjork, R.G., Dickinson, K.J., Cranston, B.H., Gavilan, R., Gutierrez-Giron, A., Kanka, R., Maalouf, J.P., Mark, A. F., Noroozi, J., Parajuli, R., Phoenix, G.K., Reid, A.M., Ridenour, W.M., Rixen, C., Wipf, S., Zhao, L., Escudero, A., Zaitchik, B.F., Lingua, E., Aschehoug, E.T. and Callaway, R.M. Facilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity. Ecology Letters. 2014, 17:193-202. (IF = 8.699, SCI一区)
Xiao, S.*, Guangyan, N. and Callaway R.M. Models of experimentally derived competitive effects predict biogeographical differences in the abundance of invasive and native plant species. PLOS ONE. 2013, 8: e78625. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**. (IF = 2.776, SCI三区)
Xiao, S.* and Michalet, R. Do indirect interactions always contribute to net indirect facilitation? Ecological Modelling. 2013, 268:1-8. (IF = 2.634, SCI三区)
Xiao, S., Zhao, L., Zhang, J.L., Wang, X.T. and Chen, S.Y.* The integration of facilitation into the neutral theory of community assembly. Ecological Modeling. 2013, 251:127-134. (IF = 2.634, SCI三区)
Xiao, S., Zhao, L., Zhang, J.L., Wang, X.T. and Chen, S.Y.* Comparing neutral and trade-off community model in shaping "productivity-diversity" relationship under different disturbance levels. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2013, 75:213-222. (IF = 1.643, SCI四区)
Bulleri, F.*, Xiao, S., Maggi, E., Benedetti-Cecchi, L. Intensity and temporal variability as components of stress gradients: implications for the balance between competition and facilitation. Oikos. 2013, 123:47-55. (IF = 3.468, SCI二区)
Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y.*, Xiao S., Brooker, R.W., Gross, N., Liancourt, P., Straile, D. and Michalet, R. Facilitation displaces hot-spots of diversity and allows communities to persist in heavily stressed and disturbed environments. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2013, 25:66-76. (IF = 2.944, SCI二区)
Butterfield, B.J.*, Cavieres, L.A., Callaway, R.M., Cook, B. J., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C.J., Michalet, R., Pugnaire, F.I., Schob, C., Xiao, S., Zaitchek, B., Anthelme, F., Bjork, R.G., Dickinson, K., Gavilan, R., Kanka, R., Maalouf, J.P., Noroozi, J., Parajuli, R., Phoenix, G.K., Reid, A., Ridenour, W., Rixen, C., Wipf, S., Zhao, L. and Brooker, R.W. Alpine cushion plants inhibit the loss of phylogenetic diversity in severe environments. Ecology Letters. 2013, 16:478-486. (IF = 8.699, SCI一区)
Chen, S.Y., Xiao, S. and Callaway, R.M.* Light intensity alters the allelopathic effects of an exotic invader. Plant Ecology and Diversity. 2012, 5:521-526. (IF = 1.173, SCI四区)
Xiao, S., Callaway, R.M., Newcombe, G. and Aschehoug E.T.* Models of experimental competitive intensities predict home and away differences in invasive impact and the effects of an endophytic mutualist. American Naturalist. 2012, 180:707-718. (IF = 3.855, SCI二区)
Weiner, J.* and Xiao, S. Variation in the degree of specialization can maintain local diversity in model communities. Theoretical Ecology. 2012, 5:161-166. (IF = 1.986, SCI四区)
Michalet, R.*, Xiao, S., Touzard, B., Smith, D.S., Cavieres, L.A., Callaway, R.M. and Whitham T.G. Phenotypic variation in nurse traits and community feedbacks define an alpine community. Ecology Letters. 2011, 14:433–443. (IF = 8.699, SCI一区)
Xiao, S., Zobel, M., Szava-Kovats, R. and P?rtel, M.* The effects of species pool, dispersal and competition on the diversity–productivity relationship. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2010, 19:343–351. (IF = 5.667, SCI一区)
Xu, J., Michalet, R., Zhang, J.L., Wang, G., Chu, C.J. and Xiao, S.* Assessing facilitative responses to a nurse shrub at the community level: the example of Potentilla fruticosa in a sub-alpine grassland of northwest China. Plant Biology. 2010, 12:780–787. (IF = 2.393, SCI二区)
Chen, S.Y., Zhang J.L., Peng, J., Jin, X., Gang, W. and Xiao, S.* Effects of size variation and spatial structure on plastic response of plant height to light competition. Science Bulletin. 2010, 55: 1135–1141. (IF = 6.277, SCI一区)
Chu, C.J., Weiner, J., Maestre, F., Wang, Y., Morris, C., Xiao, S., Yuan, J., Du, G. and Wang, G.* Effects of positive interactions, size symmetry of competition and abiotic stress on self-thinning in simulated plant populations. Annals of Botany. 2010, 106:647–652. (IF = 3.454, SCI二区)
Xiao, S.*, Michalet, R., Wang, G. and Chen, S.Y. The interplay between species’ positive and negative interactions shapes the “community biomass-species richness” relationship. Oikos. 2009, 118:1343–1348. (IF = 3.468, SCI二区)
Chen, S.Y., Xu, Jin., Maestre, F.T., Chu, C.J., Wang, G. and Xiao, S.* Beyond dual-lattice models: incorporating plant strategies when modeling the interplay between facilitation and competition along environmental severity gradients. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2009, 258:266–273. (IF =1.875, SCI三区)
Chu, C.J., Weiner, J., Maestre, F.T., Xiao, S., Wang, Y.S., Li, Q, Yuan, J.L., Zhao, L.Q., Ren, Z.W., and Wang, G.* Positive interactions can increase size inequality in plant populations. Journal of Ecology. 2009, 97: 1401–1407. (IF = 5.687, SCI一区)
Chu, C.J., Maestre, F.T., Xiao, S., Weiner, J., Wang, Y.S., Duan, Z.H. and Wang, G.* Balance between facilitation and resource competition determines biomass-density relationships in plant populations. Ecology Letters. 2008, 11:1189–1197. (IF = 8.699, SCI一区)
Xiao, S., Chen S.Y. and Wang, G.* Does the ESS height of plant population still exist with the inclusion of spatial structure? — an individual-based model research. Ecological Modelling. 2007, 204:23–218. (IF = 2.634, SCI三区)
Xiao, S., Chen S.Y. and Wang, G.* An ESS for the height of a plant population, or an optimal height for an individual? —Rethinking game-theoretic models for plant height. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2006, 68:957–967. (IF = 1.643, SCI三区)
Xiao, S., Chen S.Y., Zhao L.Q. and Wang, G.* Density effects on plant height growth and inequality in sunflower populations. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2006, 48:513–519. (IF = 3.824, SCI一区)
Chen, S.Y., Xiao, S., Zhang, M.X., Chen T., Wang H.C., and An, L.Z.* Antisense and RNAi expression for a chloroplastic superoxide dismutase gene in transgenic plants. Botanical Studies. 2005, 46:175-182. (IF = 1.796, SCI三区)
Wang, G.*, Yuan, J.L., Wang, X.Z., Xiao, S. and Huang, W.B. Competitive regulation of plant allometry and a generalized model for the plant self-thinning process. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2004, 66:1875–1885. (IF = 1.643, SCI三区)
Liang, L., Xiao, S. and Wang, G. Seed bank and seed production of indigenous plants species in a central Asian desert. In: Runge M and Zhang XM eds. Ecophysiology and habitat requirements of perennial plant species in the Taklimakan desert. 2004, 147-152. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany. (Book chapter)
2015年在主题为 ‘From Ecosystems to Modern Agriculture’的国际学术会议上作大会特邀报告
自2010年起参与了由植物生态学权威,美国蒙大拿大学Ragan Callaway教授所领导的关于垫状植物对高山生态系统多样性与功能影响的全球调查研究项目之中,并且是该项目在全球78个研究地点之中唯一位于亚洲的地点。本项目相关的学术论文有两篇发表在生态学最高影响因子杂志Ecology Letters,两篇于发表在植物学权威杂志New Phytologist,1篇发表在生态学顶尖期刊Ecology上,1篇发表在生态学权威期刊Functional Ecology上。
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  • 兰州大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马妙君
    马妙君教授、博士生导师。主要从事草地生态学方面的研究工作。个人简历科研&成果教学情况论文&专著更多信息联系方式职  称:教授所在部门:生态学研究所 办公室:逸夫生物楼1014联系电话:传真号码:电子邮件:mjma个人主页:学习经历●2015–2016:美国UniversityofNewMexico, ...
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  • 兰州大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵志刚
    赵志刚教授生态学博士,研究兴趣为进化生态学、恢复生态学、群落生态学个人简历科研&成果教学情况论文&专著更多信息联系方式职  称:教授所在部门:生态学与环境科学系 办公室:逸夫生物楼906a联系电话:传真号码:电子邮件:zhaozhg个人主页:学习经历1996.9-2000.6西北师范大学生命科学学院 ...
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  • 兰州大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-叶建圣
    叶建圣2005年9月-2010年6月,兰州大学,生命科学学院,生态学硕博连读2001年9月-2005年6月,绍兴文理学院,生命科学学院,生物科学本科个人简历科研&成果教学情况论文&专著更多信息联系方式职  称:教授、博导所在部门:干旱农业生态研究所 办公室:生物2号楼308室联系电话:传真号码:电子 ...
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  • 兰州大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘永俊
    刘永俊教授/博士生导师主要从事菌根真菌生理生态学及植物-土壤微生物相互作用研究个人简历科研&成果教学情况论文&专著更多信息联系方式职  称:教授所在部门:植物及植物生理学研究所 办公室:天演楼327联系电话:传真号码:电子邮件:yjliu个人主页:学习经历1997.9-2002.6:兰州大学生命科学 ...
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  • 兰州大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张峰
    张峰1.2006/9-2010/6,兰州大学,生态学,博士,导师:李凤民2.2007/9-2009/9,MichiganStateUniversity,生态学,联合培养博士,导师:齐家国(MichiganStateUniversity),李长生(UniversityofNewHampshire)3. ...
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