张峰 1. 2006/9-2010/6 , 兰州大学, 生态学, 博士, 导师:李凤民 2. 2007/9-2009/9 , Michigan State University , 生态学, 联合培养博士,导师:齐家国( Michigan State University ),李长生( University of New Hampshire ) 3. 2004/6-2006/9 , 兰州大学,
所在部门: 生命科学学院
办公室: 逸夫生物楼308
电子邮件: zhangfeng@
学习经历2006/9-2010/6 兰州大学,生态学,博士,导师:李凤民
2007/9-2009/9,Michigan State University,生态学,联合培养博士,导师:齐家国(Michigan State University),李长生(University of New Hampshire)
工作经历2011年4月—— 现在:兰州大学生命科学学院,干旱与草地生态国家重点实验室,讲师,副教授,教授
2016年3月——2017年3月, 密西根州立大学地理系,访问****
Zhang, F., Eldoma, I.M., Li M., Kong M., Siddiquec K., and Li, F.-M., 2019. Integrated model and field experiment to determine the optimum planting density in plastic film mulched rainfed agriculture. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 268C: 331-340. (SCI一区TOP)
Zhang, F., Zhang, W., Qi, J. and Li, F.-M., 2018. A regional evaluation of plastic film mulching for improving crop yields on the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248: 458-468. (SCI一区TOP)
Zhang, F., Zhang, W., Li, M., Zhang, Y., Li, F., Li, C., 2017. Is crop biomass and soil carbon storage sustainable with long-term application of full plastic film mulching under future climate change? Agricultural Systems 150, 67-77. (SCI二区TOP)
Zhang F, Li M, Zhang W, Li F, Qi J. Ridge–furrow mulched with plastic film increases little in carbon dioxide efflux but much significant in biomass in a semiarid rainfed farming system. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2017;244–245:33-41. (SCI一区TOP)
Zhang, F., Zhang, W., Li, M., Yang, Y. and Li, F.-M., 2017. Does long-term plastic film mulching really decrease sequestration of organic carbon in soil in the Loess Plateau? European Journal of Agronomy, 89: 53-60. (SCI一区TOP)
Zhang F, Li M, Qi J, Li F-M, Sun G, 2015. Plastic Film Mulching Increases Soil Respiration in Ridge-Furrow Maize Management. Arid Land Research and Management. doi: 10.1080/**.2015.**. (SCI四区)
Zhang,F., Qi,J., Li,F.M., Li,C.S., and Li,C.B. 2010. Quantifying nitrous oxide emissions from Chinese grasslands with a process-based model, Biogeosciences, 7, 2039-2050(SCI二区)
Zhang, W., Zhang, F., Qi, J., Hou, F., 2017. Modeling impacts of climate change and grazing effects on plant biomass and soil organic carbon in the Qinghai–Tibetan grasslands. Biogeosciences 14, 5455-5470. (SCI二区)
Ye, J.-S., Gong, Y.-H., Zhang, F., Ren, J., Bai, X.-K., Zheng, Y., 2018. Which Temperature and Precipitation Extremes Best Explain the Variation of Warm versus Cold Years and Wet versus Dry Years?Journal of Climate, 31, 45-59. (SCI一区TOP)
Eldoma, I.M., Li, M., Zhang, F., Li, F.-M., 2016. Alternate or equal ridge–furrow pattern: Which is better for maize production in the rain-fed semi-arid Loess Plateau of China? Field Crops Research 191, 131-138. (SCI一区TOP)
Zhou, L.-M., Zhang, F., Liu, C.-A., 2015. Improved yield by harvesting water with ridges and subgrooves using buried and surface plastic mulchs in a semiarid area of China. Soil and Tillage Research 150, 21-29. (共同一作,SCI二区TOP)
Yu, C., Li, C., Xin, Q., Chen, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, F., Li, X., Clinton, N., Huang, X., Yue, Y., Gong, P., 2014. Dynamic assessment of the impact of drought on agricultural yield and scale-dependent return periods over large geographic regions. Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 454-464.
Wang, Y., Sun, G. J., Zhang, F., Qi, J., Zhao, C. Y.: Modeling impacts of farming management practices on greenhouse gas emissions in the oasis region of China, Biogeosciences, doi:10.5194/bg-8-1-2011. (SCI二区)
Zhang,Y., Su,S., Zhang,F. ,Shi,Y., Gao,W. : Characterizing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies in Northeast China from 1990 to 2010, PLoS ONE, 2012
Zhang F, Ye J, Sun G. A process model based ecosystem assessment and management system; Agro-Geoinformatics, 2012 2-4 Aug. 2012. pp. 1-4.
Zhou X, Yan Y, Wang H, Zhang F, Wu L and Ren J 2010 Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-8
Li, C.B., Qi, J.G., Feng, Z.D., Yin, R.S., Guo, B.Y., Zhang, F. and Zou, S.B. 2009. Quantifying the effect of ecological restoration on soil erosion in China's Loess Plateau region: an application of the MMF approach. Environmental Management. DOI 10.1007/s00267-009-9369-6
齐家国, 李常斌, 张峰等. 气候变化、陆地生态系统格局与人类活动相互作用机制 // 人类活动与生态系统变化的前沿科学问题. 于贵瑞主编. (第十九章): 751-808. 高等教育出版社, 北京, 2009.
编号: 软著登字第**号, 2012SR124749:项目管理系统
编号:软著登字第**号, 2012SR124525:数据共享系统