叶建圣 2005年9月-2010年6月,兰州大学,生命科学学院,生态学硕博连读 2001年9月-2005年6月,绍兴文理学院,生命科学学院,生物科学本科
所在部门: 干旱农业生态研究所
办公室: 生物2号楼308室
电子邮件: yejsh@
社会工作Journal of Climate, Climate Dynamics, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等SCI期刊审稿人。
参与欧盟联合研究中心和联合国环境规划署《World Atlas of Desertification - 3rd Edition》的编写(Lead author之一)。
参与联合国环境规划署《Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5)》项目,GEO-5 Fellow。
叶建圣,冯虎元,孙国钧. 高校生物学学科核心能力与实践探讨. 高校生物学教学研究(电子版), 2016:6(1):61-64.
叶建圣,张荣,孙国钧. 中国素材在外文教材授课中的重要性研究——以生态学课程为例. 高等理科教育, 2014(2):115-118.
Ye, J.-S., Reynolds James F, Herrick Jeffrey E, Reynolds Julie A, Chuluun T, Li F, Long R. 2013. Chapter 16 New Ecology Education: Preparing Students for the Complex Human- Environmental Problems of Dryland East Asia. Dryland East Asia: Land Dynamics amid Social and Climate Change. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter and Higher Education Press.
He, L., Z.-L. Li, X. Wang, Y. Xie*, andYe, J.-S.*2021. Lagged precipitation effect on plant productivity is influenced collectively by climate and edaphic factors in drylands. Science of The Total Environment, 755:142506.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142506
Ye, J.-S.*, M. A. Bradford, F. T. Maestre, F.-M. Li*, and P. García-Palacios. 2020. Compensatory Thermal Adaptation of Soil Microbial Respiration Rates in Global Croplands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34:e2019GB006507.https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2019GB006507
Gong, Y.-H., Zhao, D.-M., Ke, W.-B., Fang, C., Pei, J.-Y., Sun, G.-J., &Ye, J.-S.*2020. Legacy effects of precipitation amount and frequency on the aboveground plant biomass of a semi-arid grassland. Science of The Total Environment, 135899. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135899
Ye, J.-S., Bradford, M. A., Dacal, M., Maestre, F. T., García-Palacios, P. 2019. Increasing microbial carbon use efficiency with warming predicts soil heterotrophic respiration globally.Global Change Biology,https://doi.org/10.1111/GCB.14738.
Ye, J.-S., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Soliveres, S., Maestre, F. T. 2019. Multifunctionality debt in global drylands linked to past biome and climate. Global Change Biology, 25(6), 2152-2161.https://doi.org/10.1111/GCB.14631.
Zheng, K., Wei, J.-Z., Pei, J.-Y., Cheng, H., Zhang, X.-L., Huang, F.-Q.,Li, F.-M.*,Ye, J.-S.*2019. Impacts of climate change and human activities on grassland vegetation variation in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 660, 236-244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.022
Zheng, K.,Ye, J.-S.*, Jin, B.-C., Zhang, F., Wei, J.-Z. & Li, F.-M.* 2019. Effects of agriculture, climate, and policy on NDVI change in a semi-arid river basin of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Arid Land Research and Management, 1-18. 10.1080/**.2018.**
Wei, J.-Z., Zheng, K., Zhang, F., Fang, C., Zhou, Y.-Y., Li, X.-C.,Li, F.-M.*,Ye, J.-S.*2019. Migration of Rural Residents to Urban Areas Drives Grassland Vegetation Increase in China’s Loess Plateau. Sustainability, 11(23), 6764.
Ye, J.-S, Gong, Y.-H., Zhang, F., Ren, J., Bai, X.-K. & Zheng, Y. 2018. Which Temperature and Precipitation Extremes Best Explain the Variation of Warm versus Cold Years and Wet versus Dry Years? Journal of Climate, 31, 45-59. 10.1175/jcli-d-17-0377.1
Ye, J.-S, Pei, J.-Y. & Fang, C. (2018). Under which climate and soil conditions the plant productivity–precipitation relationship is linear or nonlinear? Science of The Total Environment, 616-617, 1174-1180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.203
Yu, Y.-Y., Turner, N. C., Gong, Y.-H., Li, F.-M., Fang, C., Ge, L.-J. &Ye, J.-S.*2018. Benefits and limitations to straw- and plastic-film mulch on maize yield and water use efficiency: A meta-analysis across hydrothermal gradients. European Journal of Agronomy, 99, 138-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2018.07.005
Fang, C., Li, F., Pei, J., Ren, J., Gong, Y., Yuan, Z., Ke W.B., Zheng Y., Bai X.K.,Ye, J.-S.*2018. Impacts of warming and nitrogen addition on soil autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in a semi-arid environment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 449-457. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.10.032
Fang, C.,Ye, J.-S.*, Gong, Y., Pei, J., Yuan, Z., Xie, C., Zhu Y., Yu, Y. 2017. Seasonal responses of soil respiration to warming and nitrogen addition in a semi-arid alfalfa-pasture of the Loess Plateau, China. Science of The Total Environment, 590–591, 729-738. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.034
Ye, J.-S, Reynolds, J. F., Maestre, F. T. & Li, F.-M. 2016. Hydrological and ecological responses of ecosystems to extreme precipitation regimes: A test of empirical-based hypotheses with an ecosystem model. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 22, 36-46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2016.08.001
Ye, J.-S.2014. Trend and variability of China's summer precipitation during 1955–2008. International Journal of Climatology, 34, 559-566. 10.1002/joc.3705
Ye, J.-S., Reynolds, J. F. & Li, F.-M. 2014. A mechanistic-bioclimatic modeling analysis of the potential impact of climate change on biomes of the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology, 95, 2109–2120. 10.1890/13-1014.1
Ye, J.-S., Li, W., Li, L. & Zhang, F. 2013. "North drying and south wetting" summer precipitation trend over China and its potential linkage with aerosol loading. Atmospheric Research, 125, 12-19. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.01.007
Ye, J.-S., Reynolds, J. F., Sun, G. J. & Li, F. M. 2013. Impacts of increased variability in precipitation and air temperature on net primary productivity of the Tibetan Plateau: a modeling analysis. Climatic Change, 119, 321-332. 10.1007/s10584-013-0719-2
Ye, J.-S.& Liu, C. 2012. Suitability of Mulch and Ridge-furrow Techniques for Maize across the Precipitation Gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Agricultural Science, 4, 182-190. 10.5539/jas.v4n10p182
Ye, J.-S., Li, F., Sun, G., Chen, Y. & Mou, Y. 2010. A multi-criteria evaluation approach to access agricultural land use potential on the Loess Plateau of China. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 16, 891-901
Ye, J.-S., Li, F., Sun, G. & Guo, A. 2010. Solar dimming and its impact on estimating solar radiation from diurnal temperature range in China, 1961-2007. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 101, 137-142. 10.1007/s00704-009-0213-y
Ye, J.-S., Guo, A. & Sun, G. 2009. Statistical Analysis of Reference Evapotranspiration on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-Asce, 135, 134-140. 10.1061/(asce)0733-9437(2009)135:2(134)