

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20


Submitted on 周一, 10/30/2017 - 20:42








1. tRNA 加工酶
所有tRNA 经RNA聚合酶III录出来后必须经历一系列加工过程才能成为成熟的、具有生理功能的tRNA分子。例如,真核生物中pre-tRNA 的加工过程包括5’端前导序列、3’端尾巴的剪切,內含子的拼接,3’端加尾,和核苷酸修饰等复杂过程。具有生理活性的tRNA是基因表达的关键,而tRNA成熟过程的紊乱则与多种疾病的发生密切相关。Pre-tRNA的剪切由数种tRNA核酸酶完成,其中RNase P是负责切除pre-tRNA前导序列的重要酶类,是一种以核酶进行催化的蛋白-RNA 复合物。PRORP (Proteinaceous RNase P) 家族蛋白是近年来在拟南芥中发现的具有RNase P样活性的蛋白质,但其构成中不含有核酶组分。我们围绕PRORP 家族成员酶的生化性质做出了较多研究,主要集中于该酶对底物pre-tRNA分子的识别及催化的特性, 发现PRORP对tRNA底物具有广谱性。在经历PRORP酶剪切后,真核生物tRNAHis将继续为组氨酸 tRNA 鸟嘌呤转移酶 Thg1?所修饰,该酶的生物功能是在 tRNAHis成熟过程中添加 G-1 位点,确保 HisRS 能够正确的识别 tRNAHis,以完成组氨酰化。敲除单倍体酵母中的Thg1?将使酵母死亡。与其它 RNA 聚合酶聚合采用的5’-3’作用方式不同,Thg1在tRNAHis5’端添加核苷酸时按3’-5’方向进行,是目前唯一已知的按此方向进行聚合的RNA聚合酶。我们目前已获得了3.3 ?分辨率的人源Thg1-tRNAHis的晶体结构,阐明了Thg1识别底物的作用方式及催化机理。此外,我们还解析了多个tRNA甲基转移酶如Trm5, TrmL或其与tRNA的复合物结构,深入探讨了其生化性质。
2. 氨酰-tRNA合成酶
氨酰-tRNA合成酶 (aaRS) 在翻译过程初期将活化的氨基酸连接到相应tRNA分子的3’末端以进行后续的蛋白质合成,属于比较古老的,生物体必须的持家酶类。近年来发现一系列氨酰-tRNA合成酶在许多疾病中起关键性作用,但其作用机制与其传统的氨酰化功能无关。目前我们对人源甘氨酰-及丝氨酰-tRNA合成酶的结构功能进行了较深入的研究。前者突变体可引起CMT-2D 型神经退行性疾病;后者突变体则可影响高等生物血管的异常发生,然而这些疾病的机制人们并不清楚。我们在近两年来相继解析了首个人源甘氨酰-tRNA合成酶hGlyRS, 人源丝氨酰-tRNA合成酶hSerRS以及嗜热杆菌组氨酰-tRNA合成酶TtHisRS与其天然底物tRNA形成的复合物结构。这三种氨酰-tRNA合成酶同属IIa型aaRS亚类,除具有IIa型aaRS的共同特点外,又各自独具特色。复合物晶体结构的解析,对解释aaRS尤其是 IIa亚型的作用的分子机制起到较好的作用;同时,分子机制的研究极大促进了人们对此类酶非经典功能的了解。
3. 参与表观遗传学的核酸修饰酶类
近年来随着表观遗传学的兴起,DNA的甲基化修饰现象如5mC备受关注。5mC是胞嘧啶C5号位置被修饰的产物,还可被进一步被氧化形成多种衍生物,最后又可被还原为非修饰的胞嘧啶。C与5mC 各衍生物之间的平衡及调控,对细胞的基因表达调控乃至对机体均产生重要影响。普遍认为,DNA甲基化作为一种表观遗传标记,在哺乳动物细胞中,不仅是可遗传和动态的,还与多种调节过程相关。异常的DNA甲基化模式已经被证明与包括癌症在内的多种人类疾病相关。然而,在秀丽线虫体内由于没有检测到5mC以及对应的同源甲基转移酶曾被认为缺乏该调控作用。最近的研究表明,在秀丽线虫的DNA中存在的N6-甲基腺嘌呤(6mA)是另一种表观遗传学标志物,该研究还发现了相关DNA去甲基酶NMAD-1,以及可能的DNA甲基转移酶DAMT-1。此外,在小鼠胚胎干细胞中也鉴定出6mA修饰,可由Alkbh1蛋白催化去除。在ALKBH1-/-缺失的细胞中,6mA水平明显提高并导致转录沉默。真核生物基因组中这种6mA修饰作为一种有功能的DNA标志物,有可能作为5mC的补充起调节作用。在同时具有6mA和5mC两种标记的物种中,6mA向5mC的转换涉及多种细胞生理过程的调节,所以6mA和5mC的相互作用不论从功能角度还是进化角度都是一个非常值得研究的问题。我们拟研究包括Alkbh1、NMAD-1,以及DAMT-1多个蛋白的潜在作用机理以及影响基因表达的修饰方式;为将来开发小分子物质或者调节这些途径,提供理论依据。
4. DNA 损伤修复酶UDG
DNA作为主要的遗传物质承载者广泛存在于自然界中,除了部分RNA病毒,绝大多数生物都是以DNA为模板编码基因。因此,DNA遗传信息的完整性对于生物体至关重要。然而,DNA的损伤每时每刻都在发生。据统计,一个细胞每天会产生大约105个DNA损伤位点, 如DNA链中尿嘧啶的引入。DNA损伤会导致细胞的衰老和死亡以及肿瘤与癌症的发生已经是不争的事实。为修复DNA的损伤与保持基因组的完整性,经过漫长的进化与演变,细胞拥有多套DNA修复系统,其中常见的基本的修复有碱基切除修复(BER)、核苷酸切除修复(NER)、SOS修复以及DNA聚合酶的校对修复等。我们主要对起始BER修复通路中的重要酶类尿嘧啶-DNA糖苷水解酶(uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG))的催化机制进行研究。该酶类可分为6个家族,各家族具有明显的结构及序列特征。但是近来通过生物信息学手段,我们发现较多细菌中存在的UDG具有两种或多个家族的混合特征。我们拟通过解析兴趣酶(含突变体)及与底物分子复合物的晶体结构,阐明该类DNA糖苷水解酶的底物识别及切除的分子机理,通过有目的定点突变,对酶动力学及生化性质进行研究;通过比较上述酶与不同UDG家族成员在三维结构(尤其是活性中心)以及序列方面(进化)的异同,为研究其它家族及家族间的分子进化关系提供理论参考。

谢伟,中山大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,“有害生物控制与资源利用”国家重点实验室 PI, ****引进人才。1997年毕业于武汉大学化学系获理学学士学位,2000年就读于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟城分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)生物化学系并于2005年获博士学位。2005年至2010年先后在圣地亚哥Scripps 研究所(The Scripps Research Institute)及 Salk研究所(The Salk Institute for Biological Studies)从事博士后训练,近5年以通讯或共同通讯作者身份在Nature chemical biology, Nature Communications,Science Advances, Nucleic Acids Res., JBC, JMB, JVI, Febs Journal, ACS Chemical Biology, Biochemical Journal, Febs Letters等国际高水平期刊上发表论文近30篇。

近五年发表发表文章 (倒序排列,*:通讯作者;#: Co-FIRST AUTHORS):
1. Chen R., Tu J., Tan Y., Cai X., Yang C., Deng X., Su B., Ma S., Liu X., Ma P., Du C., Xie W.* (2019) Structural and Biochemical Characterization of the Cognate and Heterologous Interactions of the MazEF-mt9 TA System. ACS Infectious Disease doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00001. [Epub ahead of print].
2. Liu X., Cao L., Zeng J., Liu Y.*, Xie W.* (2019) Improving the cellobiose-hydrolysis activity and glucose-tolerance of a thermostable β-glucosidase through rational design. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 136:1052-1059. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Zhang Z., Chen L., Zhao Y., Yang C., Roundtree I., Zhang Z., Ren J., Xie W., He C., Luo G.* (2019) Single-base mapping of m6A by an antibody-independent method. Sciences advances 5(7):eaax0250. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax0250.
4. Tu, J., Chen, R., Yang, Y., Cao, W., and Xie, W.* (2019) Suicide inactivation of the uracil DNA glycosylase UdgX by covalent complex formation. Nature chemical biology, 15:615-622. doi: 10.1038/s41589-019-0290-x.
5. Jia Q., Xie W.* (2019) Alternative conformation induced by substrate binding for Arabidopsis thaliana N6-methyl-AMP deaminase. Nucleic Acids Research 47, 3233-3243. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz070.
6. Cao, L. ?#, Chen, R. #, Huang X., Qin Z., Kong W., Xie, W.*, and Liu, Y. H*. (2018) Enhancing the Thermostability of Highly Active and Glucose-Tolerant β-Glucosidase Ks5A7 by Directed Evolution for Good Performance of Three Properties, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 66, 13228-13235. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b05662.
7. Yang, J. #, Deng, X. #, Li, Y., Ma, X., Feng, J., Yu, B., Chen, Y., Luo, Y., Wang, X., Chen, M., Fang, Z., Zheng, F., Li, Y., Zhong, Q., Kang. T., Song, L., Xu, R., Zeng, M., Chen, W., Zhang, H., Xie, W. *, Gao, S* (2018) Structure of Schlafen13 reveals a new class of tRNA/rRNA- targeting RNase engaged in translational control, Nature Communications 9, 1165. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03544-x.
8. Jia Q., Lin Y., Gou X., He L., Shen D., Chen D., Xie W.*, Lu Y.*. (2018) Legionella pneumophila effector WipA, a bacterial PPP protein phosphatase with PTP activity. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 50:547-554. doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmy042.
9. Li, Z., Zhang D., Xiong, X., Yan, B., Xie, W., Sheen, J., and Li, J.* (2017) A potent Cas9-derived gene activator for plant and mammalian cells, Nature plants 3, 930-936. Doi:10.1038/s41477-017-0046-0.
10. Wang, C. #, Jia, Q. #, Zeng, J., Chen, R., and Xie, W.* (2017) Structural insight into the methyltransfer mechanism of the bifunctional Trm5, Sciences advances 3:e**.
11. Wu, J., Jia, Q., Wu, S., Zeng, H., Sun, Y., Wang, C., Ge, R*., and Xie, W.* (2017) The crystal structure of the Pyrococcus abyssi mono-functional methyltransferase PaTrm5b. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 493, 240-245.
12. Wang, C., Zeng, J., and Xie, W.* (2017) A flexible cofactor-binding loop in the novel arginine methyltransferase Sfm1. FEBS letters 591, 433-441.
13. Wang, C., Wang, C., Li, Q., Wang, Z.*, and Xie, W.* (2017) Crystal structure and thermostability characterization of EV-D68-3Dpol. Journal of virology 91(18). pii: e00876-17. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00876-17.
14. Pang, P., Yang, Y., Li, J., Wang, Z., Cao, W.*, and Xie, W.* (2017) SMUG2 DNA glycosylase from Pedobacter heparinus as a new subfamily of the UDG superfamily. The Biochemical journal 474, 923-938.
15. Pang, P., Deng, X., Wang, Z., and Xie, W.* (2017) Structural and biochemical insights into the 2'-O-methylation of pyrimidines 34 in tRNA. The FEBS journal 284, 2251-2263.
16. Pang, P., Cao, L. C., Liu, Y. H., Xie, W.*, and Wang, Z*. (2017) Structures of a glucose-tolerant beta-glucosidase provide insights into its mechanism. Journal of structural biology 198, 154-162.
17. Liu, X., Wu, J., Sun, Y., and Xie, W.* (2017) Substrate Recognition Mechanism of the Putative Yeast Carnosine N-methyltransferase. ACS chemical biology 12, 2164-2171.
18. Li, J., Chen, R., Yang, Y., Zhang, Z., Fang, G. C., Xie, W.*, and Cao, W.* (2017) An unconventional family 1 uracil DNA glycosylase in Nitratifractor salsuginis. The FEBS journal 284, 4017-4034. doi: 10.1111/febs.14285. [Epub ahead of print]
19. Chen, R., Tu, J., Liu, Z., Meng, F., Ma, P., Ding, Z., Yang, C., Chen, L., Deng, X., and Xie, W.* (2017) Structure of the MazF-mt9 toxin, a tRNA-specific endonuclease from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 486, 804-810.
20. Liu X, Cao L, Xin-jiong Fan, Liu Y*, Xie, W.*, (2016) Engineering of a thermostable esterase Est816 to improve its quorum-quenching activity and the underlying structural basis. Scientific reports, 6:38137.
21. Wang, C., Jia, Q., Chen, R., Wei, Y., Li, J., Ma, J., and Xie, W.* (2016) Crystal structures of the bifunctional tRNA methyltransferase Trm5a. Scientific reports 6:33553.
22. Liu, X., Zeng J., Chen X., and Xie, W.* (2016) Crystal structures of RidA, an important enzyme for the prevention of toxic side products, Scientific reports, 6:30494.
23. Qin, X., Deng, X., Chen, L., and Xie, W.* (2016) Crystal Structure of the Wild-Type Human GlyRS Bound with tRNAGly in a Productive Conformation, Journal of molecular biology, 428, 3603-3614. Doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2016.05.018. [Epub ahead of print].
24. Zhang, Z., Shen, J., Yang, Y., Li, J., Cao, W., and Xie, W.* (2016) Structural Basis of Substrate Specificity in Geobacter metallireducens SMUG1, ACS chemical biology 11, 1729-1736.
25. Deng, X., Qin, X., Chen, L., Jia, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Lei, D., Ren, G., Zhou, Z., Wang, Z., Li, Q., and Xie, W.* (2016) Large Conformational Changes of Insertion 3 in Human Glycyl-tRNA synthetase (hGlyRS) during Catalysis, J Biol Chem, 291, 5740-5752. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M115.679126.
26. Zhang, Z., Jia, Q., Zhou, C., and Xie, W.* (2015) Crystal structure of E. coli endonuclease V, an essential enzyme for deamination repair, Scientific reports 5, 12754.
27. Wang, C., Guo, Y., Tian, Q., Jia, Q., Gao, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhou, C., and Xie, W.* (2015) SerRS-tRNASec complex structures reveal mechanism of the first step in selenocysteine biosynthesis, Nucleic acids research 43, 10534-10545.
28. Tian, Q., Wang, C., Liu, Y., and Xie, W.* (2015) Structural basis for recognition of G-1-containing tRNA by histidyl-tRNA synthetase, Nucleic acids research 43, 2980-2990.
29. Cao, L. C., Wang, Z. J., Ren, G. H., Kong, W., Li, L., Xie, W., and Liu, Y. H*. (2015) Engineering a novel glucose-tolerant beta-glucosidase as supplementation to enhance the hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse at high glucose concentration, Biotechnology for biofuels 8:202.
30. Cao, L. C., Chen, R., Xie, W.*, and Liu, Y. H*. (2015) Enhancing the Thermostability of Feruloyl Esterase EstF27 by Directed Evolution and the Underlying Structural Basis, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 63, 8225-8233.? (*:co-corresponding author)
31. Zhang, Z., Hao, Z., Wang, Z., Li, Q., and Xie, W.* (2014) Structure of human endonuclease V as an inosine-specific ribonuclease, Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 70, 2286-2294.
32. Qin, X., Hao, Z., Tian, Q., Zhang, Z., Zhou, C., and Xie, W.* (2014) Cocrystal structures of glycyl-tRNA synthetase in complex with tRNA suggest multiple conformational states in glycylation, J Biol Chem 289, 20359-20369.

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