

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20


Submitted on 周一, 10/30/2017 - 20:49


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1999.09~2003.07: 中山大学,生命科学学院生物化学系,理学学士
2003.09~2008.06: 中山大学,生命科学学院生物化学系, 理学博士
2007.10~2008.04: 美国 Scripps institution of oceanography, University of California,San Diego(美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校 Scripps 海洋研究所),访问****
2008.07~2010.12: 中山大学,海洋生物学博士后流动站,博士后
2011.01~2015.12: 中山大学,生命科学学院生物化学系,副教授
2016.01~今: 中山大学,生命科学学院生物化学系,教授


利用文昌鱼,七鳃鳗,斑马鱼等物种开展免疫系统的起源及演化研究,并在哺乳动物中开展天然免疫基因的功能研究。阐明了TLR,TNF等天然免疫信号通路的起源与演化,证实了V(D)J重排机制起源于原始的ProtoRAG转座子。近年来,团队研究主要集中在天然免疫抗病毒新机制的发现上,先后发现了ZNFX1,DDX23等进化上高度保守的病毒RNA受体。目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,蓝色粮仓重点研发专项子课题1项,霍英东青年教师基金项目1项,合作承担国自然重大研发计划集成项目1项。作为第一/共一/共通讯作者在Cell, Nat Cell Biol, Nat Commun, Natl Sci Rev, PNAS, Cell Res, Sci Signal, J Immunol 等杂志发表论文20余篇。研究成果获2010 年“中国高等学校十大科技进展”及2016 年“中国生命科学领域十大进展”。以第三完成人获“国家自然科学奖二等奖”,以第二完成人获得“广东省自然科学奖一等奖”。2012 年获第三届“中国免疫学会青年****奖”,2015 年入选广东省特支计划“百千万工程”青年拔尖人才”,2016 年获聘“广东省青年珠江****”,2019年入选“****青年拔尖人才项目”。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,胞苷脱氨酶APOBEC/AID家族的功能演化及其应用研究,2020/1-2023/12,58万,主持,在研 ;

发表论文情况 (#共同第一作者;* 通讯作者):
已经发表第一作者或通讯作者文章 ( * corresponding author#co-first author)
1. Liu S, Yuan S#, *, Gao X, Tao X, Yu W, Li X, Chen S, Xu A. 2020. Functional regulation of an ancestral RAG transposon ProtoRAG by a trans-acting factor YY1 in lancelet. Nat Commun. 11:4515
2. Tao X#, Yuan S#, *, Chen F, Gao X, Wang X, Yu W, Liu S, Huang Z, Chen S, Xu A*. 2020. Functional requirement of terminal inverted repeats for efficient ProtoRAG activity reveals the early evolution of V(D)J recombination. Natl Sci Rev. 7: 403–417
3. Wang Y#, Yuan S#, Jia X#, Ge Y, Ling T, Nie M, Lan X, Chen S and Xu A*. 2019. Mitochondria-localized ZNFX1 functions as a dsRNA sensor to initiate antiviral responses via MAVS. Nat Cell Biol. 21:1346-1356
4. Ruan J#, Cao Y#, Ling T, Li P, Wu S, Peng D, Wang Y, Jia X, Chen S, Xu A* and Yuan S*. 2019. DDX23, an evolutionary conserved dsRNA sensor, participates in innate antiviral responses by pairing with TRIF or MAVS. Front Immunol. 10:2202.
5. Luo L, Lu J, Wang Q, Chen S, Xu A*, Yuan S*. 2018. Autophagy participates in innate immune defense in lamprey. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 83:416-424.
6. Jia X#, Yuan S#, Wang Y#, Fu Y, Ge Y, Ge Y, Lan X, Feng Y, Qiu F, Li P, Chen S, Xu A*. 2017. The role of alternative polyadenylation in the antiviral innate immune response. Nat Commun. 24:14605-14617.
7. Huang S#, Tao X#, Yuan S#, Zhang Y, Li P, Beilinson HA, Zhang Y, Yu W, Pontarotti P, Escriva H, Le Petillon Y, Liu X, Chen S, Schatz DG, Xu A*. 2016. Discovery of an Active RAG Transposon Illuminates the Origins of V(D)J Recombination. Cell. 166:102-14.
8. Yuan S#, Zheng T#, Li P, Yang R, Ruan J, Huang S, Wu Z, Xu A. 2015.Characterization of Amphioxus IFN Regulatory Factor Family Reveals an Archaic Signaling Framework for Innate Immune Response. J Immunol. 95(12):5657-66.
9. Peng J, Tao X, Li R, Hu J, Ruan J, Wang R, YangM, Yang R, Dong X, Chen S, Xu A and Yuan S*. 2015. Novel TIR adaptors act as negative regulators in amphioxus TLR signaling. J Immunol. 195:3110-8.
10. Yuan S, Ruan J, Huang S, Chen S, Xu A. 2015. Amphioxus as a model for investigating evolution of the vertebrate immune system. Dev Comp Immunol.48:297-305.
11. Yuan S#, Dong X#, Tao X, Xu L, Ruan J, Peng J, Xu A. 2014. Emergence of the A20/ABIN-mediated inhibition of NF-κB signaling via modifying the ubiquitinated proteins in a basal chordate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:6720-5.
12. Yuan S*, Tao X, Huang S, Chen S, Xu A*. 2014. Comparative immune systems in animals. Annu. Rev. Anim. Biosci. 2:235–58.
13. Yuan S#, Zhang J#, Zhang L, Huang L, Peng J, Huang S, Chen S, Xu A*. 2013. The archaic roles of the amphioxus NF-κB/IκB complex in innate immune responses. J Immunol. 191:1220-30.
14. Yang M#, Yuan S#, Huang S, Li J, Xu L, Huang H, Tao X, Peng J, Xu A*. 2011. Characterization of bbtTICAM from amphioxus suggests the emergence of a MyD88-independent pathway in basal chordate. Cell Res. 10:1410-23.
15. Xu L#, Yuan S#, Li J, Huang S, Ruan J, Yang M, Huang H, Chen S, Ren Z, Xu A*. 2011. The conservation and uniqueness of the Caspase family in the basal chordate amphioxus. 2011. BMC Biol. 9:60.
16. Li J#, Yuan S#, Qi L, Huang S, Huang G, Yang M, Xu L, Li Y, Zhang R, Yu Y, Chen S, Xu A*. 2011. Functional conservation and innovation of amphioxus RIP1-mediated signaling in cell fate determination. J Immunol. 187:3962-71. ?
17. Yuan S, Liu H, Gu M, Xu L, Huang S, Ren Z, Xu A*. 2010. Characterization of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway in the basal chordate amphioxus. Sci. Signal. 3, ra66.
18. Yuan S#, Wu K#, Yang M, Xu L, Huang L, Liu H, Tao X, Huang S, Xu A*. 2010. Amphioxus SARM involved in neural development may function as a suppressor of TLR signaling. J Immunol. 184:6874-81.
19. Yuan S, Liu T, Huang S, Wu T, Huang L, Liu H, Tao X, Yang M, Wu K, Yu Y, Dong M, Xu A*. 2009. Genomic and functional uniqueness of the TNF receptor-associated factor gene family in amphioxus, the basal chordate. J Immunol. 183:4560-8.
10. Yuan S#,Huang S#, Zhang W, Wu T, Dong M, Yu Y, Liu T, Wu K, Liu H, Yang M, Zhang H, Xu A*. 2009. An amphioxus TLR with dynamic embryonic expression pattern responses to pathogens and activates NF-kappaB pathway via MyD88. Mol Immunol. 46:2348-56.
21. Yuan S, Yu Y, Huang S, Liu T, Wu T, Dong M, Chen S, Yu Y, Xu A*. 2007. Bbt-TNFR1 and Bbt-TNFR2, two tumor necrosis factor receptors from Chinese amphioxus involve in host defense. Mol Immunol. 44:756-62.
1. 2014‐2015 免疫学学科发展报告, 负责“比较免疫学学科发展”章节的撰写,科学出版社,2015
2. 《Amphioxus Immunity: Tracing the Origins of Human Immunity》,Elsevier,2015 (撰写该书第五章和第十一章)

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