

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20


Submitted on 周四, 04/18/2019 - 09:45








2004.09 — 2008.06?? 中山大学,生态学专业,获理学学士学位,中山大学优秀毕业生;
2008.09 — 2013.06?? 中山大学,生物化学与分子生物学专业,导师施苏华教授,获理学博士学位,教育部博士研究生学术新人奖;
2013.08 — 2015.12?? 中山大学,生命科学学院,博士后;
2016.01 — 2018.12?? 中山大学,生命科学学院,特聘研究员;
2019.01 至今 ????????????? 中山大学,生命科学学院,副教授。

??? 物种形成与生物多样性,以及适应性进化机制,是生态学研究中的两个基本问题。我致力于将基因组学、生物信息学、地学、计算生物学等学科的工具和数据带入到生态学研究当中,以红树林等生态系统为主要研究对象,在物种形成理论和基因组适应性进化研究领域产出了一系列重要成果。目前已在National Science Review、Molecular Biology and Evolution、Global Change Biology等国际一流期刊发表研究论文20余篇。
??? 近期发表在National Science Review的研究论文提出并验证了一种全新的物种形成模型MIM Model,发现海平面变化导致的间断性基因流是促进物种形成的一种有效机制,并推动印度-西太平洋区域成为全球生物多样性热点区域。此研究成功地挑战了过去七十年来解释物种形成的标准模型的地位,获得国际进化生物学权威认可,被誉为对物种形成研究领域的重要贡献(Rieseberg, 2019 Natl. Sci. Rev.)。论文被ESI热点论文和高被引论文数据库收录。发表在PLoS Genetics的研究论文,从群体基因组水平解决了学术界长期争议的模式物种水稻两个亚种是单起源还是多起源的问题。该成果一经发表就受到广泛关注,纽约时报、Discover等媒体进行了报道,被Nature、Cell等期刊引用一百余次。

??? 主持中国博士后科学基金面上资助和特别资助项目各1项、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目和面上项目各1项,以主要参与者参加国家重点重大项目3项。

Selected Publications

Shaohua Xu, Jiayan Wang, Zixiao Guo, Ziwen He*, Suhua Shi*. Genomic convergence in the adaptation to extreme environments. Plant Communications, 2020, 1(6):100117.
Xinfeng Wang#, Ziwen He#, Suhua Shi*, Chung-I Wu*. Genes and speciation: is it time to abandon the biological species concept? National Science Review, 2020, 7(8):1387-1397.
Ziwen He#, Shaohua Xu#, Zhang Zhang#, Wuxia Guo, Haomin Lyu, Cairong Zhong, David E Boufford, Norman C Duke, The International Mangrove Consortium, Suhua Shi*. Convergent adaptation of the genomes of woody plants at the land–sea interface. National Science Review. 2020, 7(6):978–993.
Ziwen He#, Shaohua Xu#, Suhua Shi*. Adaptive convergence at the genomic level—prevalent, uncommon or very rare? National Science Review. 2020, 7(6):947–951.
Xiao Feng#, Shaohua Xu#, Jianfang Li#, Yuchen Yang, Qipian Chen, Haomin Lyu, Cairong Zhong, Ziwen He*, Suhua Shi*.?Molecular adaptation to salinity fluctuation in tropical intertidal environments of a mangrove tree Sonneratia alba. BMC Plant Biology. 2020, 20:178.
Qingjian Chen, Ziwen He, Ao Lan, Xu Shen, Haijun Wen*, Chung-I Wu*. Molecular evolution in large steps—codon substitutions under positive selection. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2019, 36(9):1862-1873.
Ziwen He, Xinnian Li, Ming Yang, Xinfeng Wang, Cairong Zhong, Norman C Duke, Chung-I Wu*, Suhua Shi*. Speciation with gene flow via cycles of isolation and migration: Insights from multiple mangrove taxa. National Science Review. 2019, 6(2):275-288.
Zixiao Guo#, Xinnian Li#, Ziwen He#, Yuchen Yang, Wenqing Wang, Cairong Zhong, Anthony J. Greenberg, Chung-I Wu, Norman C. Duke, Suhua Shi*. Extremely low genetic diversity across mangrove taxa reflects past sea level changes and hints at poor future responses. Global Change Biology. 2018, 24(4):1741-1748.
Haomin Lyu#, Xinnian Li#, Zixiao Guo, Ziwen He*, Suhua Shi. De novo assembly and annotation of the Avicennia officinalis L. transcriptome. Marine Genomics. 2018, 39:3-6.
Haomin Lyu, Ziwen He, Chung-I. Wu,?Suhua Shi*. Convergent adaptive evolution in marginal environments: unloading transposable elements as a common strategy among mangrove genomes, New Phytologist.?2018, 217:428-438.
Shaohua Xu#, Ziwen He#, Zixiao Guo, Zhang Zhang, Gerald J. Wyckoff, Anthony Greenberg, Chung-I. Wu*, Suhua Shi*. Genome-wide convergence during evolution of mangroves from woody plants. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2017, 34(4):1008-1015.
Shaohua Xu#, Ziwen He#, Zhang Zhang#, Zixiao Guo#, Wuxia Guo, Haomin Lyu, Jianfang Li, Ming Yang, Zhenglin Du, Yelin Huang, Renchao Zhou, Cairong Zhong, David E Boufford, Manuel Lerdau, Chung-I Wu, Norman C Duke, The International Mangrove Consortium, Suhua Shi*. The origin, diversification and adaptation of a major mangrove clade (Rhizophoreae) revealed by whole-genome sequencing. National Science Review. 2017, 4(5):721-734.
Ming Yang#, Ziwen He#, Yelin Huang, Lu Lu, Yubin Yan, Lan Hong, Hao Shen, Ying Liu, Qiang Guo, Lu Jiang, Yanwu Zhang, Anthony J. Greenberg, Renchao Zhou, Xuejun Ge, Chung‐I Wu*, Suhua Shi*. The emergence of the hyperinvasive vine, Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae), via admixture and founder events inferred from population transcriptomics. Molecular Ecology. 2017, 26(13):3405-3423.
Ming Yang, Ziwen He, Suhua Shi*, Chung-I. Wu*. Can genomic data alone tell us whether speciation happened with gene flow? Molecular Ecology. 2017, 26(11):2845-2849.
Zhang Zhang#, Ziwen He#, Shaohua Xu, Xinnian Li, Wuxia Guo, Yuchen Yang, Cairong Zhong, Renchao Zhou*, Suhua Shi*. Transcriptome analyses provide insights into the phylogeny and adaptive evolution of the mangrove fern genus Acrostichum. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:35634.
Ziwen He#, Zhang Zhang#, Wuxia Guo, Ying Zhang, Renchao Zhou, Suhua Shi*. De Novo Assembly of Coding Sequences of the Mangrove Palm (Nypa fruticans) Using RNA-Seq and Discovery of Whole-Genome Duplications in the Ancestor of Palms. PLoS One. 2015, 10(12):e**.
Ziwen He, Xinnian Li, Shaoping Ling, Yun-Xin Fu, Eric Hungate, Suhua Shi*, Chung-I. Wu*. Estimating DNA polymorphism from next generation sequencing data with high error rate by dual sequencing applications. BMC Genomics. 2013, 14(1):535.
Ziwen He#, Weiwei Zhai#, Haijun Wen#, Tian Tang, Yu Wang, Xuemei Lu, Anthony J. Greenberg, Richard R. Hudson, Chung-I Wu*, Suhua Shi*. Two Evolutionary Histories in the Genome of Rice: the Roles of Domestication Genes. PLoS Genetics. 2011, 7(6):e**.
# co-first author??? * corresponding author

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