? ? ? ?中山大学“****”教授、博士生导师。博士毕业于清华大学化学系(师从李艳梅教授),曾在德国莱布尼茨研究所、美国马里兰大学、凯斯西储大学医学院和加州大学圣地亚哥分校进行博士后训练和工作,于2020年9月全职加入中山大学药学院(深圳),任课题组组长。以第一作者在JACS、J. Med. Chem.、 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Cell Chem. Biol.、Adv.Funct.Mater.、ACS Cent. Sci.、Adv. Sci., Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev.等发表论文20余篇。
? ? ? ?课题组主要发展针对重大疾病(如癌症和传染性疾病)的新型疫苗和免疫治疗新策略,为疾病的预防和治疗探索新的方法。主要研究思路是应用传统的药物化学和有机合成,结合现代生物技术与纳米医学等,开展多学科交叉研究,发展免疫治疗新策略。
(1)2001.09-2005.06? 湖南大学化学化工学院 ???????????获学士学位
(2)2005.09-2011.06? 清华大学化学系 ??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??获博士学位
(1)2011.07-2012.07? 清华大学化学系 ??????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ?博士后
(2)2012.08-2014.12? 德国莱布尼茨分析科学研究所 ? ? 博士后
(3)2015.02-2017.05? 美国马里兰大学 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?博士后
(4)2017.06-2018.06? 美国凯斯西储大学医学院 ? ? ? ? ? ??博士后
(5)2018.07-2020.02? 加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校 ? ??助理项目科学家
(6)2020.09至今 ????中山大学药学院(深圳) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?教授
科研项目中山大学**** ??2020.09-2023.08??? 主持人。
代表论著(1)?? Young Hun Chung#, Hui Cai#, Nicole F. Steinmetz. Viral nanoparticles for drug delivery, imaging, immunotherapy, and theranostic applications. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2020, in press. #Co-first author. (IF = 13.3)
(2)?? Hui Cai, Sourabh Shukla, Nicole F. Steinmetz. The Antitumor Efficacy of CpG Oligonucleotides is Improved by Encapsulation in Plant Virus-like Particles. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, **. (IF = 16.8)
(3)?? Hui Cai, Sourabh Shukla, Chao Wang, Hema Masarapu, Nicole F. Steinmetz. Heterologous prime boost enhances the antitumor immune response elicited by plant virus carrying a HER2 epitope. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 16, 6509-6518. (IF = 14.695) Selected as JACS front cover; Highlighted by Nature Review Materials (Research Highlights, DOI: 10.1038/s41578-019-0119-y).
(4)?? Hui Cai, Chao Wang, Sourabh Shukla, Nicole F. Steinmetz. Cowpea mosaic virus immunotherapy combined with cyclophosphamide reduces breast cancer tumor burden and inhibits lung metastasis. Adv. Sci. 2019, **. (IF = 15.804)
(5)?? Hui Cai, Roushu Zhang, Jared Orewenyo, John Giddens, Qiang Yang, Celia C. LaBranche, David C. Montefiori, Lai-Xi Wang. Multivalent antigen presentation enhances the immunogenicity of a synthetic three-component HIV-1 V3 glycopeptide vaccine. ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4, 582-589. (IF = 12.7)
(6)?? Hui Cai; Zhan-Yi Sun; Mei-Sha Chen; Yu-Fen Zhao; Horst Kunz; Yan-Mei Li. Synthetic Multivalent Glycopeptide-Lipopeptide Antitumor Vaccines: Impact of the Cluster Effect on the Killing of Tumor Cells. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1699-1703. (IF = 12.96) Selected as Hot Paper.
(7)?? Hui Cai; Mei-Sha Chen; Zhan-Yi Sun; Yu-Fen Zhao; Horst Kunz; Yan-Mei Li. Self - Adjuvanting Synthetic Antitumor Vaccines from MUC1 Glycopeptides Conjugated to T - Cell Epitopes from Tetanus Toxoid. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6106-6110. (IF = 12.96)
(8)?? Hui Cai+; Zhi-Hua Huang+; Lei Shi; Yu-Fen Zhao; Horst Kunz; Yan-Mei Li.?Variation of the Glycosylation Pattern in MUC1 Glycopeptide BSA Vaccines and Its Influence on the Immune Response. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 1719-1723. (IF = 12.96)
(9)?? Hui Cai, Roushu Zhang, Jared Orewenyo, John Giddens, Qiang Yang, Celia C. LaBranche, David C. Montefiori, Lai-Xi Wang. Synthetic HIV V3 glycopeptide Immunogen carrying a N334 N-glycan induces glycan-dependent antibodies with promiscuous site recognition. J. Med. Chem., 2018, 61 (22), 10116-10125. (IF = 6.2)
(10) MHui Cai, Jared Orewenyo, John Giddens, Qiang Yang, Roushu Zhang, Celia C. LaBranche, David C. Montefiori, Lai-Xi Wang. Synthetic three-component HIV-1 V3 glycopeptide immunogens induce glycan-dependent antibody responses. Cell Chem. Biol. 2017, 24, 1513-1522. (IF = 7.74) Reported by ScienceDaily: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/10/**5.htm
(11) Hui Cai, Jared Orewenyo, Javier Guenaga, John Giddens, Christian Toonstra, Richard Wyatt, Lai-Xi Wang. Synthetic multivalent V3 glycopeptides display enhanced recognition by glycan-dependent HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 5453-5456. (IF = 5.996)
(12) Hui Cai; Zhi-Hua Huang; Lei Shi; Yu-Fen Zhao; Horst Kunz; Yan-Mei Li. Towards a Fully Synthetic MUC1-Based Anticancer Vaccine: Efficient Conjugation of Glycopeptides with Mono-, Di-, and Tetravalent Lipopeptides Using Click Chemistry. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 6396-6406. (IF = 4.86)
(13) Hui Cai; Zhan-Yi Sun; Zhi-Hua Huang; Lei Shi; Yu-Fen Zhao; Horst Kunz; Yan-Mei Li. Fully Synthetic Self-Adjuvanting Thioether-Conjugated Glycopeptide-Lipopeptide Antitumor Vaccines for the Induction of Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity against Tumor Cells. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 1962-1970. (IF = 4.86)
(14) Sourabh Shukla, He Hu, Hui Cai, Soo-Khim Chan, Christine E. Boone, Veronique Beiss, Paul L. Chariou, and Nicole F. Steinmetz*. Plant viruses and bacteriophage-based reagents for diagnosis and therapy. Annu. Rev. Virol. 2020. 7:559-587.
(15) Natalia T. Freund, Haoqing Wang, Louise Scharf, Lilian Nogueira, Joshua A. Horwitz, Yotam Bar-On, Jovana Golijanin, Stuart A. Sievers, Devin Sok, Hui Cai, Julio C. Cesar Lorenzi, Ariel Halper-Stromberg, Ildiko Toth, Alicja Piechocka- Trocha, Harry B. Gristick, Marit J. van Gils, Rogier W. Sanders, Lai-Xi Wang, Michael S. Seaman, Dennis R. Burton, Anna Gazumyan, Bruce D. Walker, Anthony P. West Jr., Pamela J. Bjorkman, Michel C. Nussenzweig. Coexistence of potent HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies and antibody-sensitive viruses in a viremic controller. Sci. Transl. Med. 2017, 9, eaal2144. (IF = 17.161)
(16) Zhi-Hua Huang; Lei Shi; Jing-Wen Ma; Zhan-Yi Sun; Hui Cai; Yong-Xiang Chen; Yu-Fen Zhao; Horst Kunz; Yan-Mei Li.?a Totally Synthetic, Self-Assembling, Adjuvant-Free MUC1 Glycopeptide Vaccine for Cancer Therapy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134(21), 8730-8733. (IF = 14.695)
(17) Anton Kaiser; Nikola Gaidzik; Torsten Becker; Clara Menge.; Kai Groh; Hui Cai; Yan-Mei Li; Bastian Gerlitzki; Edgar Schmitt; Horst Kunz. Fully Synthetic Vaccines Consisting of Tumor-Associated MUC1 Glycopeptides and a Lipopeptide Ligand of the Toll-like Receptor?2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3688-3692. (IF = 12.96)