电子邮箱chengf9@mail.sysu.edu.cn, **@qq.com
1996年-2001年 ???华中科技大学同济医学院临床医学专业本科毕业,获学士学位
2001年-2004年 ???华中科技大学同济医学院病原生物学专业硕士研究生毕业,获硕士学位
2004年-2012年 ???赫尔辛基大学医学院肿瘤生物学专业博士研究生毕业,获博士学位
2012年-2016年 ???芬兰奥博大学赫尔辛基大学医学院肿瘤生物学专业博士研究生毕业,获博士学位
2014年-2016年 ,芬兰科学院和奥博大学生物科学方向,博士后兼独立研究员
2016年-2017年 ,芬兰奥博大学科学与技术学院,助理教授
本科生课程: 基础生物学、药物发展史、人体解剖生理学
研究生课程: 干细胞与新药创制、高级药理学
【03】2018年度Sigrid Juselius Foundation,项目编号:FIN**,角色:主持,状态:进行中
【05】2017年度中山大学重大项目培育和新兴、交叉学科 资助计划项目,项目编号:17ykjc05,角色:参与,状态:进行中
Fang Cheng, John E. Eriksson, Intermediate Filaments and the Regulation of Cell Motility during Regeneration and Wound Healing. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol (冷泉港实验室出版社),doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022046, 共391页, 2017
1.????? Xu C,*, Zhang B, Wang X, Cheng F*, Xu W, Molino P, Bacher M, Rosenau T, Willf?r S, Wallace G*. (2018) 3D printing of nanocellulose hydrogel scaffold with tuneable mechanical strength towards wound healing application. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, accepted.
2.????? Chen X, Zhang L, Jiang Y, Song L, Liu Y, Cheng F, Fan X, Cao X, Gong A, Wang D*, Zhu H*. (2018) Radiotherapy-induced cell death activates paracrine HMGB1-TLR2 signaling and accelerates pancreatic carcinoma metastasis. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research, 37: 77.
3.????? Mohammad I, Nousiainen K, Bhosale S , Starskaia I , Moulder R, Rokka A, Cheng F, Mohanasundaram P, Eriksson J, Goodlett D, L?hdesm?ki H, Chen Z. (2018) Quantitative proteomic characterization and comparison of T helper 17 and induced regulatory T cells. PLOS Biology, 16(5): e**.
4.????? Sj?qvist M.#, Antfolk D.#, Cheng F. #, Isoniemi K., Duran C., Rivero-Muller A., Antila C., Niemi R., Landor S., Bouten C., Bayless K., Eriksson J.E. and Sahlgren C. (2017) Selective regulation of Notch ligands during angiogenesis is mediated by vimentin. PNAS, 114(23):E4574-E4581.
5.????? Sahlgren C., Meinander A., Zhang H.,, Cheng F., Preis M., Xu C., Salminen T., Toivola D,? Abankwa D., Rosling A, Karaman D.? Salo-Ahen O., ?sterbacka R., Eriksson J., Willf?r S., Petre I., Peltonen J., Leino R., Johnson M., , Rosenholm J., and Sandler N. (2017) Tailored Approaches in Drug Development and Diagnostics: From Molecular Design to Biological Model Systems. Advanced Healthcare Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adhm..
6.????? Jiu Y., Peranen J., Schaible N., Cheng F., Eriksson J., Krishnan R., and Lappalainen P. (2017) Vimentin intermediate filaments control actin stress fiber assembly through GEF-H1 and RhoA. J Cell Sci, 130: 892-902
7.????? Cheng F., Shen Y., Mohanasundaram P., Lindstr?m M., Ivaska J., Ny T., and Eriksson J.E. (2016) Vimentin coordinates fibroblast proliferation and keratinocyte differentiation in wound healing via TGFb-Slug signaling. PNAS 113(30):4320-4327
8.????? Wang X.*, Cheng F.*, Liu J., Sm?tt J., Gepperth D., Lastusaari M., Xu C. and Hupa L. (2016) Biocomposites of copper-containing mesoporous bioactive glass and nanofibrillated cellulose for chronic wound healing. Acta Biomater 46:286-298
9.????? Liu J., Cheng F., Grénman H., Spoljaric S.,, Sepp?l? J., Eriksson J.E., Willf?r S., and Xu C. (20176) Development of nanocellulose scaffolds with tunable structures to support 3D cell culture. Carbohydrate Polymers, 148:259-271.
10.? Liu J., Chinga-Carrasco G., Cheng F., Xu W., Willf?r S., Syverud K. and Xu C. (2016) Hemicellulose-reinforced nanocellulose hydrogels for wound healing applications. Cellulose: 4320-4327
11.? Virtakoivu R., Mai A., Mattila E., De Franceschi N., Imanishi S. Y., Corthals G., Kaukonen R., Saari M., Cheng F., Torvaldson E., Kosma V. M., Mannermaa A., Muharram G., Gilles C., Eriksson J., Soini Y., Lorens J. B., and Ivaska J. (2015) Vimentin-ERK signaling uncouples Slug gene regulatory function. Cancer Res. 75(11):2349-2362
12.? Bj?rk J.K.#, ?kerfelt M#., Joutsen J., Puustinen M.C., Cheng F., Sistonen L., Nees M. (2015). Heat shock factor 2 is a suppressor of prostate cancer invasion. Oncogene 35: 1770–1784
13.? Shen Y., Cheng F., Sharma M., Merkulova Y., Raithatha S.A., Parkinson L.G., Zhao H., Westendorf K., Bohunek L., Bozin T., Hsu I., Ang L.S., Williams S.J., Bleackley R.C., Eriksson J.E., Seidman M.A., McManus B.M., and Granville D.J. (2016). Granzyme B Deficiency Protects against Angiotensin II-Induced Cardiac Fibrosis. The American Journal of Pathology 186(1):87-100.
14.? Jiu Y., Lehtim?ki J., Tojkander S., Cheng F., J??linoja H., Liu X., Varjosalo M., Eriksson J., Lappalainen P. (2015). Bidirectional interplay between vimentin intermediate filaments and contractile actin stress fibers. Cell Reports 11: 1511–1518
15.? Seltmann K., Cheng F., Wiche G., Eriksson J. E., and Magin T. M. (2015) Keratins stabilize hemidesmosomes through regulation of beta4-Integrin turnover. J Invest Dermatol. 135:1609-1620
16.? Cheng F., Pekkonen P., and Ojala P.M. (2012) Instigation of Notch signaling in the pathogenesis of Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus and other human tumor viruses. Future Microbio 7:1191-1205.
17.? Cheng F. , Pekkonen P. , Laurinavicius S., Sugiyama N., Henderson S., Gunther T., Rantanen V., Kaivanto E., Aavikko M., Sarek G., Hautaniemi S., Biberfeld P., Aaltonen L., Grundhoff A., Boshoff C., Alitalo K., Lehti K., and Ojala P.M. (2011). KSHV-initiated notch activation leads to membrane-type-1 matrix metalloproteinase-dependent lymphatic endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Cell Host Microbe 10, 577-590.
18.? Cheng F., Weidner-Glunde M., Varjosalo M., Rainio E. M., Lehtonen A., Schulz T. F., Koskinen P. J., Taipale J., and Ojala P. M. (2009). KSHV reactivation from latency requires Pim-1 and Pim-3 kinases to inactivate the latency-associated nuclear antigen LANA. PloS Pathogens 5, e**.
19.? Varjosalo M. #, Bjorklund M. #, Cheng F., Syvanen H., Kivioja T., Kilpinen S., Sun Z., Kallioniemi O., Stunnenberg H. G., He W. W., Ojala P., and Taipale J. (2008). Application of active and kinase-deficient kinome collection for identification of kinases regulating hedgehog signaling. Cell 133, 537-548.