本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-29
Manuel de Jesús Velázquez León
Manuel de Jesús Velázquez León has a BA in Education, a PhD in Pedagogical Sciences and is a Full Professor. He is a lecturer on studies of the English-speaking cultures in the formation of university students that will use English as a tool in their profession. For years, he was the Chair of the Academic Discipline History of the English-Speaking Cultures of Cuban universities. Velázquez León is a James Madison Fellow, a Visiting Scholar of the University of McGill, and has lectured in the universities of Western Ontario, McGill and Sherbrook. He has written numerous articles and a couple of books on his field as well as a thesis on moral education. As Vice-President of the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance and Editor in Chief of the bilingual magazine, The Ambassador, Velázquez León translated and published many books and anthologies. At present, he works on a trilogy of books on the history and culture of the English-speaking cultures. He considers that, whenever possible, class experiences must be expanded to the students’ personal and social experiences in a productive conflict with the English-speaking cultures that contributes to the students’ integral education as conscious moral members of society.
PhD in English, December 2010, University of Holguín, Cuba
Academic research and publications
Professor Velázquez León researches on potentialities of English-speaking cultures for the formation of university students that will use English as a tool for their profession. He is working on a trilogy of books on the English-speaking cultures. The first, The English Saga, was published in 2016. The first volume of the second book, The American Saga, came out in 2018. Professor Velázquez León is working on the second volume of this book.
Main academic publications:
·“Desafíos de la educación valoral.”Revista Electrónica Luz. UCP José de la Luz y Caballero. Holguín 2007. ISSN 1814-151.X
·“?Qué valores fomentar? Reflexiones desde una experiencia educativa con la ética martiana.”Número especial de laRevista Electrónica Luz dedicado a José Martí. UCP José de la Luz y Caballero. ISSN 1814-151.X
·Beyond Poetry: Experiences in Values Education. Editorial Educación Cubana. Ciudad de la Habana, 2007, ISBN: 978-959-18-0353-5
·“Experiences in Values Education.” Sixth International Conference in Foreign Languages, Communication & Culture, 2008. ISBN 978-959-16-0666-2
·Programa Nacional de la Disciplina Historia de la Cultura de los Pueblos de Habla Inglesa para las universidades de ciencias pedagógicas. MINED, Habana, 2010.
·La educación valoral en la disciplina Historia de la cultura de los pueblos de habla inglesa. Doctoral Thesis. University of Pedagogical Sciences, José de la Luz y Caballero, 2010
·Velázquez León M. y Y. Pérez Sarduy. “Searching for the Canadian Poetic Soul: A Values Education Experience in the Cuban EFL Class.” WEFLA 2010. ISBN: 978-959-16-1205-2
·Velázquez León M. y Y. Pérez Sarduy. “Canadian Studies in the Values Education of Cuban English Teachers.” Fifth International Seminar on Canadian Studies. ISBN: 978-959-16-1329-5
·Velázquez León M., Y. Pérez Sarduy y A. Pérez Luengo. “Procedimientos didácticos para la educación moral de los profesionales de la educación en su formación universitaria.” Universidad 2012, Universidad de Holguín abril 2011. ISBN: 978-959-16-1343-1
·Velázquez León M. de J. y Y. Pérez Sarduy. “Las cooperativas en Canadá: experiencias a tener en cuenta.” VI Seminario Internacional sobre estudios canadienses. WEFLA, Universidad de Holguín, abril 2012 ISBN: 978-959-16-1537-4
·“The Window to Let in the Light: Literary Translations, Art and Science.” WEFLA, Universidad de Holguín, abril 2012 ISBN: 978-959-16-1537-4
·“Non-Native Accent of English as a Foreign Language: a Habits-Based Approach.” WEFLA 2013, ISBN: 978-959-16-2282-2
·“West Coast Poetry.” WEFLA 2013, ISBN: 978-959-16-1961-1
·“Canadian Literature in Cuban Teacher-Training Classes.” WEFLA 2014, ISBN: 978-959-16-2282-2
·“Likeness and Distinction in Building Bicultural Awareness” WEFLA 2015, ISBN: 978-959-16-1961-1
·“Didactic Tool to Improve English Pronunciation Habits of Learners of English as a Foreign Language,” Conferencia Internacional sobre Lengua y Cultura 2015, ISBN: 978-959-16-1961-1
·The English Saga: History of the English-Speaking Cultures I. Editorial Pueblo y Educación. Ciudad de la Habana, 2015. ISBN ISBN 978-959-13-2864-9
·Sarduy Pérez Y., Harper J. and Velázquez León, M. “Teaching-Learning Anglophone Cultures at the University of Pedagogical Sciences of Holguín and at the ELC of Shantou University: A Comparative Study.” Studies in English Language Teaching. ISSN 2329-311X (Online) Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015, http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/selt/issue/view/34; ISSN 2372-9740 (Print)
·“Journey to the Roots: First Nations Poetry in the Voices of Pauline Johnson and Louise Halfe.” X International Seminar on Canadian Studies. ISBN 978-959-16-3075-9
·“The Declaration of Independence of the United States: Meanings and Significance in its 140thAnniversary.” X International Seminar on Canadian Studies. ISBN 978-959-16-3075-9
·“First Nations Realms and Heavens.” X International Seminar on Canadian Studies. ISBN 978-959-16-3075-9
·Pérez Sarduy, Y. and M. Velázquez León. “Bridging ELI Theory and Practice: Innovations and Reservations in the Digital Age.” ILC Conference, Shantou University, 2016
·“Teaching English Culture to Professionals Who Use English as a Tool:The English Saga; Results of Research and Teaching Praxis.” University of Holguin, 2017. ISBN: 978-959-16-3272-2
·“Profetas y apóstoles de Cuba y Canadá. José Martí y Louis Riel.” Doyle, D. / Velázquez León, M. Anuario 39 del Centro de Estudios Martianos. ISSN: 0864-1358; ISBN: 978-959-271-260-7
Main Literary Publications
·Intimate Strangers II. The Shores of Time. Hidden Brook Press. ISBN 1-894553-73-X. Toronto, 2006
·Our Brooks Flow from Here. Hidden Brook Press. ISBN 978-1-894553-84. Toronto, 2006.
·Borderless Skies. Hidden Brook Press. ISBN 978-1-894553-78-0. Toronto, 2007
·Sweet Cuba: The Building of a Poetic Tradition 1608-1958.Hidden Brook Press. ISBN 978-1-897475-53-9 Toronto, 2010.
·The Ambassador(Bilingual magazine, General Editor and Translator) ALCC. ISSN 110-7954. Toronto.
·Taste of the Rainbow.(Editor and translator) SandCrab Books. ISBN: 978-1-897475-75-1. Toronto, 2011
·Tales for Pablo. Hidden Brook Press. ISBN 978-1-897475-74-4. Toronto, 2011
·A Thief of Impeccable Taste.(Editor and translator) SandCrab Books. ISBN: 978-1-897475-78-2. Toronto, 2012
·Palm Fronds.(Editor and translator) SandCrab Books. ISBN: 978-1-897475-84-3. Toronto, 2012.
·Cuban Secrets.(Editor and translator) SandCrab Books. ISBN: 978-1-897475-82-9. Toronto, 2012.
·Tales for Pablo.(Author, editor and translator) SandCrab Books. ISBN: 978-1-897475-74-5. Toronto, 2013.
·Concave Mirrors.(Editor and translator) Bridges Series. SandCrab Books. ISBN: 978-1-927725-03-0. Toronto, 2013.
·Bottom of the Wine Jar.(Editor and translator) Bridges Series. SandCrab Books. ISBN: 978-1-927725-46-7. Toronto, 2016
·Memorable Moments of the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance in its XII Anniversary. University of Holguin, 2016. ISBN: 978-959-16-3272-2
·Canadian Mystique in Leonard Cohen’s Poetry and Music. University of Holguin, 2017. ISBN: 978-959-16-3272-2
·The American Saga: History of the English-Speaking Cultures II Volume I. Conciencia Ediciones. Holguin, Cuba 2018. ISBN: 978-959-7237-14-3
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