王新峦女 研究员 博导中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院
电子邮件: xl.wang@siat.ac.cn
通信地址: 深圳市南山区西丽大学城学苑大道1068号
邮政编码: 518055
(1) 骨科基础研究青年奖, 三等奖, 专项, 2018(2) 抗骨质疏松传统中药现代化研究及其应用, 二等奖, 部委级, 2013专利成果
( 1 ) 植物淫羊藿活性成分淫羊藿素的提取与预防激素性骨坏死的研发, 发明, 2008, 第 4 作者, 专利号: US61/197319( 2 ) 携载缓释天然小分子淫羊藿素的快速成形骨支架的研发, 实用新型, 2008, 第 4 作者, 专利号: US61/125378( 3 ) Novel injectable bone targeted liposome formulation for delivering icaritin to bone formation surface for bone anabolic therapy, 实用新型, 2011, 第 5 作者, 专利号: US61/625510( 4 ) 骨靶向脂质体及其制备方法, 发明, 2016, 第 5 作者, 专利号: PCT/CN2012/081355( 5 ) 淫羊藿素在制备防治阿尔茨海默病药物中的应用, 发明, 2015, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL1.9( 6 ) 补骨脂定在抑制脂肪细胞分化、形成及其功能中的应用, 发明, 2017, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN3.0( 7 ) 一种可增加载药量的骨靶向纳米粒递送系统及其制备, 发明, 2017, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 4.3出版信息
(1)Osteogenic magnesium incorporated into PLGA/TCP porous scaffold by 3D printing for repairing challenging bone defect.,Biomaterials,2019,通讯作者(2)Effect and mechanism of psoralidin on promoting osteogenesis and inhibiting adipogenesis.,Phytomedicine,2019,通讯作者(3)Porous composite scaffold incorporating osteogenic phytomolecule icariin for promoting skeletal regeneration in challenging osteonecrotic bone in rabbits.,Biomaterials,2018,通讯作者(4)A novel bone targeting delivery system carrying phytomolecule icaritin for prevention of steroid-associated osteonecrosis in rats.,Bone,2018,第1作者(5)Herbal Fufang Xian Ling Gu Bao prevents corticosteroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral headdA first multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.,Journal of Orthopaedic Translation,2018,其他(合作组作者)(6)Quantitative determination of residual 1,4-dioxane in three-dimensional printed bone scaffold,Journal of Orthopaedic Translation,2017,通讯作者(7)Differential response of bone and kidney to ACEI in db/db mice: A potential effect of captopril on accelerating bone loss.,Bone,2017,第7作者(8)Comparative study of two types of herbal capsules with different Epimedium species for the prevention of ovariectomised-induced osteoporosis in rats.,Journal of Orthopaedic Translation,2016,第1作者(9)Summary of various treatment options and potential therapies for osteonecrosis of the femoral head.,Journal of Orthopaedic Translation,2016,通讯作者(10)Src blockage prevents destructive repair in steroid-associated osteonecrosis.,JBMR,2015,通讯作者(11)In vivo Screening for Anti-osteoporotic Fraction from Extract of Herbal Formula Xianlinggubao in Ovariectomized Mice. ,PlosOne,2015,第1作者(12)Systemic Drug Delivery Systems for Bone Tissue Regeneration – A Mini Review.,Current Pharmaceutical Design,2015,第1作者(13)Bone defect animal models for testing efficacy of bone substitute biomaterials.,Journal of Orthopaedic Translation,2015,通讯作者(14)Src blockage by siRNA inhibits VEGF-induced vascular hyperpemeability and osteoclast activity - an in vitro mechanism study for preventing destructive repair of osteonecrosis.,Bone,2014,通讯作者(15)Dual effects of puerarin on promoting osteogenesis and inhibiting adipogenesis-an in vitro efficacy and mechanistic study.,Chinese Medicine,2013,通讯作者(16)Phytoestrogenic molecule desmethylicaritin suppressed adipogenesis via Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. ,European Journal of Pharmacology,2013,第1作者(17)Exogenous Phytoestrogenic Molecule Icaritin Incorporated into a Porous Scaffold for Enhancing Bone Defect Repair. ,J Orthop Res.,2012,第1作者(18)Comparative study of osteogenic potential of a composite scaffold incorporating either endogenous bone morphogenetic protein-2 or exogenous phytomolecule icaritin: An in vitro efficacy study. ,Acta Biomater. ,2012,第2作者(19)Promotion of bone repair by implantation of cryopreserved bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in a rabbit model of steroid-associated osteonecrosis,Arthritis and rheumatism ,2012,第2作者(20)Icaritin, an Exogenous Phytomolecule, Enhances Osteogenesis but Not Angiogenesis—An In Vitro Efficacy Study.,PlosOne,2012,第3作者(21)Osteogenic Effects of Flavonoid Aglycones from an Osteoprotective Fraction of Drynaria fortunei – An In Vitro Efficacy Study,Phytomedicine,2011,第1作者(22)Biodegradable CaMgZn bulk metallic glass for potential skeletal application,Acta Biomaterialia,2011,第4作者(23)Flavonol Glycosides from Epimedium pubescens,Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin,2011,第4作者(24)Impaired bone healing in rabbits with steroid-induced osteonecrosis,JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-BRITISH VOLUME,2011,第2作者(25)Triterpenoid saponins from Dipsacus asperoides and their activity research in vitro,Journal of Asian Natural Products Research,2011,第2作者(26)Promoted repair of steroid-associated osteonecrosis by implantation of cryopreserved bone marrow mononuclear cells in a rabbit model,Arthritis and Rheumatism,2011,第2作者(27)Total flavonoid fraction of the Herba epimedii extract suppresses urinary calcium excretion and improves bone properties in ovariectomised mice,BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION ,2011,第3作者(28)Phenylpropanoid and flavonoids from osteoprotective fraction of Drynaria fortune,Nature Product Research,2010,第1作者(29)Icariin protects against bone loss induced by oestrogen de?ciency and activates oestrogen receptor-dependent osteoblastic functions in UMR 106 cells,British Journal of Pharmacology,2010,通讯作者(30)A new compound with anti-oxidative activity from Seeds of Jatropha curcas,Chinese Herbal Medicines,2010,第2作者(31)Structural and degradation characteristics of an innovative porous PLGA/TCP scaffold incorporated with bioactive molecular icaritin,Biomedical Materials,2010,第2作者(32) Naringin improves bone properties in ovariectomized mice and exerts oestrogen-like activities in rat osteoblast-like (UMR-106) cells,British Journal of Pharmacology,2010,第2作者(33)Constitutional flavonoids derived from Epimedium dose-dependently reduce incidence of steroid-associated osteonecrosis not via direct action by themselves on potential cellular targets,Plos One,2009,第1作者(34)Two new flavonol glycosides from Epimedium Koreanum Nakai,Journal of Asian Natural products,2009,第2作者(35)Fabrication of a two-level tumor bone repair biomaterial based on a rapid prototyping technique,Biofabrication,2009,第2作者(36)A novel osteoprotective semisynthetic small molecule: icaritin inhibits both thrombosis and lipid-deposition for reducing incidence of experimental steroid-associated osteonecrosis in a dose-dependent manner,Bone,2009,第4作者(37)Epimedium-derived flavonoids promote osteoblastogenesis and suppress adipogenesis in bone marrow stromal cells while exerting an anabolic effect on osteoporotic bone,Bone,2009,第4作者(38)Antiosteoporotic Flavonoids from Drynaria Fortunei (Kunze) J. Sm. ,Chemistry and Pharm Bulletin,2008,第1作者科研活动
( 1 ) VEFG-Src信号阻断预防激素性骨坏死性骨修复的基础研究, 参与,国家级,2012-01--2015-12( 2 ) PLGA/TCP/Icariin复合骨生物材料制备及生物性能评估, 参与,省级,2011-01--2012-12( 3 ) 预防骨质疏松中药“仙灵骨葆胶囊”的二次开发, 参与,国家级,2011-01--2013-12( 4 ) 基于新型快速成型技术构建的活性骨修复材料修复难治愈性骨缺损的研究, 参与,国家级,2013-02--2016-01( 5 ) GSK-3β/β-catenin信号通路介导的淫羊藿素预防绝经后骨质疏松的机制研究, 主持,国家级,2014-01--2016-12( 6 ) 含中药分子的递送系统治疗骨性关节炎的研究, 主持,国家级,2015-05--2018-04( 7 ) 含有葛根素的新型医用生物支架用以修复骨关节炎中骨软骨缺损的研究, 主持,省级,2015-08--2017-08( 8 ) 祛风止痛胶囊预防去势大鼠骨质疏松的研究, 主持,院级,2016-02--2018-06( 9 ) 颈舒颗粒在颈椎病的药理作用研究, 主持,院级,2015-07--2017-07( 10 ) 具有骨关节修复与保健功能的活性物质研发, 主持,院级,2015-08--2017-12( 11 ) 生物活性节段骨缺损修复体的研制, 参与,国家级,2016-07--2020-12( 12 ) 仙灵骨葆通过雄激素信号通路增强骨骼肌功能的物质基础和作用机制研究, 主持,国家级,2018-01--2021-12( 13 ) 高脂血症分子机制及药学评估平台, 参与,省级,2017-07--2020-06参与会议
(1)股骨头骨坏死实验动物模型第10届中国骨科医师年会2017-05-12(2)Epimedium-Derived Flavonoids Reduce Incidence of Steroid-Associated Osteonecorsis via Their Metabolite(s) in vivo第一届国际华人骨研学会(ICMRS)-美国骨矿研究学会(ASBMR)国际华人骨科研究大会 Wang Xinluan, Zheng Lizhen, Wang Nan, Cao Huijuan, Zhang Ge, Qin Ling2013-05-22指导学生
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