

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-05






2. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,消费者参与品牌共创的作用机理及品牌共创平台的构建,2013年。
2. Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan. When Are the Buyers Willing to Post Comments on an Online Feedback System?the moderating effects of online interactivity between buyers and sellers, 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2016, Kunming, P.R.China,2016.6.24-6.26.EI检索
3. Liye Zhu,Zhihui Xie, Lin Yang.A Grounded Theory Approach to Consumer Engagement Practice in Virtual Brand Community,Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2016,Guangzhou,P.R.China, 2016.12.2-12.4.
4. Lin Yang, Liye Zhu. Research on the intervention of brand psychological contact violation perception,13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2016, Kunming, P.R.China,2016.6.24-6.26.EI检索
5.袁登华、王琦、朱丽叶.品牌推崇研究述评.外国经济与管理. 2016年第03期
6.朱丽叶,袁登华.全球化背景下消费者自我建构对国产与外国品牌评价的影响-产品类别的调节作用.成都大学学报. 2015(4): .19-25.
7. Yang Lin, Zhu Liye, Yang Li. Research on the Influence and Intervention of Brand Psychological Contract Violation on Customer Loyalty,12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2015, Guangzhou,P.R.China,2015.6.22-6.24.EI检索
8.朱丽叶,袁登华,卢泰宏.双重文化背景下消费者自我观对国产外国品牌偏好的影响.现代管理科学. 2014(5): 98-100.
10.朱丽叶.品牌意义的形成、测量与创新.战略决策研究. 2011(1) 46-52
12.朱丽叶.调节聚焦原理:动机理论的重大突破.广东外语外贸大学学报. 2010(1).
13.朱丽叶.调节聚焦理论及其在营销研究中的应用.经济经纬. 2009(5).
14.朱丽叶、卢泰宏.消费者自我建构研究述评.外国经济与管理. 2008(2)p42-50.
15.朱丽叶.老字号独特性品牌资产的来源与构成研究.经济经纬, 2008,1:117-120.



电邮:zhuliye97 @126.com

Zhu Liye (Associate Professor)
Personal Information
Name: Zhu Liye
Gender: Female
Birth: January,1972
Native Place: Hunan
Nationality: Han
Research Interest: Brand Management; Consumer Behavior

Courses Taught
Brand Management; Retailing; Principles of Marketing; Marketing Planning

2005.9-2009.6 Sun Yet-sen University, PhD Chinese Marketing and Consumer
1997.9-2000.6 Sun Yet-sen University, Master Business Management

2007.9-present Associate Professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, School of Management
2000.6-2005.6 Economist, China Telecom Guangdong Branch Market Research Department
1996.4-1997.9 Planning Director, Guangdong Radio and Television Station International Information Center (Far East Broadcasting Company)

Research Outputs
Projects hosted and participated:
1.Higher Education Teaching Research and Reform Project of Guangdong Province
2.The National Natural Science Fund project: Consumer participation mechanism and brand platform creation, 2013.
3.The Ministry of education of Humanities and social sciences research project:
Purchase behavior of domestic product purchase based on the perspective of culture and psychology, 2009;
4.Eleventh five-year plan of Guangdong province education science project: Optimization of College Students' knowledge structure based on cultivation of innovation ability -Take management undergrads as example,2011;
5.School-level scientific research project: Rejuvenation strategy research on time-honored Lingnan brands, 2007;
6.Participated in National Natural Science Foundation Project: Study on the
growth and innovation of local brand in China, 2006;
7.Participated in National Natural Science Fund Project: The concept, formation
and mechanism of brand prototype: 2009;
8.Participated in Ministry of education in Humanities and Social Sciences project: Dimension, mechanism and factors of the ability to influence, 2010;
Representative Research Publications:
Over 40 publications were published on “Contemporary Finance", "Foreign Economic and Management", "Economic Affairs", "Sales and Marketing", "Value engineering" and others.
1. Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan, Jingyi Zhang. The Influences of online user commentary quality and the rating of the reviewers on the willingness to buy of consumers. Business Review. 2017, 29 (2):85-95.
2. Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan. When Are the Buyers Willing to Post Comments on an Online Feedback System?the moderating effects of online interactivity between buyers and sellers, 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2016, Kunming, P.R. China, 2016.6.24-6.26.
3. Liye Zhu, Zhihui Xie, Lin Yang. A Grounded Theory Approach to Consumer Engagement Practice in Virtual Brand Community, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2016, Guangzhou, P. R. China, 2016.12.2-12.4.
4. Lin Yang, Liye Zhu. Research on the intervention of brand psychological contact violation perception, 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2016, Kunming, P.R. China, 2016.6.24-6.26.
5.Denghua Yuan, Qi Wang, Liye Zhu. A Review of the Research on Brand Recognition. Foreign Economies and Management. 2016 (3)
6.Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan. The Impact of Consumers’Self-construal on Brand Evaluations for Domestic and Foreign Brands in the Context of Globalization一The Moderating Effect of Product Category. Journal of Chengdu University. 2015(4): .19-25.
7. Yang Lin, Zhu Liye, Yang Li. Research on the Influence and Intervention of Brand Psychological Contract Violation on Customer Loyalty, 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2015, Guangzhou,P.R.China, 2015.6.22-6.24.
8. Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan, Taihong Lu. The influence of consumer self-concept on foreign brand preference under.dual cultural background. The modern management science, 2014 (5): 98-100.
9. Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan.How brand symbolic value influence consumers' willingness to pay a price premium? Contemporary financial.2013 (6): 66-76.
10. Liye Zhu. The formation, measurement and innovation of Brand Meaning”. Research on the strategic policy .2011 (1) 46-52.
11.Liye Zhu.Symbol consumption:The Cole of Postmodern Consumption. Sales and marketing, management version.2011 (3) 56-58.11.
12. Liye Zhu.Regulatory focus theory: a breakthrough in motivation theory”. Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. 2010 (1).
13. Liye Zhu. Regulatory focus theory and its application in marketing research”. Economic survey. 2009 (5).
14. Liye Zhu,Taihong Lu.Self-construction of consumers. Foreign economic and management.2008 (2) 42-50.
15.Liye Zhu. Research on the constitute and source of time-honored brand assets”. Economic survey. 2008 (1) 117-120.

Hosted and participated in a number of China Telecom and Guangdong Telecom consulting research project, and provided management consulting and marketing services for a number of enterprises (liquor companies, real estate companies and TV stations).

2009 School-level Scientific Research Award The Second Prize
2013 School-level Scientific Research Award The Second Prize

Address: Room 358, School of Management, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Mobile: **
Email: zhuliye97@126,com

Zhu Liye (Associate Professor)

Personal Information
Name: Zhu Liye
Gender: Female
Birth: January,1972
Nationality: Chinese
Research Interest: Brand Management; Consumer Behavior

Courses Taught
Brand Management; Retailing; Principles of Marketing; Marketing Planning

2005-2009 Sun Yet-sen University, PhD Chinese Marketing and Consumer Behavior
1997-2000 Sun Yet-sen University, Master Business Management

Work Experience
2009-present Associate Professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, School of Management
2000-2005 Economist , China Telecom Guangdong Branch Market Research Department
1996-1997 Planning Director, Guangdong Radio and Television Station International Information Center

Research Outputs
Projects hosted and participated:
1. Guangdong higher education teaching research and reform project: The reform of commercial talents training mode based on innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2015.
2. The National Natural Science Fund project: Consumer participation mechanism and brand platform creation, 2013.
3 The Ministry of education of Humanities and social sciences research project: Purchase behavior of domestic product purchase based on the perspective of culture and psychology, 2009;
4. Eleventh five-year plan of Guangdong province education science project: Optimization of College Students' knowledge structure based on cultivation of innovation ability -Take management undergrads as example,2011;
5. School-level scientific research project: Rejuvenation strategy research on time-honored Lingnan brands, 2007;
6. Participated in National Natural Science Foundation Project: Study on the growth and innovation of local brand in China, 2006;
7. Participated in National Natural Science Fund Project: The concept, formation and mechanism of brand prototype: 2009;
8. Participated in Ministry of education in Humanities and Social Sciences project: Dimension,mechanism and factors of the ability to influence, 2010;
Representative Research Publications:
Over 40 publications on "Contemporary Finance", "Foreign Economic and Management", "Economic Affairs", "Sales and Marketing", "Value engineering" and others.
1.Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan,Jingyi Zhang.The Impact of Online User Reviews Quality and Commentators Rank on Consumer Purchasing Intention-The Moderating Role of Product Involvement [J]. Management Review, 2017,29(2):85-95.
2. Liye Zhu, Denghua Yuan. When Are the Buyers Willing to Post Comments on an Online Feedback System?the moderating effects of online interactivity between buyers and sellers, 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2016, Kunming, P.R. China,2016.6.24-6.26. EI检索
3. Liye Zhu,Zhihui Xie, Lin Yang.A Grounded Theory Approach to Consumer Engagement Practice in Virtual Brand Community, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2016,Guangzhou,P.R.China, 2016.12.2-12.4.
4. Lin Yang, Liye Zhu. Research on the intervention of brand psychological contact violation perception, 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2016, Kunming, P.R. China,2016.6.24-6.26. EI检索
5. Denghua Yuan, Qi Wang, Liye Zhu.Review on Research of Brand Evangelism [J].Foreign economy and management, 2016,38(3):61-72.
6. Liye Zhu,Denghua Yuan.The Impact of Consumers'Self- construal on Brand Evaluations for Domestic and Foreign Brands in the Context of Globalization—The Moderating Effect of Product Category[J].Journal of Chengdu University,2015(4): .19-25.
7. Yang Lin, Zhu Liye, Yang Li. Research on the Influence and Intervention of Brand Psychological Contract Violation on Customer Loyalty, 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2015, Guangzhou,P.R.China,2015.6.22-6.24. EI检索
8. Liye Zhu,Denghua Yuan, Taihong Lu.The influence of consumer self concept on foreign brand preference under.dual cultural background[J]. The modern management science, 2014 (5): 98-100.
9. Liye Zhu,Denghua Yuan.How brand symbolic value influence consumers' willingness to pay a price premium? [J].Contemporary Financial,.2013 (6): 66-76.
10.Liye Zhu. The formation, measurement and innovation of Brand Meaning [J]. Research on the strategic policy, .2011, (1): 46-52..
11. Liye Zhu.Symbol consumption:The Cole of Postmodern Consumption. Sales and marketing[J]. Management Version,.2011 (3) 56-58.
12. Liye Zhu. Regulatory focus theory: a breakthrough in motivation theory[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2010, (1).
13. Liye Zhu.Regulatory focus theory and its application in marketing research[J]. Economic Survey, 2009 (5): 117-120.
14. Liye Zhu,Taihong Lu.Self construction of consumers[J].Foreign economic and management., 2008, (2): 42-50.
15. Liye Zhu.Research on the constitute and source of time-honored brand assets[J].Economic survey, 2008, (1): 117-120.

Address: Room 358, School of Management, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Email: zhuliye97@126,com

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