本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-05
Personal Information
Name: Tomozii Elena Simona
Gender: Feminin
Birth Date: 21stof June 1983
Native Space: Romania
Nationality: Romanian
Research Direction
Employment Relations, Organizational Resilience and Wellbeing, General Management and Reform process and International Cooperation, Social Media & E-commerce
Courses Taught
Doctor: -
Master: Managerial Communication
Bachelor: Leadership in Organizations / Leadership in Creativity/ Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Coaching, Organizational Behavior, International Tourism Management
Education Background
PhD in Education at University of Bucharest
MA in Educational Management - Adults’ Education- Transylvania University of Brasov
BA in Psychology and Education University of Bucharest, Romania
Other certifications:
1.Head of Quality & on Educational Programs – AJA Registers & European Center for
2.Entrepreneurship Qualification – Women Association, Romania, Ministry of Labor & Ministry
Education Romania
3. Expert on SPIRAL Methdology of Council of Europe
4. Quality Assurance Specialist in Higher Education
5. Networks Coordinator of REEI - European Educational Infancy in Italy and Sweden
6. Auditor of CEIF & CEIS Standard
2019-present Associate Professor at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, School of Business
2017-present The Founder and Chairman of Ningbo Empower Cultural Exchange
2017-present Head of Operations and Legal Representative in China of I.S.P.E.F. (Institute for Psychological Sciences of Education and Training) – Established China Branch
2012-Present Head of Quality. Certified International and European Expert and Evaluator for Preschool, School and University Education.
2010–Present Researcher (expert) Together & EU Council EU
2018-Present Counselor for Business Romania, Zhejiang Office
2016-2018 Senior Lecturer (Associate Prof. Lvl) at Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University & Columbia College USA
2010-Present Expert for SPIRAL Methdology Council of Europe, currently under Together Network
2008-2013 Lecturer at British School of Business and University of London (Internal BA and MA programs)
2008-2016 – Assistant Professor at Transilvania Univeristy of Brasov
2012-2016 Founding Member and Manager & Expert at PAS Alternative NGO
Academic Papers
1. TomoziiS.Topala I. (2014) Why do we need to change educational paradigms? Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences Journal, Vol. 142C, Elsevier pp. 581-586; DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.670;
2.TomoziiS.Lupu. D. (2015) How do management styles influence work behavior. A study case of teachers facing economic crisis and reform in education, in Journal Plus Education, Vol.12, No.1, ISSN 2068 – 1151;
3.TomoziiS., Usaci D, Norel M., Kaftangioglu V. (2013) Influences of Educational Reform over Romanian teachers’ work satisfaction, Journal Procedia Social and Behavioral Journal, vol. 82, Elsevier, pp. 250-254, ISSN: 1877-0428, DOI:1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.422;
4.Lupu D.,TomoziiS.(2013) Dyad: Self esteem-academic success, evidenced by counseling activity, published in stadium Educationis, XIV year, No.2. June 2013, Italy, Pensa MultiMedia EditoreSRL, pp.55-70, ISSN: 1722-8395 (print)/ ISSN:2035-844(online), pp.55-70;
5.Tomozii,Usaci D., Norel M, Kaftagioglu V. (2013) Applied Managerial Strategies for Reducing Resistance to Change in Kindergartens, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal, Vol. 81, Elsevier, pp. 650-654, ISSN 1877-0428, DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.491
6.Popa D., Bazgan M.,Tomozii S., (2011) Success Study in the Professions with Practical Applications, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, “Vasile Alexandri” University of Bac?u Press,ISSN 2068 – 7559;
7.Popa D.,Tomozii S., (2011) The Necessity of Intercultural Education for Students, ”?ara Barsei” Periodical No.11/2011 Grafica Print Press, pp. 181-188, ISSN 1583 -3119;
8.Tomozii S., Norel M., Talab? D, Usaci D., Dejan Bokonjic (2011) Educational Staff’s Opinion about Quality Assurance Standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Scientific International Conference: Institutional Strategic Quality Management in Higher Education, Transilvania University Press, pp 279-285, ISBN 978-973-589-913-2;
9.Tomozii S.,(2010) Communication within the Medical System, International Scientific Conference PHOENIX, September, Vol. II, International Conference PHOENIX – PHE Proceedings 2010, 23-25 September, Transylvania University Press, pp 295-301, ISSN 2068-9845;
10.Tomozii S., (2010) Adults' Profession: a Criterion for Improved Educational Softwares, International Scientific Conference ?Education, Quality, Strategic Development”, Targoviste, Valahia University Press, 4-6 June 2009, pp.441-448, ISBN 978-973-1955-61-2,
11.Popa D.,Tomozii S., (2008) Intelligence, Personality Factors and Proactive Personality as Determinants of a Successful Career, International Conference Edu-World 2008: "Education Facing Contemporary World Issues", University of Pitesti Press, Pitesti, 5-8 June 2008 pp. 231-242, ISSN:1844-6264,
12.Tomozii S., Popa D.,(2008) Adult Education in the 3rd Millennium. International Scientific Conference ? Quality in Education: Theories, Principles and Achievements”, Institute of Educational Sciences Press, 30-31 October 2008, Part I, Chisinau, pp. 101-103, CEP USM, ISBN: 978-9975-9685-6-0;
Monograph and Teaching Materials
. Co-author
1.Panc, I. & all.(2015)Education and Counseling. Chapter: Education . Attitudes,Universitara Press, Bucharest;
2.Panc, I. & all. (2015) Career counselling for professional development. An intervention program for students, Universitara Press, Bucharest
Scientific Research Projects
2012 -2015 – long term expert (carrier counselor) in Project– “Start ?n carier? – Bune practici europene ?n consilierea profesional? a studen?ilor romani” (START your carreer good practices in professional counseling Romanian Students), POSDRU/160/2.1/S/137360
·2012 – 2015 PhD Scholarship for: Applying SPRIAL METHODOLOGY of the EU Council for Strengthening the School – Family- Community Partnership (active researcher, project manager);
·2012-2014 – trainer and carrier counselor in: ”M?suri integrate pentru stimularea ocup?rii ?n anteprenoriatului ?n zonele rurale ale Regiunii Vest” (Integrated Measures to stimulate employment and entrepreneurship in Western Regions), POSDRU/110/5.2/G/88924;
·2012- 2014 short-term expert in PERFORMER –”Perspective ale form?rii prin masterat a speciali?tilor din domeniul educa?iei timpurii ?i al ?colarit??ii mici la un nivel calitativ superior”(New Perspectives on Specialists’ Education through Master Studies in Early Childhood),POSDRU-86-1.2/S/621775, Funding line number 86 - Quality in Superior Education; 36 months – approved project.;
·2012 – international expert – Curriculum designer for university courses; EUROPEAN LIFE LONG LEARNING PROGRAM - ITALY AGENCY - PROJECT COMENIUS ACTION 2.2, on behave of ISPEF & Transylvania University of Brasov
·2011 – 2013researcher and member of the local action group in: ”Rolul dialogului social ?n promovarea incluziunii sociale active ” (Social Dialogue and Its Role in Developing Social Cohesion) , developed by CRIES Association, Timisoara Romania in Partnership with EU Council, project ID:POSDRU/93/3.3/S/62500
·2010 -2011- short-term expert”EU Standards for Accreditation of Study Programs on BH Universities” TEMPUS projectSMGR 158853-1-2009-1-SE;
·2012-2013 – local coordinator in ”Educatia Altfel II” (Different Education, 2n), funded by EU Committee, through Youth in Action Program, Action 5.1.- Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy;
·2011-2012 – local coordinator in ”Educational Altfel” (Different Education) funded by EU Committee, through Youth in Action Program, Action 5.1.- Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy;
·2007-2010 expert, researcher, member of the organizing committee of TOUCHING Project CNCSIS, IDEI - ID 203, Phoneix PHE International Scientific Conference, part of ”Unitatea ?n diversitatea ?n contextual reformelor curricular – clarific?ri conceptual ?n teoria curiculumului” (Unity in diversity in the Context of Curricular Reform – Conceptual Clarifications in Curriculum Theory), IDEI-203, NR.148/01.10.2007;
2018 - Founder and Chairman of Empower Cultural Exchange
2018 - I.S.P.E.F. (Institute) Legal Representative & Head of China Branch
2011- Certified Head of Quality. Certified International and European Evaluator for Preschool, School and University;
2011 – Researcher (facilitator) SPIRAL Methodology, European Council & Together Network, Co-founder & member of Brasov Territory of Coresponsibility ;
(*) 2011- Member of researchers’ group SPIRAL and experts for Together Network of Council of Eu;
(*) 2015 – Peer Reviewer for Journal of Educational Studieshttp://www.rroij.com;
(*) 2016 – Member of Athens Institute for Education & Research, Education & Psychology Departments,www.atiner.gr(by invitation);
(*) 2016 – Peer Reviewer for Athens Institute for Education & Research Journals (by invitation);
(*) 2016 – Member of the New Zeeland Positive Psychology Association (request);
(*) 11.11. 2017 – Member of the Academic Genesis Platform- AGP (by invitation)
(*) 04.2018- present collaborating with Ningbo local government to promote International Cooperation via One Belt One Road Program
(*) 04.2018 – ISPEF representative, Zhejiang Office
Consulting Projects
2018-present Educational Consulting Project for WitProgram – one of the first artificial intelligence companies in China. I have the honorific title of Chief Education Officer
2018-Present Counselor at Business Romania
2014 Diploma of Excellence issued by Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Transylvania University, with the occasion of the 10thanniversary;
Office: Room443B, Faculty Building, GDUFS South Campus
E-mail: simona@gdufs.edu.cn
+7 (EU)
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