

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-09

刘云龙副教授 研究方向:人工智能、强化学习


副教授,硕士生/博士生导师。主要研究兴趣:人工智能、局部可观测环境下的(深度)强化学习、智能决策等,相关研究成果以第一作者/通讯作者发表在IJCAI、AAMAS、《Information Sciences》等CCF推荐的A、B类国际顶级会议和知名期刊上, 担任人工智能顶级会议IJCAI 2017、AAAI 2019程序委员会委员, 曾任NIPS、IEEE TNNLS、ACM TransactionsonIntelligentSystemsandTechnology、控制与决策、西安交通大学学报等顶级会议、期刊审稿人,主持两项国家自然科学基金面上项目、一项福建省自然科学基金项目、一项教育部博士点-新教师类项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金项目。国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家,厦门市商务局、厦门市软件协会、厦门金圆集团等企事业单位项目评审专家。主讲《信息论》、《概率图模型理论及应用》、《计算机网络》等课程。



Research Interest
● Reinforcement Learning with focus on reinforcement learning in partially observable domains, planning with model uncertainty, spectral learning, Predictive State Representations(PSRs) and POMDPs.

Associate Professor, Department of Automation, Xiamen University, China. (2015-present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Automation, Xiamen University, China. (2009 - 2015)

Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering.
Thesis: Research on Predictive State Representation and Its Applications
Northwestern Polytechnical University, B.sc. in Automatic Control.

Recent Selected Publications / Research Proposal (*Corresponding Author)
[1] Yunlong Liu, “Graphical Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning in Partially Observable Domains” ,Research Proposal (If you are interested in this topic, please contact me)
[2] Yunlong Liu*, Jianyang Zheng, " Online Learning and Planning in Partially Observable Domains without Prior Knowledge", submitted.
[3] Yunlong Liu*, Jianyang Zheng, " Combining Offline Models and Online Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Planning from Scratch", submitted.
[4] Danning Yu, Kun Ni, Yunlong Liu*, “Deep Q-network with Predictive State Models in Partially Observable Domains”, submitted.
[5] Yunlong Liu*, Yifeng Zeng, Hexing Zhu, Yun Tang, "Making and Improving Predictions of Interest Using an MDP Model”, AAMAS 2017 (CCF B)
[6] Yunlong Liu*, Hexing Zhu, Yifeng Zeng, Zongxiong Dai, "Learning Predictive State Representations via Monte-Carlo Tree Search", IJCAI 2016 (CCF A)
[7] Yunlong Liu*, Yun Tang, and Yifeng Zeng, "Predictive State Representations with State Space Partitioning", AAMAS 2015 (Full/oral paper (CCF A).
[8] Chunqing Huang, Yisheng An, Sun Zhou, Zhezheng Hong and Yunlong Liu*, "Basis selection in spectral learning of predictive state representations", Neurocomputing, vol.310 2018, 183–189. (SCI 2区)
[10] Yunlong Liu, Zijiang Yang, and Guoli Ji*, "Solving Partially Observable Problems with Inaccurate PSR Models", Information Sciences,vol.283:142-152, 2014(SCI 2区).
[11] Yunlong Liu*, and Guoli Ji, "An Algorithm for Resetting PSR Models", Chinese Journal of Computers, vol.35(5):1046-105, 2012, in Chinese.
[12] Yunlong Liu*, Guoli Ji, and Zijiang Yang, "Using Learned PSR models for Planning under Uncertainty", the 23th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 6085 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 309-314, 2010.
[13] C.Q. Huang, L.F. Xie, and Y.L. Liu*, "PD plus Error-dependent Integral Nonlinear Controllers for Robot Manipulators with an Uncertain Jacobian Matrix", ISA Transactions, vol.51(6):792-800, 2012.
[14] Yunlong Liu*, and Guoli Ji, "CMAC-based Sarsa()Learning Algorithms for RoboCup-soccer Goalkeeper", Journal of Beijing University of Technology, vol. 38(9):1348-1352, 2012, in Chinese.
[15] Guoli Ji, Yong Zeng, Jinting Guan, Qingshun Quinn, and Yunlong Liu*, "Recent Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of DNA Replication Process", Current Bioinformatics, Vol. 8:524-529, 2013.

Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China: " Application and Learning of Decision Making Models based on Prediction Information", Jan 1, 2018- Dec. 31, 2021. (国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,经费:74.5万元)
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China: "Mechanism and Application of State Space Partitioning for Predictive State Representations", Jan 1, 2014 - Dec. 31, 2017.(国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,经费:78万元)
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province: " Point-Based Planning for Predictive State Representations ", Jun 1, 2010 – Dec 31, 2012.(福建省自然科学基金项目,主持,经费:3万元)
Principal Investigator, Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China: " State Space Partitioning-Based Predictive State Representations ", Jan 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2013.(教育部博士点-新教师类项目,主持,经费:3.6万元)

Research Interest
● (Deep)Reinforcement Learning with focus on reinforcement learning in partially observable domains, planning with model uncertainty, spectral learning, Predictive State Representations(PSRs) and POMDPs.

● Program committee member: AAAI 2019, IJCAI 2017
● Reviewer: NIPS 2016,ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, etc. .

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