蔬菜学学科带头人,园艺学院副院长,国家特色作物联合攻关青梗菜项目首席科学家,福建农林大学校学术委员会委员。主要研究领域为植物生长发育调控,在领域内国际顶尖刊物发表过一系列文章,目前为PNAS, Plant Cell, New Phytologist和 Plant Physiology等14个杂志担任审稿。多次获得美国自然科学基金和美国农业部等的研究奖励。并获得2016年福建省青年科技奖。先后主持国家面上项目,国家十三五重点研发子项目,福建省重大专项专题等。
Email: wus@fafu.edu.cn
2015- 福建农林大学海峡联合研究院,教授
2009-2014 美国宾夕法尼亚大学,博士后
2003-2009 美国麻省大学,植物生物学,博士
不同于动物,植物不能逃避逆境。因此植物进化出对环境适应巨大的可塑性。这种可塑性部分是通过不断得形成新的器官而实现。器官发生是生命科学的核心问题之一,从一个简单的细胞形成具有复杂结构的器官需要在时间和空间上进行精确的调控。这个调控依赖于两个过程: 细胞分裂和细胞命运的决定。我们组的研究围绕这两个问题,在多个层面上进行了展开。
1.Li P, Cai Q, Wang H, Li S, Cheng J, Li H, Yu Q, Wu, S.*(2020) Hydrogen peroxide homeostasis provides beneficial micro-environment for SHR-mediated periclinal division in Arabidopsis root. New PhytologistAccepted.
2.Wang C, Wang H, Li P, Li H, Xu C, Cohen H, Aharoni A, Wu, S.* (2020) Developmental programs interact with ABA to coordinate root suberization in Arabidopsis.Plant J.In press.
3.Zhang L, Zhao Y, Liang H, Li X, Gallagher KL*, Wu, S.*(2020) Gateway-compatible vectors for functional analysis of proteins in cell type specific manner. Plant Methods In press.
4.Cohen H, Fedyuk V, Wang C, Wu S,Aharoni A. (2020) SUBERMAN regulates developmental suberization of the Arabidopsis root endodermis. Plant J.102(3):431-447.
5.Chang J1, Xu Z1, Li M1, Yang M1, Qin H1, Yang J1,Wu S1(2019)PLoS Genet Spatiotemporal cytoskeleton organizations determine morphogenesis of multicellular trichomes in tomato.
6.Li, P., Yu, Q., Gu, X., Xu, C., Qi, S., Wang, H., Zhong, F., Baskin, T.B., Rahman, A.,Wu, S.*(2018) Construction of a Functional Casparian Strip in Non-endodermal Lineages Is Orchestrated by Two Parallel Signaling Systems in Arabidopsis thaliana.Current Biology28(17):2777-2786.e2.
7.Xu, M., Qi, S., Chen, F., Zhang, L.,Wu, S.*(2018) Loss or duplication of key regulatory genes coincides with environmental adaptation of stomatal complex in Nymphaea colorata and Kalanchoe laxiflora.Horticulture Research5:42. doi: 10.1038/s41438-018-0048-8.
8.Li, P., Yang, M., Chang, J., Wu, J., Zhong, F., Rahman, A., Qin, H. andWu, S.*(2018) Spatial Expression and Functional Analysis of Casparian Strip Regulatory Genes in Endodermis Reveals the Conserved Mechanism in Tomato.Front. Plant Sci.9:832. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00832
9.Zhong, F., Wang, S., Roan, S., Lin, B., Chen, I., Lin, Y., Pang, J.,Wu, S.*(2018) Characterization of nitrate assimilation in Lactuca sativa L. under different nitrogen sources.Plant Growth Regulationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-018-0404-6.
10.Yu Q, Li P, Liang N, Wang H, Xu M,Wu, S. *(2017)Specifying cell fate in roots requires coordinative lineage instruction and positional reprogramming.Plant Physiol.175(2):816-827.
11.Liu, Y., Xu, M., Liang, N., Zheng, Y., Yu, Q.,Wu, S. *(2017)Symplastic communication spatially directs local auxin biosynthesis to maintain root stem cell niche in Arabidopsis,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.114(15):4005-4010.(Faculty of 1000)
12.Yang, B., Zhou, X., Xu, R., Wang, J., Lin, Y., Pang, J.,Wu, S. *, Zhong, F. * (2016) Comprehensive Analysis of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Quality Improvement of Purple Cabbage under Different Combinations of Monochromatic Light,Front Plant Sci.29;7:1788.(*Co-corresponding author)
13.Wu, S.*,O'Lexy, R., Xu, M., Sang, Y., Chen, X., Yu, Q. & Gallagher, K.*(2016)A Symplastic signaling instructs cell division, cell expansion, and cell polarity in the ground tissue of Arabidopsis thaliana roots,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.113(41):11621-11626.(*Co-corresponding author)
14.Wu, S.,Hayashi, T., Lee, C.M., Price, S., Divol, F., Henry, S., Pauluzzi, G., Perin, C. & Gallagher, K.(2014)A plausible mechanism, based upon SHORT-ROOT movement, for regulating the number of cortex cell layers in roots,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.111(45):16184-9.
15.Wu, S.& Gallagher, K.L.(2014)The movement of the non-cell-autonomous transcription factor, SHORT-ROOT relies on the endomembrane system,Plant J.80(3):396-409.(Faculty of 1000)
16.Wu, S.& Gallagher, K.L.(2015) Techniques for Assessing the Effects of Pharmacological Inhibitors on Intercellular Protein Movement.Methods in Molecular Biology.1217:245-58.
17.Wu, S.& Gallagher, K.L. (2013) Intact microtubules are required for the intercellular movement of the SHORT-ROOT transcription factor.Plant J.74(1):148-159.(Faculty of 1000)
18.Wu, S., Baskin, T.I. & Gallagher, K.L. (2012) Mechanical fixation techniques for processing and orienting delicate samples, such as the root of Arabidopsis thaliana, for light or electron microscopy.Nature Protocols.7(6):1113-24.
19.Wu, S.& Gallagher, K.L. (2012) Transcription Factors on the Move.Curr Opin Plant Biol.15(6):645-651.
20.Koizumi, K.*,Wu, S.*(co-first author), MacRae-Crerar, A., Gallagher, K.L. (2011) An essential protein that interacts with endosomes and promotes movement of the SHORT-ROOT transcription factor.Current Biology.21(18):1559-1564.(Faculty of 1000)
21.Wu, S.& Gallagher, K.L. (2011) Mobile protein signals in plant development.Curr Opin Plant Biol.14(5):563-70
22.Wu, S.*, Koizumi, K., Macrae-Crerar, A., Gallagher, K.L. (2011) Assessing the utility of photoswitchable fluorescent proteins for tracking intercellular protein movement in the Arabidopsis root. PLoS One. 2011; 6(11):e27536.(Faculty of 1000)(Selected by the illuminated plant cell as paper of the month, Feb 2012)
23.Wu, S., Scheible, W. R., Schindelasch, D., Van Den Daele H., De Veylder L., & Baskin, T. I. (2010) A conditional mutation in Arabidopsis thaliana separase induces chromosome non-disjunction, aberrant morphogenesis and cyclin B1;1 stability.Development.137(6):953-961.(Faculty of 1000)
24.Wu, S., Gu, Y., Zhao, L. & Liu, J. (2003) Effects of synchrotron radiation from soft X-rays onperoxidation products of membrane lipids and activity of related enzymes in wheat seeds.Nuclear Techniques.26: 577-581.
25.Chen, X.,Wu, S., Liu, Z., Friml, J. (2016) Environmental and Endogenous Control of Cortical Microtubule Orientation.Trends Cell Biol.26(6):409-19.
26.Koizumi, K., Hayashi, T.,Wu, S., Gallagher, K.L. (2012) The SHORT-ROOT protein acts as a mobile, dose-dependent signal in patterning the ground tissue.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.109(32):13010-5.(Faculty of 1000)
27.Sang, Y., Silva-Ortega, C.O.,Wu, S., Yamaguchi, N., Wu, M.F., Pfluger, J., Gillmor, S., Gallagher, K.L., Wagner, D. (2012) Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects.Plant J.72(6): 1000-1014.
28.Vatén, A., Dettmer, J.,Wu, S., Stierhof, Y.D., Miyashima, S., Yadav, S.R., Roberts, C.J., Campilho, A., Bulone, V., Lichtenberger, R., Lehesranta, S., M?h?nen, A.P., Kim, J.Y., Jokitalo, E., Sauer, N., Scheres, B., Nakajima, K., Carlsbecker, A., Gallagher, K.L., Helariutta, Y. (2011) Callose biosynthesis regulates symplastic trafficking during root development.Developmental Cell.21(6):1144-1155.(Faculty of 1000)
29.Yang, X., Boateng, K.A., Yuan, L.,Wu, S., Baskin, T.I., Makaroff, C.A. (2011) The radially swollen 4 separase mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana blocks chromosome disjunction and disrupts the radial microtubule system in meiocytes.PLoS One. 29;6(4):e19459.
30.Rahman, A., Takahashi, M,, Shibasaki, K.,Wu, S., Inaba T., Tsurumi, S. & Baskin, T. I. (2010) Gravitropism of Arabidopsis thaliana roots requires the polarization of PIN2 toward the root tip in meristematic cortical cells. Plant Cell.22(6):1762-76
31.Bischoff, V., Cookson, S. J.,Wu, S.& Scheible, W. R. (2009) Thaxtomin A affects CESA-complex density, expression of cell wall genes, cell wall composition, and causes ectopic lignification in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.J. Exp. Bot.60(3): 955-65.
32.Liu, J., Zhao, Y., Zhao, J., Xia, A., Jiang, L.,Wu, S., Ma, L., Dong, Y. & Gu, Y. (2002) Two-photon excitation studies of hypocrellins for photodynamic therapy.J. Photochem. Photobiol. B Biol.68: 156-164.
33.Wu, S., Gu, Y., Zhao, L. & Liu, J. (2003) Effects of synchrotron radiation from soft X-rays on peroxidation products of membrane lipids and activity of related enzymes in wheat seeds.Nuclear Techniques.26: 577-581
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