从事的研究领域为激光与光通信,在国内外学术刊物发表论文近80篇(其中已被《SCI》或《EI》收录近50篇)。 近十年来一直从事光纤通信、激光物理与激光技术等方面的教学和科研工作,已主持或主研省部级及以上科研项目10多项,在国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文百余篇,其中已被SCI、EI、ISTP等国际三大检索系统收录70余篇。部分代表性论文: 1. Z. Wu, G. Xia, L. Wu, J. Chen, Y. Lu. Identifying the output spectra from end facets of semiconductor lasers. Opt. Lett. (美, 2004年SCI影响因子3.882), 1995, 20(5): 477-479 (SCI、EI收录) 2. D. Zhong, G. Xia, Z. Wu (通讯作者), Synchronization and communication based on semiconductor lasers with phase conjugate feedback. J. Optoelectron. & Adv. Materials (欧, 2004年SCI影响因子1.003), 2004, 6(4): 1233-1241 (SCI收录) 3. Z. Wu, G. Xia, X. Jia. Pedestal reduction of soliton compressed pulse by combining a nonlinear Fabry-Perot cavity and EDFA. Opt. Commun. (欧, 2004年SCI影响因子1.581), 2004, 241(4-6): 539-545 (SCI、EI收录) 4. Z. Wu, G. Xia, X. Jia. Nonuniform DFB-SOAs: dynamic characteristics of bistability and a novel configuration based on linearly variable current injection. IEEE J. Quantum Electron. (美, 2004年SCI影响因子3.675), 2005, 41(3): 384-389 (SCI、EI收录) 5. F. Wang, G. Xia, Z. Wu (通讯作者). All-optical frequency multiplication / recovery based on the semiconductor optical amplifier ring cavity. Opt. Commun. (欧, 2004年SCI影响因子1.581), 2006, 257(2): 334-339 (SCI、EI收录) |