主要著述: ·《文艺理论教材的现代化》,《艺术教育》85.5 ·《切入海德格尔艺术之思》,《文学与文化》95.1~2 ·《从现象学美学看〈沧浪诗话〉》,《文史杂志》96.1 ·《新时期文学文论对妇女深层解放的求索》,《当代文坛》,96.5 ·《萧红〈王阿嫂的死〉言述风格赏析》,《名作欣赏》,98.5 ·《还原索绪尔--雅格布森诗学的复杂性》,《外国文学》98.3 ·《王大化侧记》,《新文学史料》98.3 ·《对自我表现的几重界定》,《江海学刊》98.5 ·《童话般的澄明境界》, 《名作欣赏》2000,1 ·《生活教育与实用主义教育的关系----与美国学者对话》,《陶行知教育思想与当代教育改革》西南师范大学出版社,2002年 Presentation, Publication and Conference Chair in USA: "A Phenomenon reflected in Feminist Literature", a presentation at 12th Annual Conference "Time, Memory, Text" at New York State University in Binghamton in 2001; "Myths and Mythology: Remembering the Already Known" --a session at this conference, chairwoman. "Recovered Memory and Narrative in Twentieth Century Chinese Women\'s Literature", a presentation at International Association of Asian Studies--2001 National Conference in Huston; published in the monograph of this conference: A Pilgrimage of Color, 2001. "Commercial tendency in Environmental Arts", posted at the Environmental Horizons 2001 Conference, Illinois. "A Comparison between China and Western Studies on \'Christianity and 20th Century Chinese Literature \' ", a presentation at "Christianity and China: Church, Society, and Culture"--The Sixth Annual Conference of Chinese Scholars of Christianity and other Religions in North American, Deerfield, Illinois, 2001. |