

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04



1999.09—2003.06 中南大学 材料科学与工程学院材料,工学学士
2003.09—2006.06 中南大学 材料科学与工程学院材料学,工学硕士
2006.09—2011.12 中南大学 粉末冶金研究学院材料学,工学博士
2017.06—至今 重庆大学 材料科学与工程学院,****引进人才,研究员
2017.06—至今 国家镁合金材料工程技术研究中心,研究员
2020.03—2020.09 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学,访问教授
2012.10—2016.09 比利时 鲁汶大学 材料工程学院,飞马-玛丽居里博士后
2014.08—2017.06 德国 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 应用材料物理系,访问研究员
2012.03—2012.07 重庆大学 材料科学与工程学院,博士后工作
2008.09—2010.08 意大利 热那亚大学 无机化学工程学院, 联合培养公派博士生

社会兼职 重庆材料学会 理事

主讲课程 研究生课程:固态相变,材料热力学

主要研究方向 1)材料热力学,动力学,相变和扩散
4) 镁合金结构功能材料设计

科研项目 1)基于镁铝合金纯化设计的Mg-Al-Fe-X体系富镁端端际相图的研究,2020-2023,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
3)Study on the diffusion behavior of Gd+X (X=Y, Zn, Mn) in the Mg primary phase, 2020,德国Helmholt研究中心项目,主持
4)The characterization of alloying Li effect on the extension of the solubility of La and Mn in primary Mg phase,2020,德国Helmholt研究中心项目,主持

论文及专著 [1] L. Yang, Y. Yuan, T. Chen, X. Dai, L. Zhang, D. Li, A. Tang, W. Yi, L. Zhang, F. Pan, Diffusion behaviour and mechanical properties of binary Mg–Gd system, Intermetallics (2021) In press.
[2] J. Wu, Y. Yuan, X. Yu, T. Chen, D. Li, L. Wu, B. Jiang, A. Atrens, F. Pan, The high-temperature oxidation resistance properties of magnesium alloys alloyed with Gd and Ca, Journal of Materials Science 56 (2021) 8745-8761.
[3] J. Wang, Y. Yuan, X. Chen, T. Chen, B. Jiang, D. Li, A. Tang, T. Boll, F. Pan, The High-Solution Design of Magnesium Alloys (Invited Speak), in: V.M. Mille (Ed.) TMS 2021, Magnesium Technology 2021, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, USA, 2021.
[4] T. Tu, X. Chen, T. Chen, Y. Yuan, F. Pan, New high-modulus and high-strength Mg-Gd-Ag-Mn-Ge alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A 805 (2021).
[5] T. Chen, Y. Yuan, T. Liu, D. Li, A. Tang, X. Chen, R. Schmid-Fetzer, F. Pan, Effect of Mn Addition on Melt Purification and Fe Tolerance in Mg Alloys, Jom 10.1007/s11837-020-04550-5 (2021).
[6] J. Zhao, B. Jiang, Y. Yuan, A. Tang, Q. Wang, T. Yang, G. Huang, D. Zhang, F. Pan, Influence of Ca and Zn synergistic alloying on the microstructure, tensile properties and strain hardening of Mg-1Gd alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A 785 (2020) 139344.
[7] J. Zhao, B. Jiang, Y. Yuan, A. Tang, H. Sheng, T. Yang, G. Huang, D. Zhang, F. Pan, Influence of Zn addition on the microstructure, tensile properties and work-hardening behavior of Mg-1Gd alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A 772 (2020) 138779.
[8] D. Zhao, X. Chen, Y. Yuan, F. Pan, Development of a novel Mg–Y–Zn–Al–Li alloy with high elastic modulus and damping capacity, Materials Science and Engineering: A 790 (2020) 139744.
[9] T. Tu, X. Chen, C. Zhao, Y. Yuan, F. Pan, A simultaneous increase of elastic modulus and ductility by Al and Li additions in Mg-Gd-Zn-Zr-Ag alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A 771 (2020) 138576.
[10] J. Liu, T. Chen, Y. Yuan, J. Wu, L. Yang, A. Tang, D. Li, F. Pan, Two-Stage Settling Approach to Purify Mg Alloy in: J.B. Jordon (Ed.), Magnesium Technology 2020, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series2020, pp. 55-59.
[11] D. Li, W. Zhang, K. Chang, Y. Yuan, H.J. Seifert, Thermodynamic/Electrochemical Description of High-Voltage Spinels for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167(13) (2020) 130511.
[12] D. Li, Y. Yuan, J. Liu, M. Fichtner, F. Pan, A review on current anode materials for rechargeable Mg batteries, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 8(4) (2020) 963-979.
[13] J.B. Jordon, V. Miller, 2020 Magnesium Technology, in: J.B. Jordon, V. Miller (Eds.) 2020 Magnesium Technology, San Diego, US, 2020.
[14] T. Chen, X. Xiong, Y. Yuan, A. Tang, D. Li, A. Atrens, F. Pan, Effect of Steels on the Purity of Molten Mg Alloys, Advanced Engineering Materials 10.1002/adem. (2020) **.
[15] T. Zhao, Y. Hu, F. Pan, B. He, M. Guan, Y. Yuan, A. Tang, Effect of Zn Content on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg–Al–Sn–Mn Alloys, Materials 12(19) (2019) 3102.
[16] Y. Yuan, T. Chen, D. Li, U. Gerhards, F. Pan, H. Seifert, N. Moelans, Diffusion multiple study of the Co-Fe-Ni system at 800?°C, Calphad 64 (2019) 149-159.
[17] T. Chen, Y. Yuan, J. Wu, T. Liu, X. Chen, A. Tang, F. Pan, Alloy Design Strategies of the Native Anti-corrosion Magnesium Alloy, in: V. Joshi (Ed.), Magnesium Technology 2019, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series2019, pp. 169-173.
[18] Y. Yuan, L. Yang, D. Li, A. Tang, F. Pan, H. Seifert, N. Moelans, Diffusion multiple study of Co-Ni-Ti system at 1073?K, Calphad 63 (2018) 156-163.
[19] X. Tao, P. Yao, W. Wei, H. Chen, Y. Ouyang, Y. Du, Y. Yuan, Q. Peng, An experimental study on the interdiffusion behaviors and mechanical properties of Ni-Zr system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 752 (2018) 412-419.
[20] Y. Yuan, D. Li, N. Moelans, Comments on “A numerical method to determine interdiffusion coefficients of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn intermetallic compounds”, Intermetallics 69 (2016) 95-97.
[21] Y. Yuan, D. Li, Y. Guan, H.J. Seifert, N. Moelans, Investigation of the diffusion behavior in Sn-xAg-yCu/Cu solid state diffusion couples, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 686 (2016) 794-802.
[22] Y. Yuan, Y. Guan, D. Li, N. Moelans, Investigation of diffusion behavior in Cu–Sn solid state diffusion couples, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 661 (2016) 282-293.
[23] Y. Yuan, F. Pan, D. Li, A. Watson, The re-assessment of the Mg–Zn and Fe–Si systems and their incorporation in thermodynamic descriptions of the Al–Mg–Zn and Fe–Si–Zn systems, Calphad 44 (2014) 54-61.
[24] Y. Yuan, D. Li, L. Liu, G. Borzone, Interfacial Reactions in Sn x Zn1?x (Liquid)/Ni(Solid) Couples at 873 K, Journal of Electronic Materials 41(9) (2012) 2495-2501.
[25] G. Borzone, Y. Yuan, S. Delsante, N. Parodi, The Sm–Ni system: new phases in the Sm-rich region, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly 143(9) (2012) 1299-1307.
[26] Y. Yuan, J. Yi, G. Borzone, A. Watson, Thermodynamic modeling of the Co–Sm system, Calphad 35(3) (2011) 416-420.
[27] Y. Yuan, S. Delsante, D. Li, G. Borzone, The isothermal section of the Ni–Sn–Zn phase diagram at 873 K, Intermetallics 19(11) (2011) 1646-1650.
[28] Y. Yuan, G. Borzone, G. Zanicchi, S. Delsante, Lead-free soldering: Investigation of the Cu–Sn–Sb system along the Sn:Sb=1:1 isopleth, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509(5) (2011) 1595-1600.
[29] J. Lapsa, B. Onderka, C. Schmetterer, H. Ipser, Y. Yuan, G. Borzone, Liquidus determination in the Cu–Sb–Sn ternary system, Thermochimica Acta 519(1-2) (2011) 55-58.
[30] Y. Yuan, S. Delsante, J. Yi, G. Borzone, A revision of the Sm-rich region of the Sm–Co system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 508(2) (2010) 309-314.


表彰及奖励 欧盟玛丽居里研究员奖,2012-2016

科研团队 现有客座德国教授一名,博士研究生四名,硕士研究生六名,本科创新团队两个

相关话题/材料科学与工程学院 重庆大学