

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


学习工作经历 2020.10-至今 重庆大学 副教授, 博导
2018.07-2020.09 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 博士后研究员
2014.09-2018.06 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 材料科学与工程系 工学博士

2010.09-2016.11 重庆大学 冶金工程系 工学博士
2006.09-2010.07 重庆大学 冶金工程系 工学学士

社会兼职 担任Scripta Materialia, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Journal of Materials Research, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, JOM等期刊审稿人。

1. 显微组织及性能控制
2. 磁性-结构耦合相变及新型磁制冷材料
3. 第一性原理计算方法及多尺度模拟和表征
科研项目 作为主研人已完成瑞典国家基金、瑞典战略研究基金会、瑞典能源部和欧盟,以及中国国家自然基金、中瑞企业等多个重要项目。
论文及专著 已在PNAS,Int. J. Plast.,Acta Mater.,Phys. Rev. B,Appl. Phys. Letts.,Scripta Mater.,Sci. Rep. (Nature)等国际、国内知名期刊发表论文40于篇,其中SCI论文30余篇。多次参加在中国、美国以及瑞典、德国、芬兰、匈牙利等国家举办的国际会议并做报告,参与组织了部分国际会议及国际研讨会。代表论著如下:
[1] Zhihua Dong, Shuo Huang, Valter Str?m, Guocai Chai, Lajos Károly Varga, Olle Eriksson, and Levente Vitos. MnxCr0.3Fe0.5Co0.2Ni0.5Al0.3 high entropy alloys for magnetocaloric refrigeration near room temperature, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 79 (2021) 15–20.
[2] Shuo Huang, Zhihua Dong, Wangzhong Mu, Valter Str?m, Guocai Chai, and Levente Vitos. Thermo-elastic properties of bcc Mn-rich high-entropy alloy, Applied Physics Letters, 117, 164101 (2020).
[3] Zhihua Dong, Wei Li, Guocai Chai, Levente Vitos. Strong temperature-dependence of Ni -alloying influence on the stacking fault energy in austenitic stainless steel, Scripta Materialia, 178 (2020) 438-441.
[4] Zhihua Dong, Stephan Sch?necker, Dengfu Chen, Wei Li, Song Lu, Levente Vitos. Influence of Mn content on the intrinsic energy barriers of paramagnetic FeMn alloys from longitudinal spin fluctuation theory, International journal of plasticity, 119 (2019) 123–139.
[5] Zhihua Dong, Levente Vitos. Finite temperature magnetic properties of CrxCoyNi100?x?y medium entropy alloys from first principles, Scripta Materialia, 171 (2019) 78-82.
[6] Youngwon Choi, Zhihua Dong, Wei Li, Stephan Sch?necker, Hansoo Kim, Se Kyun Kwon, Levente Vitos. Predicting the stacking fault energy of austenitic Fe-Mn-Al (Si) alloys, Materials & Design, 187 (2020) 108392.
[7] Zhihua Dong, Stephan Sch?necker, Wei Li, Se Kyun Kwon, Levente Vitos. Plastic deformation modes in paramagnetic γ-Fe from longitudinal spin fluctuation theory, International Journal of Plasticity, 109 (2018) 43-53.
[8] Zhihua Dong, Stephan Sch?necker, Wei Li, Dengfu Chen, Levente Vitos. Thermal spin fluctuations in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy, Scientific Reports (Nature), 8 12211 (2018).
[9] He Huang, Xiaoqing Li, Zhihua Dong, Wei Li, Shuo Huang, Daqiao Meng, Xinchun Lai, Tianwei Liu, Shengfa Zhu, Levente Vitos. Critical stress for twinning nucleation in CrCoNi-based medium and high entropy alloys, Acta Materialia, 149 (2018) 388-396.
[10] Zhihua Dong, Stephan Sch?necker, Dengfu Chen, Wei Li, Mujun Long, Levente Vitos. Elastic properties of paramagnetic austenitic steel at finite temperature: Longitudinal spin fluctuations in multicomponent alloys, Physical Review B, 96 174415 (2017).
[11] Zhihua Dong, Wei Li, Dengfu Chen, Stephan Sch?necker, Mujun Long, Levente Vitos. Longitudinal spin fluctuation contribution to thermal lattice expansion of paramagnetic Fe, Physical Review B 95 054426 (2017).
[12] Zhihua Dong, Dengfu Chen, Mujun Long, Wei Li, Huabiao Chen, Levente Vitos. Computation of phase fractions in austenite transformation with the dilation curve for various cooling regimens in continuous casting, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, 47(3):1553-1564.
[13] Zhihua Dong, Wei Li, Stephan Sch?necker, Song Lu, Dengfu Chen, Levente Vitos. Thermal spin fluctuation effect on the elastic constants of paramagnetic Fe from first principles, Physical Review B, 99 224420(2015).
[14] Zhihua Dong, Wei Li, Mujun Long, Lintao Gui, Dengfu Chen, Yunwei Huang, Levente Vitos. Effect of temperature reversion on hot ductility and flow stress-strain curves of C-Mn continuously cast steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2015, 46(4): 1885-1894.
[15] Mujun Long, Zhihua Dong, Junhao Sheng, Dengfu Chen, Chunmei Chen. Universal secondary cooling structure for round blooms continuous casting of steels in various diameters, Steel Research International, 2015, 86(2): 154-162.
[16] Mujun Long, Zhihua Dong, Dengfu Chen, Qi Liao, Youguang Ma. Effect of uneven solidification on the quality of continuous casting slab, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2013, 47 (1-4): 216-232.
[17] Zhihua Dong, Dengfu Chen, Liwei Song, Hui Hu, Xinglei Yang. High-temperature mechanical properties of shipbuilding steel BC in continuous casting, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2011, 18(S1): 605-609.


表彰及奖励 2019.02 重庆市 重庆市优秀博士论文
2014.09-2016.03 国家留学基金委 “国家建设高水平大学公派研究生”项目
2015.12 国家教育部 博士研究生国家奖学金

相关话题/材料科学与工程学院 重庆大学