

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


学习工作经历 2007/10 – 至今,重庆大学,材料科学与工程学院材料加工工程系,教授、博士生导师(2009年起)
2012/03 – 2013/05,美国北卡州立大学,核工程系,访问****
2007/06 – 2007/10,重庆大学,材料科学与工程学院材料加工工程系,副教授
2005/05 – 2007/06,清华大学,材料系,博士后
1996/07 – 2005/05,哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院材料科学系,助研
2001/03 – 2002/02,日本千叶工业大学,金属工学科,联合培养博士
1992/07 – 2004/06,哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院材料科学系,本科、硕士、博士。
社会兼职 1.中国机械工程学会理事/高级会员
主要研究方向 主要从事金属材料及金属基复合材料的制备、热处理、微观组织、强化机理及形变机制分析、塑性成型工艺及材料力学行为,六方结构锆、钛合金的形变再结晶机理等方面的研究工作。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目“失水事故下锆合金包壳燃料元件关键特性研究”,U**,2019- 2022年,项目负责人;
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“新型锆合金强韧化途径与机制”**,2015-2020年,重庆大学项目负责人;
3. 攀钢合作“多因素耦合作用下的冷轧纯钛R值调控方法及机理研究”,2016-2018年,项目负责人;
4. 国家自然科学基金项目“锆合金第二相析出行为及预变形对其影响机制的研究” **,2014-2017年,项目负责人;
5. 中广核研究院项目,2014-2017年,项目负责人;
6. 国家自然科学基金项目“初始取向对锆合金变形行为及变形机制的影响” **,2011-2015年,项目负责人,已完成;
7. 国家“863”重点项目“促进产业升级的纳米材料技术及应用”课题“轻质高强碳纳米管/铝基复合材料宏量制备技术研究”2012AA030611,2012-2014年,课题副组长/重庆大学负责人,已完成;
8. 教育部博士点基金博导类课题“Mo元素对锆合金组织及性能的影响”014,2011-2013年,项目负责人,已完成;
9. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目“六方结构锆合金形变退火组织EBSD表征及变形机制研究” NCET-08-0606,2008-2013年,项目负责人,已完成;
10. 中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项自然科学类项目“添加Mo、Bi元素对锆合金组织及性能的影响”CDJZR**,2010-2012年,项目负责人,已完成;
11. 国家科技支撑计划项目“特大桥梁用高强度、耐久性缆索材料开发”课题一“超高强度桥梁缆索及桥梁缆索用钢丝研究及产业化” 2007BAE15B01,2007-2010年,课题副组长(重庆大学负责人);已完成;

论文/专著/专利 1 J.M. Zhang, *B.F. Luan, R.L. Xin, Q.F. Xing, K.L. Murty, C. Cayron, Q. Liu. Experimental and theoretical investigation of crystallography and variant selection during massive transformation in Zr alloy. Philosophical Magazine, 2019, 99(10): 1163-1183.
2 Tao B.R.,Luan B.F.,Qiu R.S.,Fang Q, Cao L.F., Liu Y.S., Zhang X.Y., Liu R.P., Liu Q. Analysis of atomic distribution near grain boundary in Zr–Sn–Nb–Fe-(Cu) alloys by atom probe tomography.Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2019, 515: 135-139.
3Liao Z.N., Luan B.F., Zhang X.Y., XingQ.F.F., Liu R.P., MurtyK.L., Liu Q. Study of deformation mechanisms in a metastable β Zr alloy during compression.Materials Letters. 2019, 237: 172-175.
4Zeng Q.H., Luan B.F., Wang,Y.H., Zhang X.Y., Liu R.P., MurtyK.L., Liu Q. Effect of initial orientation on dynamic recrystallization of a zirconium alloy during hot deformation.Materials Characterization. 2018, 145: 444-453.
5Li C.H., Qiu R.S.,Luan B.F., He W.J., Li Z.Q. Hot deformation and processing maps of as-sintered CNT/Al-Cu composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2018, 28(9): 1695-1704.
6Tao B.R.,Qiu R.S.,Luan B.F.,Fang Q, Deng C, Liu Y.S. Structural characterization of {101ˉ1} twin in a Zr alloy after β quenching. Materials Letters. 2018, 223: 231-234. 1 0
7Zeng W, Luan B.F., Liu N. Hydride Phases and Hydride Orientation in Zirconium Alloys.Journal of MaterialsEngineering. 2018, 46(6): 11-18.
8Tao B.R.,Qiu R.S.,Zhao Y.F., Tan X.N., Luan B.F., Liu Q. Effects of alloying elements (Sn, Cr and Cu) on second phase particles in Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe-(Cr, Cu) alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018, 748: 745-757.
9Liu N, Wang Y, He W.J., Li J, ChapuisAdrien, Luan B.F., Liu Q. Microstructure and textural evolution during cold rolling and annealing of commercially pure titanium sheet. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2018, 28(6):1123-1131.
10Liu Y.S., Qiu R.S.,Luan B.F., Hao L.L., Tan X.N., Tao B.R., Zhao Y.F., Li F.T., Liu Q. TEM study on a new Zr-(Fe, Cu) phase in furnace-cooled Zr-1.0Sn-0.3Nb-0.3Fe-0.1Cu alloy. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2018, 504:79-83.
11Chai L.J., Wu H, Wang S.Y., Luan B.F., Wu Y, Wang X.Y. Microstructural characteristics of cold-rolled Zr-2.5Nb alloy annealed near the monotectoid temperature. Science China Technological Sciences. 2018, 61(4): 558-566.
12Liang Y.Y., Zhao Y.F., Luan B.F. Microstructure and second phases of Zr-Nb-Fe series zirconium alloy tubes. Heat Treatment of Metals. 2018, 43(3): 1-4.
13Wang Y, He W.J., Liu N, ChapuisAdrien, Luan B.F., Liu Q. Effect of pre-annealing deformation on the recrystallized texture and grain boundary misorientation in commercial pure titanium. Materials Characterization. 2018,136: 1-11.
14He W.J., Yuan, G.H., Luan B.F., Wang L,Chu, L.H., Liu Q. On the Pilger Rolling of Zr-4 Alloy: Finite Element Modeling and Plastic Deformation Behavior.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2018, 47(1): 82-88.
15 栾佰峰,谢辉,廖仲尼,李飞涛,毛敏. 冷轧对β-ZrTiAlV合金形变诱导马氏体相变的影响.稀有金属材料与工程.已接收.
16 栾佰峰,郝绍燕,吴蔚然,李硕. 预压缩变形对Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe-Cr-Cu合金时效析出行为的影响.稀有金属材料与工程.已接收.
17Li C.H.,Qiu R.S.,Luan B.F.,Li Z.Q. Effect of carbon nanotubes and high temperature extrusion on the microstructure evolution of Al-Cu alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. 2017, 704:38-44.
18Qiu R.S.,Song Z.L., Luan B.F., Yue Q, Wang L, Yuan G.H., Murty, Korukonda Linga, Liu Q. Evolution of microstructure and second-phase particles in Zr–Sn–Nb–Fe alloy tube during Pilger processing.Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2017, 54(12): 1321-1329.
19Wang J.M., Luan B.F., Murty, K.L., Liu Q. Effect of Mo and Bi additions on the microstructure of Zr–Cr–Fe alloy after β-quenching. Metals and Materials Series. 2017, 183-192.
20Kumar N S, Grundy K, Kombaiah B,Luan BF, Murty K.Anisotropic biaxial creep of textured Nb-modified Zircaloy-4 tubing. Metals and Materials Series. 2017, 19-22.
21 He W.J.,Li C.H.,Li Z.Q.,Luan B.F.,Liu Q.Abnormal effects of temperature and strain rate on the ductility of a carbon nanotubes reinforced al alloy composite.Materials Science Forum. 2017, 877: 251-257.
22 He W.J., Chen X., Liu N., Luan B.F., Yuan G., Liu Q.Cryo-rolling enhanced inhomogeneous deformation and recrystallization grain growth of a zirconium alloy.Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017, 699: 160-169.
23M. Zhang, *B.F. Luan, Z.L. Song, R.L. Xin, K.L. Murty, Q. Liu.{11-21}-{10-12} double twinning in a Zircaloy-4 alloy during rolling at ambient temperature. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2016, 122: 77-81.
24*Luan B.F., Wang J.M., Qiu R.S., Tao B.R., He W.J., Zhang X.Y., Liu R.P., Liu Q., The distribution trends and site preferences of alloying elements in precipitates within a Zr alloy: A combined first-principles and experimental study. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 678: 456-462.
25Chai L.J. Wang S.Y. Luan B.F. Liu Q.. Electron backscatter diffraction investigation of duplex-phase microstructure in a forged Zr-2.5Nb alloy. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2016, 59(4): 673-679.
26He W.J. Zeng Q.H. Yu H.H. Xin Y.C. Luan B.F. Liu Q.. Improving the room temperature stretch formability of a Mg alloy thin sheet by pre-twinning. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2016, 655: 1-8.
27Jian J. *Luan B.F. Xiao D.P. Zhou Y. Zhou J. Zhang J.J.. Study on Deformation Structure and Texture of Pure Zirconium with Large Grain Size Rolled at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2015, 44(12): 2943-2948.
28Chai L.J. *Luan B.F. Xiao D.P. Zhang M. Murty K.L. Liu Q.. Microstructural and textural evolution of commercially pure Zr sheet rolled at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures. Materials & Design, 2015, 85: 296-308.
29He W.J. Li C.H. *Luan B.F. Qiu R.S. Wang K. Li Z.Q. Liu Q.. Deformation behaviors and processing maps of CNTs/Al alloy composite fabricated by flake powder metallurgy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(11): 3578-3584.
30He W.J. Luan B.F. Xin R.L. Xu J.B. Liu Q.. A multi-scale model for description of strain localization in friction stir welded magnesium alloy. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 104: 162-171.
31*Luan B.F. Qiu R.S. Li C.H. Yang X.F. Li Z.Q. Zhang D. Liu Q.. Hot deformation and processing maps of Al2O3/Al composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(4): 1056-1063.
32Wei T.G. Zhang L. Miao Z. Liu H. Luan B.F. Wang W. Long C.S.. Microstructure and corrosion behavior of Zr-1.0Cr-0.4Fe-xMo alloys. Rare Metals, 2015, 34(2): 118-124.
33Qiu R.S. *Luan B.F. Chai L.J. Zhang X.Y. Liu Q.. Effects of heating rates and alloying elements (Sn, Cu and Cr) on the alpha -> alpha plus beta phase transformation of Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe-(Cu, Cr) alloys. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2014, 453(1-3): 269-274.
34Zou D.L. *Luan B.F. Xiao D.P.. Influences of Strain Rate on the Plastic Deformation Mechanism of Zirconium Alloy. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2014, 43(8): 1897-1901.
35*Luan B.F. Li X.Y. Zhang M. Chapuis A. Liu Q.. Deformation mechanisms and dynamic recrystallisation of Zr alloy with different initial textures compressed at 700 degrees C. Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18: 1095-1101.
36Guo N. *Luan B.F. He F.F. Li Z.Q. Liu Q.. Influence of flake thickness on the shape and distribution of Al2O3particles in Al matrix composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy. Scripta Materialia, 2014, 78-79: 1-4.
37Guo N. Song B. Luan B.F. Chen Z.Q. Liu Q.. Deformation bands in fully pearlitic steel during wire drawing. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(4): 796-803.
38Wei T.G. Long C.S. Luan B.F. Wang W. Chen L. Liu Y.M.. Effect of Molybdenum on the Mechanical Properties of Zr-Fe-Cr Alloy. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2013, 42(12): 2553-2557.
39 Linjiang Chai, *Baifeng Luan, Korukonda L. Murty, Qing Liu. Effect of predeformation on microstructural evolution of a Zr alloy during 550-700°C aging after β quenching. Acta Materialia, 2013, 61: 3099-3109.
40 D.L. Zou, B.F. Luan, Q. Liu, L.J. Chai, J.W. Chen. Formation and evolution of adiabatic shear bands in zirconium alloy impacted by split Hopkinson pressure bar. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2013, 437: 380-388.
41 Guo Ning, Luan Baifeng, Wang Bingshu, Liu Qing. Microstructure and texture evolution in fully pearlitic steel during wire drawing. SCIENCE CHINA-Technological Sciences. 2013, 56(5): 1-8.
42 B.X. Zhou, M.Y. Yao, Z.K. Li, X.M. Wang, J. Zhou, C.S. Long, Q. Liu, B.F. Luan. Optimization of N18 zirconium alloy for fuel cladding of water reactors. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2012, 28(7): 606-613.
43 LUAN Baifeng *, YE Qing, CHEN Jianwei, YU Hongbing, ZHOU Dongli, XIN Yunchang. Deformation twinning and textural evolution of pure zirconium during rolling at low temperature. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2013, 23: 2890-2895.
44 QIU Risheng, LUAN BaiFeng*, CHAI LinJiang, ZHANG XiYan & LIU Qing. Precise determination of the α→α+β phase transformation temperature of Zr-1.0Sn-0.3Nb-0.3Fe alloy. SCIENCE CHINA-Technological Sciences. 2013, 56(1): 60-65.
45 B.F. Luan, L.J. Chai, G.L. Wu, H.B. Yu, J.W. Chen, Q. Liu. Twinning during β → α slow cooling in a zirconium alloy. Scripta Materialia. 2012, 67(7–8): 716–719.
46 ZOU Dongli, LUAN Baifeng, LIU Qing. Characterization of adiabatic shear bands in the zirconium alloy impacted by split Hopkinson pressure bar at a strain rate of 6000 s-1. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2012, 558: 517-524.
47 ZOU Dongli, LUAN Baifeng, LIU Qing. Microstructural evolution of the zirconium alloy under dynamic compression at a strain rate of 1000 s-1. Transactions of nonferrous metals society of China. 2012, 22: 2402-2408.
48 *B.F. Luan, L.J. Chai, J.W. Chen, M. Zhang, Q. Liu. Growth Behavior Study of Second Phase Particles in a Zr–Sn–Nb–Fe–Cr–Cu Alloy. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2012, 423: 127~131.
49 栾佰峰, 余泓冰, 黄天林, 周军, 石明华. 锆合金变形机制研究评述. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2012,41(Suppl.2) 357~360.
50 *栾佰峰, 黄天林, 陈建伟, 张喜燕, 刘庆. EBSD技术在形变Zr合金组织与织构研究中的应用. 电子显微学报. 2008, 36 (3): 487~490.

表彰及奖励 1.2005年12月,“仪表级SiCp/Al复合材料及其在惯性测量与导航系统结构件中的应用”,XX科学技术二等奖,排名第三;

科研团队 形变金属及微结构

相关话题/材料科学与工程学院 重庆大学