

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04


1998.09-2002.07 燕山大学机械工程学院 学士
2002.09-2008.10 燕山大学机械工程学院 工学博士
2008.11-2010.08 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 讲师(期间2009.06评为硕士生导师)
2011.07-2012.06 重庆市渝北区环境保护局 副局长(挂职)
2013.01-2014.01 加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)访问教授
2010.09-2015.08 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 副教授(期间2013.07评为博士生导师)
2015.09-至今 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 教授
2012.07-2015.12 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 材料加工系副主任
2018.07-2019.07 九龙坡区商务委员会 副主任(挂职)
2015.12-2019.09 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 院长助理
2019.10-至今 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 副院长

《精密成型工程》《有色金属工程》《材料工程》《轻金属》《有色金属科学与工程》《河北冶金》和《Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux》期刊编委

主讲课程 本科:

1. 科技部国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目:铝/钛/镁层状结构复合材料制备技术研究,No. 2013AA031304,2013.1-2015.12,125万元,负责人。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:附加剪应变影响镁合金轧制微结构演变机理与定量化研究,25万元,No. **,2013.1-2015.12,负责人。
3. 科技部国家重大专项项目:300mm硅片工艺用Al、Ti、Ta靶材制造研发与产业化,No. 00272,2012.06-2015.06,96.96万元,研究骨干。
4. 国家自然科学基金:基于成形缺陷预测和在线辨识的板材渐进闭环成形技术基础研究,20万元,2011.1-2013.12,排名第3。
5. 重庆市科委科技计划重大项目:航空航天用高性能高强度铝合金关键技术及产业化,No. 10100,2012.06-2015.06,100万元,研究骨干。
6. 科技部国家基础研究规划项目(973计划):镁合金塑性变形机理及塑性加工理论研究,957万元,2008.1-2011.1,排名第10。
7. 国家自然科学基金重大项目:金属材料塑性变形微观组织结构多尺度表征;(参与,负责复合板轧制复合机理与微观组织表征研究),130万元,2008.12-2012.11。
8. 科技部国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):纳米掺杂钼合金丝的变形和断裂机制及其大变形织构影响,50万元,2009.3-2010.12,排名第3。
9. 横向科研项目自然科学类:铝合金异种型材挤压加工工及优化,30万元,2009.5-2010.12,排名第3。
10. 材料先进制备技术教育部重点实验室开放课题基金:钛铝复合板轧制制备过程中微观组织演变与性能研究,2010.12-2012.11,2.5万元,课题负责人。
11. 中央高校基本科研业务费面上项目:铝-铝合金多层复合板材叠轧变形机理与强韧化研究,10万,2010.1-2012.12,负责人。
12. 横向科研项目自然科学类,中冶赛迪股份有限公司:轧后电感应加热对钢板组织性能影响实验研究,15万元,2010.10-2011.5,排名第2。
13. 横向科研项目自然科学类,中冶赛迪股份有限公司:钢管冷却及性能测试实验,38.2万元,2010.12-2011.5,排名第2。
14. 横向科研项目自然科学类,南京钢铁股份有限公司:CrMnBH、CrNiMo类齿轮钢质量控制技术开发,70万元,2010.8-2011.8,排名第3。
15. 横向科研项目自然科学类,攀钢集团攀枝花钢铁研究院有限公司:高性能帘线钢线材的研究开发,88.1万元,2010.8-2011.12,排名第3。
16. 横向科研项目自然科学类:西南铝业有限责任公司:3104合金组织结构与深冲性能之间的关系研究,40万元,2011.3-2011.12,排名第3。
17. 重庆市2008重大专项:高性能轻合金材料子课题:表面包铝镁合金复合板带及相关技术研究,CSCT2009AB4005,80万元,2008.11-2011.6,(主要负责包铝镁板轧制过程的SEM、TEM微观表征)。
18. 横向科研项目自然科学类,中冶赛迪工程技术股份有限公司:高速线材减定径控轧控冷技术研究,69.89万元,2011.9-2012.7,排名第2。
19. 重庆市科委应用技术研发类重点项目:IT用高性能阳极氧化铝基材的研发,15万元,2013-2015,重庆大学负责人。
20. 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目:金属材料的形变、相变及强韧化研究,1200万元,2014.01-2020.12,研究骨干。
21. 中央高校基本科研业务费汽车专项重点项目:低成本高强高塑汽车钢亚稳态组织调控技术与性能研究,No. CDJZR**,20万元,2014.6-2016.5,负责人。
22. 横向科研项目自然科学类,中冶赛迪股份有限公司:大棒材控温水冷装置的开发与研究,35万元,2014.8-2015.12,研究骨干。
23. 横向科研项目自然科学类,重庆钢铁股份有限公司:冷轧基料典型缺陷研究及工艺优化,55万元,2014.9-2015.12,研究骨干。
24. 横向科研项目自然科学类,攀钢集团攀枝花钢铁研究院有限公司:钛/钢复合板界面结合机制及调控研究,100万元,2015.07-2018.12,负责人。
25. 横向科研项目自然科学类,中冶赛迪工程技术股份有限公司:轧制和冷却制度对低碳钢氧化铁皮性状的影响,19万元,2016.05-2017.05,负责人。
26. 横向科研项目自然科学类,马钢集团有限公司:高速车轴钢锻造微观组织控制与工艺优化研究,38.9万元,2015.12-2016.12,排名第4。
27. 横向科研项目自然科学类,中国汽车工程研究院有限公司:基于轻量化和安全的汽车动力电池铝壳材接封装技术研究,15万元,2018.04-2020.02,负责人。
28. 横向科研项目自然科学类,中冶赛迪工程技术股份有限公司:铁素体轧制工艺实验研究,9.89万元,2017.12-2018.12,负责人。
29. 横向科研项目自然科学类,沈阳东大三建有限公司:大棒材实验准备与组织性能分析究,6.5万元,2017.10-2018.10,负责人。
30. 中央高校基本科研业务费前沿交叉研究专项:碎片防护Whipple结构钛/铝/镁层状复合缓冲屏界面设计与性能研究,2019CDQYCL001,23万元,2019.01-2020.12,负责人。
31. 横向科研项目自然科学类,河钢集团有限公司:先进车型Benchmark逆向解析与应用性能研究,456万元,2020.04-2021.10,负责人。


1. 陈泽军, 肖宏. 三维弹性Taylor展开多极边界元法的误差分析. 计算力学学报. 2008, 25(1):112-116.
2. Hong Xiao, Zejun Chen. Numerical experiments of preconditioned Krylov subspace methods solving the dense non-symmetric systems arising from BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2007, 31(12):1013-1023.
3. H. Xiao, Zejun Chen. Error estimation of far-field influence of Taylor series multipole BEM. Journal of University Science and Technology of China, 2008, 38(1):64-69.
4. Zejun Chen*, Hong Xiao. The vectorization expressions of Taylor series multipole BEM for 3-D elasticity problems. Computational Mechanics, 2008, 43(2):297-306.
5. Zejun Chen*, Xiao Hong. Error analysis and preconditioning for Taylor Series Multipole-BEM, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2010, 34(2):173-181.
6. Zejun Chen*, Hong Xiao, Xia Yang. Taylor series multipole boundary element-mathematical programming method for 3D multi-bodies elastic contact problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2010, 83(2):135-173.
7. 肖宏, 杨霞, 陈泽军, 王健. 赫兹接触理论在采用边界元法分析轧机轴承载荷中的应用. 中国机械工程, 2010, 21(21):2532-2536.
8. 陈泽军*, 肖宏, 杨霞. HC 轧机辊间接触与辊系变形的Taylor级数多极边界元数学规划解析. 计算力学学报, 2011, 28(1):84-90.
9. 黄光杰, 邹彬, 黄鑫, 陈泽军, 刘庆. 累积复合轧制法制备层状超细晶材料的研究现状. 材料导报, 2011, 25(9):6-10,27.
10. 黄光杰, 邹彬, 黄鑫, 陈泽军, 刘庆. 轧制复合三层铝合金板变形规律及力学性能的研究. 材料导报, 2011, 25(10):96-99.
11. Zejun Chen*, Z. Zeng, G.J. Huang, Q. Liu. Research on the Al/Mg/Al three-layer clad sheet fabricated by hot roll bonding technology. Rare Metal Mater. Eng., 2011, 40(S3):136-140.
12. 陈泽军*, 肖宏. Taylor级数多极边界元法及其在轧制工程中的应用. 重庆大学学报, 2012, 35(5):57-63.
13. 陈泽军*, 陈全忠, 黄光杰, 刘雪峰. 铝/钛/铝三层复合板热轧工艺及微观组织研究. 材料导报, 2012, 26(3):106-109.
14. Zejun Chen, Hong Xiao. The fast multipole boundary element methods (FMBEM) and its applications in rolling engineering analysis. Computational Mechanics, 2012, 50(5):513-531.
15. 韩会全, 陈泽军, 胡建平, 李宏图, 黄光杰. J55钢级焊接油井管在线控冷工艺的研究. 钢管, 2012, 3:24-27.
16. Kawunga Nyirenda, Zejun Chen, Chen Quanzhong, Qing Liu. Mechanical properties of multilayer 1100/7075 aluminum sheet produced by hot ARB. (pp.1753-1760). 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA-13). June 3-7th, 2012 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. US. Editor(s): Hasso Weiland, Anthony D. Rollett, William A. Cassada. DOI: 10.1002/92.ch262; Published Print: 5 JUN 2012; Print ISBN: 44.
17. Zejun Chen*, Kawunga Nyirenda, Quanzhong Chen, Qing Liu. The effect of heat treatment technology on mechanical properties of Al/Al alloys multilayer sheet fabricated by hot roll bonding. (pp. 1705-1711). 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA-13). June 3-7th, 2012 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US. Editor(s): Hasso Weiland, Anthony D. Rollett, William A. Cassada. DOI: 10.1002/92.ch255; Published Print: 5 JUN 2012; Print ISBN: 44.
18. Zejun Chen, Hongbo Hu, Xia Wu, Minhong Zhou, Kawunga Nyirenda, Qing Liu. Effect of cross roll bonding process on microstructure and mechanical properties of 1100/7075 multi-layer composite sheets fabricated by ARB. The 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-8). August 4-9, 2013, Hawaii, US. p. 2285-2295. (Invited presentation).
19. Zejun Chen*, Xia Wu, Hongbo Hu, Quanzhong Chen, Qing Liu. Effect of individual layer shape on the mechanical properties of dissimilar Al alloys laminated metal composite sheets. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2014, 23(3):990-1001.
20. Zejun Chen*, Xinran Ou, Hongbo Hu, Xia Wu, Kawunga Nyrienda, et al. Light alloys laminated dissimilar metal composite sheet (LDMCS) fabricated by hot roll bonding technology. Materials Science & Technology 2013, October 27-31, 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pp. 2087-2096.
21. Zejun Chen*, Chen Quanzhong, Kawunga Nyirenda, Liu Qing. The mechanical properties and microstructure of laminated 1100/7075 metal composite sheets fabricated by hot accumulative roll bonding (ARB). THERMEC' 2013 International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Processing, December 2-6, 2013, Las Vegas, USA. (Invited presentation)
22. 陈泽军*, 李宏图, 张静, 黄光杰. 电感应再加热对热轧低合金钢组织影响的模拟. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 35(10):1427-1431.
23. 陈泽军*, 李军超, 黄光杰. 厚规格铝压型板辊弯成型工艺与裂纹缺陷分析. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2014, 35(8):1035-1039.
24. Zejun Chen*, Quanzhong Chen, Qing Liu, Zheng Zhou, Guojun Wang. Fabrication and mechanical properties for ultrafine structured dissimilar laminated metal composite sheets (LMCS). Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2015, 22(1):71-79.
25. Zejun Chen*, Jing Zhang, Liang Yu, Guangjie Huang. Experimental research on the effect of induction reheating on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-rolled low-alloy steel plate. Materials Research - Ibero - American Journal of Materials, 2014, 17(6):1601-1609.
26. 陈泽军*, 刘庆, 王国军, 王德满. 1100/7075/1100复合板热轧制备和热处理技术研究. 材料热处理学报, 2015, 36(6):154-158.
27. Zejun Chen*, Qing Liu, Guojun Wang, Deman Wang. Deformation inhomogeneity of Mg/Al laminated metal composite sheet fabricated by accumulative roll-bonding. Materials Research Innovations. 2015, s4:147-151.
28. Zejun Chen*, Huiquan Han, Wei Ren, Guangjie Huang. Temperature modeling on annular on-line spray water cooling process for electric resistance weld steel pipe. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(7):19.
29. Shen Yuteng, Xinran Ou, Zejun Chen*. Effect of additional shear stress on microstructure evolution of AZ31 sheet by differential speed rolling, Materials Science Forum, 2015, Vol. 816:433-438.
30. Zejun Chen*, Quanzhong Chen. Interface shear actions and mechanical properties of nanostructured dissimilar al alloy laminated metal composites, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015, (80):1-14.
31. Zejun Chen*, Chen Xin, Zhou Ting. Microstructure and mechanical properties of J55 ERW steel pipe processed by on-line spray water cooling. Metals, 2017:150.
32. 周天鹏, 陈泽军*, 曹文全. 中锰钢0.15C-5Mn-Al冷轧ART退火组织转变与力学性能. 机械工程学报, 2017, 53(12):133-139.
33. Boxin, Li, Zejun Chen*, et al. Effect of rolling temperature on shear strength of hot roll bonded Ti/steel clad plates with vanadium and if steel interlayer[C]// 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi’an, 20-25th August 2017.
34. 赵启帆, 向浪涛, 汪涛, 戴林, 黄微涛, 陈泽军. 冷轧基料烂边缺陷分析及应用. 甘肃冶金. 2018, (01):33-36.
35. Cheng Zhang, Shouxin Wang, Hanxue Qiao, Zejun Chen*, et al. Enhancing the mechanical properties of hot roll bonded Al/Ti laminated metal composites (LMCs) by pre-rolling diffusion process. Metals. 2019, 9(7):795.
36. Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen*, Boxin Li, et al. Effect of cross rolling on the interface morphology and mechanical properties of ARBed AA1100/AA7075 laminated metal composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 805:617-623.
37. Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen*, Boxin Li, et al. Tailoring of interface structure and mechanical properties in ARBed 1100/7075 laminated composites by cold rolling. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2019, 755:97-105.
38. 陈泽军*, 王鹏举, 赵樱. 铜/铝复合板界面化合物生长规律和导热性能. 中国有色金属学报. 2019, 29(05):906-913.
39. 陈泽军*, 周廷, 李博新, 等. 钒中间层钛/钢复合板结合界面结构与力学性能. 塑性工程学报. 2019, 26(01):188-193.
40. 陈豪, 周天鹏, 陈泽军*, 等. 回火温度对30Cr15Mo1N微观组织和力学性能影响. 钢铁. 2019, 54(05):60-67.
41. 陈豪, 徐海峰, 周天鹏, 陈泽军*, 等. 淬火和低温处理对X30 CrMoN 15 1组织性能影响. 钢铁, 2019, (09):85-93.
42. Boxin Li, Zejun Chen*, Weijun He, et al. Effect of titanium grain orientation on the growth of compounds at diffusion bonded titanium/steel interfaces. Materials Characterization. 2019, 148:243-251.
43. Boxin Li, Zejun Chen*, Weijun He, et al. Effect of interlayer material and rolling temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of titanium/steel clad plates. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2019, 749:241-248.
44. Boxin Li, Weijun He, Zejun Chen*, et al. Influence of annealing on the microstructure, interfacial compounds and mechanical properties of hot rolling bonded Ti/steel clad plate with bimetallic interlayered steel and vanadium. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 764, 138227. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2019.138227.
45. Wenhuan Chen, Weijun He*, Zejun Chen*, Zheng Zhou, Qing Liu. Effect of wavy profile on the fabrication and mechanical properties of Al/Ti/Al composites prepared by rolling bonding: experiments and finite element simulations. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 21(11), **. http://doi.org/10.1002/adem..
46. Huiquan Han, Tianpeng Zhou, Wanhui Wang, Zejun Chen*, Chunmei Yang. Effect of rolling reduction and temperature on the oxide scale of hot rolled mild steel strip. Materials Research, 2019, 22(5): e**. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2019-0083.
47. 陈泽军*, 莫太骞, 陈全忠. 固溶时效对铝合金层状复合板力学性能与PLC效应的影响. 材料热处理学报. 2019, 40(12):59-67.
48. Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen*, Hao Chen, Chao Hu, Weijun He, Qing Liu. Multiscale interfacial structure strengthening effect in Al alloy laminated metal composites fabricated by accumulative roll bonding. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 766: 138354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2019.138354.
49. Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen*, Hongtao Huang, Jianshu Lin, Qing Liu. Effect of two-step annealing on recrystallized structure and mechanical properties in AA7075/AA1100 laminated metal composites processed by accumulative roll bonding. Materials Characterization, 2019, 158: 109951. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.109951.
50. Taiqian Mo, Jie Chen, Zejun Chen*, Qing Liu. Microstructure evolution during roll bonding and growth of interfacial intermetallic compounds in Al/Ti/Al laminated metal composites. JOM, 2019, 71:4769-4777. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-019-03845-6.
51. Tianpeng Zhou, Cunyu Wang, Chang Wang, Wenquan Cao*, Zejun Chen*. Strong interactions between austenite and the matrix of medium-Mn steel during intercritical annealing. Materials, 2020, 13, 3366. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma**.
52. Pengju Wang, Zejun Chen*, Chao Hu, Boxin Li, TaiqianMo, QingLiu. Effects of annealing on the interfacial structures and mechanical properties of hot roll bonded Al/Mg clad sheets. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 792, 139673. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.139673.
53. Wenhuan Chen, Weijun He*, Zejun Chen, Bin Jiang, QingLiu. Extraordinary room temperature tensile ductility of laminated Ti/Al composite: Roles of anisotropy and strain rate sensitivity. International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 133, 102806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2020.102806.
54. Boxin Li, Weijun He*, Zejun Chen*, Hongtao Huang, Lin Peng, Jun Li, Qing Liu. Evolution of interface and collaborative deformation between Ti and steel during hot roll bonding. Materials Characterization, 2020, 164, 110354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2020.110354.
55. Tianpeng Zhou, Cunyu Wang, Chang Wang, Wenquan Cao*, Zejun Chen*. Austenite stability and deformation-induced transformation mechanism in cold-rolled medium-Mn steel. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020: 140147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.140147.
56. Pengju Wang, Zejun Chen*, Chao Hu, Boxin Li, Jianshu Lin, Qing Liu. Effects of annealing on the interface microstructures and mechanical properties of hot roll bonded Ti6Al4V/AA6061 clad sheets. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(5): 11813-11825. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.08.070.
57. Taiqian Mo, Jie Chen, Zejun Chen*, Jiangjiang Liu, Zhansong Zhou, Weijun He, Qing Liu. Effect of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) on the interfacial bonding strength and mechanical properties of pre-rolling diffusion ARBed Al/Ti laminated composites. Materials Characterization, 2020, 170, 110731.
58. Pengju Wang, Zejun Chen*, Hongtao Huang, Jianshu Lin, Qing Liu. Fabrication of Ti/Al/Mg laminated composites by hot roll bonding and their microstructures and mechanical properties. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cja.2020.08.044
59. Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen*, Zhansong Zhou, Jiangjiang Liu, Weijun He*, Qing Liu. Enhancing of mechanical properties of rolled 1100/7075 Al alloys laminated metal composite by thermomechanical treatments. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 800. 140313. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.140313.
60. Pengju Wang, Hongtao Huang, Jiangjiang Liu, Qing Liu, Zejun Chen*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V/AA6061/AZ31 laminated metal composites (LMCs) fabricated by hot roll bonding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 157943.
61. Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen*, Dayu Zhou, Guangming Lu, Yongmeng Huang, Qing Liu. Effect of lamellar structural parameters on the bending fracture behavior of AA1100/AA7075 laminated metal composites, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Accepted, 2021.


1. 王新筑,陈泽军,郭早阳,唐山等. 一种具有压头稳固装置的复合材料压痕实验系统, 2013.06, 专利申请号:3.0。(已授权)
2. 陈泽军,伍侠,胡宏波,沈宇腾,等. 一种铝/镁/钛三层复合板轧制复合方法, 2014.06, 专利申请号:1.1。(已授权)
3. 陈泽军,胡宏波,伍侠,沈宇腾,等. 一种加速晶粒细化的塑性加工方法, 2014.06, 专利申请号:1.0。(已授权)
4. 陈泽军,王新筑,沈宇腾,等. 一种金属层状微梯度复合材料制备方法, 2014,10, 专利申请号:6.1。
5. 陈泽军,李博新,等. 镁/铝/钛复合板包覆轧制方法, 2015, 专利申请号:2.1。
6. 何维均,陈泽军,等. 一种层状金属复合板界面结合强度评价方法, 2016, 专利申请号:6.X。
7. 陈泽军,莫太骞,张诚,王受信,乔涵雪. 一种预冷轧扩散的钛/铝层状复合板制备技术. 专利申请号:2.9。

2010年 荣获2010年度重庆大学先进工作者
2011年 荣获2010年度材料科学与工程学院突出贡献奖
2011年 荣获2011年度河北省优秀博士论文
2012年 荣获重庆市优秀挂职干部称号
2013年 荣获重庆市科技进步二等奖
2014年 荣获重庆大学记功一次
2015年 荣获第五届重庆大学教学基本功比赛优秀教案奖
2015年 荣获2015年度重庆大学先进工作者


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