本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04
Adrien CHAPUIS系所:材料加工系
学习工作经历 Education:
2006-2010: Philosophical Doctorate in Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-étienne (ENSM-SE), France, in the department of Materials Science and Structures
2001-2005: Master in materials science and Engineering study in ENSM-SE
1999-2001: Math sup-math spé in Lycée Vaugelas, Chambery (73, France)
Professional experiences:
03/2017-present: associate researcher in Chongqing University, China
07/2013-02/2017: Teacher-lecturer in CQU
03/2011-07/2013: Post-PhD in CQU
10/2004-03/2005: Engineer intern at steelworks AUBERT et DUVAL in Firminy, France
05/2003-09/2003: technical internship in metallurgical combine of Magnitogorsk MMK, Russia
社会兼职 Reviewer for some international journals
主讲课程 本科生课程:
Simulations of plastic deformation for metals
主要研究方向 Experimental and theoretic study of plastic deformation of HCP metals (Magnesium, Titanium, Zirconium), Visco-plastic self-consistant modeling, Twinning.
科研项目 PI of NSFC project number from 2012 to 2013:‘Deformation mechanisms and theoretical study of Zirconium alloy at high temperature’.
PI of NSFC project number from 2013 to 2014:‘Activity of pyramidal <c+a> slip at room temperature in Mg alloy AZ31’.
PI of NSFC project from 2016 to 2018 :‘基于孪生变形的冷轧纯钛R值调控方法及其机理研究’
Member of other projects
论文及专著 Adrien Chapuis, Julian H. Driver, Temperature dependency of slip and twinning in plane strain compressed magnesium single crystals, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 1986–1994
A. Chapuis, P. Liu, Q. Liu, An experimental and numerical study of texture change and twinning-induced hardening during tensile deformation of an AZ31 magnesium alloy rolled plate, Materials Science & Engineering A 561 (2013) 167–173
A. Chapuis, Low temperature plane strain compression of a magnesium single crystal with <c> axis constrained, Materials Science & Engineering A 590 (2014) 401–405
Adrien CHAPUIS, Bingshu WANG, Qing LIU, A comparative study between uniaxial compression and plane strain compression of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy using experiments and simulations, Materials Science & Engineering A 597 (2014) 349–358
Adrien Chapuis, Yunchang Xin, Xiaojun Zhou, Qing Liu, {10-12} Twin variants selection mechanisms during twinning, re-twinning and detwinning, Materials Science & Engineering A 612 (2014) 431–439
Adrien Chapuis, Qing Liu, Simulations of texture evolution for HCP metals: Influence of the main slip systems, Computational Materials Science 97 (2015) 121–126
Zhi-qiang WANG, Adrien CHAPUIS, Qing LIU, Simulation of mechanical behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy during twin-dominated large plastic deformation, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 25 (2015) 3595-3603
Adrien Chapuis, Zhi-qiang Wang, Qing Liu, Influence of material parameters on modeling plastic deformation of Mg alloys, Materials Science & Engineering A 655 (2016) 244-250
Xiaoqian Guo, Adrien Chapuis, Peidong Wu, Qing Liu, Xianbiao Mao, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Anisotropic and Twinning Behavior in Mg Alloy under Uniaxial Tension, Materials and Design 98 (2016) 333-343
Chao Ma, Adrien Chapuis, XiaoQian Guo, LingYu Zhao, PeiDong Wu, Qing Liu, XianBiao Ma, Modeling the deformation behavior of a rolled Mg alloy with the EVPSC-TDT model, Materials Science & Engineering A 682 (2017), 332-340
LingYu Zhao, Adrien Chapuis, YunChang Xin, Qing Liu, VPSC-TDT modeling and texture characterization of the deformation of a Mg-3Al-1Zn plate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 710 (2017), 159-165
Adrien Chapuis, Qing Liu, Investigating the temperature dependency of plastic deformation in a Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A 725 (2018) 108-118
Lingyu Zhao, Xiaoqian Guo, Adrien Chapuis, Yunchang Xin, Qing Liu, Peidong Wu, Strain-Path Dependence of {10-12} Twinning in a Rolled Mg–3Al–1Zn Alloy: Influence of Twinning Model, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50A (2019) 118-131
A. Chapuis, Q. Liu, Modeling strain rate sensitivity and high temperature deformation of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 7 (2019) 433–443
QH Zeng, A Chapuis, BF Luan, Q Liu, Slip deformation mechanism of alpha-Zr at 700 degrees C, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 29 (2019), 1465-1475
Xiaoqian Guo, Chao Ma, Lingyu Zhao, Adrien Chapuis, Qing Liu, Peidong Wu, Effect of pre-deformation on the activation stress of {10–12} twinning in Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A 800 (2021) 140384
表彰及奖励 无
科研团队 Deformation and microstructure of metals, leader: LIU Qing
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【此处插入照片宽度190】(照片处暂空出)李建波系所:材料加工工程系职称:副教授职务:无学位:博士邮箱:jbli@cqu.edu.cn电话:**学习工作经历2019.09-至今.重庆大学副教授2015.09-2019.08重庆大学讲师2012.09-2014.12中南大学材料学工学博士2010.09 ...重庆大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-10-04重庆大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李婷
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