清华大学 机械工程系, 北京 100084
作者简介:孙可平(1979-), 男, 博士研究生
通信作者:杨东超, 副研究员, E-mail:ydc@tsinghua.edu.cn
Analysis of oblique indentations caused by the tractor driving wheel and the casing pipe wall
SUN Keping, YANG Dongchao

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract: Contact between the driving wheel of a horizontal well crawler and the casing pipe wall causes plastic deformation indentations in the pipe wall. The indentation morphology then greatly influences the crawler motion with the oblique indentation contact between the wheel teeth and the pipe wall being a very complex process. A theoretical model was developed to analyze the indentation formation for various loading conditions with positive pressure and torque on the gear tooth to the oblique indentation. The loading effects can be divided into 6 different action areas. Slip line theory was used to analyze the pressure distribution for various contact states of the gear tooth in each region in a mechanical calculation model relating the load on the gear tooth and the indentation morphology. The critical loads between the action zones are identified with forward and backward application methods of the theoretical model. Finally, theoretical models of the four stabilization zones are characterized based on their indentation depth, amount of slip, indentation morphology and pressure distribution on the contact surface, and the indentation verification test was also carried out. The simulations and tests show that the load division between the gear teeth is reasonable and the theoretical model is accurate. This lays a foundation for optimization of the crawler load control strategy and the modeling and optimization of the multi-tooth traction force on the drive wheel.
Key words: crawlerindentation morphologyplastic contact modelslip line theorypressure distribution
1 载荷作用分区1.1 载荷分析模型爬行器驱动轮在水平井套管内滚动时,接触轮齿的中轴线与竖直方向的夹角在不断变化,绝大多数时刻轮齿与管壁处于斜压状态,只有一个瞬时轮齿处于垂直正压状态。为提高所研究问题的普适性,本文选取轮齿以倾斜角度θ压入管壁时的状态进行分析。爬行器驱动轮在正压力F和转矩M的作用下,其力学模型如图 1所示,将其作用力分解为切向力FT和法向力FN,根据力平衡原理可得:
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图 1 驱动轮力学模型 |
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$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}{F_{\rm{N}}} = F,\\{F_{\rm{T}}} = \frac{M}{{R\cos \theta }} - F \cdot \tan \theta .\end{array} \right.$ | (1) |
1.2 作用区域分界由式(1)可以看出,驱动轮所受到的F和M均可等效为FT和FN。轮齿受力后将引起管壁接触区域的塑性变形。轮齿的变形可忽略不计,但其运动轨迹将受到FT和FN的影响,进而决定了管壁接触区域的塑性变形。根据FT和FN之间的关系可以将斜压时轮齿的载荷分为6个作用区域,如图 2所示。其中,γ1和γ2区域为轮齿左右两侧的管壁材料均有塑性变形,γ1区域水平滑移量Δx为正(图 1中向左),γ2区域水平滑移量Δx为负(图 1中向右);β区域为轮齿只有左侧的管壁材料有塑性变形,轮齿沿右侧面向左下方滑动形成压痕;ω区域为轮齿只有右侧的管壁材料有塑性变形,轮齿沿左侧面向右下方滑动形成压痕;α和φ区域为2个不稳定区域,α区域由于正向(图 1中向左)的切向力FT过大,轮齿将沿左侧面滑出,φ区域由于负向的切向力FT过大,轮齿将沿右侧面滑出,各区域塑性变形仿真效果如图 3所示。
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图 2 FT作用区域分界图 |
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图 3 各区域塑性变形仿真效果图 |
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2 斜压力学模型驱动轮轮齿与管壁的弹塑性变形问题涉及到接触非线性和材料非线性2个难点,目前尚无有效的理论模型可以精确刻画其变化规律。为了简化分析,进行如下假设:
假设1??由于驱动轮的材料为20CrMoTi,屈服强度(885 MPa)和硬度(217 HB)均大幅高于试验用6061铝板,故假设轮齿在接触过程中不发生变形。
假设2??由于轮齿厚度为10 mm,压痕深度为0.5 mm左右,二者相差较大,故假设在齿厚方向压力分布不发生变化,故转化为二维平面应变问题。
2.1 γ1、γ2区域力学建模当轮齿载荷位于γ1或γ2区域时,轮齿左右两侧的管壁材料均有塑性变形,建立压痕附近的滑移线场如图 4所示,其中p为接触部分的压力分布。根据Hencky方程[19]得到:
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图 4 轮齿两侧均有塑性变形时的力学分析模型 |
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$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\Delta \sigma + 2k \cdot \Delta \varphi = 0,点在\;{\alpha _0}\;线上;\\\Delta \sigma - 2k \cdot \Delta \varphi = 0,点在\;{\beta _0}\;线上.\end{array} \right.$ | (2) |
$p\left( x \right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{p_1}(x) = 2k\left( {1 + \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right) - {\lambda _1}} \right),\\\;\;\;x \in \left[ { - {x_{{B_1}}}, - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} \right];\\{p_2}(x) = 2k\left( {1 + \frac{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}}{2} + \arcsin \frac{x}{r} - {\lambda _1}} \right),\\\;\;\;x \in \left[ { - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),0} \right];\\{p_3}(x) = 2k\left( {1 + \frac{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}}{2} - \arcsin \frac{x}{r} - {\lambda _2}} \right),\\\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ {0,r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} \right];\\{p_4}(x) = 2k\left( {1 + \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right) - {\lambda _2}} \right),\\\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ {r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right),{x_{{B_2}}}} \right].\end{array} \right.$ | (3) |
${F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_1}\left( {{x_{{B_1}}},{x_{{B_2}}},{\lambda _1},{\lambda _2}} \right) =\\ \left\{ \begin{array}{l}\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^0 {{p_2}\left( x \right) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x} + \int_0^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_3}\left( x \right) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x} ,\\\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_1}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),0 < {x_{{B_2}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^0 {{p_2}\left( x \right) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x} + \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_3}\left( x \right) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x} + \int_{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_4}\left( x \right) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x} ,\\\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_1}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),{x_{{B_2}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\end{array} \right.\\\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_1}} \left( x \right) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_0^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\\\;\;\;\;{x_{{B_1}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),0 < {x_{{B_2}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_1}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x \cdots \\ \cdots + \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{\left. {r\cos {\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_4}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\\\;\;\;\;{x_{{B_1}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),{x_{{B_2}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.\end{array} \right.$ | (4) |
${F_{\rm{T}}} = {f_2}\left( {{x_{{B_1}}},{x_{{B_2}}},{\lambda _1},{\lambda _2}} \right) =\\ \left\{ \begin{array}{l}\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{ - x}}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \int_0^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\\\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_1}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),0 < {x_{{B_2}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{ - x}}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \\\;\;\;\;\int_{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_4}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\\\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_1}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),{x_{{B_2}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\end{array} \right.\\\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _n} + \theta } \right)} {{p_1}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}} \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{ - x}}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \\\;\;\;\;\;\int_0^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\\{x_{{B_1}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),0 < {x_{{B_2}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_1}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}} \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{ - x}}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x \cdots \\\;\;\;\;\; \cdots - \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \int_{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_4}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\\\;\;\;\;\;{x_{{B_1}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),{x_{{B_2}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.\end{array} \right.$ | (5) |
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图 5 轮齿左侧有塑变时的力学分析模型 |
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$p\left( x \right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{p_1}\left( x \right) = 2k\left( {1 + \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right) - \lambda } \right),\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ { - {x_{{B_1}}}, - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} \right];\\{p_2}\left( x \right) = 2k\left( {1 + \frac{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}}{2} + \arcsin \frac{x}{r} - {\lambda _1}} \right),\;\;\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ { - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right),0} \right];\\{p_3}\left( x \right) = 2k\left( {1 + \frac{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}}{2} + \arcsin \frac{x}{r} - {\lambda _1}} \right),\;\;\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ {0,r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} \right].\end{array} \right.$ | (6) |
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_{{\rm{1L}}}}\left( {{x_{{B_1}}},{\lambda _1}} \right) = }\\{\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_1}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_1}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;{x_{{B_1}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.}\end{array}$ | (7) |
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{F_{\rm{T}}} = {f_{2{\rm{L}}}}\left( {{x_{{B_1}}},{\lambda _1}} \right) = }\\{\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{ - x}}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_1}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - {x_{{B_1}}}}^{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_1}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}} \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \\\int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{x_{{B_1}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.}\end{array}$ | (8) |
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图 6 轮齿右侧有塑变时的力学分析模型 |
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$p\left( x \right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{p_2}(x) = 2k\left( {1 + \frac{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}}{2} + \arcsin \frac{x}{r}} \right),\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ { - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),0} \right];\\{p_3}(x) = 2k\left( {1 + \frac{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}}{2} - \arcsin \frac{x}{r} - {\lambda _2}} \right),\;\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ {0,r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} \right];\\{p_4}(x) = 2k\left( {1 + \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right) - {\lambda _2}} \right),\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ {r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right),{x_{{B_2}}}} \right].\end{array} \right.$ | (9) |
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_{1{\rm{R}}}}\left( {{x_{{B_2}}},{\lambda _2}} \right) = }\\{\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_0^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_2}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _1} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}^{{x_{{B_s}}}} {{p_4}} (x) \cdot b \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;\;\;{x_{{B_2}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.}\end{array}$ | (10) |
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{F_{\rm{T}}} = {f_{2{\rm{R}}}}\left( {{x_{{B_2}}},{\lambda _2}} \right) = }\\{\left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{ - x}}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \int_0^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;0 < {x_{{B_2}}} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{p_2}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{ - x}}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \int_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} {{p_3}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{x}{{\sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} }} \cdot {\rm{d}}x - \\\int_{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}^{{x_{{B_2}}}} {{p_4}} (x) \cdot b \cdot \frac{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}} \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{x_{{B_2}}} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.}\end{array}$ | (11) |
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{F_{{\rm{NLD}}}} + {F_{\rm{R}}} \cdot \sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right) = {F_{\rm{N}}},}\\{{F_{{\rm{TLD}}}} - {F_{\rm{R}}} \cdot \cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right) = {F_{\rm{T}}}.}\end{array}} \right.$ | (12) |
${F_{{\rm{NLD}}}} + \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right) \cdot {F_{{\rm{TLD}}}} = {F_{\rm{N}}} + {F_{\rm{T}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).$ | (13) |
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{F_{{\rm{NRD}}}} + {F_{\rm{L}}} \cdot \sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right) = {F_{\rm{N}}},}\\{{F_{{\rm{TRD}}}} + {F_{\rm{L}}} \cdot \cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right) = {F_{\rm{T}}}.}\end{array}} \right.$ | (14) |
${F_{{\rm{NRD}}}} - \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right) \cdot {F_{{\rm{TRD}}}} = {F_{\rm{N}}} - {F_{\rm{T}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right).$ | (15) |
3 压痕形貌和压深与滑移量的关系3.1 隆起位置和高度与压深和滑移量的关系为了进一步计算,希望找出压痕形貌参量xB1、xB2、λ1、λ2与轮齿压入深度d、滑移量Δx之间的函数关系。如图 7所示,记压深d=0时轮齿的轮廓线方程为f(x),取D1E3=a1,C1E3=c1·a1,D2E3=a2,C2E3=c2·a2根据材料塑性变形过程中体积不变的定理有:SΔB1C1D1=SD1FE1E=S1和SΔB2C2D2=SD2GE1E=S2。经推导得到压痕形貌参量xB1、xB2、λ1、λ2与压深d、滑移量Δx的函数关系如下:
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图 7 斜压时压痕形貌图 |
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$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{S_1} = \left( {{a_1} + \frac{{\Delta x}}{2}} \right)d - \int_{ - {a_1}}^0 f (x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x,}\\{{x_{{B_1}}} = \frac{{2{S_1} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}}{{\left( {{c_1} - 1} \right){a_1}}} + {a_1},}\\{{\lambda _1} = \frac{{2{S_1}}}{{{{\left( {{c_1} - 1} \right)}^2}a_1^2 - 2{S_1} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}},}\end{array}} \right.$ | (16) |
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{S_2} = \left( {{a_2} - \frac{{\Delta x}}{2}} \right)d - \int_0^{{a_2}} f (x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x,}\\{{x_{{B_2}}} = \frac{{2{S_2} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}}{{\left( {{c_2} - 1} \right){a_2}}} + {a_2},}\\{{\lambda _2} = \frac{{2{S_2}}}{{{{\left( {{c_2} - 1} \right)}^2}a_2^2 - 2{S_2} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}}.}\end{array}} \right.$ | (17) |
${a_1} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}\sqrt {(2r - d)d} ,\\\;\;\;0 \le d < r - r\sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right);\\(d - r)\tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right) + \frac{r}{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}},\\\;\;\;d \ge r - r\sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.$ | (18) |
${a_2} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}\sqrt {\left( {2r - d} \right)d} ,\\\;\;\;0 \le d < r - r\sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);\\\left( {d - r} \right)\tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right) + \frac{r}{{\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}},\\\;\;\;d \ge r - r\sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.$ | (19) |
$f\left( x \right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{f_1}\left( x \right) = \frac{{ - x}}{{\tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}} + r\left( {1 - \frac{1}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}}} \right),\;\;\;\;x < - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right);\\{f_2}\left( x \right) = {f_3}\left( x \right) = r - \sqrt {{r^2} - {x^2}} ,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;x \in \left[ { - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),r\left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} \right];\\{f_4}\left( x \right) = \frac{x}{{\tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}} + r\left( {1 - \frac{1}{{\sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}}} \right),\;\;\;x > \cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).\end{array} \right.$ | (20) |
$\int_{ - {a_1}}^0 f (x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}\int_{ - {a_1}}^0 {{f_2}} (x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\quad \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;0 \le {a_1} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right);\\\int_{ - {a_1}}^{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} {{f_1}(x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x} + \int_{ - r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)}^0 {{f_2}} (x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x,\;\;\;\;{a_1} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),\end{array} \right.$ | (21) |
$\int_0^{{a_2}} f (x) \cdot dx = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\int_0^{{a_2}} {{f_3}} (x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x,}&{0 \le {a_2} \le r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right);}\\{\mathop \smallint \nolimits_0^{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} {f_3}(x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x + \int_{r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}^{{a_2}} {{f_4}} (x) \cdot {\rm{d}}x,}&{{a_2} > r\cos \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right).}\end{array}} \right.$ | (22) |
3.2 宽度系数的求解根据楔形压头滑移线解法[19]解得宽度系数c1、c2表示如下:
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{c_1}\left( {{c_1} - 2} \right)\sin \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right) = \sqrt {c_1^2 - {{\cos }^2}\left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} ,}\\{{c_2}\left( {{c_2} - 2} \right)\sin \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right) = \sqrt {c_2^2 - {{\cos }^2}\left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} .}\end{array}} \right.$ | (23) |
4 区域临界线求解及模型的应用4.1 区域临界线求解式(4)和(5)所示的γ1、γ2区域力学模型反映的是轮齿左右两侧材料同时有塑性变形时载荷与压痕形貌之间的关系。当轮齿切向力FT增大导致轮齿开始沿右侧面向左下方运动时, 此时右侧材料开始无塑性变形但承受压力时,轮齿载荷作用开始从γ1区域进入β区域,其临界线FT0L计算如下:
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}令\;\Delta {x_{0{\rm{L}}}} = {d_{0{\rm{L}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right),\\由\;{F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_1}\left( {{d_{0{\rm{L}}}},\Delta {x_{0{\rm{L}}}}} \right)\;解出\;{d_{0{\rm{L}}}},\\则\;{F_{{\rm{T0L}}}} = {f_2}\left( {{d_{0{\rm{L}}}},\Delta {x_{0{\rm{L}}}}} \right) = \\{f_2}\left( {{d_{0{\rm{L}}}},{d_{0{\rm{L}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} \right).\end{array} \right.$ | (24) |
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}令\;\Delta {x_{1{\rm{L}}}} = {d_{1{\rm{L}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right),\\由\;{F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_{{\rm{1L}}}}\left( {{d_{1{\rm{L}}}},\Delta {x_{1{\rm{L}}}}} \right)\;解出\;{d_{1{\rm{L}}}},\\则\;{F_{{\rm{T1L}}}} = {f_{{\rm{2L}}}}\left( {{d_{1{\rm{L}}}},\Delta {x_{1{\rm{L}}}}} \right) = \\{f_{{\rm{2L}}}}\left( {{d_{1{\rm{L}}}},{d_{1{\rm{L}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)} \right).\end{array} \right.$ | (25) |
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}令\;\Delta {x_{0C}} = 0;\\由\;{F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_1}\left( {{d_{0{\rm{C}}}},0} \right)\;解出\;{d_{0C}};\\则\;{F_{{\rm{T0Z}}}} = {f_2}\left( {{d_{0C}},0} \right).\end{array} \right.$ | (26) |
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{令\;\Delta {x_{0{\rm{R}}}} = - {d_{0{\rm{R}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),}\\{由\;{F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_1}\left( {{d_{{\rm{0R}}}},\Delta {x_{0{\rm{R}}}}} \right)\;解出\;{d_{0{\rm{R}}}},}\\{则\;{F_{{\rm{T0R}}}} = {f_2}\left( {{d_{{\rm{0R}}}},\Delta {x_{0{\rm{R}}}}} \right) = }\\{{f_2}\left( {{d_{{\rm{0R}}}}, - {d_{0{\rm{R}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} \right).}\end{array}} \right.$ | (27) |
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{令\;\Delta {x_{1{\rm{R}}}} = - {d_{1{\rm{R}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right),}\\{由\;{F_{\rm{N}}} = {f_{1{\rm{R}}}}\left( {{d_{1{\rm{R}}}},\Delta {x_{1{\rm{R}}}}} \right)\;解出\;{d_{1{\rm{R}}}},}\\{则\;{F_{{\rm{T}}1{\rm{R}}}} = {f_{2{\rm{R}}}}\left( {{d_{1{\rm{R}}}},\Delta {x_{1{\rm{R}}}}} \right) = }\\{{f_{2{\rm{R}}}}\left( {{d_{1{\rm{R}}}}, - {d_{1{\rm{R}}}} \cdot \tan \left( {{\theta _0} + \theta } \right)} \right).}\end{array}} \right.$ | (28) |
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图 8 已知载荷求解压痕形貌流程图 |
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当已知压深d和滑移量Δx需要追溯形成该压痕的载荷时,首先计算Δx与d之间的比例系数C,合理C值需满足:-tan(θ0+θ)≤C≤tan(θ0-θ), 不合理的压痕是由α区域或φ区域或其他非正常过程产生的。当C处于正常区间内值时,对应γ1或γ2作用区域,此时轮齿两侧面材料均有塑性变形,载荷有唯一解。当C为正常区间的边界值时,对应β或ω作用区域。从式(13)可知,当已知轮齿载荷FN和FT时,由于在β区域轮齿运动满足:Δx=d·tan(θ0-θ), 式左侧为单一参数d的函数,可据此求解出压痕形貌的唯一解。但当已知压痕的形貌求解轮齿载荷时,式(13)右侧为轮齿载荷FN和FT满足左侧约束的一个解的集合,此时不能依据式(13)求解出β区域轮齿载荷的唯一解。同理,不能依据式(15)求解出ω区域轮齿载荷的唯一解。已知压痕形貌求解载荷的具体流程如图 9所示。
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图 9 已知压痕形貌求解载荷流程图 |
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5 仿真验证5.1 验证方法为了验证所建立的斜压力学模型,用ABAQUSP有限元分析软件对该问题进行了仿真计算。仿真采用显式算法(Explicit);针对接触区域,利用自适应网格划分技术(ALE)以解决大变形问题导致的网格畸变;驱动轮轮齿采用解析刚体, 齿顶角2θ0=100°,斜压角度θ=5°,圆角半径r=0.05 mm;轮齿厚度b=10 mm,管壁材料为铝合金,材料屈服强度σs=205.78 MPa(材料达到屈服后屈服强度保持不变),Young's模量E=71 000 MPa,Possion比μ=0.33。网格划分用的是平面应变、减缩积分四边形单元(CPE4R)。边界条件如图 10所示,管壁下表面固定,上表面与轮齿接触,轮齿施加法向力FN和切向力FT。根据式(23)求解的压痕宽度系数C1=3.201,C2=3.383。据Mises屈服准则,取k=118.81 MPa。为对比分析各不同作用区域内轮齿载荷与压痕形貌的不同变化规律,各作用区域的法向力FN统一按下式加载:
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图 10 有限元仿真模型 |
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${F_{\rm{N}}} = 50000t,\;\;\;\;0 \le t \le 0.1.$ | (29) |
5.2 γ1区域验证结果为了验证γ1区域的力学计算模型,按下式施加切向力:
${F_{\rm{T}}} = 6000t,\;\;\;\;0 \le t \le 0.1.$ | (30) |
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图 11 γ1区域仿真验证结果 |
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5.3 γ2区域验证结果为了验证γ2区域的力学计算模型,按下式施加切向力:
${F_{\rm{T}}} = - 100t,\;\;\;\;0 \le t \le 0.1.$ | (31) |
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图 12 γ2区域仿真验证结果 |
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5.4 β区域验证结果为了验证β区域的力学计算模型,按下式施加切向力:
${F_{\rm{T}}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{2000t,}&{0 \le t \le 0.005;}\\{10 + 18000(t - 0.005),}&{0.005 < t \le 0.01;}\\{100 + 40000(t - 0.01),}&{0.01 < t \le 0.015;}\\{300 + 16000(t - 0.015),}&{0.015 < t \le 0.02;}\\{380 + 19375(t - 0.02),}&{0.02 < t \le 0.1.}\end{array}} \right.$ | (32) |
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图 13 β区域仿真验证结果 |
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5.5 ω区域验证结果为了验证ω区域的力学计算模型,按下式施加切向力:
${F_{\rm{T}}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{8000t,}&{0 \le t \le 0.005;}\\{40 + 18000(t - 0.005),}&{0.005 < t \le 0.01;}\\{130 + 9666.67(t - 0.01),}&{0.01 < t \le 0.1.}\end{array}} \right.$ | (33) |
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图 14 ω区域仿真验证结果 |
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6 试验验证6.1 试验条件及方法试验装置如图 15所示,其中丝杆螺母驱动移动平台沿竖直方向运动,用以施加法向力;拉紧螺栓驱动铝板沿水平方向运动,用以施加切向力,通过调整驱动轮的固定角度设置轮齿压入铝板的角度。
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图 15 试验装置实物图 |
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试验前采用WDW3020型电子万能材料试验机对试验用铝板材料进行拉伸试验,测得试验铝板塑性阶段的平均应力值为327.9 MPa。驱动轮齿顶角为80°,圆角半径为0.05 mm,轮齿厚度为10 mm,斜压角度为10°。选取爬行器井下工作常用负载状态对应的β区域进行验证。共进行2组压痕试验,其FN分别为6 129 N和6 251 N,FT分别为2 015 N和1 653 N,试验后铝板压痕如图 16所示。
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图 16 铝板压痕试验结果 |
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6.2 试验结果及分析试验结束后,采用NexView三维白光干涉形貌仪对铝板压痕进行测量,根据测量得到的压痕表面形貌的三维点云,在MATLAB中选取具有相同Y坐标的数据点,即可绘制该截面下的压痕轮廓。根据压痕轮廓修正后的轮齿压入角度为9.8°,据式(23)解得压痕宽度系数C1=3.284,C2=3.940,采用图 8所示流程求解已知载荷条件下的压痕形貌,压痕形貌试验测量结果和理论计算结果的对比如图 17所示。从压痕形状上看,铝板材料左侧隆起较高,右侧几乎没有隆起发生,这与前述对β区域的理论分析是一致的。从压痕具体形貌参数上看,理论模型较为准确地计算了压入深度,2组压入深度实际值分别为0.357 mm和0.362 mm,而理论模型计算值分别为0.401 mm和0.395 mm,误差分别为12.1%和9.1%。
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图 17 压痕试验验证结果 |
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但是从图 17中可以看出,左侧隆起高度的计算结果误差较大,分析原因主要有以下几个方面:
1) 模型假设材料是理想刚塑性,而铝板实际变形是存在一定的弹性变形的,在卸载之后会发生回弹现象,塑性变形量的减小将导致隆起高度降低;此外,通过材料拉伸试验发现,在应变逐渐增大的过程中材料会发生硬化现象,强度不断增大会导致相同力的作用下压入深度减小,塑性变形区域减小也将导致隆起高度降低。
2) 由于试验装置中导轨等并非无摩擦,摩擦力会导致力传感器测量的数值偏大,该部分误差也会导致理论计算的隆起高度相比实际值偏大。
3) 无论是有限元仿真还是试验结果均表明,两侧隆起并非是直线相交,因为交点处应力值会发生奇异,而是会产生一定圆弧过渡,从而导致实际隆起高度降低。
7 结论与展望本文根据FT和FN之间的不同比例关系,将轮齿倾斜压入管壁材料时的载荷条件分为6个不同作用区域,利用滑移线理论分析和计算了各作用区域内轮齿接触部分的压力分布函数,并建立了压痕形貌与载荷之间的计算模型。通过有限元仿真和压痕试验发现:当轮齿左右两侧面材料均有塑性变形时,法向力主要对压深产生影响,而切向力主要对水平滑移量产生影响;当轮齿只有单侧材料有塑性变形时,除法向力主要对压深产生影响外,切向力也会令压深发生变化。
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