城市家庭居住碳排放的社会-技术分析方法与应用 |
刘念雄, 莫丹, 王牧洲, 张敬南 |
清华大学 建筑学院, 北京 100084 |
Social technical analysis of urban household residential carbon emissions in China |
LIU Nianxiong, MO Dan, WANG Muzhou, ZHANG Jingnan |
School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
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摘要在全球气候变化背景和中国城市化进程下, 城市家庭是碳减排的一个重要领域。该文引入社会-技术分析方法, 研究城市家庭居住碳排放的影响因素和特征, 研究范围选择与居住热环境调节相关的用能和碳排放, 并将技术与技术的使用者结合起来, 针对使用者的使用行为, 基于样本户家庭热环境参数实测、行为模式问卷和用能计量表数据记录, 分析家庭居住过程中室内热环境、热环境调节行为和用能3者之间的关系, 并分析特定的家庭热环境调节行为对热舒适和用能的影响, 为家庭居住碳减排分析提供一种研究思路。 | |||
关键词 :社会-技术分析,家庭居住用能和碳排放,行为模式,室内热环境 | |||
Abstract:Urban household carbon emission reduction is an important research field under the current background of global climate change and quick urbanization process in China. This paper introduces a social technical analysis of household residential carbon emissions. Building and occupant data of sample households was collected through post occupancy monitoring, electricity and gas meter records, photographs and questionnaires. The data provides insight into different household patterns for controlling the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems. The case study relates the occupant behavior, thermal environment and energy consumption. The result can serve as tools for informing occupants about low carbon lifestyles and more energy efficient ways to control the thermal environment. | |||
Key words:social technical analysishousehold residential energy consumption and carbon emissionsoccupant behaviorindoor thermal environment | |||
收稿日期: 2015-02-22 出版日期: 2015-11-09 | |||
引用本文: |
刘念雄, 莫丹, 王牧洲, 张敬南. 城市家庭居住碳排放的社会-技术分析方法与应用[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(9): 933-939. LIU Nianxiong, MO Dan, WANG Muzhou, ZHANG Jingnan. Social technical analysis of urban household residential carbon emissions in China. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(9): 933-939. |
链接本文: |
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/或 http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2015/V55/I9/933 |
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图1 数据采集与数据关联 |
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图1 照相法记录住户开窗行为(2013年) |
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图3 样本户全年不同房间温度极值、均值分布 |
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图4 样本户季度用能变化与舒适温度小时数百分比 |
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表1 样本户家庭的住宅特征与居家模式 |
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图5 样本户(L2、L5、L6)全年温度变化曲线与使用行为的关系分析 |
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