水库移民管理者的认知对移民满意度的影响 |
陈文超1,2,强茂山1,2( ),王佳宁1,2,3,郑腾飞1,2 |
2. 清华大学 项目管理与建设技术研究所, 北京 100084 3. 中国长江三峡集团 中水电国际投资有限公司, 北京 100033 |
Perspectives of officials in land acquisition for hydropower projects and their influence on migrant satisfaction |
Wenchao CHEN1,2,Maoshan QIANG1,2( ),Jianing WANG1,2,3,Tengfei ZHENG1,2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2. Project Management and Technology Institute, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 3.China International Water and Electric Investment Corporation,China Three Gorges, Beijing 100033, China |
摘要移民满意度是影响水电项目有效和可持续开发的主要因素之一,该文研究水库移民管理者的认知对移民满意度的影响。通过对中国西南2个水利枢纽工程项目中4县120名水库移民、 74名移民管理者进行问卷和访谈调研,该文提取了对移民满意度有显著影响的10个指标因子,并针对因子就移民满意度与管理者认知进行对比分析。结果表明: 移民满意度与管理者认知情况呈正相关关系,即管理者愈重视的因子移民的满意度愈高,但在公共服务、资金兑现、文化习俗等因子上出现偏差; 该偏差为管理者能力动因的约束所致,说明现行移民体制安排难以完全适应当地移民工作实际执行的需要。
关键词 :水电工程,水库移民,满意度,因子分析 |
Abstract:This paper reports on a fieldwork survey involving two hydropower projects in Southwestern China. Specifically, the perspectives of officials handling the land acquisition and their influence on migrant satisfaction are examined. Data collected from 120 migrants and 74 officials in Guizhou Province showed 10 factors that significantly impact migrant satisfaction. There is a positive correlation between the perspectives of the officials and migrant satisfaction for most of the factors. However, public service, payment of funding, and culture and tradition are exceptions caused by unsuitable resettlement mechanisms. These exceptions indicate that resettlement policies and mechanisms should be better designed to meet the requirements of local conditions.
Key words:hydropower engineeringresettlementsatisfactionfactor analysis method |
收稿日期: 2014-03-14 出版日期: 2015-05-15 |
基金资助:国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(51179086, 51479100, 51379104);水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室科研课题资助(2013-KY-5) |
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