

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

姓  名:白玉琪
职  称:副教授

教育背景 2000.9 – 2003.7 中国科学院遥感应用研究所 博士
1997.9 – 2000.7 中国地质大学(武汉) 计算机科学与技术系 硕士
1993.9 – 1997.7 中国地质大学(武汉) 计算机科学与技术系 本科

工作经历 2017.9-现在 清华大学地球系统科学系,长聘副教授
2011.8-2017.8 清华大学地球系统科学系,副教授
2007.4-2011.7 美国乔治梅森大学,研究助理教授
2004.4-2007.3 美国乔治梅森大学,博士后
2003.8-2004.3 中国科学院遥感应用研究所,助理研究员

研究兴趣 遥感和地理信息的时空数据模型和时空索引、多源数据融合

奖励荣誉 中国科学院院长优秀奖 (2003)
NASA Earth Science Division Certificate of Appreciation (2009, 2011, 2014, 2017)
NASA Robert H. Goddard Award to Multi-Mission Data Support Team (2008)
NASA Group Achievement Award to Multi-Mission Data Support Team (2009)
IEEE 高级会员 (2013)

学术成果 科研项目
1. 国家重点研发计划"全球变化及应对"重点专项,《全球气候数据集生成及气候变化关键过程和要素监测》项目,第三课题,《陆表气候数据集生成与分析》。在研,主持。
2. 国家重点研发计划"国家质量基础的共性技术研究与应用"重点专项,"战略性新兴产业关键国际标准研究(一期)"项目, 第五课题,《地理信息和遥感关键国际标准研究》。在研,参与。
3. 国际标准化组织地理信息技术委员会ISO/TC 211《19130-3 地理信息影像传感器的地理定位模型》标准研制。在研,主持。
4. 国家气候中心《BCC气候模式数据的协同在线分析方法研究》。在研,主持。
5. 南京市溧水区《"健康溧水2030"规划纲要》。在研,参与。
6. 国土资源部城市土地资源监测与仿真重点实验室《城市建成环境的健康维度感知及其提升途径研究—以深圳市为例》。在研,参与。
6. 清华大学新型城镇化研究院健康城市研究中心《健康城市数据模型研究》。在研,主持。
7. 清华大学中国城市研究院《城市体检评估体系研究》。在研,主持。
8. 全球综合对地观测系统(GEOSS) Component and Service Registry(CSR)项目, Technical Lead (2007-2011)。结题。
9. 国际卫星对地观测委员会(CEOS) WGISS Integrated Catalogue(CWIC)项目, Technical Lead (2010-2011)。结题。
1. NASA Earth Science Technology Office项目评审专家
2. 全球综合对地观测组织(GEO) GEOSS-Evolve 成员,Infrastructure Implementation Board(IIB)成员
3. 世界气候研究计划(WCRP)耦合模拟工作组(WGCM)模式数据基础设施委员会(Infrastructure Panel, WIP)成员
4. 中国参加地球观测组织(GEO)工作部际协调小组支撑专家
5. 国家对地观测科学数据中心技术总体组成员
6. 中国电子学会遥感遥测遥控分会第七届委员会委员
7. 中国地理学会大数据工作委员会委员
8. 澳门城市大学兼职教授
(1) Bai, Y. and L. Di (2011). "Providing access to satellite imagery through OGC catalog service interfaces in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems." Computers & geosciences 37(4): 435-443.
(2) Bai, Y. and L. Di (2012). "Review of Geospatial Data Systems' Support of Global Change Studies." British Journal of Environment and Climate Change 2(4): 421.
(3) Bai, Y., L. Di, A. Chen, Y. Liu and Y. Wei (2007). "Towards a geospatial catalogue federation service." Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 73(6): 699-708.
(4) Bai, Y., L. Di, A. Chen, Y. Liu and Y. Wei (2009). Geospatial Image Metadata Catalog Services. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, IGI Global: 171-177.
(5) Bai, Y., L. Di, D. D. Nebert, A. Chen, Y. Wei, X. Cheng, Y. Shao, D. Shen, R. Shrestha and H. Wang (2012). "GEOSS component and service registry: Design, implementation and lessons learned." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 5(6): 1678-1686.
(6) Bai, Y., L. Di and Y. Wei (2009). "A taxonomy of geospatial services for global service discovery and interoperability." Computers & Geosciences 35(4): 783-790.
(7) Bai, Y., C. A. Jacobs, M.-P. Kwan and C. Waldmann (2017). "Geoscience and the Technological Revolution [Perspectives]." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 5(3): 72-75.
(8) Bai, Y., C. Yang, L. Guo and Q. Cheng (2003). OpenGIS WMS-based prototype system of spatial information search engine. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003. IGARSS'03. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International, IEEE.
(9) Chen, A., L. Di, Y. Bai, Y. Wei and Y. Liu (2010). "Grid computing enhances standards-compatible geospatial catalogue service." Computers & Geosciences 36(4): 411-421.
(10) Chen, A., L. Di, Y. Wei, Y. Bai and Y. Liu (2009). "Use of grid computing for modeling virtual geospatial products." International Journal of Geographical Information Science 23(5): 581-604.
(11) Chen, A., L. Di, Y. Wei, Y. Liu, Y. Bai, C. Hu and P. Mehrotra (2005). "Grid Computing enabled geospatial catalogue web service." American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2005: 7-11.
(12) Chen, X., Y. Lin, M. Zhang, L. Yu, H. Li and Y. Bai (2017). "Assessment of the cropland classifications in four global land cover datasets: A case study of Shaanxi Province, China." Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16(2): 298-311.
(13) Feng, D., Y. Zhao, L. Yu, C. Li, J. Wang, N. Clinton, Y. Bai, A. Belward, Z. Zhu and P. Gong (2016). "Circa 2014 African land-cover maps compatible with FROM-GLC and GLC2000 classification schemes based on multi-seasonal Landsat data." International Journal of remote sensing 37(19): 4648-4664.
(14) Gong, P., L. Yu, C. Li, J. Wang, L. Liang, X. Li, L. Ji, Y. Bai, Y. Cheng and Z. Zhu (2016). "A new research paradigm for global land cover mapping." Annals of GIS 22(2): 87-102.
(15) Huang, H., Y. Chen, N. Clinton, J. Wang, X. Wang, C. Liu, P. Gong, J. Yang, Y. Bai and Y. Zheng (2017). "Mapping major land cover dynamics in Beijing using all Landsat images in Google Earth Engine." Remote Sensing of Environment 202: 166-176.
(16) Li, R., Y. Bai, A. Heaney, S. Kandula, J. Cai, X. Zhao, B. Xu and J. Shaman (2017). "Inference and forecast of H7N9 influenza in China, 2013 to 2015." Eurosurveillance 22(7).
(17) Li, R., T. Zhang, Y. Bai, H. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Bi, J. Chang and B. Xu (2018). "Live Poultry Trading Drives China’s H7N9 Viral Evolution and Geographical Network Propagation." Frontiers in Public Health 6: 210.
(18) Li, R., T. Zhang, Y. Bai, H. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Bi, J. Chang and B. Xu (2018). "Live Poultry Trading Drives China’s H7N9 Viral Evolution and Geographical Network Propagation. Front." Public Health 6(210): H7N9.
(19) Li, S., M. Wang, N. Bond, W. Huang, Y. Wang, S. Xu, J. Liu, B. Wang and Y. Bai (2018). "Precursors of September Arctic Sea-Ice Extent Based on Causal Effect Networks." Atmosphere 9(11): 437.
(20) Lin, Y., H. Xu and Y. Bai (2017). "Semantically Enhanced Catalogue Search Model for Remotely Sensed Imagery." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 10(4): 1256-1264.
(21) Lv, B., J. Cai, B. Xu and Y. Bai (2017). "Understanding the Rising Phase of the PM2. 5 Concentration Evolution in Large China Cities." Scientific Reports 7: 46456.
(22) Lv, B., W. G. Cobourn and Y. Bai (2016). "Development of nonlinear empirical models to forecast daily PM2. 5 and ozone levels in three large Chinese cities." Atmospheric Environment 147: 209-223.
(23) Lv, B., Y. Hu, H. H. Chang, A. G. Russell and Y. Bai (2016). "Improving the accuracy of daily PM2. 5 distributions derived from the fusion of ground-level measurements with aerosol optical depth observations, a case study in North China." Environmental Science & Technology 50(9): 4752-4759.
(24) Lv, B., Y. Hu, H. H. Chang, A. G. Russell, J. Cai, B. Xu and Y. Bai (2017). "Daily estimation of ground-level PM 2.5 concentrations at 4km resolution over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei by fusing MODIS AOD and ground observations." Science of the Total Environment 580: 235-244.
(25) Lv, B., Y. Liu, P. Yu, B. Zhang and Y. Bai (2015). "Characterizations of PM2. 5 pollution pathways and sources analysis in four large cities in China." Aerosol Air Quality Research 15(5): 1836-1843.
(26) Lv, B., B. Zhang and Y. Bai (2016). "A systematic analysis of PM2. 5 in Beijing and its sources from 2000 to 2012." Atmospheric Environment 124: 98-108.
(27) Shao, Y., L. Di, Y. Bai, H. Wang and C. Yang (2013). "Federated catalogue for discovering earth observation data." Photogrammetrie-Fernerkundung-Geoinformation 2013(1): 43-52.
(28) Sun, Z., H. Fang, L. Di, P. Yue, X. Tan and Y. Bai (2016). "Developing a web-based system for supervised classification of remote sensing images." GeoInformatica 20(4): 629-649.
(29) Tian, H., S. Zhou, L. Dong, T. P. Van Boeckel, Y. Pei, Q. Wu, W. Yuan, Y. Guo, S. Huang and W. Chen (2015). "Climate change suggests a shift of H5N1 risk in migratory birds." Ecological modelling 306: 6-15.
(30) Xie, Y., Y. Wang, K. Zhang, W. Dong, B. Lv and Y. Bai (2015). "Daily estimation of ground-level PM2. 5 concentrations over Beijing using 3 km resolution MODIS AOD." Environmental Science & Technology 49(20): 12280-12288.
(31) Xu, H., M. J. Bechle, M. Wang, A. A. Szpiro, S. Vedal, Y. Bai and J. D. Marshall (2018). "National PM2. 5 and NO2 exposure models for China based on land use regression, satellite measurements, and universal kriging." Science of the Total Environment.
(32) Xu, H., S. Li, Y. Bai, W. Dong, W. Huang, S. Xu, Y. Lin, B. Wang, F. Wu and X. Xin (2018). "A collaborative analysis framework for distributed gridded environmental data." Environmental Modelling & Software.
(33) Yan, A., B. Lv, F. Liu, Q. Li, G. Lin and Y. Bai (2014). "FluxDataONE: An Integrated Solution for the Management, Visualization, and Analysis of Flux Data for Agricultural and Ecological Studies." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 7(11): 4523-4529.
(34) Yang, J., J. G. Siri, J. V. Remais, Q. Cheng, H. Zhang, K. K. Chan, Z. Sun, Y. Zhao, N. Cong and X. Li (2018). "The Tsinghua–Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities in China: unlocking the power of cities for a healthy China." The Lancet.
(35) Yu, G. E., P. Zhao, L. Di, A. Chen, M. Deng and Y. Bai (2012). "BPELPower—A BPEL execution engine for geospatial web services." Computers & geosciences 47: 87-101.
(36) Zhao, X., J. Cai, D. Feng, Y. Bai and B. Xu (2016). "Meteorological influence on the 2009 influenza a (H1N1) pandemic in mainland China." Environmental Earth Sciences 75(10): 878.
(37) Zhao, Y., D. Feng, L. Yu, X. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Bai, H. J. Hernández, M. Galleguillos, C. Estades and G. S. Biging (2016). "Detailed dynamic land cover mapping of Chile: Accuracy improvement by integrating multi-temporal data." Remote Sensing of Environment 183: 170-185.
(38) 白玉琪 (2013). 全球变化科学领域的信息基础设施研究. 地球信息科学学报, 15, 809-813
《第22章 遥感数据产品生产和管理》,《定量遥感(第二版)》(编辑:梁顺林、王锦地)

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