姓 名:宫鹏
职 称:教授、理学院院长、系主任
教育背景 南京大学地理系学士(1984)
工作经历 加拿大安大略省空间与陆地科学研究所研究员、加拿大卡尔加里大学地球信息工程系助理教授。
研究兴趣 全球陆表环境变化与公众健康。主要研究血吸虫病、疟疾、禽流感的时空传播。正在鄱阳湖建"环境与健康生态实验站"。需要有数理和医学功底的加盟。
奖励荣誉 2008年美国地理学会遥感专业委员会杰出贡献奖的唯一获奖者(该学会的遥感最高奖-美国主要遥感奖之一)、1994年美国摄影测量与遥感学会Talbot Abraham大奖(该学会最高科学奖-美国主要遥感奖之一)的获得者。
学术成果 学术报告(部分):
[7] 宫鹏,2012. 拓展与深化中国全境的环境变化遥感应用,《科学通报》,57(16):1379-1387.
[6] 宫鹏、赵永超、俞靓、梁璐,2011. 全球尺度下遥感与地理信息系统一体化软件平台研建进展,《地理信息世界》,2:34-37.
[5] 宫鹏,牛振国,程晓,赵魁义,周德民,虢建宏,梁璐,王晓风,李丹丹,黄华兵,王毅,王坤,李文宁,王显威,应清,杨镇钟,叶玉芳,李展,迟耀斌,周会珍,闫军, 2010,中国1990和2000基准年湿地变化遥感.《中国科学D辑:地球科学》, 40(6):768-775
[4] 宫鹏,2009, 基于全球通量观测站的全球土地覆盖图精度检验,《自然科学进展》,19(7):754-759
[3] 宫鹏,2009,遥感科学与技术中的一些前沿问题,《遥感学报》,1:1-12
[2] 宫鹏,2007,环境监测中无线传感器网络地面遥感新技术,《遥感学报》,11(4):545-551
[1] 宫鹏、徐冰、梁松,2006,用遥感与地理信息系统研究传染病时空分布,《中国科学C辑,生命科学》,36(2):184-192
[335] Gong P., Xuecao Li, Wei Zhang. 40-year (1978-2017) human settlement changes in China reflected by impervious surfaces from satellite remote sensing. Science Bulletin 2019. 64, 756-763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2019.04.024
[334] Horvat Manfred and Peng Gong. Science support for Belt and Road. Science 2019. 384(6440), 513. May 10, 2019. Editorial.
[333] Yu, C.Q., X. Huang, H. Chen, H. C. J. Godfray, J. S. Wright, J. Hall, P. Gong et al., Managing nitrogen to restore water in China. Nature 2019. 567, 516-520. March 28, 2019 http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1001-1
[332] Zhao Jiyao, Le Yu, Yidi Xu, Huazhong Ren, Xiaomeng Huang & Peng Gong, Exploring the addition of Landsat 8 thermal band in land-cover mapping, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40:12, 4544-4559, DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**
[331] Gong P., Han Liu, Meinan Zhang, Congcong Li, Jie Wang, Huabing Huang, Nicholas Clinton, Nan Xu, Luyan Ji, Wenyu Li, Yuqi Bai, Bin Chen, Bing Xu, Zhiliang Zhu, Cui Yuan, Hoi Ping Suen, Jing Guo, Weijia Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jun Yang, Chaoqing Yu, Xi Wang, Haohuan Fu, Le Yu, Iryna Dronova, Fengming Hui, Xiao Cheng, Xueli Shi, Fengjin Xiao, Qiufeng Liu, Lianchun Song. Stable classification with limited sample: transferring a 30-m resolution sample set collected in 2015 to mapping 10-m resolution global land cover in 2017. Science Bulletin 2019. 64:6, 370-373. March 29, 2019
[330] Wei J, Q Xin, L Ji, P Gong, Y Si. A new satellite-based indicator to identify spatiotemporal foraging areas for herbivorous waterfowl. Ecological Indicators 2019. 99, 83-90
[329] Huang, Huabing; Liu, Caixia; Wang, Xiaoyi; Zhou Xiaolu, Gong Peng, Integration of multi-resource remotely sensed data and allometric models for forest aboveground biomass estimation in China, Remote Sensing of Environment 2019, 221, 225-234
[328] Yuan, Cui; Gong, Peng; Liu, Caixia; Ke Changqing; Water-volume variations of Lake Hulun estimated from serial Jason altimeters and Landsat TM/ETM plus images from 2002 to 2017. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2019. 40:2, 670-692.
[327] Liu, Xiaoxuan; Yu, Le; Zhong, Liheng; Hao, Pengyu; Wu, Bo ; Wang, Hongshuo; Yu, Chaoqing; Gong, Peng; Spatial-temporal patterns of features selected using random forests: a case study of corn and soybeans mapping in the US, International Journal of Remote Sensing 2019, 40:1 , 269-283
[326] Watts, Nick; Amann, Markus; Arnell, Nigel; Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja; Belesova, Kristine; Berry, Helen; Bouley, Timothy; Boykoff, Maxwell; Byass, Peter; Cai, Wenjia; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Chambers, Jonathan; Daly, Meaghan; Dasandi, Niheer; Davies, Michael; Depoux, Anneliese; Dominguez-Salas, Paula ; Drummond, Paul ; Ebi, Kristie L.; Ekins, Paul ; Montoya, Lucia Fernandez; Fischer, Helen; Georgeson, Lucien; Grace, Delia; Graham, Hilary; Hamilton, Ian; Hartinger, Stella; Hess, Jeremy; Kelman, Ilan; Kiesewetter, Gregor; Kjellstrom, Tord; Kniveton, Dominic; Lemke, Bruno; Liang, Lu; Lott, Melissa; Lowe, Rachel; Sewe, Maquins Odhiambo; Martinez-Urtaza, Jaime; Maslin, Mark; McAllister, Lucy; Mikhaylov, Slava Jankin; Milner, James; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Morrissey, Karyn; Murray, Kris; Nilsson, Maria; Neville, Tara; Oreszczyn, Tadj; Owfi, Fereidoon; Pearman, Olivia; Pencheon, David; Pye, Steve; Rabbaniha, Mahnaz; Robinson, Elizabeth; Rocklov, Joacim; Saxer, Olivia; Schutte, Stefanie; Semenza, Jan C.; Shumake-Guillemot, Joy; Steinbach, Rebecca; Tabatabaei, Meisam; Tomei, Julia; Trinanes, Joaquin; Wheeler, Nicola; Wilkinson, Paul; Gong, Peng*; Montgomery, Hugh*; Costello, Anthony*; The 2018 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: shaping the health of nations for centuries to come. Lancet 2018, 392: 10163, 2479-2514 (* Co-Chairs)
[325]Ji, Luyan; Gong, Peng; Wang, Jie; Shi Jiancheng, Zhu Zhiliang, Construction of the 500-m Resolution Daily Global Surface Water Change Database (2001-2016). Water Resources Research 2018, 54: 12: 10270-10292
[324] Xu, Yidi; Yu, Le; Zhao, Feng R.; Cai, Xueliang; Zhao, Jiyao; Lu, Hui; Gong, Peng. Tracking annual cropland changes from 1984 to 2016 using time-series Landsat images with a change-detection and post-classification approach: Experiments from three sites in Africa. Remote Sensing of Environment 2018, 218: 13-31
[323] Liu, Xiaoxuan; Yu, Le; Li, Wei; Peng, Dailiang; Zhong, Liheng; Li, Le; Xin, Qinchuan; Lu, Hui; Yu, Chaoqing; Gong, Peng. Comparison of country-level cropland areas between ESA-CCI land cover maps and FAOSTAT data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2018, 39: 20: 6631-6645
[322] Yu, L ; Xu, YD; Xue, YM ; Li, XC; Cheng, YQ; Liu, XX; Porwal, A; Holden, EJ; Yang, Jian; Gong, P. Monitoring surface mining belts using multiple remote sensing datasets: A global perspective. Ore Geology Reviews 2018. 101: 675-687
[321] Guo, Jing; Gong, Peng. The Potential of Spectral Indices in Detecting Various Stages of Afforestation over the Loess Plateau Region of China. Remote Sensing 2018. 10: 9 Art No.: 1492
[320] Xu, Nan; Gong, Peng. Significant coastline changes in China during 1991-2015 tracked by Landsat data. Science Bulletin 2018. 63: 14, 883-886
[319] Huang, Chao; He, Hong S.; Liang, Yu; Wu, Zhiwei; Hawbaker, Todd J.; Gong, Peng; Zhu, Zhiliang. Long-term effects of fire and harvest on carbon stocks of boreal forests in northeastern China. Annals of Forest Science 2018. 75: 2: Article No. 42
[318] Si, Yali; Xu, Yanjie; Xu, Fei; Li, Xueyan; Zhang, Wenyuan; Wielstra, Ben; Wei, Jie; Liu, Guanhua; Luo, Hao; Takekawa, John; Balachandran, Sivananintha; Zhang, Tao; de Boer, Willem F.; Prins, Herbert H. T.; Gong, Peng. Spring migration patterns, habitat use, and stopover site protection status for two declining waterfowl species wintering in China as revealed by satellite tracking. Ecology and Evolution 2018. 8:12, 6280-6289
[317] Jun Yang, José G Siri, Justin V Remais, Qu Cheng, Han Zhang, Karen KY Chan, Zhe Sun, Yuanyuan Zhao, Na Cong, Xueyan Li, Wei Zhang, Yuqi Bai, Jun Bi, Wenjia Cai, Emily YY Chan, Wanqing Chen, Weicheng Fan, Hua Fu, Jianqing He, Hong Huang, John S Ji, Peng Jia, Xiaopeng Jiang, Mei-Po Kwan, Tianhong Li, Xiguang Li, Song Liang, Xiaofeng Liang, Lu Liang, Qiyong Liu, Yongmei Lu, Yong Luo, Xiulian Ma, Bernhard Schwartl?nder, Zhiyong Shen, Peijun Shi, Jing Su, Tinghai Wu, Changhong Yang, Yongyuan Yin, Qiang Zhang, Yinping Zhang, Yong Zhang*, Bing Xu*, Peng Gong*, The Tsinghua–Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities in China: unlocking the power of cities for a healthy China. Lancet. 391 (10135): 2140-2184 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30608-1 (2018) (* Co-Chairs)
[316] Lyu, Haobo; Lu, Hui; Mou, Lichao; Li, WY ; Wright, Jonathon; Li, XC; Li, XL ; Zhu, XX; Wang, J; Yu, L; Gong, P. Long-Term Annual Mapping of Four Cities on Different Continents by Applying a Deep Information Learning Method to Landsat Data. Remote Sensing 2018. 10: 3 Artile No. 471
[315] Nick Watts, Markus Amann, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Kristine Belesova, Timothy Bouley, Maxwell Boykoff, Peter Byass, Wenjia Cai, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Jonathan Chambers, Peter M Cox, Meaghan Daly, Niheer Dasandi, Michael Davies, Michael Depledge, Anneliese Depoux, Paula Dominguez-Salas, Paul Drummond, Paul Ekins, Antoine Flahault, Howard Frumkin, Lucien Georgeson, Mostafa Ghanei, Delia Grace, Hilary Graham, Rébecca Grojsman, Andy Haines, Ian Hamilton, Stella Hartinger, Anne Johnson, Ilan Kelman, Gregor Kiesewetter, Dominic Kniveton, Lu Liang, Melissa Lott, Robert Lowe, Georgina Mace, Maquins Odhiambo Sewe, Mark Maslin, Slava Mikhaylov, James Milner, Ali Mohammad Latifi, Maziar Moradi-Lakeh, Karyn Morrissey, Kris Murray, Tara Neville, Maria Nilsson, Tadj Oreszczyn, Fereidoon Owfi, David Pencheon, Steve Pye, Mahnaz Rabbaniha, Elizabeth Robinson, Joacim Rockl?v, Stefanie Schu?tte, Joy Shumake-Guillemot, Rebecca Steinbach, Meisam Tabatabaei, Nicola Wheeler, Paul Wilkinson, Peng Gong*, Hugh Montgomery*, Anthony Costello*. The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health. The Lancet, 391: 10120: 581-630 (2018) (* Co-Chairs)
[314] Xin, Qinchuan; Dai, Yongjiu; Li, Xia; Liu, Xiaoping; Gong, Peng; Richardson, Andrew D. A steady-state approximation approach to simulate seasonal leaf dynamics of deciduous broadleaf forests via climate variables. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 249: 44-56 (2018).
[313] Zhao, Yuanyuan; Feng Duole; Jayaraman Durai; Belay, Daniel; Sebrala, Heiru; Ngugi, John; Maina, Eunice; Akombo, Rose ; Otuoma, John ; Mutyaba, Joseph. Bamboo mapping of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda for the year 2016 using multi-temporal Landsat imagery, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 66, 116-125 (2018)
[312] Xu, Hanzeyu; Qi, Shuhua; Gong, Peng; Liu Chong, Wang Junbang. Long-term monitoring of citrus orchard dynamics using time-series Landsat data: a case study in southern China. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2018. 39: 22, 8271-8292
[311] Xu, Yidi; Yu, Le; Peng, Dailiang; Cai, Xueliang; Cheng, Yuqi; Zhao, Jiyao; Zhao, Yuanyuan; Feng, Duole; Hackman, Kwame; Huang, Xiaomeng; Lu, Hui; Yu, Chaoqing; Gong, Peng. Exploring the temporal density of Landsat observations for cropland mapping: experiments from Egypt, Ethiopia, and South Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2018, 39: 21, 7328-7349
[310] Cheng, Yuqi; Yu, Le; Xu, Yidi; Liu, XX; Lu, H ; Cracknell, AP ; Kanniah, K; Gong, P. Towards global oil palm plantation mapping using remote-sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2018. 39: 18: SI: 5891-5906
[309] Liu, XX; Yu, L; Si, YL; Zhang, C; Lu, H; Yu, CQ ; Gong, P. Identifying patterns and hotspots of global land cover transitions using the ESA CCI Land Cover dataset. Remote Sensing Letters 2018. 9: 10, 972-981
[308] Yu, Le; Liu, Xiaoxuan; Zhao, Yuanyuan; Yu CQ, Gong P. Difficult to map regions in 30 m global land cover mapping determined with a common validation dataset. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2018. 39: 12, 4077-4087
[307] Feng, Duole; Yu, Le; Zhao, Yuanyan; Cheng, YQ; Xu, YD; Li, CC; Gong, P. A multiple dataset approach for 30-m resolution land cover mapping: a case study of continental Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2018. 39: 12, 3926-3938
[306] Clinton, Nicholas; Stuhlmacher, Michelle; Miles, Albie; Aragon, Nazli Uludere; Wagner, Melissa;Georgescu, Matei; Herwig, Chris; Gong, Peng. A Global Geospatial Ecosystem Services Estimate of Urban Agriculture. Earth’s Future 2018, 6: 1, 40-60.
[305] Liu Chong, Xiong Tianwei, Peng Gong, Shuhua Qi, Improving large-scale moso bamboo mapping based on dense Landsat time series and auxiliary data: a case study in Fujian Province, China. Remote Sensing Letters, 9(1), 1-10 (2018)
[304] Cheng Yuqi, Le Yu, Yidi Xu, Lu, Hui; Cracknell, Arthur P.; Kanniah, Kasturi; Gong, Peng. Mapping oil palm extent in Malaysia using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 39(2), 432-452. (2018)
[303] Huang Huabing, Chen Yanlei, Nicholas Clinton, Wang, Jie; Wang, Xiaoyi; Liu, Caixia; Gong, Peng ; Yang, Jun; Bai, Yuqi; Zheng, Yaomin ; Zhu, Zhiliang. Mapping major land cover dynamics in Beijing using all Landsat images in Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing of Environment. 202, 166-176. (2017)
[302] Bao, Qingliu; Lin, Mingsen; Zhang, Youguang; Dong, Xiaolong; Lang, Shuyan; Gong, Peng. Ocean Surface Current Inversion Method for a Doppler Scatterometer. IEEE Transactions on Geosciene and Remote Sensing. 55, 11, 6505-6516 (2017)
[301] Zhao, Yuanyuan; Feng, Duole; Yu, Le; See, Linda; Fritz, Steffen; Perger, Christoph; Gong, Peng, Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land Cover Reference Data. Remote Sensing. 9(10), 1034, DOI 10.3390/rs** (2017)
[300] Zheng Yaomin; Niu Zhenguo; Gong Peng; Li Mengna; Hu Lile; Wang Lei; Yang Yuxiang; Gu Hai-jun; Mu Jinrong; Dou Gejia; Xue Hui; Wang Lin; Li Hua; Dou Gejie; Dang Zhicairang. A method for alpine wetland delineation and features of border: Zoig Plateau, China. Chinese Geographical Science. 27(5), 784-799 (2017)
[299] Bao Qingliu; Zhang Youguang; Lin Mingsen; Gong Peng, An ocean current inversion accuracy analysis based on a Doppler spectrum model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(9), 101-107 (2017)
[298] Costello, Anthony; Gong, Peng; Montgomery, Hugh et al. Christiana Figueres joins The Lancet Countdown-delivering on the promise of Paris, Lancet. 389(10088), E16-E16. (2017) Comments
[297] Li XC, L Yu, P Gong, A patch-based evolution mechanism with logistic cellular automata for urban growth modeling. Computer, Urban and Environmental Systems. 65, 140-149 (2017)
[296] Li Xueyan, Yali Si, Luyan Ji, Peng Gong, Dynamic response of East Asian Greater White-Fronted Geese to changes of environment during migration: use of multi-temporal species distribution model. Ecological Modeling. 360, 70-79 (2017)
[295] Cheng Qu, JQ Long, B Spear, John Marshall, C Yang, P Gong, The interplay of climate, intervention and imported cases as determinants of the 2014 dengue outbreak in Guangzhou, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 11(6), e**(2017)
[294] Huabing Huang, Caixia Liu, Xiaoyi Wang, Gregory S Biging, Yanlei Chen, Jun Yang, Peng Gong, Mapping vegetation heights in China using slope correction ICESat data, SRTM, MODIS-derived and Climate data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 129,189-199 (2017)
[293] Yidi Xu, Le Yu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Duole Feng, Yuqi Cheng, Xueliang Cai, Peng Gong, Monitoring cropland changes along the Nile River in Egypt over past three decades (1984-2015) using remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 38(15), 4459-4480 (2017)
[292] Qiuan Zhu, Changhui Peng, Ciais Philippe, Jiang H, Liu Jinxun, Bousquet Philippe, Li, Shiqin, Chang Jie, Fang Xiuqin, Zhou Xiaolu, Chen Huai, Liu Shirong, Lin Guanghui, Gong Peng, Wang Meng, Wang Han, Xiang Wenhua, Chen Jing, Inter-annual variation in methane emissions from tropical wetlands triggered by repeated El Ni?o Southern Oscillation. Global Change Biology. 23(11), 4706-4716 (2017)
[291] Xiaoxuan Liu, L Yu, H Wang, L Zhong, H Lu, C Yu, P Gong, Exploring the correlations between ten monthly climatic variables and the vegetation index of four different crop types at the global scale, Remote Sensing Letters 8 (8), 752-760 (2017)
[290] Cheng Yuqi, Le Yu, Zhao, Y., Xu, Y., Hackman, K.O., Cracknell, A.P., Peng Gong, Towards a global oil palm sample database: design and implications. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 38(14), 4022-4032 (2017)
[289] Kwame Heckman, Peng Gong, Jie Wang, New land-cover maps of Ghana for 2015 using Landsat 8 and three popular classifiers for biodiversity assessment, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 38 (14), 4008-4021(2017)
[288] Kwame Heckman, Peng Gong, Biodiversity estimation of the western region of Ghana using arthropod mean morphospecies abundance, Biodiversity and Conservation. 26(9), 2083-2097 (2017)
[287] Zhang, Han; Si, Yali; Wang, Xiaofeng; Gong, Peng. Environmental Drivers and Predicted Risk of Bacillary Dysentery in Southwest China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (7), 782. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph**
[286]Lu Liang, Peng Gong, Climate Change and Human Infectious Diseases: A synthesis of research findings from global and spatio-temporal perspectives, Environmental International. 103, 99-108 (2017)
[285] Huang Chao, Hong He, Todd Hawbaker, Yu Liang, Peng Gong, Zhiwei Wu, Zhiliang Zhu, A coupled modeling framework for predicting ecosystem carbon dynamics in boreal forests. Environmental Modelling and Software, 93(2017), 332-343
[284] Yang Jun, Tinghai Wu, Peng Gong, 2017. Implementation of China's new urbanization strategy requires new thinking. Science Bulletin. 62(2017): 81-82.
[283] Li Congcong, Peng Gong, J Wang, ZL Zhu, GS. Biging, Cui Yuan, Tengyun Hu, HY Zhang, Q Wang, XC Li, XX Liu, YD Xu, J Guo, CX Liu, Kwame O. Hackman, MN Zhang, YQ Cheng, L Yu, Jun Yang, HB Huang, N Clinton. The first all-season sample set for mapping global land cover with Landsat-8 data. Science Bulletin, 62, 7 (2017): 508-515 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2017.03.011
[282] Nick Watts, W. Neil Adger, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Yuqi Bai, Peter Byass, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Tim Colbourn, Peter Cox, Michael Davies, Michael Depledge, Anneliese Depoux, Paula Dominguez-Salas, Paul Drummond, Paul Ekins, Antoine Flahault, Delia Grace, Hilary Graham, Andy Haines, Ian Hamilton, Anne Johnson, Ilan Kelman, Sari Kovats, Lu Liang, Melissa Lott, Robert Lowe, Yong Luo, Georgina Mace, Mark Maslin, Karyn Morrissey, Kris Murray, Tara Neville, Maria Nilsson, Tadj Oreszczyn, Christine Parthemore, David Pencheon, Elizabeth Robinson, Stefanie Schuette, Joy Shumake-Guillemot, Paolo Vineis, Paul Wilkinson, Nicola Wheeler, Bing Xu, Jun Yang, Yongyuan Yin, Chaoqing Yu, Peng Gong, Hugh Montgomery, Anthony Costello, The Lancet Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change, Lancet, 389(10074)(2017), 1151-1164.
[281] Cui Yuan, Peng Gong, Han Zhang, Hui Guo, Baozhu Pan, Monitoring water level changes from retracked Jason-2 altimetry data: a case study in the Yangtze River, China, Remote Sensing Letters, 8(5)(2017), 399-408.
[280] Kwame O. Hackman, Peng Gong, Sergey Venevsky, A rapid assessment of landscape biodiversity using diversity profiles of arthropod morphospecies, Landscape Ecology, 32(1)(2017), 209-223.
[279] Le Yu, Xuecao Li, Congcong Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, Zhenguo Niu, Huabing Huang, Jie Wang, Yuqi Cheng, Hui Lu, Yali Si, Chaoqing Yu, Haohuan Fu, Peng Gong, Using a global reference sample set and a cropland map for area estimation in China, Science China-Earth Sciences, 60(2)(2017), 277-285.
[278]Fengming Hui, Jing Kang, Yan Liu, Xiao Cheng, Peng Gong, Fang Wang, Zhan Li, Yufang Ye, Ziqi Guo, AntarcticaLC2000: The new Antarctic land cover database for the year 2000, Science China Earth Sciences, (2017), 60(4), SI: 686-696.
[277] Feng R. Zhao, Ran Meng, Chengquan Huang, Maosheng Zhao, Feng A. Zhao, Peng Gong, Le Yu, Zhiliang Zhu, Long-Term post-disturbance forest recovery in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem analyzed using Landsat time series stack, Remote Sensing, 8(UNSP 89811)(2016).
[276] Qiuan Zhu, Changhui Peng, Jinxun Liu, Hong Jiang, Xiuqin Fang, Huai Chen, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Guanghui Lin, Meng Wang, Han Wang, Yanzheng Yang, Jie Chang, Ying Ge, Wenhua Xiang, Xiangwen Deng, Jin-Sheng He, Climate-driven increase of natural wetland methane emissions offset by human-induced wetland reduction in China over the past three decades, Scientific Reports, 6(38020)(2016).
[275] Caixia Liu, Xiaoyi Wang, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Di Wu, Jinxiong Jiang, The importance of data type, laser spot density and modelling method for vegetation height mapping in continental China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(24)(2016), 6127-6148.
[274] Xuecao Li, Le Yu, Yidi Xu, Jun Yang, Peng Gong, Ten years after Hurricane Katrina: monitoring recovery in New Orleans and the surrounding areas using remote sensing, Science Bulletin, 61(18)(2016), 1460-1470.
[273] Le Yu, Haohuan Fu, Bo Wu, Nicolas Clinton, Peng Gong, Exploring the potential role of feature selection in global land-cover mapping, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(23)(2016), 5491-5504.
[272] Xuecao Li, Le Yu, Terry Sohl, Nicholas Clinton, Wenyu Li, Zhiliang Zhu, Xiaoping Liu, Peng Gong, A cellular automata downscaling based 1 km global land use datasets (2010-2100), Science Bulletin, 61(21)(2016), 1651-1661.
[271] Weijia Li, Haohuan Fu, Le Yu, Peng Gong, Duole Feng, Congcong Li, Nicholas Clinton, Stacked Autoencoder-based deep learning for remote-sensing image classification: a case study of African land-cover mapping, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(23)(2016), 5632-5646.
[270] Yuqi Cheng, Le Yu, Arthur P. Cracknell, Peng Gong, Oil palm mapping using Landsat and PALSAR: a case study in Malaysia, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(22)(2016), 5431-5442.
[269] Qingliu Bao, Youguang Zhang, Shuyan Lang, Mingsen Lin, Peng Gong, Sea surface wind speed inversion using the low incident NRCS measured by TRMM precipitation Radar, IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(11SI)(2016), 5262-5271.
[268] Xiurui Geng, Luyan Ji, Fuxiang Wang, Yongchao Zhao, Peng Gong, Statistical volume analysis: a new endmember extraction method for Multi/Hyperspectral imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(10)(2016), 6100-6109.
[267] Liheng Zhong, Lina Hu, Le Yu, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, Automated mapping of soybean and corn using phenology, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119(2016), 151-164.
[265] Congcong Li, Peng Gong, Jie Wang, Cui Yuan, Tengyun Hu, Qi Wang, Le Yu, Nicholas Clinton, Mengna Li, Jing Guo, Duole Feng, Conghong Huang, Zhicheng Zhan, Xiaoyi Wang, Bo Xu, Yaoyu Nie, Kwame Hackman, An all-season sample database for improving land-cover mapping of Africa with two classification schemes, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(19)(2016), 4623-4647.
[264] Lu Liang, Todd J. Hawbaker, Zhiliang Zhu, Xuecao Li, Peng Gong, Forest disturbance interactions and successional pathways in the Southern Rocky Mountains, Forest Ecology and Management, 375(2016), 35-45.
[263] Wenyu Li, Peng Gong, Continuous monitoring of coastline dynamics in western Florida with a 30-year time series of Landsat imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 179(2016), 196-209.
[262] Qinchuan Xin, Peng Gong, Andrew E. Suyker, Yali Si, Effects of the partitioning of diffuse and direct solar radiation on satellite-based modeling of crop gross primary production, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 50(2016), 51-63.
[261] Han Zhang, Yali Si, Xiaofeng Wang, Peng Gong, Patterns of bacillary dysentery in China, 2005-2010, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(1642)(2016).
[260] Qu Cheng, Qinlong Jing, Robert C. Spear, John M. Marshall, Zhicong Yang, Peng Gong, Climate and the timing of imported cases as determinants of the dengue outbreak in Guangzhou, 2014: Evidence from a Mathematical Model, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10(e**)(2016).
[259] Xiaoyi Wang, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, Qinchuan Xin, Yanlei Chen, Jun Yang, Caixia Liu, Quantifying multi-decadal change of planted forest cover using airborne LiDAR and Landsat imagery, Remote Sensing, 8(621)(2016).
[258] Xianwei Wang, David M. Holland, Xiao Cheng, Peng Gong, Grounding and calving cycle of mertz ice tongue revealed by shallow mertz bank, Cryosphere Discussions, 10(5)(2016), 1-37.
[257] Mengna Li, Congcong Li, Hong Jiang, Chengyuan Fang, Jun Yang, Zhiliang Zhu, Lei Shi, Shirong Liu, Peng Gong, Tracking bamboo dynamics in Zhejiang, China, using time-series of Landsat data from 1990 to 2014, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(7)(2016), 1714-1729.
[256] Duole Feng, Yuanyuan Zhao, Le Yu, Congcong Li, Jie Wang, Nicholas Clinton, Yuqi Bai, Alan Belward, Zhiliang Zhu, Peng Gong, Circa 2014 African land-cover maps compatible with FROM-GLC and GLC2000 classification schemes based on multi-seasonal Landsat data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(19)(2016), 4648-4664.
[255] Yuanyuan Zhao, Duole Feng, Le Yu, Xiaoyi Wang, Yanlei Chen, Yuqi Bai, H. Jaime Hernández, Mauricio Galleguillos, Cristian Estades, Gregory S. Biging, John D. Radkeg, Peng Gong, Detailed dynamic land cover mapping of Chile: Accuracy improvement by integrating multi-temporal data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 183(2016), 170-185.
[254] Liheng Zhong, Le Yu, Xuecao Li, Lina Hu, Peng Gong, Rapid corn and soybean mapping in US Corn Belt and neighboring areas, Scientific Reports, 6(2016), 36240.
[253] Iryna Dronova, Steven R. Beissinger, James W. Burnham, Peng Gong, Landscape-level associations of wintering waterbird diversity and abundance from remotely sensed wetland characteristics of Poyang Lake, Remote Sensing, 8(6)(2016), 462.
[252] Yanjie Xu, Peng Gong, Ben Wielstra, Yali Si, Southward autumn migration of waterfowl facilitates cross-continental transmission of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus, Scientific Reports, 6(2016), 30262.
[251] Jing Guo, Peng Gong, Forest cover dynamics from Landsat time-series data over Yan’an city on the Loess Plateau during the Grain for Green Project, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(17)(2016), 4101-4118.
[250] Xuecao Li, Gong Peng, Urban growth models: progress and perspective, Science Bulletin, 61(21)(2016), 1637-1650.
[249] Tengyun Hu, Jun Yang, Xuecao Li, Peng Gong, Mapping urban land use by using Landsat images and open social data, Remote Sensing, 8(2)(2016), 151.
[248] Bing Xu, Jun Yang, Yong Zhang, Peng Gong, Healthy cities in China: a Lancet Commission, Lancet, 388(10054)(2016), 1863-1864.
[247] Xuecao Li, Peng Gong, An “exclusion-inclusion” framework for extracting human settlements in rapidly developing regions of China from Landsat images, Remote Sensing of Environment, 186(2016), 286-296.
[246]Yifang Ban, Peng Gong, Chandra Giri, Global land cover mapping using Earth observation satellite data: Recent progresses and challenges, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 103(2015), 1-6.
[245] Xueyan Li, Nicholas Clinton, Yali Si, Jishan Liao, Lu Liang, Peng Gong, Projected impacts of climate change on protected birds and nature reserves in China, Science Bulletin, 60(19)(2015), 1644-1653.
[244] Yali Si, Qinchuan Xin, Herbert H. T. Prins, Willem F. de Boer, Peng Gong, Improving the quantification of waterfowl migration with remote sensing and bird tracking, Science Bulletin, 60(23)(2015), 1984-1993.
[243] Xuecao Li, Peng Gong, Lu Liang, A 30-year (1984-2013) record of annual urban dynamics of Beijing City derived from Landsat data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 166(2015), 78-90.
[242]Qinchuan Xin, Peng Gong, Wenyu Li, Modeling photosynthesis of discontinuous plant canopies by linking the Geometric Optical Radiative Transfer model with biochemical processes, Biogeosciences, 12(11)(2015), 3447-3467.
[241] Jie Wang, Congcong Li, Peng Gong, Adaptively weighted decision fusion in 30 m land-cover mapping with Landsat and MODIS data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(14)(2015), 3659-3674.
[240] Xuecao Li, Xiaoping Liu, Peng Gong, Integrating ensemble-urban cellular automata model with an un2ertainty map to improve the performance of a single model, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(5)(2015), 762-785.
[239] Qinchuan Xin, Mark Broich, Peng Zhu, Peng Gong, Modeling grassland spring onset across the Western United States using climate variables and MODIS-derived phenology metrics, Remote Sensing of Environment, 161(2015), 63-77.
[238] Yali Si, Qinchuan Xin, Willem F. de Boer, Peng Gong, Ronald C. Ydenberg, Herbert H. T. Prins, Do Arctic breeding geese track or overtake a green wave during spring migration? Scientific Reports, 5(8749)(2015),
[237] Luyan Ji, Xiurui Geng, Kang Sun, Yongchao Zhao, Peng Gong, Target detection method for water mapping using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS imagery, Water, 7(2)(2015), 794-817.
[236] Luyan Ji, Xiurui Geng, Kang Sun, Yongchao Zhao, Peng Gong, Modified N-FINDR endmember extraction algorithm for remote-sensing imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(8)(2015), 2148-2162.
[235] Liqun Fang, Marco Goeijenbier, Shuqing Zuo, Liping Wang, Song Liang, Sabra L. Klein, Xinlou Li, Kun Liu, Lu Liang, Peng Gong, Gregory E. Glass, Eric van Gorp, Jan H. Richardus, Jiaqi Ma, Wuchun Cao, Sake J. de Vlas, The association between hantavirus infection and selenium deficiency in Mainland China, Viruses-Basel, 7(1)(2015), 333-351.
[234] Jie Wang, Congcong Li, Luanyun Hu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Seasonal land cover dynamics in Beijing derived from Landsat 8 data using a spatio-temporal contextual approach, Remote Sensing, 7(1)(2015), 865-881.
[233]Steffen Fritz, Linda See, Ian McCallum, Liangzhi You, Andriy Bun, Elena Moltchanova, Martina Duerauer, Fransizka Albrecht, Christian Schill, Christoph Perger, Petr Havlik, Aline Mosnier, Philip Thornton, Ulrike Wood-Sichra, Mario Herrero, Inbal Becker-Reshef, Chris Justice, Matthew Hansen, Peng Gong, Sheta Abdel Aziz, Anna Cipriani, Renato Cumani, Giuliano Cecchi, Giulia Conchedda, Stefanus Ferreira, Adriana Gomez, Myriam Haffani, Francois Kayitakire, Jaiteh Malanding, Rick Mueller, Terence Newby, Andre Nonguierma, Adeaga Olusegun, Simone Ortner, D. Ram Rajak, Jansle Rocha, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Maria Schepaschenko, Alexey Terekhov, Alex Tiangwa, Christelle Vancutsem, Elodie Vintrou, Wenbin Wu, Marijn van der Velde, Antonia Dunwoody, Florian Kraxner, Michael Obersteiner, Mapping global cropland and field size, Global Change Biology, 21(5)(2015), 1980-1992.
[232] Qinchuan Xin, Mark Broich, Andrew E. Suyker, Le Yu, Peng Gong, Multi-scale evaluation of light use efficiency in MODIS gross primary productivity for croplands in the Midwestern United States, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 201(2015), 111-119.
[231] Iryna Dronova, Peng Gong, Lin Wang, Liheng Zhong, Mapping dynamic cover types in a large seasonally flooded wetland using extended principal component analysis and object-based classification, Remote Sensing of Environment, 158(2015), 193-206.
[230] Lu Liang, Peng Gong, Evaluation of global land cover maps for cropland area estimation in the conterminous United States, International Journal of Digital Earth, 8(2)(2015), 102-117.
[229] Yaomin Zheng, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Jie Wang, A database of global wetland validation samples for wetland mapping, Science Bulletin, 60(4)(2015), 428-434.
[228] Nicholas Clinton, Le Yu, Peng Gong, Geographic stacking: Decision fusion to increase global land cover map accuracy, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 103(2015), 57-65.
[227] Linda See, Steffen Fritz, Liangzhi You, Navin Ramankutty, Mario Herrero, Chris Justice, Inbal Becker-Reshef, Philip Thornton, Karlheinz Erb, Peng Gong, Huajun Tang, Marijn van der Velde, Polly Ericksen, Ian McCallum, Florian Kraxner, Michael Obersteiner, Improved global cropland data as an essential ingredient for food security, Global Food Security, 4(2015), 37-45.
[226] Luyan Ji, Peng Gong, Xiurui Geng, Yongchao Zhao, Improving the Accuracy of the Water Surface Cover Type in the 30 m FROM-GLC Product, Remote Sensing, 7(10)(2015), 13507-13527.
[225] Caixia Liu, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Xiaoyi Wang, Joint use of ICESat/GLAS and Landsat data in land cover classification: a case study in Henan Province, China, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations & Remote Sensing, 8(2)(2015), 511-522.
[224] Le Yu, Yichuan Shi, Peng Gong, Land cover mapping and data availability in critical terrestrial ecoregions: A global perspective with Landsat thematic mapper and enhanced thematic mapper plus data, Biological Conservation, 190(2015), 34-42.
[223] Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Congcong Li, Le Yu, Desheng Liu, Peng Gong, Mapping global land cover in 2001 and 2010 with spatial-temporal consistency at 250m resolution, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 103(4-8)(2015), 38-47.
[222] Sarah Whitmee, Andy Haines, Chris Beyrer, Frederick Boltz, Anthony G Capon, Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Alex Ezeh, Howard Frumkin, Peng Gong, Peter Head, Richard Horton, Georgina M Mace, Robert Marten,Samuel S Myers,Sania Nishtar,Steven A Osofsky,Subhrendu K Pattanayak,Montira J Pongsiri,Cristina Romanelli, Agnes Soucat,Jeanette Vega, Derek Yach, Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health, Lancet, 386(10007)(2015), 1973-2028.
[221] Nick Watts, W. Neil Adger, Paolo Agnolucci, Jason Blackstock, Peter Byass, Wenjia Cai, Sarah Chaytor, Tim Colbourn, Mat Collins, Adam Cooper, Peter M. Cox, Joanna Depledge, Paul Drummond, Paul Ekins, Victor Galaz, Delia Grace, Hilary Grubb Michael Graham, Andy Haines, Ian Hamilton, Alasdair Hunter, Xujia Jiang, Moxuan Li, Ilan Kelman, Lu Liang, Melissa Lott, Robert Lowe, Yong Luo, Georgina Mace, Mark Maslin, Maria Nilsson, Tadj Oreszczyn, Steve Pye, Tara Quinn, My Venevsky Sergey Svensdotter, Koko Warner, Bing Xu, Jun Yang, Yongyuan Yin, Chaoqing Yu, Qiang Zhang, Peng Gong, Hugh Montgomery, Anthony Costello, Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health, Lancet, 386(10006)(2015), 1861-1914.
[220] Johan Rockstrom, Guy Brasseur, Brian Hoskins, Wolfgang Lucht, John Schellnhuber, Pavel Kabat, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Peng Gong, Peter Schlosser, Maria Manez Costa, April Humble, Nick Eyre, Peter Gleick, Rachel James, Andre Lucena, Omar Masera, Marcus Moench, Roberto Schaeffer, Sybil Seitzinger, Sander van der Leeuw, Bob Ward, Nicholas Stern, James Hurrell, Leena Srivastava, Jennifer Morgan, Carlos Nobre, Youba Sokona, Roger Cremades, Ellinor Roth, Diana Liverman, James Arnott, Climate change: The necessary, the possible and the desirable Earth League climate statement on the implications for climate policy from the 5th IPCC Assessment, Earths Future, 2(12)(2014), 606-611.
[219] Lu Liang, Yang Liu, Jishan Liao, Peng Gong, Wetlands explain most in the genetic divergence pattern of Oncomelania hupensis, Infection Genetics and Evolution, 27(2014), 436-444.
[218] Chaoqing Yu, Changsheng Li, Qinchuan Xin, Han Chen, Jie Zhang, Feng Zhang, Xuecao Li, Nick Clinton, Xiao Huang, Yali Yue, Peng Gong, Dynamic assessment of the impact of drought on agricultural yield and scale-dependent return periods over large geographic regions, Environmental Modelling & Software, 62(2014), 454-464.
[217] Nicholas Clinton, Le Yu, Haohuan Fu, Conghui He, Peng Gong, Global-Scale Associations of Vegetation Phenology with Rainfall and Temperature at a High Spatio-Temporal Resolution, Remote Sensing, 6(8)(2014), 7320-7338.
[216] Anping Liao, Lijun Chen, Jun Chen, Chaoying He, Xin Cao, Jin Chen, Shu Peng, Fangdi Sun, Peng Gong, High-resolution remote sensing mapping of global land water, Science China-Earth Sciences, 57(10)(2014), 2305-2316.
[215] Congcong Li, Jie Wang, Luanyun Hu, Le Yu, Nicholas Clinton, Huabing Huang, Jun Yang, Peng Gong, A Circa 2010 Thirty Meter Resolution Forest Map for China, Remote Sensing, 6(6)(2014), 5325-5343.
[214] Le Yu, Lu Liang, Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Qu Cheng, Luanyun Hu, Shuang Liu, Liang Yu, Xiaoyi Wng, Peng Zhu, Xueyan Li, Yue Xu, Congcong Li, Wei Fu, Xuecao Li, Wenyu Li, Caixia Liu, Na Cong, Han Zhang, Fangdi Sun, Xinfang Bi, Qinchuan Xin, Dandan Li, Donghui Yan, Zhiliang Zhu, Michael F. Goodchild, Peng Gong, Meta-discoveries from a synthesis of satellite-based land-cover mapping research, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(13)(2014), 4573-4588.
[213] Yuanyuan Zhao, Peng Gong, Le Yu, Luanyun Hu, Xueyan Li, Congcong Li, Haiying Zhang, Yaomin Zheng, Jie Wang, Yongchao Zhao, Qu Cheng, Caixia Liu, Shuang Liu, Xiaoyi Wang, Towards a common validation sample set for global land-cover mapping, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(13)(2014), 4795-4814.
[212] Le Yu, Jie Wang, Xuecao Li, Congcong Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, Peng Gong, A multi-resolution global land cover dataset through multisource data aggregation, Science China-Earth Sciences, 57(10)(2014), 2317-2329.
[211]Peng Zhu, Peng Gong, Suitability mapping of global wetland areas and validation with remotely sensed data, Science China-Earth Sciences, 57(10)(2014), 2283-2292.
[210] Lu Liang, Yanlei Chen, Todd Hawbaker, Zhiliang Zhu, Peng Gong, Mapping mountain pine beetle mortality through growth trend analysis of time-series Landsat data, Remote Sensing, 6(6)(2014), 5696-5716.
[209] Xianwei Wang, Xiao Cheng, Peng Gong, C. K. Shum, David M. Holland, Xiaowen Li, Freeboard and mass extraction of the disintegrated Mertz Ice Tongue with remote sensing and altimetry data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 144(2014), 1-10.
[208] Xiaoyi Wang, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Caixia Liu, Congcong Li, Wenyu Li, Forest canopy height extraction in rugged areas with ICESat/GLAS data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(8)(2014), 4650-4657.
[207] Liheng Zhong, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, Efficient corn and soybean mapping with temporal extendability: A multi-year experiment using Landsat imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 140(2014), 1-13.
[206] Fangdi Sun, Yuanyuan Zhao, Peng Gong, Ronghua Ma, Yongjiu Dai, Monitoring dynamic changes of global land cover types: fluctuations of major lakes in China every 8 days during 2000-2010, Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(2)(2014), 171-189.
[205] Jun Yang, Peng Gong, Rong Fu, Minghua Zhang, Jingming Chen, Shunlin Liang, Bing Xu, Jiancheng Shi, Robert Dickinson, The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies, Nature Climate Change, 3(10)(2013), 875-883.
[204] Luanyun Hu, Yanlei Chen, Yue Xu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Le Yu, Jie Wang, Peng Gong, A 30 meter land cover mapping of China with an efficient clustering algorithm CBEST, Science China Earth Science, 57(10)(2014), 2293-2304.
[203] Congcong Li, Jie Wang, Lei Wang, Luanyun Hu, Peng Gong, Comparison of classification algorithms and training sample sizes in urban land classification with Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery, Remote Sensing, 6(2)(2014), 964-983.
[202] Lu Liang, Todd J. Hawbaker, Yanlei Chen, Zhiliang Zhu, Peng Gong, Characterizing recent and projecting future potential patterns of mountain pine beetle outbreaks in the Southern Rocky Mountains, Applied Geography, 55(2014), 165-175.
[201] Le Yu, Jie Wang, Peng Gong, Improving 30m global land-cover map FROM-GLC with time series MODIS and auxiliary data sets: a segmentation-based approach, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(16)(2013), 5851-5867.
[200] Qinchuan Xin, Peng Gong, Chaoqing Yu, Le Yu, Mark Broich, Andrew E. Suyker, Ranga B. Myneni, A production efficiency model-based method for satellite estimates of corn and soybean yields in the Midwestern US, Remote Sensing, 5(11)(2013), 5926-5943.
[199] Huai Chen, Qiuan Zhu, Changhui Peng, Ning Wu, Yanfen Wang, Xiuqing Fang, Yongheng Gao, Dan Zhu, Gang Yang, Jianqing Tian, Xiaoming Kang, Shilong Piao, Hua Ouyang, Wenhua Xiang, Zhibin Luo, Hong Jiang, Xingzhang Song, Yao Zhang, Guirui Yu, Xinquan Zhao, Peng Gong, Tandong Yao, Jianghua Wu, The impacts of climate change and human activities on biogeochemical cycles on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Global Change Biology, 19(10)(2013), 2940-2955.
[198] Guanhua Xu, Quansheng Ge, Peng Gong, Xiuqi Fang, Bangbo Cheng, Bin He, Yong Luo, Bing Xu, Societal response to challenges of global change and human sustainable development, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(25)(2013), 3161-3168.
[197] Nicholas Clinton, Peng Gong, MODIS detected surface urban heat islands and sinks: Global locations and controls, Remote Sensing of Environment, 134(2013), 294-304.
[196] Xianwei Wang, Peng Gong, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yue Xu, Xiao Cheng, Zhenguo Niu, Zhicai Luo, Huabing Huang, Fangdi Sun, Xiaowen Li, Water-level changes in China's large lakes determined from ICESat/GLAS data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 132(2013), 131-144.
[195] Yaomin Zheng, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Yongjiu Dai, Shangguan Wei, Preliminary estimation of the organic carbon pool in China's wetlands, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(6)(2013), 662-670.
[194] Xueyan Li, Lu Liang, Peng Gong, Yang Liu, Feifei Liang, Bird watching in China reveals bird distribution changes, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(6)(2013), 649-656.
[193] Peng Gong, Jie Wang, Le Yu, Yongchao Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhao, Lu Liang, Zhenguo Niu, Xiaomeng Huang, Haohuan Fu, Shuang Liu, Congcong Li, Xueyan Li, Wei Fu, Caixia Liu, Yue Xu, Xiaoyi Wang, Qu Cheng, Luanyun Hu, Wenbo Yao, Han Zhang, Peng Zhu, Ziying Zhao, Haiying Zhang, Yaomin Zheng, Luyan Ji, Yawen Zhang, Han Chen, An Yan, Jianhong Guo, Liang Yu, Lei Wang, Xiaojun Liu, Tingting Shi, Menghua Zhu, Yanlei Chen, Guangwen Yang, Ping Tang, Bing Xu, Chandra Giri, Nicholas Clinton, Zhiliang Zhu, Jin Chen, Jun Chen, Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(7)(2013), 2607-2654.
[192] Fengming Hui, Xiao Cheng, Yan Liu, Yanmei Zhang, Yufang Ye, Xianwei Wang, Zhan Li, Kun Wang, Zhifei Zhan, Jianhong Guo, Huabing Huang, Xiuhong Li, Ziqi Guo, Peng Gong, An improved Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica, Science China-Earth Sciences, 56(1)(2013), 1-12.
[191] Yanlei Chen, Peng Gong, Clustering based on eigenspace transformation – CBEST for efficient classification, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 83(3)(2013), 64-80.
[190] Yali Si, Boer Willem F. De, Gong Peng, Different environmental drivers of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and wild birds, PLOS ONE, 8(1)(2013), e53362.
[189] Le Yu, Jie Wang, Nicholas Clinton, Qinchuan Xin, Liheng Zhong, Yanlei Chen, Peng Gong, FROM-GC: 30 m global cropland extent derived through multisource data integration, International Journal of Digital Earth, 6(6)(2013), 521-533.
[188] Shangguan Wei, Peng Gong, Lu Liang, Yongjiu Dai, Keli Zhang, Soil diversity as affected by land use in China: consequences for soil protection, Scientific World Journal, 2014(1)(2013), 913852.
[187] Peng Gong, China’s new leaders must keep science in focus, Nature, 491(7423)(2012), 161.
[186] Weimin Li, John Radke, Desheng Liu, Peng Gong, Measuring detailed urban vegetation with multisource high-resolution remote sensing imagery for environmental design and planning, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39(3)(2012), 566-585.
[185] Iryna Dronova, Peng Gong, Nicholas E. Clinton, Lin Wang, Wei Fu, Shuhua Qi, Ying Liu, Landscape analysis of wetland plant functional types: The effects of image segmentation scale, vegetation classes and classification methods, Remote Sensing of Environment, 127(2012), 357-369.
[184] Lin Wang, Iryna Dronova, Peng Gong, Wenbo Yang, Yingren Li, Qing Liu, A new time series vegetation-water index of phenological-hydrological trait across species and functional types for Poyang Lake wetland ecosystem, Remote Sensing of Environment, 125(2012), 49-63.
[183] Yaomin Zheng, Haiying Zhang, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Protection efficacy of national wetland reserves in China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(10)(2012), 1116-1134.
[182] Peng Gong, Remote sensing of environmental change over China: A review, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(22)(2012), 2793-2801.
[181] Lei Wang, Congcong Li, Qing Ying, Xiao Cheng, Xiaoyi Wang, Xueyan Li, Luanyun Hu, Lu Liang, Le Yu, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, China's urban expansion from 1990 to 2010 determined with satellite remote sensing, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(22)(2012), 2802-2812.
[180] Gaolong Zhu, Weimin Ju, Jing M. Chen, Peng Gong, Bailing Xing, Jingfang Zhu, Foliage clumping index over china's landmass retrieved from the MODIS BRDF parameters product, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(6)(2012), 2122-2137.
[179] Xianwei Wang, Xiao Cheng, Zhan Li, Huabing Huang, Zhenguo Niu, Xiaowen Li, Peng Gong, Lake Water Footprint Identification From Time-Series ICESat/GLAS Data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 9(3)(2012), 333-337.
[178] ZiYing Zhao, Zhen Liu, Peng Gong, Automatic extraction of floating ice at Antarctic continental margin from remotely sensed imagery using object-based segmentation, Science China-Earth Sciences, 55(4)(2012), 622-632.
[177] Peng Gong, Song Liang, Elizabeth J. Carlton, Qingwu Jiang, Jianyong Wu, Lei Wang, Justin V. Remais, Urbanisation and health in China, Lancet, 379(9818)(2012), 843-852.
[176] Le Yu, Peng Gong, Google Earth as a virtual globe tool for Earth science applications at the global scale: progress and perspectives, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(12)(2012), 3966-3986.
[175] Ryo Michishita, Peng Gong, Bing Xu, Spectral mixture analysis for bi-sensor wetland mapping using Landsat TM and Terra MODIS data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(11)(2012), 3373-3401.
[174] Ryo Michishita, Zhiben Jiang, Peng Gong, Bing Xu, Bi-scale analysis of multitemporal land cover fractions for wetland vegetation mapping, Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 72(3)(2012), 1-15.
[173] Shuang Liu, Peng Gong, Change of surface cover greenness in China between 2000 and 2010, Science Bulletin, 57(22)(2012), 2835-2845.
[172] Zhenguo Niu, Haiying Zhang, Xianwei Wang, Wenbo Yao, Demin Zhou, Kuiyi Zhao, Hui Zhao, Nana Li, Huabing Huang, Congcong Li, Jun Yang, Caixia Liu, Shuang Liu, Lin Wang, Zhan Li, Zhenzhong Yang, Fei Qiao, Yaomin Zheng, Yanlei Chen, Yongwei Sheng, Xiaohong Gao, Weihong Zhu, Wenqing Wang, Hong Wang, Yongling Weng, Dafang Zhuang, Jiyuan Liu, Zhicai Luo, Xiao Cheng, Ziqi Guo, Peng Gong, Mapping wetland changes in China between 1978 and 2008, Science Bulletin, 57(22)(2012), 2813-2823.
[171] Fangdi Sun, Wanxiao Sun, Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Comparison and improvement of methods for identifying waterbodies in remotely sensed imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(21)(2012), 6854-6875.
[170] Liheng Zhong, Peng Gong, Greg S. Biging, Phenology-based crop classification algorithm and its implications on agricultural water use assessments in California’s Central Valley, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 78(8)(2012), 799-813.
[169] Chunxiang Cao, J. Zhao, Peng Gong, G. R. Ma, D. M. Bao, K. Tian, R. Tian, Zhenguo Niu, H. Zhang, M. Xu, Wetland changes and droughts in southwestern China, Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk, 3(1)(2012), 6.
[168] Iryna Dronova, Peng Gong, Lin Wang, Object-based analysis and change detection of major wetland cover types and their classification uncertainty during the low water period at Poyang Lake, China, Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(12)(2011), 3220-3236.
[167] Liheng Zhong, Tom Hawkins, Greg Biging, Peng Gong, A phenology-based approach to map crop types in the San Joaquin Valley, California, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(22)(2011), 7777-7804.
[166] Peng Gong, Lu Liang, Qiang Zhang, China must reduce fertilizer use too, Nature, 473(7347)(2011), 284-285.
[165] Peng Gong, China needs no foreign help to feed itself, Nature, 474(7349)(2011), 7.
[164] Peng Gong, Yongyuan Yin, Chaoqing Yu, China: invest wisely in sustainable water use, Science, 331(6022)(2011), 1264-1265.
[163] Zhenguo Niu, Haiying Zhang, Peng Gong, More protection for China's wetlands, Nature, 471(7338)(2011), 305.
[162] Huabing Huang, Zhan Li, Peng Gong, Xiao Cheng, Nick Clinton, Chunxiang Cao, Wenjian Ni, Lei Wang, Automated methods for measuring DBH and tree heights with a commercial scanning Lidar, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 77(3SI)(2011), 219-227.
[161] Peng Gong, Zhan Li, Huabing Huang, Guoqing Sun, Lei Wang, ICESat GLAS data for urban environment monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(3)(2011), 1158-1172.
[160] So-Ra Kim, Woo-Kyun Lee, Doo-Ahn Kwak, Greg S. Biging, Peng Gong, Jun-Hak Lee, Hyun-Kook Cho, Forest cover classification by optimal segmentation of high resolution satellite imagery, Sensors, 11(2)(2011), 1943-1958.
[159] Xiuhong Li, Xiao Cheng, Peng Gong, Ke Yan, Design and implementation of a wireless sensor network-based remote water-level monitoring system, Sensors, 11(2)(2011), 1706-1720.
[158] Xianwei Wang, Xiao Cheng, Peng Gong, Huabing Huang, Zhan Li, Xiaowen Li, Earth science applications of ICESat/GLAS: a review, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(23)(2011), 8837-8864.
[157] Lu Liang, Bing Xu, Yanlei Chen, Yang Liu, Wuchun Cao, Liqun Fang, Limin Feng, Michael F. Goodchild, Peng Gong, Combining spatial-temporal and phylogenetic analysis approaches for improved understanding on global H5N1 transmission, PLOS ONE, 5(e**)(2010).
[156] Haitang Hu, Peng Gong, Bing Xu, Spatially explicit agent-based modelling for schistosomiasis transmission: Human-environment interaction simulation and control strategy assessment, Epidemics, 2(2)(2010), 49-65.
[155] Xiuhong Li, Xiao Cheng, Ke Yan, Peng Gong, A monitoring system for vegetable greenhouses based on a wireless sensor network, Sensors, 10(10)(2010), 8963-8980.
[154] Yongling Weng, Peng Gong, Zhiliang Zhu, A spectral index for estimating soil salinity in the Yellow River delta region of China using EO-1 Hyperion Data, Pedosphere, 20(3)(2010), 378-388.
[153] Peng Gong, Zhenguo Niu, Xiao Cheng, Kuiyi Zhao, Demin Zhou, Jianhong Guo, Lu Liang, Xiaofeng Wang, Dandan Li, Huabing Huang, Yi Wang, Kun Wang, Wenning Li, Xianwei Wang, Qing Ying, Zhenzhong Yang, Yufang Ye, Zhan Li, Dafang Zhuang, Yaobin Chi, Huizhen Zhou, Jun Yan, China's wetland change (1990-2000) determined by remote sensing, Science China-Earth Sciences, 53(7)(2010), 1036-1042.
[152] Jianhong Guo, Lu Liang, Peng Gong, Removing shadows from Google Earth images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(6)(2010), 1379-1389.
[151] Yan Li, Lin Zhu, Peng Gong, Hideki Shimamura, A refined marker controlled watershed for building extraction from DSM and imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(6)(2010), 1441-1452.
[150] Nicholas Clinton, Ashley Holt, James Scarborough, Li Yan, Peng Gong, Accuracy assessment measures for object-based image segmentation goodness, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 76(3)(2010), 289-299.
[149] Xiurui Geng, Yongchao Zhao, Fuxiang Wang, Peng Gong, A new volume formula for a simplex and its appication to endmember extraction for hyperspectral image analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(4)(2010), 1027-1035.
[148] Ru An, Peng Gong, Huilin Wang, Xuezhi Feng, Pengfeng Xiao, Chen Qi, Qing Zhang, Chunye Chen, Yan Peng, A modified PSO algorithm for remote sensing image template matching., Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 76(4)(2010), 379-389.
[147] Zhen Liu, Peng Gong, Peijun Shi, Howu Chen, Lin Zhu, T. Sasagawa, Automated building change detection using UltraCamD images and existing CAD data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(6)(2010), 1505-1517.
[146] Jun Yang, Peng Gong, Jinxing Zhou, Huabing Huang, Lei Wang, Detection of the urban heat island in Beijing using HJ-1B satellite imagery, Science China-Earth Sciences, 53(1)(2010), 67-73.
[145] NicholasE Clinton,ChristopherPotter,BobCrabtree,VanessaGenovese, PeggyGross, PengGong, Remote sensing-based time-series analysis of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) phenology, Journal of Environmental Quality, 39(3)(2010), 955.
[144] Wang Lei, Peng Gong, Qing Ying, Yang Zhenzhong, Xiao Cheng, Ran Qiong, Settlement extraction in the North China Plain using Landsat and Beijing-1 multispectral data with an improved watershed segmentation algorithm, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(6)(2010), 1411-1426.
[143] Peng Gong, Philip J. Howarth, Bing Xu, Weimin Ju, Guest editors' preface: Geoinformatics 2007, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(6)(2010), 1373-1377.
[142] Yongqiang Zhao, Peng Gong, Quan Pan, Unsupervised spectropolarimetric imagery clustering fusion, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 3(033535)(2009).
[141] Le Wang, Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Hiroto Shimazaki, Masayuki Tamura, Land cover change detection with a cross-correlogram spectral matching algorithm, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(PII )(2009), 3259-3273.
[140] Ashley C. Holt, Daniel J. Salkeld, Curtis L. Fritz, James R. Tucker, Peng Gong, Spatial analysis of plague in California: niche modeling predictions of the current distribution and potential response to climate change, International Journal of Health Geographics, 8(38)(2009).
[139] Changhong Yang, Jun Yang, Xiangshu Luo, Peng Gong, Use of mobile phones in an emergency reporting system for infectious disease surveillance after the Sichuan earthquake in China, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87(8)(2009), 619-623.
[138] Ashley C. Holt, Edmund Y. W. Seto, Tom Rivard, Peng Gong, Object-based Detection and Classification of Vehicles from High-resolution Aerial Photography, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 75(7)(2009), 871-880.
[137] Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Xiao Cheng, Nick Clinton, Zengyuan Li, Improving Measurement of Forest Structural Parameters by Co-Registering of High Resolution Aerial Imagery and Low Density LiDAR Data, Sensors, 9(3)(2009), 1541-1558.
[136] Xiao Cheng, Peng Gong, Yanmei Zhang, Zhanyi Sun, Fuhai Wei, Surface topography of Dome A, Antarctica, from differential GPS measurements, Journal of Glaciology, 55(189)(2009), 185-187.
[135] Yunzhao Wu, Peng Gong, Qiang Liu, Adrian Chappell, Retrieving photometric properties of desert surfaces in China using the Hapke model and MISR data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(1)(2009), 213-223.
[134] An Zhao, Peng Gong, Shuming Bao, A readapted Malone schistosome transmission index model, Acta Tropica, 109(2)(2009), 98-102.
[133] Jun Yang, Linsen Zhao, Joe Mcbride, Peng Gong, Can you see green? Assessing the visibility of urban forests in cities, Landscape & Urban Planning, 91(2)(2009), 97-104.
[132] Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Xiao Cheng, Jianhong Guo, Lin Wang, Huabing Huang, Shaoqing Shen, Yunzhao Wu, Xiaofeng Wang, Xianwei Wang, Geographical characteristics of China's wetlands derived from remotely sensed data, Science China Earth Sciences, 52(6)(2009), 723-738.
[131] Nick Clinton, Peng Gong, Z. Y. Jin, B. Xu, Z. L. Zhu, Meta-prediction of Bromus tectorum invasion in Central Utah, United States, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 75(6)(2009), 689-701.
[130]Liheng Zhong, Tom Hawkins, Kyle Holland, Peng Gong, Gregory Biging, Satellite imagery can support water planning in the Central Valley, California Agriculture, 63(4)(2009), 220-224.
[129] Fengming Hui, Bing Xu, Zhangwei Chen, Xiao Cheng, Lu Liang, Huabing Huang, Liqun Fang, Hong Yang, Hongning Zhou, Henglin Yang, Xiaonong Zhou, Wuchun Cao, Peng Gong, Spatio-temporal distribution of malaria in Yunnan Province, China, American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 81(3)(2009), 503-509.
[128]Jun Yang, Qian Yu, Peng Gong, Quantifying air pollution removal by green roofs in Chicago, Atmospheric Environment, 42(31)(2008), 7266-7273.
[127] Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Nick Clinton, Fengming Hui, Reduction of atmospheric and topographic effect on Landsat TM data for forest classification, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(19)(2008), 5623-5642.
[126] Yongling Weng, Peng Gong, Zhiliang Zhu, Reflectance spectroscopy for the assessment of soil salt content in soils of the Yellow River Delta of China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(19)(2008), 5511-5531.
[125] Liqun Fang, Sake J. de Vlas, Song Liang, Caspar W. N. Looman, Peng Gong, Bing Xu, Lei Yan, Hong Yang, Jan Hendrik Richardus, Wuchun Cao, Environmental Factors Contributing to the Spread of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Mainland China, PLOS ONE, 3(5)(2008).
[124] Bing Xu, Peng Gong, Noise estimation in a noise-adjusted principal component transformation and hyperspectral image restoration, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(3)(2008), 271-286.
[123] Qian Yu, Peng Gong, Yong Q. Tian, Ruiliang Pu, Jun Yang, Factors affecting spatial variation of classification uncertainty in an image object-based vegetation mapping, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 74(8)(2008), 1007-1018.
[122] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Qian Yu, Comparative analysis of EO-1 ALI and Hyperion, and Landsat ETM+ data for mapping forest crown closure and leaf area index, Sensors, 8(6)(2008), 3744-3766.
[121] Qi Chen, Dennis Baldocchi, Peng Gong, Todd Dawson, Modeling radiation and photosynthesis of a heterogeneous savanna woodland landscape with a hierarchy of model complexities, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(6-7)(2008), 1005-1020.
[120] Fernando Sedano, Daniel Gomez, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, Tree density estimation in a tropical woodland ecosystem with multiangular MISR and MODIS data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5)(2008), 2523-2537.
[119] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Yong Tian, Xin Miao, Raymond I. Carruthers, Gerald L. Anderson, Using classification and NDVI differencing methods for monitoring sparse vegetation coverage: a case study of saltcedar in Nevada, USA, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(14)(2008), 3987-4011.
[118] Fernando Sedano, Thomas Lavergne, Luis Maria Ibanez, Peng Gong, A neural network-based scheme coupled with the RPV model inversion package, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(7)(2008), 3271-3283.
[117] Desheng Liu, Kuan Song, John R. G. Townshend, Peng Gong, Using local transition probability models in Markov random fields for forest change detection, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5)(2008), 2222-2231.
[116] Ruiliang Pu, Maggi Kelly, Gerald L. Anderson, Peng Gong, Using CASI hyperspectral imagery to detect mortality and vegetation stress associated with a new hardwood forest disease, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 74(1)(2008), 65-75.
[115] Yunfei Bao, Chunxiang Cao, Hao Zhang, Erxue Chen, Qisheng He, Huabing Huang, Zengyuan Li, Xiaowen Li, Peng Gong, Synchronous estimation of DTM and fractional vegetation cover in forested area from airborne LIDAR height and intensity data, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 512(2008), 176-187.
[114] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Yong Tian, Xin Miao, Raymond I. Carruthers, Gerald L. Anderson, Invasive species change detection using artificial neural networks and CASI hyperspectral imagery, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 140(1-3)(2008), 15-32.
[113] Jinxing Zhou, Jun Yang, Peng Gong, Constructing a green railway on the Tibet Plateau: Evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation measures, Transportation Research Part D Transport & Environment, 13(6)(2008), 369-376.
[112] Yongqiang Zhao, Peng Gong, Quan Pan, Object Detection by Spectropolarimeteric Imagery Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 46(10)(2008), 3337-3345.
[111]Yongling Weng, Peng Gong, Zhiliang Zhu, Soil salt content estimation in the Yellow River delta with satellite hyperspectral data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(3)(2008), 259-270.
[110] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Ryo Michishita, Todashi Sasagawa, Spectral mixture analysis for mapping abundance of urban surface components from the Terra/ASTER data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(3)(2008), 939-954.
[109] Fengming Hui, Bing Xu, Huabing Huang, Peng Gong, Modeling spatial-temporal change of Poyang Lake using multi-temporal Landsat imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(20)(2008), 5767-5784.
[108] Qi Chen, Peng Gong, Dennis Baldocchi, Yong Q. Tian, Estimating basal area and stem volume for individual trees from lidar data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73(12)(2007), 1355-1365.
[107] Desheng Liu, Maggi Kelly, Peng Gong, Qinghua Guo, Characterizing spatial-temporal tree mortality patterns associated with a new forest disease, Forest Ecology and Management, 253(1-3)(2007), 220-231.
[106] Xin Miao, Peng Gong, Sarah Swope, Ruiliang Pu, Raymond Carruthers, Gerald L. Anderson, Detection of yellow starthistle through band selection and feature extraction from hyperspectral imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73(9)(2007), 1005-1015.
[105] Bing Xu, Peng Gong, Land-use/land-cover classification with multispectral and hyperspectral E0-1 data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73(8)(2007), 955-965.
[104] Yong Q Tian, R. McDowell, Qian Yu, G. W. Sheath, W. T. Carlson, Peng Gong, Modelling to analyse the impacts of animal treading effects on soil infiltration, Hydrological Processes, 21(8)(2007), 1106-1114.
[103] Qinghua Guo, Maggi Kelly, Peng Gong, Desheng Liu, An object-based classification approach in mapping tree mortality using high spatial resolution imagery, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 44(1)(2007), 24-47.
[102] Qi Chen, Peng Gong, Dennis Baldocchi, Gengxin Xie, Filtering airborne laser scanning data with morphological methods, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73(2)(2007), 175-185.
[101] Doo-Ahn Kwak, Woo-Kyun Lee, Jun-Hak Lee, Greg S. Biging, Peng Gong, Detection of individual trees and estimation of tree height using LiDAR data, Journal of Forest Research, 12(6)(2007), 425-434.
[100] Xin Miao, Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, Raymond I. Carruthers, Jill S. Heaton, Applying class-based feature extraction approaches for supervised classification of hyperspectral imagery, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(3)(2007), 162-175.
[99] Ruiliang Pu, Zhanqing Lia, Peng Gong, Ivan Csiszar, Robert Fraser, Wei-Min Kondraguntag Shobha Hao, Fuzhong Weng, Development and analysis of a 12-year daily 1-km forest fire dataset across North America from NOAA/AVHRR data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 108(2)(2007), 198-208.
[98] Yunzhao Wu, Jun Chen, Junfeng Ji, Peng Gong, Qilin Liao, Qingjiu Tian, Hongrui Ma, A Mechanism Study of Reflectance Spectroscopy for Investigating Heavy Metals in Soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71(3)(2007), 918-926.
[97] Z. Chen, Z. Zhao, Peng Gong, B. Zeng, A new process for the segmentation of high resolution remote sensing imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(22)(2006), 4991-5001.
[96] W. Sun, G. Xu, Peng Gong, S. Liang, Fractal analysis of remotely sensed images: A review of methods and applications, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(22)(2006), 4963-4990.
[95] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Ryo Michishita, Todashi Sasagawa, Assessment of multi-resolution and multi-sensor data for urban surface temperature retrieval, Remote Sensing of Environment, 104(2SI)(2006), 211-225.
[94] Qi Chen, Dennis Baldocchi, Peng Gong, Maggi Kelly, Isolating individual trees in a savanna woodland using small footprint lidar data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 72(8)(2006), 923-932.
[93] Peng Gong, Bing Xu, Song Liang, Remote sensing and geographic information systems in the spatial temporal dynamics modeling of infectious diseases, Science in China Series C-Life Sciences, 49(6)(2006), 573-582.
[92] Yinyan Guo, Peng Gong, Ronald Amundson, Qian Yu, Analysis of factors controlling soil carbon in the conterminous United States, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70(2)(2006), 601-612.
[91] Yinyan Guo, Ronald Amundson, Peng Gong, Qian Yu, Quantity and spatial variability of soil carbon in the conterminous United States, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70(2)(2006), 590-600.
[90] Xin Miao, Peng Gong, Sarah Swope, Ruiliang Pu, Raymond Carruthers, Gerald L. Anderson, Jill S. Heaton, C. R. Tracy, Estimation of yellow starthistle abundance through CASI-2 hyperspectral imagery using linear spectral mixture models, Remote Sensing of Environment, 101(3)(2006), 329-341.
[89] Desheng Liu, Maggi Kelly, Peng Gong, A spatial-temporal approach for monitoring forest disease dynamics using multi-temporal high spatial resolution imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 101(2)(2006), 167–180.
[88] Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, Zhanqing Li, James Scarborough, Nicolas Clinton, Lisa M. Levien, An integrated approach for wildland fire mapping in California, USA using NOAA/AVHRR data, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 72(2)(2006), 139-150.
[87] Desheng Liu, Peng Gong, Qinghua Guo, Maggi Kelly, Automatic registration of airborne images by combining area-based methods with local transformation methods, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 72(9)(2006), 1049-1059.
[86] Shaokui Ge, James Everitt, Raymond Carruthers, Peng Gong, Gerald Anderson, Hyperspectral characteristics of canopy components and structure for phenological assessment of an invasive weed, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 120(1-3)(2006), 109-126.
[85] Qian Yu, Peng Gong, Nick Clinton, Greg Biging, Maggi Kelly, Dave Schirokauer, Object-based Detailed Vegetation Classification with Airborne High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 72(7)(2006), 799-811.
[84] Nicholas Clinton, Peng Gong, Klaus Scott, Quantification of pollutants emitted from very large wildland fires in Southern California, USA, Atmospheric Environment, 40(20)(2006), 3686-3695.
[83] Shaokui Ge, Raymond Carruthers, Peng Gong, Angelica Herrera, Texture analysis for mapping Tamarix parviflora using aerial photographs along the Cache Creek, California, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 114(1-3)(2006), 65.
[82] Desheng Liu, Peng Gong, Maggi Kelly, Qinghua Guo, Automatic registration of airborne images with complex local distortion, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 72(9)(2006), 1049-1059.
[81] Liqun Fang, Lei Yan, Song Liang, Sake J de Vlas, Dan Feng, Xiaona Han, Wenjuan Zhao, Bing Xu, Ling Bian, Hong Yang, Peng Gong, Jan Hendrik Richardus, Wuchun Cao, Spatial analysis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in China, BMC Infectious Diseases, 6(1)(2006), 1-10.
[80] Xu B., P Gong, E Seto, S. Liang, R Spear, et al., A spatial-temporal model for assessing the effects of intervillage connectivity in schistosomiasis transmission. Annals of AAG. 2006. 96(1):31-46.
[79] Y. Li, Peng Gong, An efficient texture image segmentation algorithm based on the GMRF model for classification of remotely sensed imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(22)(2005), 5149-5159.
[78] Y. Li, Peng Gong, T. Sasagawa, Integrated shadow removal based on photogrammetry and image analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(18)(2005), 3911-3929.
[77] Femando Sedano, Peng Gong, Manuel Ferrao, Land cover assessment with MODIS imagery in southern African Miombo ecosystems, Remote Sensing of Environment, 98(4)(2005), 429-441.
[76] K. Mao, Z. Qin, J. Shi, Peng Gong, A practical split-window algorithm for retrieving land-surface temperature from MODIS data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(15)(2005), 3181-3204.
[75] Y. Q. Tian, D. G. McCall, W. Dripps, Q. Yu, Peng Gong, Using computer vision technology to evaluate the meat tenderness of grazing beef, Food Australia, 57(8)(2005), 322-326.
[74] R. Pu, Q. Yu, Peng Gong, G. S. Biging, EO-1 Hyperion, ALI and Landsat 7 ETM+ data comparison for estimating forest crown closure and leaf area index, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(3)(2005), 457-474.
[73] G. L. Anderson, R. I. Carruthers, Shaokui Ge, Peng Gong, Monitoring of invasive Tamarix distribution and effects of biological control with airborne hyperspectral remote sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(12)(2005), 2487-2489.
[72] L. Wang, W. P. Sousa, Peng Gong, Integration of object-based and pixel-based classification for mapping mangroves with IKONOS imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(24)(2004), 5655-5668.
[71] R. Pu, L. Foschi, Peng Gong, Spectral feature analysis for assessment of water status and health level in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) leaves, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(20)(2004), 4267-4286.
[70] Bing Xu, Peng Gong, Greg Biging, Song Liang, Edmond Seto, Robert Spear, Snail density prediction for schistosomiasis control using ikonos and ASTER images, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 70(11)(2004), 1285-1294.
[69] Qi Chen, Peng Gong, Automatic variogram parameter extraction for textural classification of the panchromatic IKONOS imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42(5)(2004), 1106-1115.
[68] Le Wang, Wayne P. Sousa, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, Comparison of IKONOS and QuickBird images for mapping mangrove species on the Caribbean coast of Panama, Remote Sensing of Environment, 91(3–4)(2004), 432-440.
[67] D. Chen, D. A. Stow, Peng Gong, Examining the effect of spatial resolution and texture window size on classification accuracy: an urban environment case, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(11)(2004), 2177-2192.
[66] Yong Q. Tian, John D. Radke, Peng Gong, Qian Yu, Model development for spatial variation of PM2.5 emissions from residential wood burning, Atmospheric Environment, 38(6)(2004), 833-843.
[65] Peng Gong, Xin Miao, Ken Tate, Charles Battaglia, Gregory S. Biging, Water table level in relation to EO-1 ALI and ETM+ data over a mountainous meadow in California, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(5)(2004), 691-696.
[64] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Wavelet transform applied to EO-1 hyperspectral data for forest LAI and crown closure mapping, Remote Sensing of Environment, 91(2)(2004), 212-224.
[63] R. Pu, Peng Gong, Z. Li, J. Scarborough, A dynamic algorithm for wildfire mapping with NOAA/AVHRR data, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 13(3)(2004), 275-285.
[62] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Determination of burnt scars using logistic regression and neural network techniques from a single post-fire Landsat 7 ETM+ image, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 70(7)(2004), 841-850.
[61] Le Wang, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, Individual Tree-Crown Delineation and Treetop Detection in High-Spatial-Resolution Aerial Imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 70(3)(2004), 351-358.
[60] Peng Gong, Jingming Chen, Special issue: Remote sensing for water resources studies, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(5)(2004),
[59] Yinyan Guo, Peng Gong, Ronald Amundson, Pedodiversity in the United States of America, Geoderma, 117(1-2)(2003), 99-115.
[58] R. Pu, Peng Gong, G. S. Biging, Simple calibration of AVIRIS data and LAI mapping of forest plantation in southern Argentina, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(23)(2003), 4699-4714.
[57] R. Amundson, Y. Guo, Peng Gong, Soil diversity and land use in the United States, Ecosystems, 6(5)(2003), 470-482.
[56] Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, Greg S. Biging, Mirta Rosa Larrieu, Estimation of forest leaf area index using vegetation indices derived from Hyperion hyperspectral data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(61)(2003), 1355-1362.
[55] Q. Zhang, J. Wang, Peng Gong, P. Shi, Study of urban spatial patterns from SPOT panchromatic imagery using textural analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(21)(2003), 4137-4160.
[54] R. Pu, S. Ge, N. M. Kelly, Peng Gong, Spectral absorption features as indicators of water status in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) leaves, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(9)(2003), 1799-1810.
[53] B. Xu, Peng Gong, R. L. Pu, Crown closure estimation of oak savannah in a dry season with Landsat TM imagery: comparison of various indices through correlation analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(9)(2003), 1811-1822.
[52] Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Chunyang He, Ruiliang Pu, Peijun Shi, Land-use/land-cover change detection using improved change-vector analysis, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(4)(2003), 369-379.
[51] Peng Gong, S. A. Mahler, G. S. Biging, D. A. Newburn, Vineyard identification in an oak woodland landscape with airborne digital camera imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(6)(2003), 1303-1315.
[50] M. Henderson, E. T. Yeh, Peng Gong, C. Elvidge, K. Baugh, Validation of urban boundaries derived from global night-time satellite imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(3)(2003), 595-609.
[49] Yongwei Sheng, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, True orthoimage production for forested areas from large-scale aerial photographs, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(3)(2003), 259-266.
[48] Suoquan Zhou, Xu Liang, Jing Chen, Peng Gong, An assessment of the VIC-3L hydrological model for the Yangtze River basin based on remote sensing: a case study of the Baohe River basin, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(5)(2004), 840-853.
[47] Y. Pan, X. Li, Peng Gong, C. He, P. Shi, R. Pu, An integrative classification of vegetation in China based on NOAA AVHRR and vegetation-climate indices of the Holdridge life zone, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(5)(2003), 1009-1027.
[46] Zhanqing Li, R. Fraser, J. Jin, A. A. Abuelgasim, I. Csiszar, Peng Gong, R. Pu, W. Hao, Evaluation of algorithms for fire detection and mapping across North America from satellite, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 108(2)(2003), 171-181.
[45] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, G. S. Biging, M. R. Larrieu, Extraction of red edge optical parameters from Hyperion data for estimation of forest leaf area index, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 41(4)(2003), 916-921.
[44] Wanxiao Sun, V. Heidt, Peng Gong, Gang Xu, Information fusion for rural land-use classification with high-resolution satellite imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 41(4)(2003), 883-890.
[43] Yongwei Sheng, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging, Model-Based Conifer Canopy Surface Reconstruction from Photographic Imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 69(3)(2003), 249-258.
[42] R. Pu, B. Xu, Peng Gong, Oakwood crown closure estimation by unmixing Landsat TM data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(22)(2003), 4422-4445.
[41] Yinyan Guo, Ronald Amundson, Peng Gong, Robert Ahrens, Taxonomic Structure, Distribution, and Abundance of the Soils in the USA, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 67(5)(2003), 1507-1516.
[40] Bing Xu, Peng Gong, Edmund Seto, Robert Spear, Comparison of Gray-Level Reduction and Different Texture Spectrum Encoding Methods for Land-Use Classification Using a Panchromatic Ikonos Image, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 69(5)(2003), 529-536.
[39] Q. J. Tian, Peng Gong, B. Xu, X. Wang, H. Guo, Q. Tong, Reflectance, dielectric constant and chemical content of selected sedimentary rocks, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(23)(2002), 5123-5128.
[38] Peng Gong, Y. Sheng, G. S. Biging, 3D model-based tree measurement from high-resolution aerial imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68(11)(2002), 1203-1212.
[37] Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Chunyang He, Wei Luo, Masayukl Tamura, Peijun Shi, Assessment of the urban development plan of Beijing by using a CA-based urban growth model, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68(10)(2002), 1063-1071.
[36] Peng Gong, Xueliang Mei, Gregory S. Biging, Zuxun Zhang, Improvement of an oak canopy model extracted from digital photogrammetry, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68(9)(2002), 919-924.
[35] Q. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Peng, Peng Gong, P. Shi, Urban built-up land change detection with road density and spectral information from multi-temporal Landsat TM data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(15)(2002), 3057-3078.
[34] Edmund Seto, Bing Xu, Song Liang, Peng Gong, Weiping Wu, George Davis, Dongchuan Qiu, Xueguang Gu, Robert Spear, The use of remote sensing for predictive modeling of schistosomiasis in China, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68(2)(2002), 167-174.
[33] Peng Gong, R. Pu, R. C. Heald, Analysis of in situ hyperspectral data for nutrient estimation of giant sequoia, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(9)(2002), 1827-1850.Y. Q. Tian, Peng Gong, J. D. Radke, J. Scarborough, Spatial and temporal modeling of microbial contaminants on grazing farmlands, Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(3)(2002), 860-869.
[32] Yongwei Sheng, Peng Gong, G. S. Biging, Model-based conifer-crown surface reconstruction from high-resolution aerial images, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 67(8)(2001), 957-965.
[31] Y. Q. Tian, R. J. Davies-Colley, Peng Gong, B. W. Thorrold, Estimating solar radiation on slopes of arbitrary aspect, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 109(1)(2001), 67-74.
[30] Xueliang Mei, Peng Gong, Greg S. Biging, Image matching based on tracking matching paths in the similarity space, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 67(4)(2001), 453-460.
[29] Chuixiang Yi, Peng Gong, Ming Xu, Ye Qi, The effects of buffer and temperature feedback on the oceanic uptake of CO2, Geophysical Research Letters, 28(5)(2001), 751-754.
[28] Peng Gong, B. Yu, Conifer species recognition: Effects of data transformation, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22(17)(2001), 3471-3481.
[27] Y. Sheng, Peng Gong, Q. Xiao, Quantitative dynamic flood monitoring with NOAA AVHRR, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22(9)(2001), 1709-1724.
[26] Qingjiu Tian, Peng Gong, Chunjiang Zhao, Xiaowei Guo, A feasibility study on diag-nosing wheat water status using spectral reflectance, Science Bulletin, 46(8)(2001), 666-669.
[25] Peng Gong, Greg. S. Biging, Rick Standiford, Use of digital surface model for hardwood rangeland monitoring, Journal of Range Management, 53(53)(2000), 622-626.
[24] Ming Xu, Ye Qi, Peng Gong, Guang Zhao, Guofan Shao, Peichang Zhang, Guangxin Bai, China's new forest policy, Science, 289(5487)(2000), 2049-2050.
[23] Bin Yu, M. Ostland, Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, Penalized discriminant analysis of in situ hyperspectral data for conifer species recognition, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 37(5)(1999), 2569-2577.
[22] Ruiliang Pu, Peng Gong, Robert C. Heald, In situ hyperspectral data analysis for nutrient estimation of giant sequoia, 1(1999), 395-397.
[21] Peng Gong, Inverting a canopy reflectance model using a neural network, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(1)(1999), 111-122.
[20] G. Yang, M. J. Collins, Peng Gong, Multisource data selection for lithologic classification with artificial neural networks, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(18)(1998), 3675-3680.
[19] Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, Bin Yu, Conifer species recognition: An exploratory analysis of in situ hyperspectral data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 62(2)(1997), 189-200.
[18] Peng Gong, R. Pu, J. Chen, Mapping ecological land systems and classification uncertainties from digital elevation and forest-cover data using neural networks, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 62(17)(1996), 1249-1260.
[17] Peng Gong, Integrated analysis of spatial data from multiple sources: Using evidential reasoning and artificial neural network techniques for geological mapping, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 62(5)(1996), 513-523.
[16] Peng Gong, Ruiliang Pu, John R. Miller, Coniferous Forest Leaf Area Index Estimation along the Oregon Transect Using Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager Data, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 61(9)(1995),1107-1117.
[15] Peng Gong, Reducing boundary effects in a kernel-based classifier, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(5)(1994), 1131-1139.
[14] Chen, R. T. Newkirk, G. Davidson, Peng Gong, The development of a knowledge-based geographical information system for the zoning of rural areas, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 21(2)(1994), 179-190.
[13] Michael Spanner, Lee Johnson, John Miller, Richard Mccreight, Jim Freemantle, John Runyon, Peng Gong, Remote Sensing of Seasonal Leaf Area Index Across the Oregon Transect, Ecological Applications, 4(2)(1994), 258-271.
[12] K. P. Schwarz, M. A. Chapman, M. W. Cannon, Peng Gong, An integrated INS/GPS approach to the georeferencing of remotely sensed data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 59(11)(1993), 1667-1674.
[11] Peng Gong, J. R. Miller, M. Spanner, Forest canopy closure from classification and spectral mixing of scene components: multi-sensor evaluation of application to an open canopy, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,32 (2)(1993), 1067-1080.
[10] Peng Gong, P. J. Howarth, Land-use classification of SPOT HRV data using a cover-frequency method, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13(8)(1992), 1459-1471.
[9] Peng Gong, E. F. Ledrew, J. R. Miller, Registration-noise reduction in difference images for change detection, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13(4)(1992), 773-779.
[8] Peng Gong, Philip J. Howarth, Frequency-based contextual classification and gray-level vector reduction for land-use identification, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 58(4)(1992), 423-437.
[7] Peng Gong, Danielle J. Marceau, Philip J. Howarth, A comparison of spatial feature extraction algorithms for land-use classification with SPOT HRV data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 40(2)(1992), 137-151.
[6] P. M. Treitz, P. J. Howarth, Peng Gong, Application of satellite and GIS technologies for land-cover and land-use mapping at the rural-urban fringe - A case study, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 58(58)(1992), 439-448.
[5] Peng Gong, JD Dunlop, Comments on the Skidmore and Turner supervised nonparametric classifier, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 57(10)(1991), 1313-1313.
[4] Peng Gong, P. J. Howarth, A graphical approach for the evaluation of land-cover classification procedures, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11(5)(1990), 899-905.
[3] Peng Gong, P. J. Howarth, An assessment of some factors influencing multispectral land-cover classification, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56(5)(1990), 597-603.
[2] Peng Gong, P. J. Howarth, The use of structural information for improving land-cover classification accuracies at the rural-urban fringe, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56(1)(1990), 67-73.
[1] Peng Gong, P. J. Howarth, Performance analyses of probabilistic relaxation methods for land-cover classification, Remote Sensing of Environment, 30(1)(1989), 33-42.
Refereed Non-SCI articles in English
[46] Xu N, P Gong, 2017. Satellite observation of coastline change around Hay Point, Australia before and after tropical cyclone “Debbie”. Chinese Science Bulletin. 62 (26), 3040-3043.
[45] Waldner Fran?ois, Fritz, Di Gregorio, Plotnikov, Bartalev, Kussul, Gong, Thenkabail, Hazeu, Klein, L?w, Miettinen, Dadhwal, Céline Lamarche, Sophie Bontemps, Pierre Defourny, 2016. A unified cropland layer at 250-m for global agriculture monitoring, Data, 1(1), 3; doi:10.3390/data**
[44] Gong P, L Yu, J Wang, L Liang, XC Li, Luyan Ji, Yuqi Bai, Yuqi Cheng, Zhiliang Zhu, 2016. A new research paradigm for global land cover mapping. Annals of GIS 22(2), 87-102. Also at [宫鹏,张伟,俞乐,李丛丛,王杰,梁璐,李雪草,计璐艳,白玉琪,2016. 全球地表覆盖制图研究新范式,《遥感学报》20(5), 118-132.]
[43] Peng CH, Xinzhang Song, Hong Jiang, Qiuan Zhu, Huai Chen, Jing M. Chen, Peng Gong, Jie Chang, Wenhua Xiang, Guirui Yu, Xiaolu Zhou. 2016. Towards a paradigm for open and free sharing of scientific data on global change science in China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability.
[42] Steffen Fritz Linda See Liangzhi You Chris Justice Inbal Becker-Reshef Lieven Bydekerke Renato Cumani Pierre De Fourney, Jonathan Foley, Sven Gilliams, Peng Gong, Matthew Hansen, Thomas Hertel, Martin Herold Mario Herrero Francois Kayitakire John Latham Olivier Leo Ian McCallum Michael Obersteiner Navin Ramankutty Jansle Rocha Huajun Tang Philip Thornton Christelle Vancutsem Marijn Van der Velde, Stanley Wood Curtis E. Woodcock , 2012. The need for improved maps of global cropland, EOS Transactions, AGU, 91(3), 31-32.
[41] Ban YF, P Gamba, P Gong, PJ Du, 2011. Satellite Monitoring of Urbanization in China for Sustainable Development: The Dragon ‘Urbanization’ Project, Earthzine, http://www.earthzine.org/2011/09/27/satellite-monitoring-of-urbanization-in-china-for-sustainable-development-the-dragon-%E2%80%98urbanization%E2%80%99-project/
[40] Zhou SQ, JM Chen, P. Gong, G. Xue, 2006. Effect of heterogeneous vegetation on the hydrological cycle. Advances in Atmosperhic Sciences, 23(3):391-401.
[39] Zhao A., Bao SM, P Gong, 2009. Using weights of evidence in the spatial relation between infected snails and geographic factors. Geo-spatial Information Science 12(3):217-224.
[38] Shen SQ, X Cheng, P Gong, 2008. Sensor web oriented web-based GIS, in Proc. of Web and Wireless based Geographic Information Systems, collected in Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 5373:86-95.
[37] Pu R., M. Kelly, Q. Chen, P. Gong, 2008. Spectroscopic determination of health level of coastal live oak (Quercus Agrifolia) leaves, Geocarto International. 23(1):3-20.
[36] Ji W., N. Zeng, Y. Wang, P. Gong, B. Xu, S. Bao, 2007. Analysis on the waterbirds community survey of Poyang Lake in winter, Geographic Information Sciences, 13(1-2):51-64.
[35] Liu Z., P. Gong, PJ Shi, HW Chen, T. Sasagawa, 2006. An automatic method for matching 2D ADS40 images onto a 3D surface model. Geographic Information Sciences, 12(2):92-97.
[34] Sun W., A.Z. Kolappal, P. Gong, 2005. Two computation methods for detecting anisotropy in image texture. Geographic Information Sciences, 11(2): 87-96.
[33] Hui F., Y. Yin, J. Qi, P. Gong, 2005, Land degradation in the Heihe River basin in relation to plant growth conditions. Geographic Information Sciences, 11(2):147-154.
[32] Sun W.X., M. Kelly, P. Gong, 2005, Separation of Dead Tree Crowns from the Oak Woodland Forest Mosaic by Integrating Spatial Information, Geocarto International. 20(2):15-20.
[31] Zhou S., G. Xue, P. Gong, J. Chen, Zhang H., Zhou Z., Fan X., Deng X., Wu Z., 2005, SIA method for spatial analysis of precipitation resources in the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Journal of Geographical Science, 15(2):223-238.
[30] Zhou S.Q., G.Y. Xue, P. Gong, X. Liang, 2004, Numerical simulation study on the coupling of regional climate model with hydrological model, GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment (Proceedings of ICGRHWE held at the Three Gorges Dam, China, September 2003). IAHS Publ. 289, 2004
[29] Clinton, N., P. Gong, R. Pu, 2004. Evaluation of wildfire mapping with NOAA/AVHRR data by land cover types and eco-regions in California. Geographic Information Sciences, 10(1): 10-19.
[28] Kim, Annette, D. Liu, P. Gong, 2004. Change detection from SPOT – Panchromatic imagery at the urban-rural fringe of Ho-Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Geographic Information Sciences, 10(1): 42-48.
[27] Zhang Q., Wang, J., Gong, P. and Shi, P., 2005. Detection of recently constructed multi-storey buildings using SPOT panchromatic and Landsat TM/ETM+ data. GeoCarto International. 20, 3-13.
[26] Gong P., and R. Pu, 2004. LAI mapping with surface reflectance retrieved from ALI, Hyperion and AVIRIS images. Journal of Remote Sensing, 7(Appl):174-187. [11]
[25] Pu, R., P. Gong, 2004. Spectral feature analysis for estimation of water status of coast live oak (Quercus Agrfolia) leaves, Journal of Remote Sensing, 7(Appl):165-173.
[24] Xu, B., P. Gong, S. Liang, E. Seto, B. Spear, 2003. Snail density estimation for schistosomiasis control by integrating field survey and multiscale satellite images, Geographic Information Sciences, 9(1-2):97-100.
[23] Chen, PY, R. Srinivasan, G. Fedosejevs, A Baez-Gonzalez, P. Gong, 2002. Assessment of NDVI using merged NOAA-14 and NOAA-15 AVHRR data. Geographic Information Sciences, 8(1):31-38.
[22] Hsu, P., Y. Tseng, P. Gong, 2002. Dimension reduction of hyperspectral images for classification applications. Geographic Information Sciences, 8(1):1-8.
[21] Gong, P., M. Xu, Jin Chen, Jing M. Chen, Ye Qi, Greg Biging, Jiyuan Liu, Shaoqiang Wang, 2002. A preliminary study on the carbon dynamics of China's terrestrial ecosystems in the past 20 years, Earth Science Frontiers, 9(1):55-61. [10]
[20] Fung, T., F.Y. Ma, W.L. Siu, H. Lin and P. Gong, 2001. Hyperspectral data analysis for subtropical tree identification. Geocarto International, 16(3):25-36.
[19] Tian, Y., P. Gong, R. Ibbitt, A. Elliott, 2001. Applications of GIS in analyzing spatial patterns of multiple runoff events, Geographic Information Sciences, 7(1):16-23.
[18] Pu, R., and P. Gong, 2000. Band selection from hyperspectral data for conifer species identification, Geographic Information Sciences, 6(2): 137-142.
[17] Gong, P., L. Mu, 2000. Error detection in map databases: a consistency checking approach, Geographic Information Sciences, 6(2):188-193. [9]
[16] Gong, P., X. Mei, G. Biging, Z. Zhang, 1999. Monitoring oak woodland change using digital photogrammetry, Journal of Remote Sensing. 3(4):285-289. [8]
[15] Gong, P., A. Zhang, 1999. Noise effect on linear spectral unmixing, Geographic Information Sciences, 5(1): 52-57. [7]
[14] Gong, P., Greg S. Biging, S.M. Lee, X. Mei, Y. Sheng, R. Pu, B. Xu, K-P Schwarz, 1999. Photo-ecometrics for forest inventory, Geographic Information Sciences, 5(1): 9-14. [6]
[13] Spear, R., P. Gong, E. Seto, B. Xu, Y. Zhou, D. Maszle, S. Liang, G. Davis, X. Gu, 1998. GIS and remote sensing for schistosomiasis control in Sichuan, China, Geographic Information Sciences, 4(1-2): 14-22.
[12] Pu, R., and P. Gong, 1998. Modeling land-cover changes with gray systems theory and multitemporal aerial photographs, Geographic Information Sciences, 4(1-2): 74-79.
[11] Zheng, X., and P. Gong, 1997. Linear feature modeling with curve fitting: parametric polynomial techniques. Geographic Information Sciences, 3(1-2): 7-19.
[10] Gong, P. and J. Wang, 1997. Road network extraction from airborne digital camera data, Geographic Information Sciences, 3(1-2): 51-59. [5]
[9] Qi, Y., P. Gong, 1996. Metabolic and phenological response of vegetation to temperature gradient: evidence derived from AVHRR data. Geographic Information Sciences. 2(1-2):64-72.
[8] Zhou Y., Maszle D., P. Gong, Robert Spear, and Xueguang Gu, 1996. GIS based spatial network models of Schistosomiasis infection. Geographic Information Sciences. 2(1-2):51-57.
[7] Gong, P., X. Zheng, and J. Chen, 1995. Boundary uncertainties in digitized maps II: an experiment on digitization errors, Geographic Information Sciences, 1(2):65-72. [4]
[6] Zheng, X., P. Gong, M. Strome, 1995. Characterizing spatial structure of tree canopy using colour photographs and mathematical morphology. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 21(4): 420-428.
[5] Gong, P., 1994. Integrated analysis of spatial data from multiple sources, an overview, Canadain Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(4): 349-359. [3]
[4] Yin, Y., P. Gong, and S. Cohen, 1994. An integrated database for climate change impact assessment. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 20(4): 426-434.
[3] Gong, P., R. Pu, and J.R. Miller, 1992. Correlating leaf area index of Ponderosa pine with hyperspectral CASI data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(4):275-282. [2]
[2] Gong, P., 1993. Change detection using principal component analysis and fuzzy set theory. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(1):22-29. [1]
[1] Wang, M., P. Gong and P. J. Howarth, 1991. Thematic mapping from imagery: an aspect of automated map generalization. Auto-Carto 10, Advanced Research in Automated Cartography and GIS, pp. 123-132.
Refereed Papers Published in Chinese (incomplete)
[67] 蔡闻佳,惠婧璇,宫鹏,王灿,徐冰. 中国应对气候变化和改善公众健康的挑战与政策建议. 《科学通报》 63:13,1205 ~ 1210.
[66] 徐南,宫鹏, 2017. Satellite observation of coastline change around Hay Point, Australia before and after tropical cyclone “Debbie”《科学通报》62 (26), 3040-3043.
[65] 徐南,宫鹏,2016. 美国卡特里娜飓风对新奥尔良市西侧海岸线变化的影响,《科学通报》, 61: 1687–1694. doi: 10.1360/N972015-01063
[64] Huang HB, Cheng X, Gong P., Clinton N, 2014. A new 1000m digital elevation model for Antarctica by integrating ICSat/ GLAS and Envisat RA-2 data. Journal of Remote Sensing. 18(1), 117-124.
[63] 付薇、陈焱磊、施楣梧、张旭东、肖红、宫鹏,2014,卫星动态观测数据揭示中国地表色调分布及时序变化特征,《遥感学报》,18(1):166-179 (in Chinese). Fu W, Chen YL, Shi MW et al., 2014. The spatiotemporal changes of surface cover color in China revealed by satellite observations. 18(1):154-165 (in English)
[62] Zheng YM, ZG Niu, P Gong, 2012. Response to “the biases in the protection efficacy of national wetland reserves in China”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57:(15): 1371-1376.
[61] 沈少青、宫鹏、程晓、应清,2011. 陆生动物声音遥感:定位与误差分析,《遥感学报》,15(6):1257-1281。英文 Shen SQ, P Gong, X Cheng, Q Ying, 2011. Sound-based remote sensing of terrestrial animals: localization and error analysis, Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(6):1257-1281.
[60] 宫鹏、张晗、张海英、梁璐、王雷,2011. 用中国环境减灾卫星1号数据评估日本仙台9.0级大地震引发海啸淹没区,《遥感学报》,15(4):866-868. 封面论文。英文Gong P., H Zhang, HY Zhang, L Liang, L Wang, 2011. Mapping tsunami damaged area caused by the magnitude 9.0 Japan earthquake using China’s HJ-1 satellite imagery. Journal of Remote Sensing. 15(4):863-865. [10]
[59] 陈军、陈晋、宫鹏、廖安平、何超英,2011. 全球地表覆盖高分辨率遥感制图,《地理信息世界》, 2:12-14.
[58] 宫鹏、赵永超、俞靓、梁璐,2011. 全球尺度下遥感与地理信息系统一体化软件平台研建进展,《地理信息世界》,2:34-37. [9]
[57] 梁璐、宫鹏,2011. 用3D测量世界,《百科知识》,2011.1 下,15-17非学术论文
[56] 方立群、马家奇、周晓农、姜庆五、宫鹏、曹务春,2011. 国家自然科学基金重大项目“基于现代信息科学技术研究传染病时空传播与流行规律”研究成果综述,《中国科学基金》,25(1):21-25. 非学术论文
[55] 宫鹏,对我国高等教育发展的九点建议,《科学时报》,2010年10月13日,A4整版。非学术论文
[54] 宫鹏、牛振国、程晓、赵魁义、周德民、虢建宏、梁璐、王晓风、李丹丹、黄华兵、王毅、王坤、李文宁、王显威、应请、杨镇钟、叶玉芳、李展、庄大方、迟耀斌、周会珍、闫军,2010. 中国1990和2000基准年湿地变化遥感,中国科学:地球科学,40(6):768-775.
[53] 喻朝庆、宫鹏,2010,我国的旱灾威胁及其战略对策,《科技日报》,2010年4月8日,第8版。
[52] 宫鹏,2010. 无线传感器网络环境监测技术进展,《遥感学报》, 14(2):387-395. [8]
[51] 宫 鹏, 程晓, 李秀红, 王 琳, 沈少清, 应 清, 2009. 无线传感器网络技术地面环境遥感应用. 《遥感学报》, 增刊, 87-91。此文系成果总结,非学术论文。
[50] 王晓风、王丽萍、马家奇、宫鹏,2009. 遥感与地理信息系统技术在疟疾研究中的应用与发展,《中华流行病学杂志》, 30(4):407-410.
[49] 牛振国、宫鹏、程晓、虢建宏、王琳、黄华兵、沈少青、吴昀昭、王晓风、王显威、应清、梁璐、张丽娜 、王雷、姚谦、杨镇钟、郭子祺、戴永久, 2009,中国湿地初步遥感制图及相关地理特征分析,《中国科学D辑:地球科学》, 39(2):188-203.
[48] 宫鹏, 2009. 遥感科学与技术中的一些前沿问题,《遥感学报》, 13(1): 16-28. [7]
[47] 张春玲,余华,宫鹏,居为民. 2009, 武汉市地表亮温与植被覆盖关系定量分析. 地理科学, 29(5):740-744
[46] 宫鹏, 2009, 基于通量观测站的全球土地覆盖制图精度检验,《自然科学进展》, 19(7):754-759. [6]
[45] 张春玲,余华,宫鹏,居为民. 2008, 基于遥感的土地利用空间格局分布与地表温度的关系.遥感技术与应用, 23 (4), 378-384
[44] 宫鹏, 黄华兵, 2008, 我国地形测图应积极采样激光雷达技术,《地理信息世界》, 6(6):45-48. [5]
[43] 杨伟,陈晋,松下文经,宫鹏,陈春晓,2008. 基于相关系数匹配的混合象元分解算法,《遥感学报》,12(3):454-461.
[42] 宫鹏. 2007.环境监测中无线传感器网络地面遥感新技术. 《遥感学报》,11(4):545-551. [4]
[41] 吴昀昭,宫鹏,2007,北京一号小卫星MTF在轨测量与图像复原,《遥感信息》,3:49-53
[40] 徐雪仁,宫鹏,杨斌,金勇,2007,卫星遥感计划精度的定量分析方法研究,《遥感信息》,2:16-19
[39] 徐雪仁,宫鹏,黄学智,金勇,2007,资源卫星(可见光)遥感数据获取任务调度优化算法研究,《遥感学报》,11(1):109-114
[38] 翁永玲,宫鹏,2006,土壤盐渍化遥感应用研究进展,《地理科学》,26(3):369-375
[37] 翁永玲,宫 鹏. 黄河三角洲盐渍土盐分特征研究. 南京大学学报(自然科学版),2006,42(6): 602-610.
[36] Hsu PH, Tseng YH, P. Gong, 2006. Spectral feature extraction of hyperspectral images using wavelet transform. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 11(1):93-109. Won 2007 Best paper award from the CSPRS.
[35]丁一汇、任国玉、石广玉、宫鹏、郑循华、翟盘茂、张德二、赵宗慈、王绍武、王会军、罗勇、陈德亮、高学杰、戴晓苏,2006,气候变化国家评估报告(1): 中国气候变化的历史和未来趋势,《气候变化研究进展》,2(1):3-8. National Assessment Report of Climate Change ( I ):Climate change in China and its future trend, Adv. Clim. Change Res., 2 (1): 3-8
[34] 李月臣,宫鹏,陈晋,刘春霞,于德永. 北方13省1982年~1999年植被变化及其与气候因子的关系[J].《资源科学》,2006,28(2):
[33] 徐雪仁、宫鹏,2006,资源卫星数据获取任务调度研究,《遥感学报》, 10(1)
[32] 宫鹏、黎夏、徐冰, 2006, 高分辨率遥感影像解译理论和应用方法中的一些研究问题,《遥感学报》, 10(1):1-4. [3]
[31] 孙建宝,梁芳,徐锡伟,宫鹏,2006,升降轨道ASAR雷达干涉揭示的巴姆地震(Mw6.5)3D同震形变场,《遥感学报》,10(4):489-496
[30] 毛克彪,施建成,覃志豪,宫鹏,徐斌,蒋玲梅,2006,一个针对ASTER数据同时反演地表温度和比辐射率的四通道算法,《遥感学报》,10(4):593-599
[29] 何战英,林丹丹,朱蓉,宫鹏,郭家钢,2006,地表温度在监测湖区钉螺孳生地中的作用,《中华预防医学杂志》,40(4):234-238
[28] 毛克彪,覃志豪,施建成,宫鹏,2006,针对MODIS影像的劈窗算法研究,《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》,30(8):703-707
[27] 王红、宫鹏、刘高焕,2006,黄河三角洲多尺度土壤盐分的空间分异,《地理研究》,25(4):649-658
[27] 丁一汇,任国玉,石广玉,宫鹏,郑循华,翟盘茂,张德二,赵宗慈,王绍武,王会军,罗勇,陈德亮,高学杰,戴晓苏. 气候变化国家评估报告(Ⅰ):中国气候变化的历史和未来趋势. 《气候变化研究进展》, 2006, (01)
[26] 李月臣,宫鹏,陈晋,刘春霞,何春阳. 中国北方13省土地利用景观格局变化分析:1989-1999[J].水土保持学报,2005,19(5):143~146.
[25] 刘臻、宫鹏、史培军、T. Sasagawa, 何春阳,2005,基于相似度验证的自动变化探测研究,《遥感学报》,9(5):537-543.
[24] 李月臣,陈晋,宫鹏,岳天祥. 一种基于多时相NDVI数据的土地覆盖变化检测指标的设计[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报,2005,13(3):261~275
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[22] 毛克彪、施建成、覃志豪、宫鹏、徐斌,2005, 从MODIS数据中同时反演地表温度和比辐射率的多波段算法研究,兰州大学学报,41Supp,49-54.
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[20] 薛根元、周锁铨、余越辉、梁旭、宫鹏, 复杂地形条件下气候变量空间分布分析方案研究,《科技导报》,2004,8:42-46。
[19] 李艳、宫鹏,2005, 基于DSM阴影仿真和高度场光线跟踪的影像阴影检测,《遥感学报》, 9(4):357-362.
[18] 吴兆福,宫鹏,高飞、王侬. 基于支持向量机的GPS似大地水准面拟合. 《测绘学报》,2004,33(4):303.
[17] 吴兆福,高飞,宫鹏. 边缘调制影像数据融合.《工程勘察》2004,6.
[16] Wu, Z., F. Gao, P. Gong, 2004. GPS transformation based on BP neural networks. Engineering Surveying., 4:58-63. 吴兆福,高飞,宫鹏. 基于BP神经网络的GPS坐标转换.《工程勘察》,2004,4:58-63
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[14] Liu Z., P. Shi, P. Gong, X. Gu, 2004. Remote sensing monitoring of environmental factors for schistosomiasis, a review, Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 25(8):75-78. 刘瑧、史培军、宫鹏、辜学广,2004,血吸虫病流行要素的遥感监测方法研究,《中华流行病学杂志》,25(8):75-78。
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[12] Xu, G., N. Deng, J.G. Sun, X. Xie, N. Wang, P. Li, J.H. Xiang, P. Gong, Q.S. Tang, S.Z. Zhou, 2003. The strategy choice of Chinese sci-technology development in the future (2), China Soft Science, No. 2
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[5] Pu, R. and P. Gong, 1997. Relationships between forest biochemical concentrations and CASI data along the Oregon Transect. Journal of Remote Sensing. 2(2):115-123.
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[3] Pu, R., P. Gong, and J.R. Miller, 1993. Spectral derivative analysis for Ponderosa pine leaf area index estimation. Remote Sensing of Environment, China. 8(2):112-125.
[2] Pu, R., P. Gong, and J.R. Miller, 1993. Estimation of coniferous forest leaf area index along the Oregon transect using CASI data. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University, 17(1):41-48.
[1] Chen, B., and P. Gong, 1987. Urban remote sensing, abroad, Remote Sensing Technology and Applications, 2(1):2-7.
[7] Treitz, P., Valerie Thomas, P. J. Zarco-Tejada, P. Gong, P. J. Curran, 2010. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Forestry, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 108p.
[6] Committee on Research Priorities for the USGS Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science, 2007. A Research Agenda for Geographic Information Sciecne at USGS, National Research Council,USA.
[5] Chen J., P. Gong, 2003. Learning from Managing American Enterprises, Industry and Commerce Press of China, Beijing, 212p.
[4] Pu, R., P. Gong, 2000, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Its Applications, Higher Education Press, Beijing, (in Chinese), 254p.
[3] Shi, P., Gong, P., Y. Qi, X. Li, 2000, Land-cover/use spatio-temporal dynamics: monitoring and impact assessment, Science Press, Beijing, China, (In Chinese), 155p.
[2] Chen, J. and P. Gong, 1998, Practical Geographic Information Systems, Science Press, Beijing, China, 186p. (In Chinese), printed twice
[1] Gong, P., P. Shi, R. Pu, Huadong Guo, 1996. Earth Observation Systems and Earth System Science, Science Press, Beijing China. 208p. (In Chinese)
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