

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

姓  名:关大博
职  称:教授

工作经历 2007-2009 英国剑桥大学Judge商学院 博士后
2009-2011 英国剑桥大学土地经济系 助理教授
2012-2014 英国利兹大学环境与地球学院 长聘副教授
2014-2019 英国东英吉利大学国际发展学院 首席教授
2019 - 清华大学地球系统科学系 教授

研究兴趣 关大博教授致力于研究气候变化的成因、影响及应对措施,分析温室气体排放的驱动因素并探讨全球和国家的低碳及低资源消耗的可持续发展路径,其在结合自然科学和社会科学的多领域交叉的研究成果得到了学界的普遍认可。

奖励荣誉 英国社会科学院院士、英国皇家地理学会会士、 2018年全球百篇最具影响力讲、《美国科学院院刊》颁发2014年科扎雷利奖、英国Leverhulme Trust授予Philip Leverhulme奖、《Environmental Science & Technology》2007年度最优政策性论文、2012年及2013年度列昂惕夫最佳论文奖。

学术成果 [21]Ou, J., J. Meng, Y. Shan, H. Zheng, Z. Mi andD. Guan* (2019). "Initial Declines in China’s Provincial Energy Consumption and Their Drivers."Joule. (doi: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.03.007)
[20]Roxburgh, N.,D. Guan*, K. J. Shin, W. Rand, S. Managi, R. Lovelace, J. Meng (2019) “Characterising climate change discourse on social media during extreme weather events”Global Environmental ChangesVolume 54, Page 50-60 (doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.11. 004)
[19]Figueres, C., C. Le Quéré, A. Mahindra, O. B?te, G. Whiteman, G. Peters,D. Guan(2018) “Emissions are still rising: ramp up the cuts”Nature,[IF: 41.577]Volume 564, Page: 27-30 (doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-07585-6)
[18]Xie, W., W. Xiong, J. Pan, T. Ali, Q. Cui,D. Guan*, J. Meng, N. D. Mueller, E. Lin, S. J. Davis (2018) “Decreases in global beer supply due to extreme drought and heat”Nature Plants,[IF:11.471], Volume 4, Page 964-973 (doi: 10.1038/s41477-018-0263-1)
[17]Shan, Y.,D. Guan*, K. Hubacek, B. Zheng, S. J. Davis, L. Jia, J. Liu, Z. Liu, N. Fromer, Z. Mi, J. Meng, X. Deng, Y. Li, H. Schroeder, H. Weisz and H. J. Schellnhuber (2018). “City-level climate change mitigation in China”.Science Advances[IF:11.511], Volume 4, eaaq0390. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaq0390).
[16]Guan, D*., J. Meng, D. M. Reiner, N. Zhang, Y. Shan, Z. Mi, S. Shao, Z. Liu, Q. Zhang, S. J. Davis (2018) “Structural decline in China’s CO2emissions through transitions in industry and energy systems”.Nature Geoscience.[IF:14.391] (doi: 10.1038/s41561-018-0161-1)
[15]Meng., J., Z. Mi,D. Guan, et al. (2018) “The rise of South-South trade and its effect on global CO2 emissions”Nature Communications, 9: Article number: 1871
[14]Tong, D., Q. Zhang, S. J. Davis, F. Liu, B. Zheng, G. Geng, T. Xue, M. Li, C. Hong, Z. Lu, D. G. Streets,D. Guan, K. He 2018. Targeted emission reductions from global super-polluting power plant units.Nature Sustainability, 1(1): 59-68
[13]Mi, Z., J. Meng,D. Guan, et al. (2017) “Chinese CO2 emission flows have reversed since the global financial crisis”Nature Communications, 8, Article number: 1712
[12]Zhang, Q., X. Jiang,D. Guanet al.2017. Transboundary health impacts of transported global air pollution and international trade.Nature, 543: 705-709
[11]Wiedenhofer, D.,D. Guan, Z. Liu, J. Meng, N. Zhang, Y. M. Wei 2017. Unequal household carbon footprints in China.Nature Climate Change7: 75-80
[10]Lin, J., D. Tong, S.J. Davis, R., Ni, X., Tan, D. Pan, H. Zhao, Z. Lu, D. Streets, T. Feng., Q. Zhang, Y. Yan, Y. Hu, J. Li, Z. Liu, X. Jiang, G. Geng, K. He, Y. Huang,D. Guan2016. Global climate forcing of aerosols embodied in international trade.Nature Geoscience9: 790-796
[9]Wang, Z., B. Zhang,D. Guan2016. Take responsibility for electronic-waste disposal.Nature536: 23-25
[8]Liu, Z., S.J. Davis,D. Guanet al. 2016 “Targeted opportunities to address the climate-trade dilemma in China”.Nature Climate Change6(2): 201-206.
[7]Liu Z.,D. Guanet al. 2015 Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in ChinaNature524: 335-338
[6]Liu, Z.,D. Guan, S. Moore, H. Lee, J. Su and Q. Zhang 2015. Steps to China’s carbon peakNature522: 279-281
[5 ]Guan, D., S. Klasen, K. Hubacek, K. Feng, Z. Liu, K. He, Y. Geng and Q. Zhang 2014. Determinants of Stagnating Carbon Intensity in China”Nature Climate Change4(11): 1017–1023
[4]Lin J., D. Pan, S. J. Davis, Q. Zhang, K. He, C. Wang, D. Streets, D. J. Wuebbles andD. Guan2014. China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States.PNAS, 111(5): 1736-1741
[3]Liu Z.,D. Guan, D. Crawford-Brown, Q. Zhang, K. He and J. Liu 2013. Energy Policy: A low-carbon roadmap for ChinaNature,500: 143 – 145
[2]Feng K., S. J. Davis, X. Li, L. Sun,D. Guan, W. Liu, L. Zhu and K. Hubacek 2013. Outsourcing CO2within ChinaPNAS, 110(28): 11654–11659
[1]Guan D., Z. Liu, Y. Geng, S. Lindner and K. Hubacek 2012. The gigatonne gap in China’s carbon dioxide inventoriesNature Climate Change, 2: 672–675

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