2012/03-至今 清华大学教授
研究领域与方向 从事免疫学方向的研究,主要通过单细胞力谱仪和高分辨单细胞成像技术分析树突状细胞的激活过程。于2012年从加拿大回国任职,担任清华大学终身教授。早期发现尿酸是哺乳动物的免疫危险因子。
关键词免疫自身调节, 原子力显微镜, 树突状细胞
代表性论文1.JiahuanChen,AnutoshGanguly, Ashley D.Mucsi,JunchenMeng,JiacongYan, PascalDetampel, Fay Munro,ZongdeZhang, Mei Wu,AswinHari, Melanie D.Stenner,WenchengZheng, PaulKubes, Tie Xia, Matthias W.Amrein, Hai Qi, and Yan Shi*,Strongadhesion by regulatory T cells induces dendritic cell cytoskeletal polarization and contact-dependent lethargy, The Journal of Experimental Medicine,2017,DOI: 10.1084
2.ZongdeZhang,JianjianLi,WenchengZheng,GuangZhao, Hong Zhang,XiaofeiWang,YaqianGuo,ChuanQin, and Yan Shi*. Peripheral lymphoid volume expansion and maintenance are controlled by gut microbiota via RALDH+ dendritic cells. Immunity, 2016, 1074-7613
3. RongH and Shi Y*.Disruption of keyGTPaseregulators ofendocyticrecycling compartment does not interfere with soluble antigencrosspresentationin dendritic cells.CellMolImmunolAOP, March 16, 2015; doi:10.1038/cmi.2015.17
4. HariA, Zhang Y,TuZ,DetampelP,StennerM,GangulyA, Shi Y*. Activation of NLRP3inflammasomeby crystalline structures via cell surface contact.SciRep. 2014, 2;4:7281.
5. Shi Y*.To forge a solid immune recognition. Protein Cell,2012, (8):564-70.
6.GhaemiOskouie, F., A.Shameli, A. Yang, M. D.Desrosiers, A. D.Mucsi, M. R. Blackburn, Y. Yang, P. Santamaria, and Y. Shi*. High levels of adenosinedeaminaseon dendritic cells promoteautoreactiveT cell activation and diabetes innonobesediabetic mice. J Immunol,2011,186(12):6798-806.
7.Flach, T. L., G. Ng, A.Hari, M. D.Desrosiers, P. Zhang, S. M. Ward, M. E.Seamone, A.Vilaysane, A. D.Mucsi, Y. Fong, E.Prenner, C. C. Ling, J.Tschopp, D. A.Muruve, M. W.Amrein, and Y. Shi*. Alum interaction with dendritic cell membrane lipids is essential for itsadjuvanticity. Nat Med, 2011, 17: 479-87.
8.Flach, T. L., G. Ng, A.Hari, M. D.Desrosiers, P. Zhang, S. M. Ward, M. E.Seamone, A.Vilaysane, A. D.Mucsi, Y. Fong, E.Prenner, C. C. Ling, J.Tschopp, D. A.Muruve, M. W.Amrein, and Y. Shi. 2011. Alum interaction with dendritic cell membrane lipids is essential for itsadjuvanticity. Nat Med 17: 479-87.
9.Shi, Y., J. E. Evans, and K. L. Rock. 2003. Molecular identification of a danger signal that alerts the immune system to dying cells. Nature 425: 516-21.
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