

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15


教 授
E-mail: pchpei@tsinghua.edu.cn
办公: 李兆基科技大楼A442室


1994/09~1997/12 天津大学内燃机专业 博士研究生
1990/09~1993/03 天津大学内燃机专业 硕士研究生
1983/09~1987/07 天津大学内燃机专业 工学学士

2005/12~至今 清华大学汽车工程系 教授
2000/01~2005/11 清华大学汽车工程系 副教授
1998/01~1999/12 浙江大学 博士后
1993/03~1997/12 天津大学 讲师
1987/09~1993/03 天津大学 助教

[1] 氢能燃料电池领域:主要从事燃料电池设计、测试方法与故障诊断等方面的技术和基础研究。现有产品技术包括燃料电池堆(简称电堆)、电堆故障规避器、电堆多片膜电极多参数检测仪、燃料电池系统等。
[2] 金属-空气类电池与燃料电池领域:重点开展锌空气电池、锌空气燃料电池、镁空气燃料电池、铝空气燃料电池的设计技术和基础研究,逐步实现产品化。
《Mechanical Engineering and Technology》副主编
《Energy and Power Engineering》编委
《Journal of Environmental Protection》编委

[1] Elsevier授予“2015年度高被引综述论文奖”;
[2] 电动车燃料电池长寿命应用基础研究,2010年北京市科学技术奖(基础研究类),一等奖;
[3] 掺氢燃料内燃机燃烧、排放基础研究,2011年北京市科学技术奖(基础研究类),一等奖;
[4] 燃料电池发动机测试平台,2005年北京市科学技术奖(技术开发类),二等奖;
[5] 车用燃料电池混合动力系统试验平台及试验方法,2006年北京市科学技术奖(技术开发类),二等奖;
[6] 车用燃料电池发动机多功能测试平台及测试规范,2005年中国汽车工业科技进步奖,二等奖;
[7] 2009年教育部-GM联合授予“第二届通用汽车中国高校汽车领域创新人才奖”,二等奖。

[1] Yuehua Li, Pucheng Pei* Ziyao Wu, et al. Novel approach to determine cathode two-phase-flow pressure drop of proton exchange membrane fuel cell and its application on water management. Applied Energy, 2017, 190: 713–724.
[2] Pei P*, Li Y, Xu H, Wu Z. A review on water fault diagnosis of PEMFC associated with the pressure drop[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 173: 366-385.
[3] Keliang Wang, Pucheng Pei*, Yu Pei, Ze Ma, Huachi Xu, Dongfang Chen, Magnetic field induced motion behavior of gas bubbles in liquid, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:21068.
[4] Liu, Yongfeng, Jia, Xiaoshe, Pei, Pucheng*, Lu, Yong, Yi, Li, Shi, Yan, Simulation and Experiment for Oxygen-enriched Combustion Engine Using Liquid Oxygen to Solidify CO2, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 29(1):188-194.
[5] Xu N, Qiao J*, Zhang X, Ma C, Jian S, Liu Y, Pei P*. Morphology controlled La2O3/Co3O4/MnO2–CNTs hybrid nanocomposites with durable bi-functional air electrode in high-performance zinc–air energy storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2016.
[6] Wu M, Zhang E, Guo Q, Wang Y, Qiao J*, Li K, Pei P*. N/S-Me (Fe, Co, Ni) doped hierarchical porous carbons for fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction with high catalytic activity and long-term stability[J]. Applied Energy, 2016.
[7] Keliang Wang, Pucheng Pei*, Ze Ma, Huicui Chen, Huachi Xu, Dongfang Chen, Haoqiang Xing, Growth of oxygen bubbles during recharge process in zinc-air battery, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 296:40-45.
[8] Huicui Chen, Pucheng Pei*, Mancun Song, Lifetime prediction and the economic lifetime of Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells, Applied Energy, 2015, 142:154-163.
[9] Lu, Yong, Guo, Ping, Pei, Pucheng*, Ehmann Kornel F., Experimental studies of wettability control on cylindrical surfaces by elliptical vibration texturing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 76(9-12):1807-1817.
[10] Ma, Ze, Pei, Pucheng*, Wang, Keliang, Wang, Xizhong, Xu, Huachi, Liu, Yongfeng, Peng, Guanlin, Degradation characteristics of air cathode in zinc air fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 274:56-64.
[11] Wang, Keliang, Pei, Pucheng*, Ma, Ze, Chen, Huicui, Xu, Huachi, Chen, Dongfang, Wang, Xizhong, Dendrite growth in the recharging process of zinc-air batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(45):22648-22655.
[12] Pei, Pucheng*, Wang, Keliang, Ma Ze, Technologies for extending zinc-air battery's cyclelife: A review, Applied Energy, 2014, 128:315-324.
[13] Pei, Pucheng*, Chen, Huicui, Main factors affecting the lifetime of Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells in vehicle applications: A review, Applied Energy, 2014, 125:60-75.
[14] Pei, Pucheng*, Ma, Ze, Wang, Keliang, Wang, Xizhong, Song, Mancun, Xu, Huachi, High performance zinc air fuel cell stack, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 249:13-20.
[15] Pucheng Pei*, Huachi Xu, Xia Zeng, Hongshan Zha, Mancun Song, Use of Galvanostatic Charge Method as a MEA diagnostic tool in a fuel cell stack, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 245(1):175-182.
[16] Wang, Keliang, Pei, Pucheng*, Ma, Ze, Xu, Huachi, Li, Pengcheng, Wang, Xizhong, Morphology control of zinc regeneration for zinc-air fuel cell and battery, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 271:65-75.
[17] Y Lu, PC Pei*, YF Liu, An evaluation of a 2/4-stroke switchablesecondary expansion internal combustion engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 73(1):325-334.
[18] Song, Mancun, Pei, Pucheng*, Zha, Hongshan, Xu, Huachi, Water management of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on control of hydrogen pressure drop, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 267:655-663.
[19] Li, Cunpu, Zhang, Shiman, Wang, Shubo, Xie, Xiaofeng, Deng, Changsheng, Pei, Pucheng*, A novel cross-linked anion exchange membrane with conjugated and non-conjugated pyridine groups, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(26):14362-14369.
[20] Li, Weiwei, Wang, Shubo, Zhang, Xuefei, Wang, Wenping, Xie, Xiaofeng, Pei, Pucheng, Degradation of guanidinium-functionalized anion exchange membrane during alkaline environment, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(25):13710-13717.
[21] Guo, Ping, Lu, Yong, Pei, Pucheng*, Ehmann, Kornel F., Fast generation of micro-channels on cylindrical surfaces by elliptical vibration texturing, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2014, 136(4):1-10.
[22] Ping Guo, Yong Lu, Kornel F. Ehmann, Jian Cao, Pucheng Pei*, Generation of hierarchical micro-structures for anisotropic wetting by elliptical vibration cutting, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 63(1):553-556.
[23] Li, Pengcheng, Pei, Pucheng*, He, Yongling, Yuan, Xing, Chao, Pengxiang, Wang, Xizhong, Mechanisms of Accelerated Degradation in the Front Cells of PEMFC Stacks and Some Mitigation Strategies, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2013, 26(6):1250-1258.
[24] Li, Pengcheng, Pei, Pucheng*, He, Yongling, Zhang, Hongfei, Anti-flooding of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with in-plate adverse-flow flow-field, Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(4):1001-1009.
[25] H. F. Zhang, P.C. Pei*, The Two-Constant Cost Model and the Estimation of the Cost Performance Evolutions of the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Power Generation, Energy and Power Engineering, 2013, 5(2A):1-10.
[26] Hongfei Zhang, Pucheng Pei*, Mancun Song, Dapeng Zhang, A Volt-Ampere Method to Estimate the Energy Efficiency Evolutions of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells along with Load and Time, Energy and Power Engineering, 2013, 5(2A):23-31.
[27] Li, Pengcheng, Pei, Pucheng*, He, Yongling, Yuan, Xing, Chao, Pengxiang, Wang, Xizhong, Mechanisms of accelerated degradation in the front cells of PEMFC stacks and some mitigation strategies, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2013, 26(6):1250-1258.
[28] Liu, Yongfeng, Pei, Pucheng*, Xiong, Qinghui, Lu, Yong, Asymptotic Analysis Soot Model and Experiment for a Directed Injection Engine, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2012, 25(5):1011-1015.
[29] Liu, Yongfeng, Pei, Pucheng*, Xiong, Qinghui, Lu, Yong, Asymptotic analysis soot model and experiment for a directed injection engine, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2012, 25(5):1011-1015.
[30] Yang Z., Wang L., Zhang Q., Meng Y., Pei, P., Research on optimum method to eliminate backfire of hydrogen internal combustion engines based on combining postponing ignition timing with water injection of intake manifold, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(17):12868-12878.
[31] Yongfeng Liu, Pucheng Pei, Jianwei Yang, Aihua Zhu, Study on EGR Control Strategy for Vehicle Diesel Engine Based on Experiment, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 490-495:1491-1495.
[32] Zhang, H. F., Pei, P. C. *, Yuan, X., Chao, P. X., Wang, X. Z., Regularization of the degradation behavior and working zone of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with a five-constant ideal cell as prototype, EnergyConversion and Management, 2011, 52(10):3189-3196.
[33] Pei, Pucheng*, Yuan, Xing, Chao, Pengxiang, Wang, Xizhong, Analysi(*)s on the PEM fuel cells after accelerated life experiment, International Journal of Hydrogen Enegy, 2010, 35(7):3147-3151.
[34] Pei, Pucheng*, Yuan, Xing, Li, Pengcheng, Chao, Pengxiang, Chang, Qianfei, Lifetime Evaluating and the Effects of Operation Conditions on Automotive Fuel Cells, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (english Edition), 2010, 23(1):66-71.
[35] Zhang, Hongfei, Pei, Pucheng*, Li, Pengcheng, Yuan, Xing, The conception of in-plate adverse-flow flow field for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(17):9124-9133.
[36] Pei, Pucheng*, Yuan, Xing, Gou, Jun, Li, Pengcheng, Dynamic Response during PEM Fuel Cell Loading-up, Materials, 2009, 2(3):734-748.
[37] Pei, Pucheng*, Chang, Qianfei, Tang, Tian, A quick evaluating method for automotive fuel cell lifetime, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(14):3829-3836.
[38] Zhang, H. F., Wang, S. Y., Pei, P. C. *, Chen, L., Li, J. L., Wang, X. D., Li, Q. F., The function of microporous layers and the interaction between the anode and cathode in DMFCs. Part I: The double roles of microporous layers in DMFCs, Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10(3):407-410.
[39] Lu, Languang, Ouyang, Minggao, Huang, Haiyan, Pei, Pucheng, Yang, Fuyuan, A semi-empirical voltage degradation model for a low-pressure proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack under bus city driving cycles, Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 164(1):306-314.
[40] Pei, PC*, Ouyang, M, Feng, W, Lu, LG, Huang, HY, Zhang, JH, Hydrogen pressure drop characteristics in a fuel cell stack, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2006, 31(3):371-377.
[41] Pei, PC*, Yang, W, Li, P, Numerical prediction on an automotivefuel cell driving system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2006, 31(3):361-369.
[42] Gou, Jun, Pei, Pucheng*, Wang, Ying, The dynamic behavior of pressure during purge process in the anode of a PEM fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, 2006, 162(2):1104-1114.
[43] Liu, YF, Pei, PC*, Asymptotic analysis on autoignition and explosion limits of hydrogen-oxygen mixtures in homogeneous systems, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2006, 31(5):639-647.
[44] Liu, YF, Pei, PC*, Analysis on ignition and extinction of n-heptane in homogeneous systems, Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences, 2005, 48(5):556-569.
[45] Pei, PC*, Ouyang, MG, Lu, QC, Huang, HY, Li, XH, Testing of an automotive fuel cell system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2004, 29(10):1001-1007.
[1] 一种用于燃料电池的金属双极板,发明专利号ZL0.6
[2] 一种燃料电池水管理闭环控制方法,发明专利号ZL9.9
[3] 一种燃料电池剩余寿命预测方法,发明专利号ZL9.5
[4] 一种燃料电池防水淹控制方法,发明专利号ZL7.6
[5] 一种燃料电池堆膜电极状况现场检测方法和检测装置,发明专利号ZL7.9
[6] 一种内燃机富氧燃烧与液氧固碳系统及其工作方法,发明专利号ZL 6.4
[7] 一种内燃机用三凸轮曲轴连杆,实用新型专利号ZL9.7
[8] 液氧固碳零排放内燃机,发明专利号ZL 6.9
[9] 一种燃料电池恢复活性的方法,发明专利号ZL4.8
[10] 一种液流式锂-空气电池,发明专利号ZL0.1
[11] 一种锂离子动力电池系统,发明专利号ZL9.6
[12] 一种铝水连续制氢系统,发明专利号ZL4.7
[13] 一种联合应用板内逆流流场和板间逆流流场的电池堆,发明专利号ZL7.7
[14] 一种基于板内逆流流场的燃料电池,发明专利号ZL0.3
[15] 一种基于板间逆流冷却剂流场的燃料电池,发明专利号ZL6.9
[16] 一种燃料电池延长使用寿命的方法,发明专利号ZL1.4
[17] 一种燃料电池电流分布测量方法及装置,发明专利号ZL 4.5
[18] 一种评价城市客车用燃料电池耐久性的方法,发明专利号ZL5.3
[19] 一种燃料电池电流分布测量方法及装置,发明专利号ZL4.5
[20] 一种快速评价车用燃料电池寿命的方法,发明专利号ZL1.4
[21] 一种测试和评价燃料电池发动机性能的方法,发明专利号ZL2.9
[22] 一种缸内直喷汽油机燃烧室,发明专利号ZL6.X
[23] 燃料电池电压衰减快速测量方法及装置,发明专利号ZL4.0
[24] 一种分区燃料电池,发明专利号ZL4.8
[25] 直喷式汽车发动机缸内进气道,实用新型专利号ZL5.2
[26] 一种燃料电池密封装置,发明专利号ZL1.2
[27] 一种燃料电池汽车的能量混合型动力系统,发明专利号ZL5.1
[28] 燃料电池质子交换膜缺水诊断方法及监测系统,发明专利号ZL5.X
[29] 一种燃料电池堆紧固自适应方法,发明专利号ZL1.3
[30] 一种燃料电池自增湿方法,发明专利号ZL4.8
[31] 氢/氧质子交换膜燃料电池堆的水淹诊断方法,发明专利号ZL0.6
[32] 一种燃料电池节氢和阳极排水方法,发明专利号ZL**.4
[33] 摩托车四冲程内燃机的可变进气方法及其可变进气机构,发明专利号ZL**.3
[34] 一种车用燃料电池发动机台架试验热管理装置,发明专利号ZL**.1
[35] 一种燃料电池汽车发动机的动力性测试装置,实用新型专利号ZL**.3
[36] 燃料电池发动机复合式增压空气供给装置,实用新型专利号ZL**.4
[37] 一种汽油机的分层充气压缩燃烧方法及其装置,发明专利号ZL**.2
[38] 氢气内燃机燃烧系统用的燃烧装置,发明专利号ZL**.2
[39] 内燃机燃油的喷射方法,发明专利号ZL**.9
[40] 一种内燃机的气缸盖,实用新型专利号ZL**.6

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