

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15

管理科学与工程系 副教授

电话 (86)(10)**
办公室 伟伦楼 366
办公室开放时间 周四15:00-16:00

黎波,清华大学经济管理学院管理科学与工程系长聘副教授,于2002年获得北京大学数学学士学位,2006年获得美国加州大学伯克利分校统计学博士学位。主要研究领域为大规模复杂数据建模与分析,以及统计计量在经济和商业中的应用。讲授课程包括应用数理统计(本科生/研究生)。曾经在《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B》、《Biometrika》、《Management Science》、《IIE Transactions》、《Journal of Comparative Economics》、 《Econometric Reviews》、《China Economic Review》、《数量经济技术经济研究》等国内外学术期刊发表论文三十余篇,作为负责人或骨干参与了多项国家自然科学基金项目,包括“对半参数模型设定的稳健性检验方法研究”、“信息系统采纳,扩散,发展与商业价值”、“医疗与健康的数据分析与决策”、“通过社会化媒体挖掘用户兴趣的方法及应用研究”、“半导体制造中的高级统计过程控制算法研究”等。曾于2008 年获得首届麦肯锡中国经济学奖,2011年被评为由清华大学学生会主办的第四届“清韵烛光”清华大学“我最喜爱的教师”,2012年获得清华大学优秀班主任二等奖,并曾获得清华经管学院优秀教学奖、优秀班主任奖等奖项。


Stable Prediction with Model Misspecification and Agnostic Distribution Shift(with Kun Kuang, Ruoxuan Xiong, Peng Cui and Susan Athey),AAAI, 2020
Causally Regularized Learning On Data with Agnostic Bias (with Zheyan Shen, Peng Cui and Kun Kuang), ACM Multimedia (oral presentation), 2018

Stable Prediction across Unknown Environments (with Kun Kuang, Peng Cui, Susan Athey and Ruoxuan Xiong), ACM KDD(long presentation), 2018

Estimating Causal Effects in the Wild via Differentiated Confounder Balancing(with Kun Kuang, Peng Cui, Meng Jiang and Shiqiang Yang), ACM KDD(oral presentation), 2017

How Out-of-PocketRatio Influences Readmission: AnAnalysisBased on Front Sheet of Inpatient Medical Record (with Luo He,Xiaolei Xie and Hongyan Liu), ICSH 2017, LNCS 10347, pp.67-78, 2017

Treatment Effect Estimation with Data-Driven Variable Decomposition(with Kun Kuang, Peng Cui, Meng Jiang, Shiqiang Yang and Fei Wang),AAAI, 2017

期刊论文(英文, SCI/SSCI)
Treatment Effect Estimation via Differentiated Confounder Balancing and Regression(with Kun Kuang, Peng Cui, Meng Jiang and Shiqiang Yang), ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), to appear (A shorter version appeared on KDD2017)
On Estimation of Partially Linear Varying-Coefficient Transformation Models with Censored Data (with Baosheng Liang, Xingwei Tong and Jianguo Sun),Statistica Sinica, to appear

A Discrete Spatial Model for Wafer Yield Prediction (with Hao Wang, Seung Hoon Tong, In Kap Chang and Kaibo Wang),Quality Engineering, to appear

Hierarchical Models for the Spatial-Temporal Carbon Nanotube Height Variations (with Jialing Tao, Kaibo Wang, Liang Liu and Qi Cai),International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 21, 6613-6632, 2016

A Spatial Variable Selection Method for Monitoring Product Surface (with Kaibo Wang and Wei Jiang),International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54, No. 14, 4161-4181, 2016
Counterfactual Decomposition of Movie Star Effects with Star Selection (with Angela Liu and Tridib Mazumdar), Management Science, Vol.61, No.7, pp.1704-1721, 2015
Simultaneous Monitoring of Process Mean Vector and Covariance Matrix via Penalized Likelihood Estimation (with Kaibo Wang and Arthur Yeh),Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 78, 206-217, 2014

Trends in China's Gender Employment and Pay Gap: Estimating Gender Pay Gaps with Employment Selection (with Wei Chi), Journal of Comparative Economics, 42, 708-725, 2014
Monitoring Covariance Matrix via Penalized Likelihood Estimation (with Kaibo Wang and Arthur Yeh), IIE Transactions, 45, 132–146, 2013

Monitoring Multivariate Process Variability with Individual Observations via Penalized Likelihood Estimation (with Arthur Yeh and Kaibo Wang), International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 50, No. 22, 6624-6638, 2012
Forward Adaptive Banding for Estimating Large Covariance Matrices (with Chenlei Leng), Biometrika, 94, 4, pp.821-830, 2011 (统计学四大顶尖期刊之一)
Decomposition of the increase in earnings inequality in urban China: A distributional approach (with Wei Chi and Qiumei Yu), China Economic Review, 22,299-312, 2011
Least Squares Approximations With a Diverging Number of Parameters (with Chenlei Leng), Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 254-261, 2010
Asymptotically Distribution-Free Goodness-of-Fit Testing: A Unifying View, Econometric Reviews, 28(6):632–657, 2009
Shrinkage tuning parameter selection with a diverging number of parameters (with Hansheng Wang and Chenlei Leng), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology), 71, Part 3, pp. 671–683, 2009 (统计学四大顶尖期刊之一)
Glass ceiling or sticky floor? Examining the gender earnings differential across the earnings distribution in urban China, 1987–2004 (with Wei Chi), Journal of Comparative Economics, 36, 243–263, 2008 (此论文获得首届麦肯锡中国经济学奖)

Nonparametric Testing of An Exclusion Restriction in Quantile Regression, Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 37: 2877–2889, 2008
Regularization in statistics (with discussion and rejoinder, with Peter Bickel), Test, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 271–344, 2006
Curse of Dimensionality Revisited: Collapse of the Particle Filter in Very Large Scale Systems (with Thomas Bengtsson and Peter Bickel), IMS Collections, Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of David A. Freedman, Vol. 2, 316–334, 2008
Sharp Failure Rates for the Bootstrap Particle Filter in High Dimensions (with Peter Bickel and Thomas Bengtsson), IMS Collections, Pushing the Limits of Contemporary Statistics: Contributions in Honor of Jayanta K. Ghosh, Vol. 3, 318–329, 2008
Local Polynomial Regression on Unknown Manifolds (with Peter Bickel), IMS Lecture Notes–Monograph Series, Complex Datasets and Inverse Problems: Tomography, Networks and Beyond, Vol.54, 177-186, Vol. 54, 177–186, 2007
新浪企业微博口碑传播的实证研究(与张晶,黄京华,严威合作),清华大学学报(自然科学版), 54卷,第5期,649-654,2014

ERP实施对企业绩效影响的实证研究——基于倾向性得分匹配法 (与张露,黄京华合作),清华大学学报(自然科学版), 53卷,第1期,2013

人力资本对我国区域创新及经济增长的影响_基于空间计量的实证研究 (与钱晓烨,迟巍合作),数量经济技术经济研究, 107-121,第4期, 2010
一种新的收入差距研究的计量方法_基于分布函数的半参数化估计(与迟巍,余秋梅合作),数量经济技术经济研究,119-129,第8期, 2007

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