It is a great honor to write this short review in memorial of Dr. Kun Huang, one of the founding persons of Chinese semiconductor science, and a great pioneer in studying electron–phonon coupling in semiconductors. I didn't have the opportunity to meet with Huang in person, but have the fortune to learn from and collaborate with many of his students and student's students. The favorite topic of Huang is electron–phonon coupling and its consequences in semiconductors physics. In this short review, I will discuss a few recent developments in this area, mostly based on my own works, some of them in collaborations with colleagues in the Institute of Semiconductors in Chinese Academic of Science for which Huang has served as its first director. This by no mean is a complete review, but rather some personal views about this topic.
One topic is the nonradiative decay of free carriers caused by defects in semiconductor, most notably the Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) process. This is an important process in the operation of semiconductor devices, especially for deep defect states. The electrons (or holes) hop from the band edge to the defect state through multiple phonon processes, and it can subsequently lead to carrier annihilation. The basic formalisms of such multiphonon processes have been worked out in 50's by S. K. Pekar[1] and K. Huang, A. Rhys[2]. These derivations are based on Franck-Condon approximation of the electron–phonon wave functions, where the electron–nuclear wave function is approximated as

$ H(r,R) psi_i(r,R) = epsilon_i(R) psi_i(r,R) . $ ![]() | (1) |
The nuclear wave function

$ bigg[ sumlimits_R {-{1over 2 M_{ R}} nabla_{ R}^2 + epsilon_i(R)} bigg] phi_{i,n}(R) = E_{i,n} phi_{i,n}(R). $ ![]() | (2) |

Although elegant in its derivation, very soon it was realized that the adiabatic state coupling formalism gave too small transition rates compared with experiments. To solve this problem, Kovaskiy, Sipdvskiy[3, 4] and Passler[5, 6] proposed to use a static formalism, where both

For a long time, there were debates for the validity and the meaning of using static coupling formalism[3–8]. Huang gave a very interesting derivation in early 1980[8, 9]. He shown that, in a perturbation representation of the electronic state

One can view this problem from other angles. The Franck-Condon approximation is good only at R positions where there is no near degenerated i and j electron eigen states. Unfortunately, the degeneracy (or say the energy crossing of these two states) is exactly what happens at the coordinate

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(Color online) A schematic energy diagram of the phonon degree of freedom at the initial electronic state
Fig. 1 also connects the nonradiative state transition to the Landau-Zener transition[10, 11] and Marcus theory[12]. The Landau-Zener transition is mostly a 1D model. It has been used by Lang et al.[13] to treat the nonradiative transition. Similar approach has also been used by Alkauskas et al.[14] more recently in an ab initio treatment. However, the multiphonon process is not necessarily a 1D process, in the sense that the transition cross point

Marcus theory is also often used to describe electron transitions from one state to another, especially for electronic states located at different positions[17]. While the energy barrier of the Marcus theory also comes from atomic displacements (hence the diagonal elements of electron–phonon coupling), the electronic coupling can come from different sources, e.g., an applied electric field, or more intrinsic coupling. In the case the coupling is also caused by phonon modes (e.g., the pure multiphonon process as described above), Huang has derived a very interesting high temperature classical approximation formula[9], which essentially gives the coupling constant of Marcus theory based on the electron–phonon coupling constants and phonon mode frequencies. Even when the main coupling is not caused by electron–phonon coupling, it might be possible that the coupling constant provided by Huang's formula is related to the environmental effects during the Landau-Zener transition[18, 19]. This will be an interesting research topic for the future.
Ab initio calculations of nonradiative carrier decay rates
Modern theoretical defect studies are mostly depending on ab initio calculations, especially using density functional theory (DFT)[20–22]. In recent years, the use the hybrid functional[23] has made the defect level calculations more accurate, and can yield energy level results consistent with experiments[24]. One current frontier is to study the dynamic properties of such defects, including the nonradiative decay rates. As discussed above, the basic formalism (e.g., the static coupling formalism) already existed. Thus a contemporary challenge is to use ab initio method to calculate the electron–phonon coupling, and compared the results with experiments. The straight forward calculation of

m{tot}}(r) $

More specifically, to calculate
m tot}(R)overpartial R}|psi_j > $

ho(r) = sum_i |psi_i(r)|^2 o_i + alpha Re[psi_i^*(r)times$

m d} V_{
m d}R {
m d}^3 r $

m{ion}} $

$ C(i,j,R) = {{ m d} F_{R,alpha} over { m d} alpha } . $ ![]() | (3) |
The derivative regarding to

$ {hat P} psi_k = alpha int [psi_i(r) psi_j^*(r')+psi_j(r) psi_i^*(r')] f(|r-r'|) psi_k(r'){ m d}^3r', $ ![]() | (4) |

m d} $

m d}$

After we obtain both the electron–phonon coupling constant and phonon spectrum, the multi-phonon nonradiative process can be calculated directly. There are different ways to derive the analytical formula, all based on the use of Fermi Golden rule between the initial and final states with Franck-Condon separation of the electron wave function and phonon wave function. The coupling Hamiltonian in the static coupling approximation is a perturbation term proportional to

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(Color online) The comparison of transition rates calculated using different formulas for the nonradiative transition of electron from the conduction band of bulk GaP to the ZnGa + OP point defect. Marcus theory, quantum CT rate, 1D by Alkauskas's code, and 1D by our code, are all one dimensional models. They all give very similar results. Compared with experiment, the multiphonon static coupling formula gives the best results, while the adiabatic coupling results are almost two order of magnitudes smaller. In (a), the calculations are done using the
$ delta(omega) = {1over 2{text{π}}} int_{-infty}^{infty} { m e}^{i omega t} { m d}t . $ ![]() | (5) |
This always leads to an
m d}t $

$ W_{ij} = {2{text{π}}}sumlimits_{k_1,k_2} C_{i,j}^{k_1} C_{i,j}^{k_2} A_{ij}^{k_1,k_2} , $ ![]() | (6) |

$ A_{ij}^{k_1,k_2} = {1over 2{text{π}} Z} int_{-infty}^{infty} chi_{ij}^{k_1,k_2}(t,T) { m e}^{-i (E_i-E_j) t} { m d}t, $ ![]() | (7) |
m exp}(-beta E_{i,n}) $

m B} T)^{-1} $

In our previous work[16], we have adopted the above formalism by Borrelli et al.[28]. However, we later found that Huang gave a different derivation earlier in 1981[9]. He explicitly integrated out the harmonic phonon wave functions using their Gaussian representations. He arrived at a more concise formalism:
$ begin{split} W_{ij} =; & {2{text{π}}}!!int_{-infty}^{infty}!!bigg{ Big[!sumlimits_k ! C_{i,j}^k Delta Q_{ij}^k big( { m{cos}}(omega_k t) + i{ m{coth}}(beta omega_k/2) { m{sin}}(omega_k t)big)!Big]^2 & {+, {1over2} sumlimits_k |C_{i,j}^k|^2 {1over omega_k} big( { m{coth}}(beta omega_k/2) { m{cos}}(omega_k t)+i { m{sin}}(omega_k t)big) bigg} } & times {1over 2{text{π}}} { m{exp}}big[-i t (E_j-E_i) - sumlimits_s {omega_sover2} |text{Δ} Q_{ij}^s|^2big( { m{coth}}(beta omega_s/2) & times(1-{ m{cos}}(omega_s t)-i { m{sin}}(omega_s t)big) big] { m d}t. end{split}$ ![]() | (8) |

The concise formalism allows Huang to apply the steepest decent approximation to get an closed analytical formula (without the dt integration) for high temperature approximation. To do that, one finds the maximum of the exponent as a function of t, and expands it with a second order approximation. The resulting Gaussian exponential can be integrated over t, yielding in a closed analytical formula. Such closed analytical formulas exist for adiabatic approximation of multiphonon transition[7], as well as for quantum mechanical treatment of the Marcus theory[29] where the transition coupling between the two electron states

$ W_{ij} = left({{text{π}} kTover S bar omega} ight)^{1/2} left( sumlimits_k {1over omega_k^2} |C_{i,j}^k|^2 ight) { m{exp}}left(-{(E_i-E_j -S bar omega)^2over 4 kT S bar omega} ight) . $ ![]() | (9) |
Here S is the Huang-Rhy's factor[2]

$ W_{ij} = left({{text{π}} kTover lambda} ight)^{1/2} {1over kT} |V_{ m c}|^2 { m{exp}}left(-{(E_i-E_j-lambda)^2over 4 lambda kT} ight) . $ ![]() | (10) |
Thus, Huang's formula provides an expression for the coupling constant
m c}|^2 $

We have tested Huang's formula of Eq. (9) versus direct dt integration of Eq. (8). As shown in Fig. 3, the high temperature formalism is valid when the temperature T is higher than 300 K for the case of ZnGa–VN defect in GaN and a hole transition from the valence band edge to the defect state.

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(Color online) The nonradiative electron transition rates for a hole from the valence band edge to a ZnGa+VN complex defect state in GaN. The high temperature formula result is compared with direct t integration formula. When the temperature is smaller than 300 K, the high temperature formula under estimates the transition rate.
We can now numerically calculate the multiphonon transition rate using ab initio methods, either using the direct integration as in Eq. (8), or using the high temperature Huang's formula of Eq. (9). Such calculation procedure has been implemented within the PWmat code package[30], in an automatic way to calculate the electron-phonon coupling, defect phonon spectrum, and the static coupling formula for the nonradiative transition rate. The calculated results are usually in good agreement with the experiments. Fig. 2 shows a comparison of different calculation methods, both with the explicit multiphonon mode calculation, and 1D models along the

Remaining challenges and direct dynamic process simulations of electron–phonon coupling problems
There are still challenges for accurate prediction of the nonradiative decay rate and the related studies. The first is an experimental one, as there is a scarcity of the experimentally measured nonradiative decay rate for different defects. The commonly used method: deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) can miss some deep defect with low concentrations, and results can also be influenced by factors like Coulomb repulsion between the charged defect and the band edge free carriers. Although there are other alternative techniques, both optical measurements and non optical measurements[32], due to possible multichannel competition, the interpretation of the results can still be challenging. In terms of calculation, the anharmonicity of the phonon oscillation is one major uncertainty. In ab initio calculation, it is often found that the directly calculated the atomic relaxation energy

m{exp}}(-text{Δ} E /kT) $

We also like to mention that sometime the SRH electron-hole recombination can happen through a multi-step process, with several intermediate transitions corresponding to different occupations and charge states for the defect level[34]. Although analytical multi-phonon formula can still be used in such cases, one alternative approach could be to do direct real-time time dependent density functional theory (rt-TDDFT) simulations[35]. In the rt-TDDFT calculation, the nuclear movement follow the Ehrenfest dynamics. It is a classical description for the nuclear movement, thus it is likely adequate in high temperature limit. Since the electron movement follows the time dependent Schrodinger' equation, it can be used to describe the Landou-Zener transition. Compared to the analytical formalism, one advantage of direct rt-TDDFT is its ability to describe anharmonic nuclear movement and strong electron-phonon coupling. On the other hand, due to the classical description of the nuclear movement, it lacks the detail balance between the i to j transition and j to i transition. Recently, we have added such detailed balance within rt-TDDFT, as a result, it can be used to describe multiphonon nonradiative decay. For example, we have used such direct simulation to study the molecule dissociation caused by electron ionization. This is particularly useful to describe very strong electron-phonon coupling, e.g., inside a small molecule, or for a carrier on a localized defect state and going through multiple stages in such defect state. Future investigation of such problems will be interesting. For larger systems, one can ignore the back reaction from the electron movement to the nuclear movement, thus can use the ground state ab initio molecular dynamics trajectory to describe a time dependent Hamiltonian, then use such Hamiltonian to study the carrier dynamics. This approach is called nonadiabatic molecular dynamics, (NAMD), which allows the simulations of much larger systems (e.g., a few hundred atoms) for much longer times[36] (e.g., 10 ps). All these provide alternative approaches to study the electron-phonon coupling and its related carrier dynamics behavior. Compared with the analytical formula, one limitation is the simulation time. If the decay lifetime is much longer than 10 ps, direct simulation will become rather difficult. So they are only good for strongly electron-phonon coupled systems (for rt-TDDFT simulations) or for problems involve many electronic state transitions (for NAMD simulations).
In summary, in this short review, some current developments in calculating nonradiative decay rates of defects in semiconductors are presented, as well as a brief review for the derivation of Huang's formula. In particular, one procedure was developed to calculate all the electron-phonon coupling constant within one self-consistent field calculation. Another approximated way is introduced to calculate all the phonon modes within a supercell containing a point defect. Such developments, together with Huang's formalism, allow us to calculate the nonradiative decay rate at ab initio level, and the results agree well with the experiment. We have also discussed some of the remaining challenges and possible approaches to overcome them. These include the anharmonic phonon effects and different phonon modes at electronic state i and j. Finally, we discussed modern direct simulation methods, either rt-TDDFT, or NAMD, which can be used to study problems with strong electron-phonon coupling and strong anharmonicities of the phonon modes, or to study carrier dynamics involving many electronic states.
The author likes to thank many collaborators from the Institute of Semiconductors, including Prof. Jianbai Xia, Prof. ShuShen Li, Prof. Jingbo Li, Prof. Jun-Wei Luo, Prof. Xiangwei Jiang, for many helpful discussions. Many of the works discussed in this paper were done in collaboration with Dr. Lin Shi. The author also likes to thank Dr. Danylo Zherebetskyy for helping find some of the literatures. This work is supported by the Director, Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Science (BES)/Materials Science and Engineering Division (MSED) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under the Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 through the Theory of Material project.