中国科学院大学,北京 100049
作者简介: 陈扬(1971—),男,博士,教授。研究方向:危险废物和医疗废物管理与处置领域的技术研发、污染控制相关标准。E-mail:chenyang@ucas.ac.cn.
通讯作者: 陈扬,chenyang@ucas.ac.cn ;
中图分类号: X705
Reform and development of medical waste disposal technology system in the new era
CHEN Yang,,FENG Qinzhong,
LIU Liyuan,
CHEN Rongzhi,
ZHANG Yuanhao,
BAO Zhun
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Corresponding author: CHEN Yang,chenyang@ucas.ac.cn ;
CLC number: X705
关键词: 医疗废物/
Abstract:In the past 20 years, China has carried out a lot of work in promoting the harmless management and disposal of medical waste, and the achievements have attracted worldwide attention. However, in the new historical period, how to better explore the matching management mode based on feasible technology and solve the shortcomings of medical waste treatment and disposal is the focus of public attention. In this paper, combined with the situation of medical waste treatment and disposal in China in the new period, aiming at the problems and needs of technical applicability, emergency disposal in rural and remote areas, operation and supervision ability, and scientific and technological innovation, and combined with the characteristics and applicability of various medical treatment and disposal technologies, the author proposes to promote the layout optimization of medical waste treatment and disposal technology based on the applicability of technology to solve the problems of medical waste disposal in rural and remote areas, reasonably allocate the emergency disposal capacity and promote scientific and technological innovation, etc., so as to provide support for the construction of medical waste disposal technology system in the new era.
Key words:medical waste/
treatment and disposal technology/
management mode/
epidemic control/
pollution prevention and control.
Figure1.Technology types and facilities distribution of medical waste treatment and disposal in China
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Figure2.Application path of medical waste treatment and disposal technologies
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Table1.Comparative analysis of conventional medical waste treatment and disposal technologies
对比项目 | 焚烧 | 非焚烧 | |||||
回转窑焚烧 | 热解焚烧 | 高温干热 | 高温蒸汽 | 化学消毒 | 微波 | ||
适用范围 | 感染性、病理性、损伤性、药物性 和化学性医疗废物 | 感染性、病理性、损伤性、药物性 和化学性医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | |
适宜处理规模 | >10 t·d?1 | 5~10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | |
设备要求 | 耐高温、耐腐蚀 | 耐高温、耐腐蚀 | 负压操作、 耐腐蚀 | 密闭、保温、 耐高温高压 | 负压操作、 耐腐蚀 | 密闭、耐高温、 电磁防护 | |
作业方式 | 连续作业 | 连续/间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | |
污染物排放 | 酸性气体、重金属、二恶英 | 酸性气体、重金属、二恶英 | VOCs、恶臭 | VOCs、恶臭 | VOCs、废弃 消毒剂 | VOCs、微波辐射 | |
占地面积 | 相对大 | 相对较大 | 相对较小 | 相对较小 | 相对较小 | 相对较大 | |
运行维护 | 运行维护要求高、成本高 | 运行维护要求较高、成本较高 | 运行维护要求较高、成本居中 | 运行维护要求较高、成本较高 | 运行维护要求高、成本居中 | 运行维护要求一般、成本较低 | |
技术缺点 | 运行费用较高、 二恶英需要专门 控制 | 不易实现稳定燃烧、尾气系统负荷频繁变化,二恶英需要专门控制 | 对温度控制 要求高 | 冷凝液和蒸汽 锅炉废气需处理 | 易产生消毒剂的 二次污染 | 废物先破碎增加安全风险、电磁辐射需防护 | |
技术优点 | 处置效果好、适 应性强、处理量 大、燃烧完全、 运行效果稳定 | 烟气量低、 热利用率高 | 运行费用低、适应性强、二次污染少、不产生二恶英等污染物、易于操作管理、运行效果稳定 |
对比项目 | 焚烧 | 非焚烧 | |||||
回转窑焚烧 | 热解焚烧 | 高温干热 | 高温蒸汽 | 化学消毒 | 微波 | ||
适用范围 | 感染性、病理性、损伤性、药物性 和化学性医疗废物 | 感染性、病理性、损伤性、药物性 和化学性医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | 感染性和损伤性 医疗废物 | |
适宜处理规模 | >10 t·d?1 | 5~10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | 单台<10 t·d?1 | |
设备要求 | 耐高温、耐腐蚀 | 耐高温、耐腐蚀 | 负压操作、 耐腐蚀 | 密闭、保温、 耐高温高压 | 负压操作、 耐腐蚀 | 密闭、耐高温、 电磁防护 | |
作业方式 | 连续作业 | 连续/间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | 间歇作业 | |
污染物排放 | 酸性气体、重金属、二恶英 | 酸性气体、重金属、二恶英 | VOCs、恶臭 | VOCs、恶臭 | VOCs、废弃 消毒剂 | VOCs、微波辐射 | |
占地面积 | 相对大 | 相对较大 | 相对较小 | 相对较小 | 相对较小 | 相对较大 | |
运行维护 | 运行维护要求高、成本高 | 运行维护要求较高、成本较高 | 运行维护要求较高、成本居中 | 运行维护要求较高、成本较高 | 运行维护要求高、成本居中 | 运行维护要求一般、成本较低 | |
技术缺点 | 运行费用较高、 二恶英需要专门 控制 | 不易实现稳定燃烧、尾气系统负荷频繁变化,二恶英需要专门控制 | 对温度控制 要求高 | 冷凝液和蒸汽 锅炉废气需处理 | 易产生消毒剂的 二次污染 | 废物先破碎增加安全风险、电磁辐射需防护 | |
技术优点 | 处置效果好、适 应性强、处理量 大、燃烧完全、 运行效果稳定 | 烟气量低、 热利用率高 | 运行费用低、适应性强、二次污染少、不产生二恶英等污染物、易于操作管理、运行效果稳定 |
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通讯作者: 陈扬,chenyang@ucas.ac.cn ;
作者简介: 陈扬(1971—),男,博士,教授。研究方向:危险废物和医疗废物管理与处置领域的技术研发、污染控制相关标准。E-mail:chenyang@ucas.ac.cn 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
收稿日期: 2021-01-12
录用日期: 2021-01-12
网络出版日期: 2021-02-22
关键词: 医疗废物/
English Abstract
Reform and development of medical waste disposal technology system in the new era
CHEN Yang,,FENG Qinzhong,
LIU Liyuan,
CHEN Rongzhi,
ZHANG Yuanhao,
BAO Zhun
Corresponding author: CHEN Yang,chenyang@ucas.ac.cn ;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, ChinaReceived Date: 2021-01-12
Accepted Date: 2021-01-12
Available Online: 2021-02-22
Keywords: medical waste/
treatment and disposal technology/
management mode/
epidemic control/
pollution prevention and control
Abstract:In the past 20 years, China has carried out a lot of work in promoting the harmless management and disposal of medical waste, and the achievements have attracted worldwide attention. However, in the new historical period, how to better explore the matching management mode based on feasible technology and solve the shortcomings of medical waste treatment and disposal is the focus of public attention. In this paper, combined with the situation of medical waste treatment and disposal in China in the new period, aiming at the problems and needs of technical applicability, emergency disposal in rural and remote areas, operation and supervision ability, and scientific and technological innovation, and combined with the characteristics and applicability of various medical treatment and disposal technologies, the author proposes to promote the layout optimization of medical waste treatment and disposal technology based on the applicability of technology to solve the problems of medical waste disposal in rural and remote areas, reasonably allocate the emergency disposal capacity and promote scientific and technological innovation, etc., so as to provide support for the construction of medical waste disposal technology system in the new era.