1.中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872
2.尚川北京水务有限公司,北京 100097
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项2017ZX07102-003国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07102-003)
Flow field numerical simulation of hyperbolic mixer with different structures
MO Huijun1,,FAN Haitao1,2,
WANG Mingyue1,
YU Yu1,
ZHANG Jingbing1,
XU Xianglong1,
YANG Yaqiong1,
WANG Hongchen1,
1.School of Environment, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
2.Shine Water Limited Company, Beijing 100097, China
摘要:基于多重参考系法(multiple reference frame model,MRF),采用标准k-ε模型对双曲面搅拌器的流场分布特性开展了数值模拟研究,重点对实心、空心、有孔和高叶片4种不同型式结构的双曲面搅拌器的流场结构、流速分布、湍动能分布、有效搅拌体积以及功耗特性进行了对比分析。结果表明,高叶片结构的双曲面搅拌器更有利于形成对称且均匀的流场,底部湍动更强烈,搅拌范围更广且混合效果最佳。在转速为200 r·min-1时,高叶片双曲面搅拌器达到搅拌要求时单位能耗分别仅为前3种结构的74.09%、61.19%和61.88%,其节能效果显著。
关键词: 双曲面搅拌器/
Abstract:In this study, on the basis of multiple reference frame (MRF) method, the standard k-ε model was used to conduct a numerical simulation analysis of the flow field distribution properties of the hyperboloid mixer. The flow filed pattern, velocity distribution, turbulent kinetic energy distribution, the effective stirring volume and power consumption in a stirred tank were compared among different hyperbolic mixers with solid, hollow, porous or high-blade structure. The results showed that the hyperboloid mixer with high-blade structure was more conducive to produce a symmetrical and evenly distributed flow field, more intense bottom turbulence, wider mixing range, and the best mixing effect. At 200 r·min-1 rotation rate, the unit power consumption of the high-blade structure hyperbolic mixer meeting the stirring requirement was only 74.09%, 61.19% and 61.88% of the former three mixers with different structures. It indicated that the high-blade was more energy efficient structure.
Key words:hyperboloid mixer/
numerical simulation/
structure patterns.

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1.中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872
2.尚川北京水务有限公司,北京 100097
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项2017ZX07102-003国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07102-003)
关键词: 双曲面搅拌器/
摘要:基于多重参考系法(multiple reference frame model,MRF),采用标准k-ε模型对双曲面搅拌器的流场分布特性开展了数值模拟研究,重点对实心、空心、有孔和高叶片4种不同型式结构的双曲面搅拌器的流场结构、流速分布、湍动能分布、有效搅拌体积以及功耗特性进行了对比分析。结果表明,高叶片结构的双曲面搅拌器更有利于形成对称且均匀的流场,底部湍动更强烈,搅拌范围更广且混合效果最佳。在转速为200 r·min-1时,高叶片双曲面搅拌器达到搅拌要求时单位能耗分别仅为前3种结构的74.09%、61.19%和61.88%,其节能效果显著。
English Abstract
Flow field numerical simulation of hyperbolic mixer with different structures
MO Huijun1,,FAN Haitao1,2,
WANG Mingyue1,
YU Yu1,
ZHANG Jingbing1,
XU Xianglong1,
YANG Yaqiong1,
WANG Hongchen1,
1.School of Environment, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
2.Shine Water Limited Company, Beijing 100097, China
Keywords: hyperboloid mixer/
numerical simulation/
structure patterns
Abstract:In this study, on the basis of multiple reference frame (MRF) method, the standard k-ε model was used to conduct a numerical simulation analysis of the flow field distribution properties of the hyperboloid mixer. The flow filed pattern, velocity distribution, turbulent kinetic energy distribution, the effective stirring volume and power consumption in a stirred tank were compared among different hyperbolic mixers with solid, hollow, porous or high-blade structure. The results showed that the hyperboloid mixer with high-blade structure was more conducive to produce a symmetrical and evenly distributed flow field, more intense bottom turbulence, wider mixing range, and the best mixing effect. At 200 r·min-1 rotation rate, the unit power consumption of the high-blade structure hyperbolic mixer meeting the stirring requirement was only 74.09%, 61.19% and 61.88% of the former three mixers with different structures. It indicated that the high-blade was more energy efficient structure.