1.兰州理工大学石油化工学院,兰州 730050
2.环境保护部华南环境科学研究所,广州 510535
3.正业设计股份有限公司,哈尔滨 150090
基金项目: 广州市科技计划科学研究专项(201607010259)
Phosphorus removal performance of novel ceramsite made from water treatment sludge and fly ash
ZHU Hongwei1,2,3,,YU Tao1,
GUO Zhipeng1,2,
WEI Dongyang2,
HE Tao2,
ZHANG Hengjun2
1.School of Petrochemical Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
2.South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Guangzhou 510535, China
3.Zhengye Design Group Company Limited, Harbin 150090, China
摘要:为资源化利用自来水厂剩余污泥,以给水污泥、粉煤灰、水玻璃制备新型给水污泥-粉煤灰陶粒(ceramsite made by water treatment sludge and fly ash,CWTSFA),用作污水处理填料。采用短时多段高温煅烧法烧制新型给水污泥陶粒,通过等温吸附实验探讨其吸附磷机理,通过动态吸附实验及CWTSFA基质折流曝气生态滤池除磷效果探究其在实际水处理中的应用前景。实验结果表明:CWTSFA内部存在许多孔径不均匀、密闭和贯通的孔状结构,表面存在釉和通向内部的孔道;不含有机物,Al3+、Ca2+、Fe3+等金属离子含量较高,高温煅烧使部分原料成分改变,形成新物相莫来石。持续振荡24 h后,CWTSFA平均磨损率仅1.49%,对磷酸盐静态吸附去除率最高达到94.92%,为化学吸附;当HRT=24 h时,CWTSFA动态吸附磷出水浓度稳定在0.03 mg·L-1左右,持续运行49 d后去除率由93.33%下降至81.82%,CWTSFA基折流曝气生态滤池运行19 d可自然挂膜,对总磷去除率稳定在92%以上。CWTSFA具有较强的抗水力冲刷能力及对磷酸盐的吸附效果,用作水处理填料能在较短时间内完成挂膜,且总磷出水水质良好,具有实际应用前景。
关键词: 给水污泥/
Abstract:In order to recycle the excessive sludge from a water treatment plant, a ceramsite was prepared as packings for water treatment with the addition of fly ash and water glass. A short time multi stage high temperature calcination was used as the preparation method. The phosphorus removal performance of CWTSFA was evaluated in a baffled aeration ecological filter that fed with actual water. The phosphorus adsorption mechanism was revealed by isothermal adsorption. The results showed that the pores inside the CWTSFA were unevenly distributed, closed and interconnected. Glazes were found on the surface and interior channels of CWTSFA. The concentration of metal ions in CWTSFA (Al3+, Ca2+ and Fe3+) was high and new phase of mullite was identified after high temperature calcination. After continuous oscillation of 24 h, the average wear rate of CWTSFA was 1.49%, and the highest removal efficiency of phosphate was 94.92%. At an HRT of 24 h, the effluent concentration of CWTSFA dynamic adsorption was stable at 0.03 mg·L-1, and the removal rate decreased from 93.33% to 81.82% after 49 days of continuous operation. The biofilm was acclimated after 19 days in the CWTSFA base biologic aerated filter. The removal efficiency of total phosphorus was up to 92%. In addition, CWTSFA showed a strong resistance towards corrosion. The CWTSFA prepared from excessive sludge with the addition of fly ash and water glass exhibited a great potential as an effective packing for removing phosphorous in water treatment.
Key words:excessive sludge/
fly ash/
biological treatment.
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1.兰州理工大学石油化工学院,兰州 730050
2.环境保护部华南环境科学研究所,广州 510535
3.正业设计股份有限公司,哈尔滨 150090
基金项目: 广州市科技计划科学研究专项(201607010259) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2016A030313021) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(PM-ZX021-201510-002)
关键词: 给水污泥/
摘要:为资源化利用自来水厂剩余污泥,以给水污泥、粉煤灰、水玻璃制备新型给水污泥-粉煤灰陶粒(ceramsite made by water treatment sludge and fly ash,CWTSFA),用作污水处理填料。采用短时多段高温煅烧法烧制新型给水污泥陶粒,通过等温吸附实验探讨其吸附磷机理,通过动态吸附实验及CWTSFA基质折流曝气生态滤池除磷效果探究其在实际水处理中的应用前景。实验结果表明:CWTSFA内部存在许多孔径不均匀、密闭和贯通的孔状结构,表面存在釉和通向内部的孔道;不含有机物,Al3+、Ca2+、Fe3+等金属离子含量较高,高温煅烧使部分原料成分改变,形成新物相莫来石。持续振荡24 h后,CWTSFA平均磨损率仅1.49%,对磷酸盐静态吸附去除率最高达到94.92%,为化学吸附;当HRT=24 h时,CWTSFA动态吸附磷出水浓度稳定在0.03 mg·L-1左右,持续运行49 d后去除率由93.33%下降至81.82%,CWTSFA基折流曝气生态滤池运行19 d可自然挂膜,对总磷去除率稳定在92%以上。CWTSFA具有较强的抗水力冲刷能力及对磷酸盐的吸附效果,用作水处理填料能在较短时间内完成挂膜,且总磷出水水质良好,具有实际应用前景。
English Abstract
Phosphorus removal performance of novel ceramsite made from water treatment sludge and fly ash
ZHU Hongwei1,2,3,,YU Tao1,
GUO Zhipeng1,2,
WEI Dongyang2,
HE Tao2,
ZHANG Hengjun2
1.School of Petrochemical Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
2.South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Guangzhou 510535, China
3.Zhengye Design Group Company Limited, Harbin 150090, China
Keywords: excessive sludge/
fly ash/
biological treatment
Abstract:In order to recycle the excessive sludge from a water treatment plant, a ceramsite was prepared as packings for water treatment with the addition of fly ash and water glass. A short time multi stage high temperature calcination was used as the preparation method. The phosphorus removal performance of CWTSFA was evaluated in a baffled aeration ecological filter that fed with actual water. The phosphorus adsorption mechanism was revealed by isothermal adsorption. The results showed that the pores inside the CWTSFA were unevenly distributed, closed and interconnected. Glazes were found on the surface and interior channels of CWTSFA. The concentration of metal ions in CWTSFA (Al3+, Ca2+ and Fe3+) was high and new phase of mullite was identified after high temperature calcination. After continuous oscillation of 24 h, the average wear rate of CWTSFA was 1.49%, and the highest removal efficiency of phosphate was 94.92%. At an HRT of 24 h, the effluent concentration of CWTSFA dynamic adsorption was stable at 0.03 mg·L-1, and the removal rate decreased from 93.33% to 81.82% after 49 days of continuous operation. The biofilm was acclimated after 19 days in the CWTSFA base biologic aerated filter. The removal efficiency of total phosphorus was up to 92%. In addition, CWTSFA showed a strong resistance towards corrosion. The CWTSFA prepared from excessive sludge with the addition of fly ash and water glass exhibited a great potential as an effective packing for removing phosphorous in water treatment.