基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51368024,51668026)
Characteristic of metabolism for sulfur-containing components during sulfate bioreduction process
YAO Qi1,HUANG Jianhong1,
YANG Lei1,
WU Xi1,
HU Xuewei1
1.Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
关键词: SO42-/
Abstract:The characteristic of metabolism for sulfur-containing components (SO42-, SO32-, H2S, S2-, S2O32- and microbial sulfur) during sulfate bioreduction process was investigated, and rate-limiting step as well as the succession process of metabolites was illustrated. It was shown that the conversion of sulfite to hydrogen sulfide was regarded as the rate-limiting step in the process of sulfate reducing bacteria reduction. The amount of sulfur ion was increased by 2.09 times and the removal efficiency of sulfate radical was increased from 83.5% to 91.24% after blowing hydrogen sulfide by nitrogen, while the concentration of sulfite was decreased. The sulfur-containing components accounted for 51.38% of the total sulfur at the end of the reaction. Furthermore, it was indicated that the pH of the solution was increased significantly and eventually reached to 8.31. In contrast, the corresponding pH of 6.87 in the reactor was obtained without purging hydrogen sulfide. Besides, the results also demonstrated that Desulfovibrio sp was the dominant bacteria in the reactor, and the amount of these dominant bacteria were increased at the level of the order, family and genera after blowing off hydrogen sulfide. The presence of hydrogen sulfide was proved to inhibit the proliferation of the dominant bacteria.
Key words:SO42-/
sulfate reducing bacteria/
sulfur components/
characteristic of metabolism.

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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51368024,51668026)
关键词: SO42-/
English Abstract
Characteristic of metabolism for sulfur-containing components during sulfate bioreduction process
YAO Qi1,HUANG Jianhong1,
YANG Lei1,
WU Xi1,
HU Xuewei1
1.Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
Keywords: SO42-/
sulfate reducing bacteria/
sulfur components/
characteristic of metabolism
Abstract:The characteristic of metabolism for sulfur-containing components (SO42-, SO32-, H2S, S2-, S2O32- and microbial sulfur) during sulfate bioreduction process was investigated, and rate-limiting step as well as the succession process of metabolites was illustrated. It was shown that the conversion of sulfite to hydrogen sulfide was regarded as the rate-limiting step in the process of sulfate reducing bacteria reduction. The amount of sulfur ion was increased by 2.09 times and the removal efficiency of sulfate radical was increased from 83.5% to 91.24% after blowing hydrogen sulfide by nitrogen, while the concentration of sulfite was decreased. The sulfur-containing components accounted for 51.38% of the total sulfur at the end of the reaction. Furthermore, it was indicated that the pH of the solution was increased significantly and eventually reached to 8.31. In contrast, the corresponding pH of 6.87 in the reactor was obtained without purging hydrogen sulfide. Besides, the results also demonstrated that Desulfovibrio sp was the dominant bacteria in the reactor, and the amount of these dominant bacteria were increased at the level of the order, family and genera after blowing off hydrogen sulfide. The presence of hydrogen sulfide was proved to inhibit the proliferation of the dominant bacteria.