1.西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项 (2013ZX07310-001)
Demonstration project of eutrophic water purification by a multicomponent system
JIA Ruike1,,WANG Xiaochang1,
1.School of Environmental & Municipal Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China
关键词: 富营养化/
Abstract:Non-point source pollution from tea plantations in the upstream of West Lake caused severe eutrophication in the Longhong stream. Therefore, an in-stream treatment system combining biological purification technologies and engineering measures was devised to treat the water and to serve as a demonstration project for the purification of eutrophic landscape water bodies. Considering the characteristics of the stream channel, a treatment system combining an ecological corridor, bio-zeolite, and ecological floating beds, was used, which significantly improved the water quality. On the one hand, the multi-stage ecological corridor prolonged the flow path and prevented the formation of dead water zones and hydraulic short-circuiting. On the other hand, the bio-zeolite showed a physical interception effect, which also maintained long-term and stable removal of pollutants from the eutrophic waters by the biofilm formed on its surface. Moreover, the multi-layered three-dimensional ecological floating bed, which served as the carrier of ceramic particles and suspended elastic packing, ensured ecological restoration of the water body through the joint action of plants and microorganisms. Overall, the demonstration project exhibited good pollutants removal efficiencies of COD of 24%, TP of 46%, TN of 31%, NH4+-N of 24%, and NO3--N of 31%. Furthermore, a higher treatment efficiency was achieved in the summer than the winter. So, the project has a good application prospect.
Key words:eutrophication/
ecological floating bed/
ecological corridor/
engineering demonstration.

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1.西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项 (2013ZX07310-001)
关键词: 富营养化/
English Abstract
Demonstration project of eutrophic water purification by a multicomponent system
JIA Ruike1,,WANG Xiaochang1,
1.School of Environmental & Municipal Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China
Keywords: eutrophication/
ecological floating bed/
ecological corridor/
engineering demonstration
Abstract:Non-point source pollution from tea plantations in the upstream of West Lake caused severe eutrophication in the Longhong stream. Therefore, an in-stream treatment system combining biological purification technologies and engineering measures was devised to treat the water and to serve as a demonstration project for the purification of eutrophic landscape water bodies. Considering the characteristics of the stream channel, a treatment system combining an ecological corridor, bio-zeolite, and ecological floating beds, was used, which significantly improved the water quality. On the one hand, the multi-stage ecological corridor prolonged the flow path and prevented the formation of dead water zones and hydraulic short-circuiting. On the other hand, the bio-zeolite showed a physical interception effect, which also maintained long-term and stable removal of pollutants from the eutrophic waters by the biofilm formed on its surface. Moreover, the multi-layered three-dimensional ecological floating bed, which served as the carrier of ceramic particles and suspended elastic packing, ensured ecological restoration of the water body through the joint action of plants and microorganisms. Overall, the demonstration project exhibited good pollutants removal efficiencies of COD of 24%, TP of 46%, TN of 31%, NH4+-N of 24%, and NO3--N of 31%. Furthermore, a higher treatment efficiency was achieved in the summer than the winter. So, the project has a good application prospect.