1. 安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院, 芜湖 241003;
2. 自然灾害过程与防控研究安徽省重点实验室, 芜湖 241003
作者简介: 姚有如(1992-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为表生环境中污染物的迁移与转化,E-mail:yaoyouru1006@163.com.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金“煤矿城市室内细粒径灰尘中重金属分布特征及儿童暴露风险研究”(No. 41371480);安徽师范大学研究生科研创新与实践项目(No. 2017cxsj055)中图分类号: X171.5
Spatial Distribution and Influence Factors of Mercury in Hair of Residents in Coal Resource Type City
Yao Youru1,Fang Fengman1,2,
Zhu Zhe1,
Wu Jiayuan1,
Lin Yuesheng1,
Zhang Danlong1,
Zhu Huiping1
1. College of Territorial Resources and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241003, China;
2. Anhui Key Laboratory of Natural Disaster Process and Prevention, Wuhu 241003, China
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:为了解淮南市不同城区居民人发中Hg分布特征和影响当地居民人体Hg富集的因素。在淮南市市区选择68名正常状态下的居民头发,用氢化物发生-原子荧光法测定人发中总汞含量。结果显示:淮南市市区居民人发中Hg的平均浓度为(0.390±0.173) μg·g-1,Hg浓度主要分布于0~0.5 μg·g-1较低浓度区间内,占总样品数的77.94%;市区内人发中Hg平均浓度呈现出谢家集(0.468±0.144 μg·g-1) > 潘集(0.384±0.199 μg·g-1) > 田家庵(0.377±0.176 μg·g-1) > 大通(0.373±0.116 μg·g-1);不同性别上,当地男性头发中Hg的平均含量为(0.436±0.188) μg·g-1,显著高于女性的(0.343±0.146) μg·g-1(P = 0.021 < 0.05);不同年龄段内,40~60岁年龄段居民头发中Hg平均含量最高,达0.445 μg·g-1;不同工作、生活环境上,淮南市居民头发中Hg平均含量呈现出矿区 > 过渡区 > 对照城区,其Hg平均含量分别达(0.466±0.174)、(0.380±0.167)、(0.304±0.151) μg·g-1,矿区居民人发中Hg含量分别高出过渡区与对照城区居民人发Hg含量达22.6%和53.3%。相比较美国国家环境保护局提出的人发中Hg的参考剂量1 μg·g-1,淮南市城区居民人发中Hg含量较低。但是对比非矿业活动区,矿区居民人发中Hg含量显著高于对照城区居民(P = 0.0098 < 0.01),过渡区居民人发中Hg含量与矿区和对照城区差异性均不明显。
关键词: 汞/
Abstract:To investigate the spatial distribution and the factors influencing the mercury (Hg) concentration in the human body from different urban residents in Huainan City, 68 hair samples were collected from urban residents whose hair is growing under normal condition. Mercury concentration was determined by using hydride generation flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The result suggested that the average concentration of Hg in the hair of urban residents in Huainan City is (0.390±0.173) μg·g-1, and the concentration of Hg mainly ranges between 0-0.5 μg·g-1 accounting for 77.94% of the total number of samples. For different functional areas, the Hg concentrations of hair in urban residents from Huainan City are as following: Xiejiaji, Panji, Tianjia'an, Datong, which is (0.468±0.144), (0.384±0.199), (0.377±0.176), (0.373±0.116) μg·g-1, respectively. For different genders, the average content of Hg in the local male hair is (0.436±0.188) μg·g-1, which is significantly higher than that of female (0.343±0.146 μg·g-1). In different ages, the hair Hg content in the age-group between 40-60 years old is the highest, which is 0.445 μg·g-1. In regions at different mercury exposure levels, the Hg concentrations of hair in urban residents are as following: Mining Area, Transitional Region, Urban Area, and their content is (0.466±0.174), (0.380±0.167), (0.304±0.151) μg·g-1, respectively. The hair Hg content of residents in mining area is higher than that of the transitional region and the urban residential area by 22.6% and 53.3%. Compared with US EPA threshold of 1 μg·g-1 for Hg in hair, the concentration of Hg is relatively low in the hair of urban residents in Huainan City. However, the above results showed that the concentration of hair Hg of the residents from the mining area is significantly higher than that of urban residents, and the Hg content in the hair of the residents from the transitional area is not significantly different from residents in the mining area and the urban area.
Key words:mercury/
human hair/
heavy metal poisoning/
health risks.