

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-13

程和平 教授
E-mail: chengp@pku.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京大学英杰交流中心338室 100871
1980-1987年就学于北京大学力学系,获学士和生物工程专业硕士学位,同时辅修生物学系生理学专业,获第二学士学位;1987-1989 任教于北京大学无线电电子学系;1990-1995 年留学美国马里兰大学(Baltimore)医学院生理系,获博士学位。曾任美国NIH老年研究所心血管科学实验室钙信号研究室主任,资深研究员(Senior Investigator, tenured)。1998年在北京大学组建细胞钙信号研究室,获国家杰出青年科学基金。2005年与同仁共同创建“北京大学分子医学研究所”,任高级研究员。2007-2012年担任首席科学家主持科技部973项目“心脏的重大基础和疾病机理研究”; 2013年续担任973项目“线粒体功能障碍致早期心衰机制及干预策略研究”首席科学家。
早年主要从事细胞钙信号转导的研究,近年致力于线粒体生物医学研究。迄今发表论文百余篇,其中10余篇刊于Science、Nature和Cell。于1993年发现细胞内钙释放的最小单位,并命名为“钙火花”(Calcium Sparks)。2004年该论文被誉为100年来最杰出的10篇心肌论文之一。于2008年发现线粒体“超氧炫”(Superoxide Flash)。超氧炫是细胞内单个线粒体基质中超氧信号的瞬时爆发现象,此发现为研究生理和病理情况下ROS信号及其调控开拓了新视野。 目前担任Cardiovas Res 副主编、J Mol Cell Cardiol和Am J Physiol杂志编委。
1. Cheng, H., Lederer, W.J., Cannell., M.B., 1993, Calcium sparks: The elementary events underlying excitation-contraction coupling in heart muscle. Science 262, 740-744
2. Cheng, H., Fill, M., Valdivia, H.H., Lederer, W.J., 1995, Models of calcium release channel adaptation, Science 267, 2009-2010
3. Cannell, M.B., Cheng, H., Lederer, W.J., 1995, The control of calcium release in heart muscle. Science 268, 1045-1050
4. Nelson, M.T., Cheng, H., Rubart, M., Santana, L.F., Bonev, A., Knot, H., Lederer, W.J., 1995, Relaxation of arterial smooth muscle by calcium sparks. Science 270, 633-637
5. Klein, M.G., Cheng, H.*, Santana, L.F., Lederer, W.J., Schneider, M.F., 1996, Discrete sarcomeric calcium release events activated by dual mechanisms in skeletal muscle. Nature 379, 455-458 (* the corresponding author)
6. Gomez, A.M., Valdivia, H.H., Cheng, H., Santana, L.F., Lederer, W.J., 1997, Defective excitation-contraction coupling in experimental cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Science 276, 800-806
7. Wang, S.Q., Song, L.-S., Lakatta, E.G., Cheng, H., 2001, Ca2+ signalling between single L-type Ca2+ channels and ryanodine receptors in heart cells. Nature 410, 592-596
8. Pan, Z., Yang, D., Nagaraj, R.Y., Nosek, T.A., Nishi, M. Takeshima, H., Cheng, H., Ma, J., 2002, Dysfunction of store-operated Ca2+ channel in muscle cells lacking mg29 gene. Nature Cell Biol. 4, 379-383
9. Wang, S.Q., Stern, M.D., Ríos, E., Cheng, H., 2004,The quantal nature of ca2+ sparks and in situ operation of the ryanodine receptor array in cardiac cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 3979-3984
10. Wang, S.Q., Wei, C.L., Gao, G. L., Brochet, D., Shen, J.X., Song, L.S., Wang, W., Yang, D.M., Cheng, H., 2004, Imaging microdomain Ca2+ in muscle cells. Circ. Res. 94, 1011-1022 (invited review)
11. Wang, W., Zhu, W., Wang, S. Q., Yang, D. M., Crow, M. T., Xiao, R. P., Cheng, H., 2004, Sustained b1-adrenergic stimulation modulates cardiac contractility by Ca2+/calmodulin kinase signaling pathway. Circ. Res. 95,798-806.
12. Xu, X., Yang, D., Ding, J., Wang, W., Chu, P. H., Dalton, N. D., Wang, H. Y., Bermingham, J. R., Jr., Ye, Z., Liu, F., Rosenfeld, F. G., Manley, J. L., Ross J., Jr., Chen, J., Xiao, R.-P., Cheng, H., Fu, X. D., 2005, ASF/SF2-regulated postnatal reprogramming of CaMKIId alternative splicing modulates excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle. Cell, 120, 59-72
13. Brochet, D. X. P., Yang, D., Di Maio, A., Lederer, W. J., Franzini-Armstrong, C., Cheng, H., 2005, Calcium blinks: Rapid nanoscopic store calcium signaling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102, 3099-3104
14. Ouyan, K., Wu, C. H., Cheng, H., 2005, Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in sensory neurons: Low-gain amplification confers intrinsic stability. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 15898-15902
15. Ouyang, K., Zheng, H., Qin, X., Zhang, C., Yang, D., Wang, X., Wu, C., Zhou, Z., and Cheng, H., 2005, Ca2+ sparks and secretion in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102:12259-12264
16. Song, L-S, Sobie, EA, McCulle, S, Lederer, WJ, Balke, CW, Cheng, H., 2006, Orphaned ryanodine receptors in the failing heart. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 103: 4305-4310
17. Wang W, Fang H, Groom L, Cheng A, Zhang W, Liu J, Wang X, Li K, Han P, Zheng M, Yin J, Wang W, Mattson MP, Kao JP.Y, Lakatta EG, Sheu S-S, Ouyang K, Chen J, Dirksen RT, Cheng H., 2008, Superoxide Flashes in Single Mitochondria. Cell, 2008; 134:279-290.
18. Cheng, H., Lederere, W.J., 2008, Calcium sparks, Physiol. Reviews. 88,1491-1545
19. Wei, C.L., Wang, X.H, Chen, M., Ouyang, K.F., Song, L.S., Cheng, H., 2009, Calcium flickers steer cell migration. Nature 457, 901-905.
20. Zhou, P., Zhao, Y.T., Guo, Y.B., Xu, S.M., Bai, S.H., Lakatta, E.G., Cheng, H., Hao, X.M., Wang, S.Q., 2009, β-adrenergic signaling accelerates and synchronizes cardiac ryanodine receptor response to a single L-type Ca2+ channel. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A, 106, 18028-33
21. Wang, G., Zhu, X., Xie, W., Han, P., Li,K., Sun, Z., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Song, R., Cao, C., Zhang, J., Wu, C., Liu, J., Cheng, H., 2010, Rad as a novel regulator of excitation- contraction coupling and β-adrenergic signaling in heart. Circ Res. 106, 317-327
22. Wei, C.L., Wang, X.H., Chen, M., Ouyang, K.F., Zheng, M., Cheng, H., 2010, Flickering calcium signals turning of migrating cells. Can J Physiol Pharm. 88,105-110
23. Peng, W., Zhang, Y., Zheng, M., Cheng, H., Zhu, W., Cao, C.M., Xiao, R.P. 2010, Cardioprotection by CaMKII-deltaB is mediated by phosphorylation of heat shock factor 1 and subsequent expression of inducible heat shock protein 70. Circ Res. 106, 102-110
24. Wang, X,, Xie, W., Zhang, Y., Lin, P., Han, L., Han, P., Wang, Y., Chen, Z., Ji, G., Zheng, M., Weisleder, N., Xiao, R.P., Takeshima, H, Ma, J, Cheng, H., 2010, Cardioprotection of ischemia/reperfusion injury by cholesterol-dependent MG53-mediated membrane repair. Circ Res. 107,76-83.
25. Wei, S., Guo, A., Chen, B., Kutschke, W., Xie, Y.P., Zimmerman, K., Weiss, R.M., Anderson, M.E., Cheng, H., Song, L.S. 2010, T-tubule remodeling during transition from hypertrophy to heart failure. Circ Res. 107,520-531
26. Xie, W., Brochet, D.X., Wei, S., Wang, X., Cheng, H 2010, Deciphering ryanodine receptor array operation in cardiac myocytes. J Gen Physiol. 136, 129-133
27. Wei, C., Wang, X., Zheng, M, Cheng, H. 2011, Calcium gradients underlying cell migration. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2011 Dec 21. [Epub ahead of print]
28. Brochet, DX., Xie, W., Yang, D., Cheng, H., Lederer W.J., 2011, Quarky calcium release in the heart, Circ Res , 108, 210-218.
29. Fang, H., Chen, M., Ding, Y., Shang, W., Xu, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, W., Li, K., Xiao, Y., Gao, F., Shang, S., Li, J., Tian, X., Wang, S., Zhou, J., Weisleder, N., Ma,J., Ouyang, K., Chen, J., Wang, X., Zheng, M., Wang, W., Zhang, X., Cheng, H., 2011, Imaging superoxide flash and metabolism-coupled mitochondrial permeability transition in living animals, Cell Res, 21, 1295-1304.
30. Han, P., Cai, W., Wang, Y., Lam, C., Arvanitis, D., Singh, V.P., Chen, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, R., Cheng, H., Kranias, E.G., 2011, Catecholaminergic-induced arrhythmias in failing cardiomyocytes associated with human HRCS96A variant overexpression, Am J Physiol-Heart C, 301, H1588-1595.
31. Huang, Z., Zhang, W., Fang, H., Zheng, M., Wang, X., Xu, J., Cheng, H., Gong, G., Wang, W., Dirksen, R.T., Sheu, S., 2011, Response to "A critical evaluation of cpYFP as a probe for superoxide", Free Radical Bio Med, 51, 1937-1940.
32. Lin, N., Badie, N., Yu, L., Abraham, D., Cheng, H., Bursac, N., Rockman, H.A., Wolf, M.J., 2011, A method to measure myocardial calcium handling in adult Drosophila, Circ Res, 108, 1306-1315.
33. Ma, Q., Fang, H., Shang, W., Liu, L., Xu, Z., Ye, T., Wang, X., Zheng, M., Chen, Q., Cheng, H.,2011, Superoxide flashes: early mitochondrial signals for oxidative stress-induced apoptosis, J Biol Chem, 286, 27573-27581.
34. Zhang, X., Zhang, R., Raab, S., Zheng, W., Wang, J., Liu, N., Zhu, T., Xue, L., Song, Z., Mao, J., Li, K., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Han, C., Ding, Y., Wang, H., Hou, N., Liu, Y., Shang, S., Li, C., Sebokova, E., Cheng, H., Huang, P., 2011, Rhesus macaques develop metabolic syndrome with reversible vascular dysfunction responsive to pioglitazone, Circulation, 124, 77-86.
35. Zhou, Q., Xiao, J., Jiang, D., Wang, R., Vembaiyan, K., Wang, A., Smith, C.D., Xie, C., Chen, W., Zhang, J., Tian, X., Jones, P., Zhong, X., Guo, A., Chen, H., Zhang, L., Zhu, W., Yang, D., Li, X., Chen, J., Gillis, A.M., Duff, H.J., Cheng, H., Feldman, A.M., Song, L., Fill, M., Back, T.G., Chen, S.R., 2011, Carvedilol and its new analogs suppress arrhythmogenic store overload-induced Ca2+ release, Nat Med, 17, 1003-1009.
36. Wang, X. H.,Jian, C. S.,,Zhang, X., Huang, Z. L., Xu, J. J,. Hou, T. T., Shang, W., Ding, Y. Zhang, W. R. Ouyang, M. Wang, Y. F., Yang, Z., Zheng M., Cheng,H., 2012, Superoxide flashes: Elemental events of mitochondrial ROS signaling in the heart. J Mol Cell Cardiol 52,940-948. 37. Li,K.,
37. Zhang, W. R., Fang, H. Q., Xie, W. J., Liu, J. Zheng, M. Wang, X. H., Wang, W., Tan, W. C., Cheng, H. 2012, Superoxide Flashes Reveal Novel Properties of Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Excitability in Cardiomyocytes. Biophysical J,102, 1011-1021.

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