

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-13

汪阳明 教授
E-mail: yangming.wang@pku.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京大学分子医学研究所 100871
汪阳明教授于2000年本科毕业于北京大学生物技术系, 获理学学士学位,2006年获美国伊利诺斯大学(Urbana-Champaign)生物化学专业博士学位。2006-2010年在加州大学(San Francisco)从事博士后研究,现任北京大学分子医学研究所全职教授。
主要学术业绩:主要从事非编码小核酸在胚胎干细胞中功能的研究。建立microRNA 全敲除小鼠胚胎干细胞,率先证明了microRNA 作为一个群体对于胚胎干细胞增殖与分化具有重要功能,从而为这个领域的进一步研究指明了方向。 随后,利用这些microRNA 敲除小鼠胚胎干细胞,发展了一套筛选microRNA功能的新方法, 并发现了调控胚胎干细胞的增殖与细胞周期的重要microRNA 簇。 这个发现直接启发了其它与此microRNA簇相关的功能的研究, 包括它们对胚胎干细胞全能性以及体细胞重编程成为诱导多能干细胞过程中的作用。Steven Dalton在Cell Stem Cell撰文认为我的研究揭示了胚胎干细胞周期调控的全新一页。 另外,利用高通量测序技术和生物信息学,在小鼠胚胎干细胞中发现并定量测定了若干以前不为人所知的小核酸,为进一步研究它们的功能和生物合成奠定了基础。此期间在Nature Genetics上发表第一作者论文两篇, Genes and Development 上发表署名作者论文一篇。被邀请为Cancer Research撰写综述,并参与编写专著一部。
主要研究方向: 利用分子生物学, 细胞生物学,以及动物模型来研究非编码核酸在干细胞的自我更新与分化过程中的功能及其作用机理。
29.#Wang, X.W., #Hu, L.F., Hao, J., Liao, L.Q., Chiu, Y.T., Shi, M.and *Wang Y. (2019) A microRNA-inducible CRISPR-Cas9 platform serves as a microRNA sensor and cell-type-specific genome regulation tool. Nature Cell Biology 21, 522-530.
28. #Li, Y.P., #Duan, F.F., Zhao, Y.T., Gu, K.L., Liao, L.Q., Su, H.B., Hao, J., Zhang, K., Yang, N. and *Wang Y. (2019) A TRIM71 binding long noncoding RNA Trincr1 represses FGF/ERK signaling in embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications 10, 1368.
27. Guo, W.T. and *Wang Y. (2019) Dgcr8 knockout approaches to understand microRNA functions in vitro and in vivo. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences doi: 10.1007/s00018-019-03020-9.
26. Wu, D.R., Gu, K.L., Yu, J.C., Fu, X., Wang, X.W., Guo, W.T., Liao, L.Q., Zhu, H., Zhang, X.S., *Hui J and *Wang Y. (2018) Opposing roles of miR-294 and MBNL1/2 in shaping the gene regulatory network of embryonic stem cells. EMBO Reports 19, e45657.
25. Bao, X., Guo, X., Yin, M., Tariq, M., Lai, Y., Kanwal, S., Zhou, J., Li, N., Lv, Y., Pulido-Quetglas, C., Wang, X., Ji, L., Khan, M.J., Zhu, X., Luo, Z., Shao, C., Lim, D.H., Liu, X., Li, N., Wang, W., He, M., Liu, Y.L., Ward, C., Wang, T., Zhang, G., Wang, D., Yang, J., Chen, Y., Zhang, C., Jauch, R., Yang, Y.G., Wang, Y., Qin, B., Anko, M.L., Hutchins, A.P., Sun, H., Wang, H., Fu, X.D., Zhang, B., Esteban, M.A. (2018) Capturing the interactome of newly transcribed RNA. Nature Methods 15,213-220.
24. Chen, X., Wang, L., Huang, R., Qiu, H., Wang, P., Wu, D., Zhu, Y., Ming, J., Wang, Y., Wang, J. and *Na, J. (2018) Dgcr8 deletion in the primitive heart uncovered novel microRNA regulating the balance of cardiac-vascular gene program. Protein & Cell doi: 10.1007/s13238-018-0572-1.
23. Jiang, L., Shao, C., Wu, Q.J., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Yang, B., Li, H., Gou, L.T., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Yeo, G.W., Zhou, Y., Fu, X.D. (2017) NEAT1 scaffolds RNA-binding proteins and the Microprocessor to globally enhance pri-miRNA processing. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 24,816-824.
22. Wang, X.W., Hao, J., Guo, W.T., Liao, L.Q., Huang, S., Guo, X., Bao, X., Esteban, M.A. and *Wang, Y. (2017) DGCR8-independent stable microRNA expression strategy reveals important functions of miR-290 and miR-183~182 families in mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Reports 9,1618-1629.
21. Wei, W., Liu, Y., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Zhang, X. and *Zhang H. (2017) Danshen-Enhanced Cardioprotective Effect of Cardioplegia on Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in a Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Model. Artificial Organs 41:452-460.
20.#Gu, K.L., #Zhang, Q., #Yan, Y., #Li, T.T., Duan, F.F., Hao, J., Wang, X.W., Shi, M., Wu, D.R., Guo, W.T., *Wang, Y. (2016) Pluripotency Associated miR-290/302 Family of microRNAs Promote the Dismantling of Naive Pluripotency. Cell Research 26, 350-366.
19.#Cao, Y., #Guo, W.T., Tian, S., He, X., Wang, X.W., Liu, X., Gu, K.L., Ma, X., Huang, D., Cai, Y.P., Zhang, H., *Wang, Y. and *Gao, P. (2015) miR-290/371-Mbd2-Myc Circuit Regulates Glycolytic Metabolism to Promote Pluripotency. EMBO Journal 34, 609-623.
18.#Yan, Y., #Yang, X., Li, T.T., Gu, K.L., Hao, J., Zhang, Q., *Wang, Y. (2017) Significant Differences of Function and Expression of microRNAs between Ground State and Serum-Cultured Pluripotent Stem Cells. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 44,179-189.
17. Guo, W.T., Wang, X.W., Yan, Y.L., Li, Y.P., Yin, X., Zhang, Q., Melton, C., Shenoy, A., Reyes, N.A., Oakes, S.A., *Blelloch, R. and *Wang Y. (2015) Suppression of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Apoptotic Pathways by miR-294/302 Synergistically Blocks let-7-induced Silencing of Self-renewal in Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Death and Differentiation 22, 1158-1169.
16. #Ma, Y., #Yao, N., #Liu, G., Dong, L., Wang, F., Wang, B., Dong, H., Wei, X., Zhang, M., Ji, S., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Wang Y, *Huang Y. and *Yu J. (2015) Functional Screen Reveals Essential Roles of miR-27a/24 in Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells. EMBO Journal 34, 361-378.
15. *#Wang, Y., #Melton, C., Li, Y.P., Shenoy, A., Zhang, X.X., Subramanyam, D. and *Blelloch, R. (2013) miR-294/miR-302 Promotes Proliferation, Suppresses G1-S Restriction Point, and Inhibits ESC Differentiation through Separable Mechanisms. Cell Reports 4, 99-109.
14. Wang, Y., Baskerville, S., Shenoy, A., Babiarz, J.E., Baehner, L. and *Blelloch, R. (2008) Embryonic Stem Cell Specific microRNAs Regulate the G1/S Transition and Promote Rapid Proliferation. Nature Genetics 40, 1478-1483. (Highlighted in Nature Reports Stem Cells ; in News and Views in Nature Genetics , 2008, 40, 1391-1392; and in Cell Stem Cell , 2009, 4, 9-10)
13. Babiarz, J.E., Ruby, J.G., Wang, Y., *Bartel, D.P. and *Blelloch, R. (2008) Endogenous shRNAs, siRNAs, and Other Microprocessor-independent, Dicer-dependent Small RNAs in Mouse ES cells. Genes & Development 22, 2773-2785.
12. Wang, Y., Medvid, R., Melton, C., Jaenisch, R. and *Blelloch, R. (2007) DGCR8 is Essential for microRNA Biogenesis and Silencing of Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal. Nature Genetics 39, 380-385.
11. Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2006) Experimental Tests of Two Proofreading Mechanisms for 5′-Splice Site Selection. ACS Chemical Biology 1, 316-324.
10. Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2006) Efficient RNA 5'-Adenylation By T4 DNA Ligase to Facilitate Practical Applications. RNA 12, 1142-1146.
9. Zelin, E., Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2006) Adenosine is Inherently Favored as the Branch-Site RNA Nucleotide in a Structural Context that Resembles Natural RNA Splicing. Biochemistry 45, 2767-2771.
8. Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2006) A General Two-Step Strategy To Synthesize Lariat RNAs. RNA 12, 313-321.
7. Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2005) Efficient One-Step Synthesis of Biologically Related Lariat RNAs by a Deoxyribozyme. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44, 5863-5866. (Highlighted in Nature Chemical Biology, 2005, 1, 195)
6. Pratico, E.D., Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2005) A Deoxyribozyme That Synthesizes 2’,5’-Branched RNA With Any Branch-Site Nucleotide. Nucleic Acids Research 33, 3503-3512.
5. Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2005) Directing the Outcome of Deoxyribozyme Selections to Favor Native 3'-5' RNA Ligation. Biochemistry 44, 3017-3023.
4. Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2003) Characterization of Deoxyribozymes that Synthesize Branched RNA. Biochemistry 42, 15252-15263.
3. Wang, Y. and *Silverman, S.K. (2003) Deoxyribozymes that Synthesize Branched and Lariat RNA. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125, 6880-6881.
2. Flynn-Charlebois, A., Wang, Y., Prior, T.K., Rashid, I., Hoadley, K.A., Coppins, R.L., Wolf, A.C. and *Silverman, S.K. (2003) Deoxyribozymes with 2'-5' RNA Ligase Activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125, 2444-2454.
1. Zhen, W., Wang, Y., Ding, W., Chen, X., Hu, Y. and *Lin, Z. (2001) Cre/loxP-mediated Deletion of Transgene in Transgenic Tobacco. Journal (natural sciences) of Peking University 37, 477-482.
5. Hao, J., Duan, F.F. and *Wang, Y. (2017) MicroRNAs and RNA binding protein regulators of microRNAs in the control of pluripotency and reprogramming. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 46, 95-103.
4. Li, Y.P. and *Wang, Y. (2015) Large Noncoding RNAs are Promising Regulators in Embryonic Stem Cells. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 42, 99-105.
3. Guo, W.T., Wang, X.W. and *Wang, Y. (2014) Micro-management of Pluripotent Stem Cells. Protein & Cell 5, 36-47.
2. Wang, Y. and *Blelloch, R. (2011) Cell Cycle Regulation by microRNAs in Stem Cells. Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation 53, 459-472.
1. Wang, Y. and *Blelloch, R. (2009) Cell Cycle Regulation by microRNAs in Embryonic Stem Cells. Cancer Research 69, 4093-4096.

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