

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-12


2014-北京大学光华管理学院 教授2009-2014北京大学光华管理学院 副教授2006-2009清华大学经济管理学院 助理教授2005-2006清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心 研究员
In Peer Reviewed English Journals 
International Business and International Economics
31. Minghua Li, Lin Cui and Jiangyong Lu, (2015), Marketized State Ownership and Foreign Expansion of Emerging Market Multinationals: Leveraging Institutional Competitive Advantages, Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (Forthcoming).
30. Liu, Xiaohui, Lan Gao, Jiangyong Lu, and Eleni Lioliou, (2015). “Environmental risks, localization and the international performance of firms from an emerging economy”, Journal of World Business, (Forthcoming).
29. Xiaohui Liu, Lan Gao, Jiangyong Lu, and Eleni Lioliou (2015), “Does learning at home and from abroad boost the foreign subsidiary performance of emerging economy multinational enterprises”, International Business Review, (Forthcoming).
28. Lu, Jiangyong, Yi Lu, and Zhigang Tao, (2014). “Pure Exporters: Theory and Evidence”, World Economy, 37 (9), 1219-1236.
27. Li, Minghua, Lin Cui, and Jiangyong Lu, (2014), “Varieties in state capitalism: Outward FDI strategies of central and local state owned enterprises from emerging economy countries”, Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (8), 980-1004.
26. Lu, Jiangyong, Xiaohui Liu, Mike Wright, and Igor Filatotchev, (2014), “International experience and FDI location choices of Chinese firms: The moderating effects of home country government support and host country institutions”, Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (4), 428-449.
25. Lu, Jiangyong, Xiaohui Liu, Mike Wright, and Igor Filatotchev, (2014), “The impact of domestic diversification and top management teams on international diversification of Chinese firms”, International Business Review, 23 (2), 455-467.
24. Wei, Yingqi, Nan Zheng, Xiaohui Liu, and Jiangyong Lu, (2014), “Expanding to Outward Foreign Direct Investment or not? A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Entry Mode Transformation of Chinese Private Exporting Firms”. International Business Review, 23 (2), 356-370.
23. Liu, Xiaohui, Jiangyong Lu, and Amon Chizema, (2014). “Top Executive Compensation, Subnational Institutions and China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment”, Journal of World Business, 49(1) 143-155.
22. Ju, Min, Kevin Zhou, Yong Gao, and Jiangyong Lu, (2013), “Technological Capability Growth and Performance Outcome: Foreign versus Local Firms in China”, Journal of International Marketing, 21(2), 1-16.
21. Lu, Jiangyong, Xiaohui Liu, and Hongling Wang, (2011), “Motives for Outward FDI of Chinese Private Firms: Firm Resources, Industry Dynamics, and Government Policies”, Management and Organization Review,7(2): 223–248.
20. Lu, Jiangyong, Yi Lu, and Zhigang Tao, (2010), “Exporting Behavior of Foreign Affiliates: Theory and Evidence”, Journal of International Economics, 81 (3), 197-205.
19. Gao, Gerald Yong, Janet Murray, Masaaki Kotabe, and Jiangyong Lu, (2010), “A 'Strategy Tripod' Perspective on Export Behaviors: Evidence from Firms Based in an Emerging Economy”, Journal of International Business Studies, 41, 3, 377-396.
18. Bai, Chong-En, Jiangyong Lu, and Zhigang Tao, (2010), Capital or Knowhow: The Role of Foreign Multinationals in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures. China Economic Review.21, 4, 629-638.
Strategic Entrepreneurship and International Entrepreneurship
17. Zhao, Hongxin and Jiangyong Lu, (2016), “Contingent value of entrepreneurs’ political capital in resource acquisition: subnational institutional and corporate governance”, Journal of Business Venturing, (Forthcoming).
16. Daomi Lin, Jiangyong Lu, Xiaohui Liu, and Xiru Zhang, (2016), “International knowledge brokerage and returnees’ entrepreneurial decisions”, Journal of International Business Studies, (Forthcoming).
15. Liu, Xiaohui, Lan Gao, Jiangyong Lu, and Yingqi Wei, (2015), “The role of highly skilled migrants in the process of inter-firm knowledge transfer across borders”, Journal of World Business, 50, 56-68.
14. Choi, Seong-jin, Nan Jia, and Jiangyong Lu, (2015), “Political Institutions and the Effectiveness of Corporate Political Activities”, Organization Science, 26 (1), 158-179.
13. Amon Chizema, Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, and Lan Gao (2015), “Politically Connected Boards and Top Executive Pay in Chinese Listed Firms”, Strategic Management Journal, 36(6), 890-906.
12. Daomi Lin, Jiangyong Lu, Peter Li, and Xiaohui Liu, (2015), “Balancing Formality and Informality in Business Exchanges as a Yin-Yang Duality: A comparative Case Study of Returnee and Local Entrepreneurs in China”, Management and Organization Review, 11(2), 315-342.
11. Liu, Xiaohui, Jiangyong Lu, and Seong-jin Choi, (2014). Bridging knowledge gaps: returnees and reverse knowledge spillovers from Chinese local firms to foreign firms. Management International Review. 54: 253-276.
10. Lin, Daomi, Jiangyong Lu, Xiaohui Liu, and Seong-jin Choi. (2014). The Impact of Returnee leaders on Innovation in Chinese High-tech Firms. International Journal of Technology and Management. 54 (2): 151-171.
9. Choi, Seong-jin and Jiangyong Lu, (2013), Returnee faculty members, network position and diversification strategy: An analysis of business schools in China, Asia Pacific Business Review, 19 (4), 559-577.
8. Filatotchev , Igor, Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, and Mike Wright, (2011), Knowledge Spillovers Through Human Mobility Across National Borders: Evidence from Zhongguancun Science Park in China, Research Policy, 40 (3), 453-462.
7. Liu, Xiaohui, Jiangyong Lu, Igor Filatotchev, Trevor Buck, and Mike Wright, (2010), Returnee Entrepreneurs, Knowledge Spillovers and Innovation in High-Tech Firms in Emerging Economies, Journal of International Business Studies,41(7), 1183-1197.
6. Liu, Xiaohui, Mike Wright, Igor Filatotchev, Dai O, and Jiangyong Lu, (2010), Human mobility and International Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from High-tech Small and Medium Enterprises in an Emerging Market, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 4(4), p.340-355.
5. Lu, Jiangyong and Zhigang Tao, (2010), “Determinants of Entrepreneurial Activities in China”, Journal of Business Venturing, 25, 261-273.
Economy Reform in China
4. Wenlong He, Chong Liu, Jiangyong Lu, and Jiang Cao (2015), “Impacts of ISO 14001 Adoption on Firm Performance: Evidence from China”, China Economic Review, 32, 43-56.
3. Yu, Linhui, Jiangyong Lu, and Pinliang Luo, (2013), “The Evolution of Price Dispersion in China’s Passenger Car Markets”, World Economy, 36(7), 947-965.
2. Lu, Jiangyong, (2010), “Agglomeration of Economic Activities in China: Evidence from Establishment Censuses”. Regional Studies, 44, 3, 281 – 297.
1. Lu, Jiangyong, Zhigang Tao, and Zhi Yang, (2010), “The costs and benefits of government control: Evidence from collectively-owned enterprises”, China Economic Review, 21, 2, 282-292.
6. 冯米、张曦如、路江涌(2014),“战略—结构匹配对企业绩效影响的实证研究”, 《南开管理评论》,第6期。
5.  路江涌、何文龙、王铁民、刘颖(2014)“外部压力、自我认知与企业标准化环境管理体系”,《经济科学》,第1期。
4. 余林徽、陆毅、路江涌(2013),“解构经济制度对我国企业生产效率的影响”,《经济学》(季刊),11卷第1期,127-150页。
3. 路江涌、余林徽、陆毅、(2012),“外方总经理对企业盈利能力影响的实证研究”,《南开管理评论》,第5期, 64-73页。
2. 宗芳宇、路江涌、武常岐(2012),“双边投资协定、制度环境和企业对外直接投资区位选择”,《经济研究》,第6期,71-81页。
1. 冯米、路江涌、林道谧(2012),“战略与结构匹配的影响因素——以我国台湾地区企业集团为例” , 《管理世界》,第2期,1-10页。
3. 金寅镐、路江涌、武亚军,《动态企业战略——最佳商业范式的发现和实现》,北京大学出版社,2013年。
2. 王辉耀、路江涌,《中国海归创业发展蓝皮书(2012)》,社会科学文献出版社,2012年。
1. 王辉耀、路江涌,《海归创业企业与本土民营企业对接合作与对比研究报告》,北京大学出版社,2011年。 

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