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教育背景 2016年12月–现在:北京交通大学交通运输学院,教授、博导




研究方向 交通运输工程(专业学位)

招生专业 交通运输工程硕士

科研项目 主持项目

基于公交与轨道客流转移特征的两网融合技术研究与示范应用. 北京市科技计划项目. 主持. 2019-2021. 280万.
大规模网联车辆协同服务平台 - 全场景生态驾驶行为快速评估及优化. 2018YFB**. 国家重点研发计划任务级子课题. 主持. 2019.1-2021.12. 98万.
CAV条件下道路交通拥堵和排放的仿真评估方法的改进研究. 国家自然科学基金**. 主持. 2019.1-2022.12. 59万.
基于大数据的交通拥堵与大气污染关系规律研究及决策工具开发项目. 北京市交通委员会. 主持. 2017.9-2018.12. 95万.
面向排放的基于行驶轨迹的交通仿真模型优化. 国家自然科学基金**. 主持. 2016年1月-2019年12月, 70.8万.
成渝城市群交通模型研究. 国家发展和改革委员会综合运输研究所. 主持. 2015年10月-2016年12月,15万.
大数据驱动的交通管理研究. SAP AG(德国)国际合作项目. 主持. 2015-2015. 40万.
北京市路网拥堵时空分布特征分析研究. 北京交通发展研究中心. 主持. 2015-2016. 20万.
北京市交通拥堵动态变化规律研究. 北京交通发展研究中心. 主持. 2014-2015. 20万.
北京市节假日交通运行规律特征研究. 北京交通发展研究中心. 主持. 2014-2015. 10万.
北京市低排放区政策研究. 北京市机动车排放管理中心. 主持. 2014-2015. 13.9万.
北京高校“青年英才计划”项目. 北京市教育委员会. 主持. 2014年– 2016年. 15万.
桥梁积水和大型事故对交通拥堵的影响规律分析. 北京市科学技术委员会. 主持. 2013年3月 – 2013年12月. 40万.
面向油耗排放量化的交通流动态特性表征理论与模型. 国家自然科学基金**. 主持. 2013年1月-2015年12月, 26万。
基于多源数据的出行时变特征分析与交通运行监测评价. 科技部863计划子课题2011AA110302-04, 主持. 2012年1月-2013年12月, 48万。
基于VSP分布的交通仿真与机动车能耗排放模型耦合理论与算法. 教育部博士点基金013. 主持. 2012年1月-2014年12月。
北京交通大学“红果园‘双百’人才培育计划”-D类. 主持. 2011年6月-2014年5月, 15万。
科技支撑交通缓解拥堵的关键问题研究——交通节能减排数据采集与测试. 北京市科学技术委员会. 主持. 2011年6月 – 2011年10月. 12万.
北京交通需求管理 - 城市交通减排项目(过度短距离小汽车出行项目). 德国国际合作组织. 主持. 2011年10月 - 2012年1月. 18万.
国家道路路网交通排放模型建立与数据开发,环境保护部. 主持,2011年5月-2011年12月,20万。
面向节能减排评价的交通流特性表征理论基础研究,北京交通大学基本科研业务费. 主持. 2011年1月-2012年12月,5.0万;
北京市道路交通节能减排模型车型分类研究,北京交通发展研究中心. 主持. 2010年5月-2011年3月,20.0万;
面向交通规划环境影响评价的油耗与排放量化理论与模型. 河北省交通安全与控制重点实验室项目. 2010年1月-2011年6月,2.5万;

基于交通与环境数据共享的区域交通排放监测及预测技术. 科技部“863”计划课题2014AA110301. 77万. 主持: 于雷.
北京市交通排放分布规律研究整体构架设计与技术难点研究项目. 北京市交通行业节能减排中心. 主持: 于雷. 2013年3月 – 2013年12月. 110万.

教学工作 《交通流理论》
《主要实验室前沿讲座 - 城市道路交通运行条件下汽车尾气实验分析》
《科技专题案例 - 交通仿真与能耗排放模型的耦合研究》

论文/期刊 发表期刊论文

Zang, J., Song, G.*, Wu, Y., Yu, L. Method for Evaluating Eco-Driving Behaviors Based on Vehicle Specific Power Distributions. Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2019. (Accepted)
Zhang, Z., Song, G.*, Zhai, Z., Li, C., Wu, Y. How Many Trajectories Are Needed to Develop Facility- and Speed-Specific Vehicle-Specific Power Distributions for Emission Estimation? Case Study in Beijing
Wang, J., Song, G.*, Yu, L., Lu, H., Sun, J., Cheng, Y., He, W. Macroscopic Relationship between Traffic Condition and Fuel Consumption for an Urban Road Network: Case Study of Beijing. Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2019. (Accepted)
Li, Z., Song, G.*, Yu, X., Yu, L., He, W. Developing Operating Mode Distributions from Sparse Trajectories for Emission Estimation. Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2019. (Accepted)
Lu, H., Song, G.*, Yu, L. The “Acceleration Cliff”: An Investigation of the Possible Error Source of the VSP Distributions Generated by Wiedemann Car-following Model. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 65, December 2018, Pages 161-177.
Zhai, Z. Song, G.*, Yu, L. How Much Vehicle Activity Data is Needed to Develop Robust Vehicle Specific Power Distributions for Emissions Estimations? Case Study in Beijing. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 65, December 2018, Pages 540-550.
Zhang, J., Song, G.*, D. Gong, Y. Gao, L. Yu, and J, Guo. Analysis of rainfall effects on road travel speed in Beijing, China. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. Vol. 12, Issue 2, March 2018, p. 93 –102
Zhang, J., Song, G.*, L. Yu, J, Guo, and H. Lu. Identification and Characteristics Analysis of Bottlenecks on Urban Expressways based on Floating Car Data. Journal of Central South University. Vol. 25, Issue 8, August, 2018. p. 2014-2024
Z. Zhai, Song, G.*, H. Lu, W. He, L. Yu. Validation of Temporal and Spatial Consistency of Facility- and Speed-specific VSP Distribution for Emission Estimation: A Case Study in Beijing. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. Volume 67, 2017 - Issue 9, Pages 949-957, 2017. doi: 10.1080/**.2017.**.
Fei, W., Song, G.*, Zhang, F., Gao, Y., Lei, Y. Practical approach to determining traffic congestion propagation boundary due to traffic incidents. Journal of Central South University. February 2017, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp 413–422.
Fei, W., Song, G.*, Zang, J., Gao, Y., Sun, J., Lei, Y. Framework model for time-variant propagation speed and congestion boundary by incident on expressways. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2017, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 10-17. doi: 10.1049/iet-its.2015.0222.
Song, G.*, L. Yu, and Y. Wu. Development of Speed Correction Factors based on Speed-Specific VSP Distributions for Urban Restricted Access Roadways. Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Volume 142, Issue 3, 2016, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.**. (SCI)
Song, G.*, Zhang, F., Liu, J., Yu, L., Gao, Y., Yu, Lei. Floating car data-based method for detecting flooding incident under grade separation bridges in Beijing. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2015, Volume 9, Issue 8, pp.817-823. (SCI)
Song, G.*, X. Zhou, and L. Yu. Delay correction model for estimating bus emissions at signalized intersections based on vehicle specific power distributions. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 514, 1 May 2015, Pages 108–118. (SCI)
M. Li, G. Song, Y. Cheng and L. Yu. Identification of Prior Factors Influencing the Mode Choice of Short Distance Travel. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Accepted. (SCI)
Song, G., L. Yu, and Z. Geng. Optimization of Wiedemann and Fritzsche Car-Following Models for Emission Estimation. Transportation Research Part D, 2015, 34, pp.318-329.
Wu, Y., Song, G.*, L. Yu, and L. Xu. Sensitive analysis of emission rates in MOVES for developing site-specific emission database. Transportation Research Part D. 2014, 32: 193-206.
Song, G., L. Yu, and L. Xu. Comparative Analysis of Car-following Models for Emission Estimation. Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013, Vol. 2341, pp.12-22. (SCI)
Song, G. and L. Yu.Applicability of Traffic Micro-Simulation Models in Vehicle EmissionEstimations: A Case Study of VISSIM. in Transportation Research Record (TRR),Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2012, Vol. 2270, pp. 132-141. (SCI)
Song, G. and L. Yu. Distribution Characteristics of VehicleSpecific Power on Urban Restricted Access Roadways [J]. Journal ofTransportation Engineering, ASCE, 2012, vol. 138 (2), pp. 202-209. (SCI)
Song, G and L. Yu.Characteristics of Low-Speed VSP Distributions on Urban RestrictedAccess Roadways in Beijing [J].Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of the TransportationResearch Board, Vol. 2233, Washington, DC, 2011, pp90-98. (SCI)
Lai, J., G. Song, L. Yu, and Y. Hao. Comparative Analysis of ThreeApproaches for Developing Inventory of Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Case Study forBeijing [J]. Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of theTransportation Research Board, vol. 2252, Washington, DC, 2011, pp 144-151. (SCI)
Song, G. and L. Yu. Estimation of Fuel Efficiency of Road Trafficby Characterization of Vehicle-Specific Power and Speed Based on Floating CarData [J]. In Transportation Research Record:Journal of Transportation Research Board series 2139, Transportation ResearchBoard of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2009, pp.11-20. (SCI)
Song G., and L. Yu. AggregateFuel Consumption Model of Light-Duty Vehicles for Evaluating Effectiveness ofTraffic Management Strategies on Fuels [J].Journal of Transportation Engineering.ASCE, 2009, 135 (9) pp. 611-618. (SCI)
Song, G., L. Yu, and X.Zhang. Emission Analysis at Toll StationArea in Beijing with Portable Emission Measurement System [J]. In Transportation Research Record: Journal ofTransportation Research Board series, No. 2058, Transportation Research Boardof the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2008, pp. 106-114. (SCI)
Lai J., L. Yu, G. Song, P. Guo, X. Chen. Developmentof City-Specific Driving Cycles for Transit Buses Based-on VSP Distributions -A Case of Beijing. Journal of Transportation Engineering - ASCE. July 2013. 139(7), 749–757. (SCI)
Wu Y., L. Yu, G. Song, L. Xu. Feasibility Studyof Fuel Consumption Prediction Model by Integrating Vehicle-Specific Power andController Area Network Bus Technology. Transportation Research Record: Journalof the Transportation Research Board, vol. 2341, 2013, pp 66-75.(SCI)
Lin ZHU, Lei YU, Guo-Hua SONG, Jian-Ping SUN. Perception-based Comparative Study of VHT-Weighted vs. VKT-Weighted Measurements of Corridor Traffic Congestions. AISS: Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 1022 ~ 1030, 2013. (EI)
Chen, X., L. Yu, G. Song, and C. Xian. Comparative Study of Emissions from Bus RapidTransit and Conventional Bus System: A Case Study of Beijing. 91stTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting and accepted for Publication inTransportation Research Record, Washington, DC, Jan 2012. (SCI)
Xu Y., L. Yu, and G. Song. Improved Vehicle Specific Power Bins forLight-Duty Vehicles for Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Beijing. InTransportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol.2191, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC,2010, pp. 158-165. (SCI)
Yu, L., M. Liu, Q. Shi, and G. Song. Macroscopic CongestionIntensity Measurement Model Based on Cumulative Logistic Regression. The Open Transportation Journal, SpecialIssue on “Traffic Safety and Driving Behavior Studies, http://bentham.org/open/totj/ , ISSN: 1874-4478, April 2010.
葛梦雪, 宋国华, 王芃森, 侯杰, 闫小勇. 基于手机应用软件测算OD数据的区域交通需求预测. 公路交通科. 2019, (5): 152-158. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2019.05.021
陈娇杨, 宋国华, 于雷. 面向城市群交通规划的道路碳排测算与分析方法. 公路交通科技. 2018, 35 (2), pp. 122-128.
唐艺, 尹航, 黄志辉, 于雷, 宋国华. CVEM排放模型在综合交通规划中的应用——以成渝城市群为例. 交通运输研究. 2018, 4, pp. 31-40.
靳秋思, 宋国华, 叶蒙蒙, 刘娟, 于雷. 面向节能减排的交叉口驾驶轨迹优化研究[J].安全与环境工程. 2015, 22(3):75-82.
龚大鹏,宋国华,黎明,高永,于雷. 降雨对城市道路行程速度的影响. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2015(1):218-225.
靳秋思,宋国华,何巍楠,刘娟,于雷. 机动车道路扬尘与PM直接排放的测算与分析[J]. 交通信息与安全.2014,32(6):53-58.
宋国华, 鲁洪语. 完善城市交通管理, 减少道路大气污染. 环境保护. 2014, Vol. 42 No. 24, pp. 31-35.
岳园圆, 于雷, 朱琳, 宋国华, 陈旭梅. 基于速度里程分布的快速路宏观交通状态评价模型[J].交通运输系统工程与信息.2014, 14(4): 85-92.
费文鹏,宋国华,于雷. 车辆跟驰模型的VSP和加速度分布对比分析[J]. 系统仿真学报. 2014,26(11):2757-2764.
黎明,宋国华,程颖,何巍楠. 城市过量短距离小汽车出行研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报.2014,38(3):15-21.
张晓燕,宋国华,朱琳,何巍楠,孙建平,于雷. 基于FCD的城市路网常发性拥堵路段识别方法研究[J]. 交通信息与安全,2014,32(1):5-15.
岳园园, 宋国华, 黄冠涛, 于雷. MOVES在微观层次交通排放评价中的应用研究. 交通信息与安全. 2013. 2013,第31(6):47-53.
周溪溪, 宋国华, 于雷. 面向排放量化的低速区间机动车比功率分布特性与模型. 环境科学学报. 2014,34(2):336-344.
黎明, 宋国华, 于雷, 张嫣红. 基于VISSIM的道路交通能耗排放评价可行性分析. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2013,13(5):56-63.
刘军, 宋国华, 赵琦, 高永. 桥下积水导致城市道路拥堵点段识别方法研究. 交通信息与安全. 2013,31(3):43-48..
朱琳, 宋国华, 于雷. 基于公众出行感知调研与测算的交通状态实时评价指标[J]. 北京工业大学学报. 2013, 2013(10):1526-1531.
周溪溪, 宋国华, 于雷. 基于VISSIM的SYNCHRO干道信号协调优化方案选取研究. 交通信息与安全. 2013,31(3):20-27.
徐龙, 宋国华, 于雷, 刘莹. 基于VSP分布的车辆跟驰模型的油耗测算对比研究. 公路交通科技. 2013, 30 (6), 136-142.
耿中波, 宋国华, 赵琦, 高永, 万涛, 辛然. 基于VISSIM的首都机场出租车上客方案比选研究. 中国民航大学学报. 2013,31(6):55-59..
高艺, 于雷, 宋国华, 胥耀方, 郝艳召. 交通排放量化模型的建立与仿真实现. 系统仿真学报,2012, Vol. 24 (4), pp. 887-892 .
朱琳, 于雷, 宋国华. 基于MFD的路网宏观交通状态及影响因素研究[J]. 华南理工大学学报. 2012, 40(11): 138-146.
余艳春, 虞明远, 宋国华, 高艺, 赖瑾璇. 我国公路运输温室气体排放清单研究. 交通节能与环保. 2012 (3), pp.16-22.
王宏图, 于雷, 郝艳召, 宋国华, 郭芸. 重型机动车比功率计算方法研究. 安全与环境工程. 2011, 18 (3), pp.124-128.
朱琳, 于雷, 宋国华. 基于浮动车数据的交通拥堵时间维度特征[J]. 北京交通大学学报(自然科学版). 2011, 35(6): 7-12.
徐龙, 于雷, 虞明远, 宋国华. 美国移动源排放测算机制与方法. 公路交通科技. 2011, 28 (08), pp.154-158.
程颖 ,于雷, 王宏图, 郝艳召, 宋国华. 基于PEMS的MOBILE与COPERT排放模型对比研究. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2011, 11 (3), pp. 176-181.
宋国华, 刘娟娟. 面向道路交通能耗排放测算的行驶周期开发. 交通科技与经济. 2010, 61 (5), pp.113-116.
黄冠涛, 宋国华. 综合移动源排放模型——MOVES, 交通信息与安全, 2010, 28 (4): 49-53.
宋国华. 分道路类型的不同速度行驶工况开发方法. 交通标准化. 2010 (23), pp. 38-41.
宋国华, 于雷. 城市快速路上机动车比功率分布特性与模型[J], 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2010, 10 (6): 133-140.
宋国华,于雷,虞明远,余艳春. 我国道路运输应对气候变化的挑战与国外经验分析[J/OL]. 中国科技论文在线,2010年3月12日,http://www.paper.edu.cn/index.php/default/releasepaper/content/201003-345.
宋国华. 道路交通油耗与排放的微观测算模型综述[J], 交通节能与环保. 2010, (1): 32-35.
郭淑霞, 于雷, 宋国华, 郝艳召, 赵慧. 大型活动影响范围内尾气排放时空分布规律仿真研究 [J], 系统仿真学报. 2010,第22卷, 第1期:216-221..
胥耀方,于雷,宋国华,郝艳召 针对二氧化碳的轻型汽油车VSP区间划分. 环境科学学报,2010, 30 (7): 1358-1365。
郝艳召,于雷,宋国华,胥耀方,王宏图. 基于比功率参数的北京市柴油公交车行驶和排放特征研究. 汽车工程,2010, 32 (2), 16-21.
郝艳召,邵春福,于雷,宋国华,胥耀方. 交通路网中重型柴油车油耗和排放多层次分析. 交通运输系统工程与信息,2010, 10 (5): 123-129。
刘娟娟,于雷,宋国华,郝艳召. 不同排放标准下大型柴油客车实测排放因子和MOBILE6预测值对比分析.安全与环境工程,2009,第16卷,第6期:30-35.
Zhang Y., X. Chen, X. Zhang, G. Song, Y. Hao, and L. Yu. Assessing Effect of Traffic Signal Control Strategies on Vehicle Emissions. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2009: 150-155.
胥耀方, 于雷, 郝艳召, 宋国华. 机动车尾气排放宏观模型开发与应用初探. [J]交通运输系统工程与信息. 2009, 9 (2): 147-154.
Yu, L., Y. Xu, G. Song, Y. Hao, S. Guo, and Q. Shi. Development and Application of Macroscopic Emission Model for China. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2123. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2009, pp. 66-75. (SCI)
张滢滢, 陈旭梅, 张潇, 宋国华, 郝艳召, 于雷. 交通信号控制策略对机动车尾气排放影响的评价[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2009,第9卷,第1期:150-155.
王景楠,宋国华,王宏图,郝艳召. 基于PEMS技术的重型柴油客车排放实测与IVE模型预测对比分析[J]. 公路, 2009, 12期, pp. 90-95.
宋国华, 于雷, 王子千里. 用于道路交通燃油经济性评价的轻型车实用模型[J]. 汽车工程. 2008, 30 (6): 470-475.
宋国华, 于雷, 张潇. 基于PEMS技术的收费站尾气排放模型分析. 交通运输系统工程与信息[J]. 2008, 30 (6): 470-475.
Song, G., L. Yu, F. Mo, and X. Zhang. PEMS-Based Study on Real-world Emissions [J]. Automotive Engineering, 2007, 29 (10): 865-869.
宋国华, 于雷. 城市交通规划环境影响评价的方法与实践[J]. 安全与环境工程, 2007, 14 (3): 6-10.
于雷, 宋国华. 交通环境学科方向发展战略研究. //国家自然科学基金委员会, 建筑、环境与土木工程学科发展战略研究报告. 北京: 科学出版社, 2006: 347-369.
王健全, 于雷, 陈旭梅, 宋国华. 城市机动车尾气排放总量测算程序的设计与实现[J]. 安全与环境工程, 2008, 15(2): 47-49.
仇恒东, 于雷, 韩宝明, 宋国华. 机动车尾气控制策略效益综合评价指标体系. 环境保护科学, 2007, 33 (4) 91-93.
郝艳召, 于雷, 韩宝明, 宋国华. 交叉口机动车尾气污染扩散模型综述. 环境污染与防治, 2007, 30 (4): 103-105.
郭淑霞,于雷,宋国华. 重型柴油车实测排放因子和MOBILE6预测值的对比分析[J]. 安全与环境工程. 2007, 3: 17~21.
万涛, 于雷, 余柳, 宋国华. 北京市基础交通尾气数据库系统的开发及应用. 交通与计算机, 2006, 24(5): 28-30.
莫飞, 于雷, 宋国华. 车载尾气检测技术及相关研究现状[J]. 车辆与动力技术, 2006, 104 (4): 57-62.
张潇,于雷,宋国华. 基于PEMS技术的交叉口尾气排放特性分析. 安全与环境工程. 第13卷. 第3期. 2006年. P50 ~54.
仇恒东,韩宝明,于雷,宋国华. LPG汽油双燃料汽车实时尾气排放比较研究. 安全与环境学报. 第6卷. 第1期. 2006年. P121 ~124.
刘宇,韩宝明,于雷,宋国华. 富康车实测尾气排放数据分析. 安全与环境工程. 第12卷. 第4期. 2005年. pp. 5-7.
裴文文,于雷,杨方,王文,宋国华. 实时尾气检测系统OEM的应用. 交通环保,第25卷,第1期, 2004年2月, P18-22。
王文,于雷,杨方,裴文文,宋国华. 基于OEM技术的机动车行驶周期的研究. 交通环保,第25卷,第2期, 2004年4月, P14-17。
Yang, F., L. Yu, and G. Song. Application of Small Sampling Approach to Estimating Vehicle Mileage Accumulations for Beijing, China. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board series, No. 1880, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C, 2004, pp. 77-82. (SCI)
Yang, F., L. Yu, G. Song, W. Wang, and W. Pei. Vehicle Age Distribution Model and Application for Beijing, China. 83rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting CD-ROM, Washington, DC, January 2004.
裴文文,于雷,杨方,王文,宋国华. 北京市机动车行驶周期的建立方法研究. 交通环保,第25卷,第3期, 2004年6月, P14-17.
黄琼,于雷,杨方,宋国华. 机动车尾气排放评价模型研究综述. 交通环保,第24卷,第6期, 2003年12月, P14-22.


Song, G., L. Yu, and Z. Geng. Optimization of Wiedemann and Fritzsche Car-Following Models for Emission Estimation. 94thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Jan 2015.
Song, G.,L. Yu, and Y. Wu.Development of Speed Correction Factors based on Speed-Specific VSP Distributions for Urban Restricted Access Roadways in Beijing. 93th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2014.
Zhang, F.,G. Song,L. Yu, and Y. Gao.Floating Car Data-Based Method for Detection of Flooding Incident under Grade Separation Bridges in Beijing. 93th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2014.
Zhao, Q.,G. Song,and L. Yu.Comparative Study of VSP Binning Methods for Estimating Fuel Consumptions of LDVS on Urban Roads. 93th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2014.
Zhou, X.,G. Song, and L. Yu.Delay Correction Model for Estimating Bus Emission at Intersections based on VSP Distributions. 93th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2014.
Song, G.,L. Yu, and L. Xu.ComparativeAnalysis of Car-following Models for Emission Estimation. 92nd Transportation Research Board AnnualMeeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,DC, Jan 2013.
Zhao, Q., L. Yu, andG. Song.Comparison of Micro-Scale FuelConsumption Models based on VSP and Ln(TAD) for Light-Duty Vehicles on UrbanRoads.92th Transportation ResearchBoard Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,Washington, DC, Jan 2013.
Song, G. and L. Yu.Applicability of Traffic Micro-Simulation Models in Vehicle EmissionEstimations: A Case Study of VISSIM. 91th Transportation Research Board AnnualMeeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,DC, Jan 2012.
Chen, X., L. Yu,G.Song, and C. Xian.Comparative Studyof Emissions from Bus Rapid Transit and Conventional Bus System: A Case Studyof Beijing. 91th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, TransportationResearch Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2012.
Lai, J., L. Yu,G. Song,P. Guo, and X. Chen.Developmentof City-specific Drving Cycles for Transit Buses Based-on VSP Distributions. 91thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board ofthe National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2012.
Xu, Y., L. Yu,G. Song, X. Liu, and Y. Wang.GA-Based Approach to Operating ModeDistributions via Link Average Speeds.91thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board ofthe National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2012.
Zhao, Q., L. Yu, andG. Song.Characteristics of VSP Distributions of Light-duty and Heavy-dutyVehicles on Freeway: A Case Study.91thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board ofthe National Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2012.
Song, Gand L. Yu.Characteristics of Low-SpeedVSP Distributions on Urban Restricted Access Roadways in Beijing [J].90th Transportation Research Board AnnualMeeting CD-ROM #11-1122. Transportation Research Board of the NationalAcademies, Washington, DC, Jan 2011.
Xu, Y., L. Yu, andG. Song.Modelingof Vehicle Specific Power and Instantaneous Speed Distribution for Expresswaysin Beijing.90th Transportation ResearchBoard Annual Meeting CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board of the NationalAcademies, Washington, DC, Jan 2011.
Song, G., L. Yu, and Z. Tu.DistributionCharacteristics of Vehicle Specific Power on Urban Restricted AccessRoadways.89th Transportation ResearchBoard Annual Meeting CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board of the NationalAcademies, Washington, DC, Jan 2010.
Hao, Y., L. Yu,G. Song,Y. Xu, and H. Wang.Analysis of Driving Behavior and EmissionCharacteristics for Diesel Transit Buses Using PEMS' Measurements.89th Transportation Research Board AnnualMeeting CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,Washington, DC, Jan 2010.
Yu, L., M. Liu, Q. Shi, G.Songand J. Guo. A Novel Model for Identification of Key Congested SegmentsBased on Tree-Structured Wavelet Decomposition. 89th Transportation ResearchBoard Annual Meeting CD-ROM, Washington, D.C., Jan 2010.
Gao Y., L. Yu,G. Song, Y. Xu, and Y. Hao. Development and Application ofDynamic Vehicle Emission Model for Urban Road Networks. The 10th InternationalConference of Chinese Transportation Professionals. Beijing, August, 2010.
Song, G. and L. Yu.Estimation of FuelEfficiency of Road Traffic by a Characterization of VSP and Speed Based OnFCD.88th Transportation Research BoardAnnual Meeting CD-ROM #09-0858, Transportation Research Board of the NationalAcademies, Washington, DC, Jan 2009.
Hao Y. Z., L. Yu,G. Song, and Y. F. Xu. PEMS-Based Multi-Level Analysis ofFuel Consumption and Emissions for Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. Proceedings ofthe 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology(ICEET'09), Guilin, China, 2009, pp.233-239.
Song, G., L. Yu, and Z. Wang.APractical Model for Evaluation of Fuel Efficiency for Road Traffic.87th Transportation Research Board AnnualMeeting CD-ROM #08-0228, Transportation Research Board of the NationalAcademies, Washington, DC, Jan 2008.
Song, G., L. Yu, and X. Zhang.EmissionAnalysis at Toll Station Area in Beijing with Portable Emission MeasurementSystem.87th Transportation ResearchBoard Annual Meeting CD-ROM #08-2541, Transportation Research Board of theNational Academies, Washington, DC, Jan 2008.
Song, G., and L. Yu.PEMS-BasedComparative Study on On-Road Emissions from a Hybrid Electric Vehicle vs. aGasoline Vehicle [C]. The Proceedings of the First International Conference ofTransportation Engineering, 2007, pp 1047-1055. (EI)
Yu, L., W. Pei, F. Yang, G. Song, W. Wang, J. Liu,Q. Huang, and T. Wan.Advanced Researchin Emission Controls at Beijing Jiaotong University in China.Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE InternationalConference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Lucio Soibelman, Feniosky Pe?a-Mora - Editors, Cancun, Mexico, July 12–15, 2005.
Yu, L., W. Pei, F. Yang, G. Song, W. Wang, J. Liu,Q. Huang, and T. Wan.ImprovingEnvironment during a High Economic Growth: A Comprehensive Research Agenda inMobile Emission Controls at Beijing Jiaotong University.Proceedings of The Second Expert Meeting onSocial Capacity for Environmental Management (SCEM) Capacity Indicators andDevelopment Process Modeling, Vol.2.No.2. 2004. Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, January 11, 2005,pp. 243-258.
Yang, F., L. Yu, G. Song, W. Wang, and W. Pei.Modeling Dynamic Vehicle Age Distribution inBeijing.Proceedings of the 6th IEEEInternational Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.ISBN 0-7803-8126-2.Shanghai, China, October 12-15, 2003. (EI)

“Evaluations of the accuracy of existing vehicle, traffic, and emissions modeling tools” TRB 2018 Workshop ADC20 - Transportation and Air Quality, Washington D.C., January 11th, 2018.
“Modelling Dynamic Vehicle Emissions for Road Traffic in Beijing” 2017 China-UK Researcher Links Workshop on Design and Optimization of Transport System, Shanghai, July 9th, 2017.
“Development of Emission Control for the Urban Road Network in China” UK-China Workshop on Green Logistics and Supply Chain, Newcastle, UK., November 2nd 2016.
“Modeling Road Transportation Emissions in Beijing Jiaotong University” Workshop on “Transport Emission Quantification and Monitoring in Germany”Berlin, Germany, June 2012
“Data Needs, Issues, and Experiences for MOVES in PM Hot-spot Analysis”TRB Annual Meeting Workshop, 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 22nd, 2012
“Vehicle Emission Inventory Development in Beijing.” 2011 InternationalWorkshop on Mobile Source Emission Inventory and Transportation Conformity.Beijing, China, December 16, 2011.
“Modeling Real-world Traffic Emissions: TEL in UT-MOELAB.” InternationalWorkshop on Transportation Technologies and Technology Transfer. Beijing,China, June 2011.
“Characteristics of Low-Speed VSP Distributions on Urban RestrictedAccess Roadways in Beijing.”90thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2011.
“Experiences of Using PEMS in Beijing Jiaotong University.” 2010International Workshop on Mobile Source Emission Testing and Modeling, Xiamen,China, December 17, 2010.
“Distribution Characteristics of Vehicle Specific Power on UrbanRestricted Access Roadways.”89thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2010.
“Development of Emission Rates based on Chinese PEMS Data” 2009 InternationalWorkshop on Emission Model, Beijing, December, 2009.
“Estimation of Fuel Efficiency of Road Traffic by a Characterization ofVSP and Speed Based On FCD.”88thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2009.
“A Practical Model for Evaluation of Fuel Efficiency for RoadTraffic.”87th Transportation ResearchBoard Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2008.
“Emission Analysis at Toll Station Area in Beijing with PortableEmission Measurement System.”87thTransportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2008.

专著/译著 于雷, 宋国华.《城市交通流理论》, 北京交通大学出版社. 北京, 2016.
于雷, 宋国华, 陈旭梅, 郭继孚.《交通排放评估与实践案例》. 人民交通出版社, 北京, 2016.

专利 § 宋国华,鲁洪语,于雷。 9.3,对车载尾气检测系统的采集数据进行验证的方法和装置;
§ 宋国华,翟志强,于雷。6.9,一种基于VSP分布的交通运行数据与排放数据耦合方法与系统;
§ 宋国华,王霞,于雷。3.6,一种用于交通路径选择的生态阻抗计算方法;
§ 宋国华,靳秋思,于雷。 8.8,一种基于行驶轨迹的生态驾驶优化方法和系统;

软件著作权 多方式路网交通流协同控制可视化决策支持系统,登记号:2016SR287851

获奖与荣誉 2012年“城市道路交通拥堵指数理论方法及应用”获中国智能交通协会科学技术奖励,一等奖。


主席:世界交通运输大会(WTC)交通工程学部-交通安全与环境学科委员会,2017 – 2018年。
Associate editor, Journal of Asian Transport Studies (ATS).
Area Editor: Transportation Energy, Environment and Sustainability, 2015 COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP)
Area Editor: Transportation Energy, Environment and Sustainability, 2014 COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP)
Associate Area Editor: Transportation Energy, Environment and Sustainability, 2010, 2011 COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP).
Member: 海外华人交通协会(Chinese Overseas Transportation Association)会员
Associate Chair: 国际学术会议2014 International Workshop on Sustainable Development of Transportation at the Background of Air Pollution Control 组委会副主席
Associate Chair: 国际学术会议2012 International Workshop on Mobile Source PM2.5 Emission Controls组委会副主席
Associate Chair: 国际学术会议2011 International Workshop on Mobile Source Emission Inventory and Transportation Conformity组委会副主席
Associate Chair: 国际学术会议2010 International Workshop on Mobile Source Emission Testing and Modeling组委会副主席
Associate Chair: 国际学术会议2009 International Workshop on EmissionModel组委会副主席


国际学术期刊《Transportation Research Part C》(SCI)
国际学术期刊《Transportation Research Part D》(SCI)

国际学术期刊《Journal of Transportation Engineering - ASCE》 (SCI)
国际学术期刊《Transportation Research Record: Journal ofTransportation Research Board》(SCI)
国际学术期刊《Science of the Total Environment》 (SCI)
国际学术期刊《Journal of Air and Waste ManagementAssociation》(SCI)
国际学术期刊《Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》(SCI)
国际学术期刊《Carbon Management》
国际学术会议《International IEEE Conference on IntelligentTransportation Systems》2008
国际学术会议《Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting》2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
国际学术会议《International Conference on CivilEngineering, Architecture and Building Materials》2011
国际学术会议《International Conference on Civil,Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering》2012
国际学术会议《International Conference of ChineseTransportation Professionals》2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

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